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PBeS Studio

A member registered Aug 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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what a super clever and charming little game... managing to invent something new on a runner... congratulations. The production is very pretty and a real poetry emerges from the whole... it's super cool

comments are closed on ludum dare and i have to say all the good things I think about this game, fun and addictive with great graphics and sound and above all the controls react really well, it's very playable and it's simply great!

thank you so much… for the no school day my advice is to go to the right side and prepare to jump when you hear the boing … but yeah balancing the game is the hard part of the work 

love it, art is so cool, the little effect when you jump is great

ahoy french people with pico 8 !!! l'idée est sympa mais je crois qu'il n'y a pas de fins... too bad

cool little game...pretty clean

art is very cool. but all the platformer things are a little bit rigids

yeah during the global game jam with my friends we too have made a 2 players only cooperative game... so my son was really happy to play these two was really cool

Great game, we've finished it with my son and we have a great time...thank you and congrats ! 

thank you for your feedback! 

Love the background, the story and all the art for a good nervous shmup... but i have a question, how is your best score and how many levels have you done in the game.

oh so nice, I use the same site for managing collisions... it's so good the work you did... but something drives me crazy is managing collisions of sprites between them. As much as the collisions of sprites with the map are ok, the collision of sprites so that they don't overlap doesn't work as I would like....

Would it be cool if I upload a new version of the game. I added visual elements to better understand the scoring. Or is it better to wait until the end of the evaluations?

Oui j'aime bien quand tu essaies de faire un truc, que tu tombes sur quelque chose de cool et que finalement tu développes autour de ça.

j'ai pas bien pris le temps d'expliquer le système de combo, j'ai rusher sur la fin... mais quand tu mets une fraise ou du sucre dans le concasseur ça fait augmenter ton combo de 1 quand tu mets de la gelée dans les flammes ça augmente ton combo de 2 et quand tu mets un pot de confiture en bas à droite ça augmente ton combo de 3 mais surtout ça te permets de scorer... et ça te fait scorer ton combo par exemple si t'es à 25 de combo et que tu mets un pot ça te fait plus 25 pts... par contre si tu mets un élément au mauvais endroit ça te fait redescendre ton combo à 1

I really struggled with the collisions of objects with each other. I would have liked the physics to be more fun and surprising but I arrived at a result that I deemed satisfactory for the jam and I left with that. Because there was still a lot of work to do on the game.

As usual, it's very clean and it's a good idea to move on the reindeer while it's Santa who takes the damage and catches the presents even if there is a little adaptation time to understand and succeed in doing it. It's funny that all three of us, we've crafted scoring arcade games.

As usual, it's very clean and it's a good idea to move on the reindeer while it's Santa who takes the damage and catches the presents even if there is a little adaptation time to understand and succeed in doing it. It's funny that all three of us, we've crafted scoring arcade games (for the strawberry game jam).

Good reinterpretation of a flappy bird game, I like the fact that you don't lose by hitting a chimney. Being able to play with two buttons makes the game very easy to learn. And Super Santa is very funny. Well done.  En plus je crois que tu es français-e, c'est trop bien de voir d'autres dévelopeur-se-s français-e-s sur Pico 8.


in this case of 4 colors max, does black count as a color?



oh yeah !!! so smart

aaargggh , is there a double jump or a wall jump to pick up these damn mouse???? ---  the game is amazing by the way

great ! art is so cool

i think it's ok 

DL in this page and on BBS

oh thanks! thanks to your Lazy game dev video so precious! But like it's a multicarts pico 8 game we don't know how to release on little help perhaps?

non pas feature … on pensait avoir désigné les niveaux pour que ça n’arrive plus mais … au premier rebond sur une ligne parfois la belle reste bloquée … j’en informe le service concerné 

ce "niveau" là? ____ 

ben le gameplay c’est quand même le cœur de l’expérience jeux vidéo 

so much work.... amazing

un café et un croissant !!! very nice idea and well realized... i want to take my coffee in this place with all the light... enjoy it

love the art and the story is really funny...lot of care in the animations, sound and feedback for the player... well done...just the fire is so hard to put out....good feeling about the stress of the work in a factory...

the idea of the game is very cool, It makes me want to have a little variety in the gameplay

love this kind of old platformer's of the robot is cool... it could be nice if we can fall down with the jump button and the down arrow

a lot of very good ideas of gameplay... and really in the theme. cool

nice idea a sneaking game... the art is cool but the sound for every move the player is doing is a little bit annoying...perhaps a sound for when the robot spot the player will be helpful

hey thanks you to play our game and for the advice.

merci pour le message, j'ai la larme à l'oeil. Pour les Game Jam grand est je suis sur le discord de COIN et sur celui de STRASBOURG GAMES COMMUNITY. Sinon je suis aussi le twitter de East Games (l'asso Grand Est JV). Sinon on fait des Jams en ligne comme celle-ci en fonction des devs que je suis...notamment la communauté PICO. Et là prochainement on va tenter la Jam organisée par Canard PC...on a pas commencé mais ça va le faire...ce serait cool de faire une Jam ensemble à l'occaz...on a bossé avec  une graphiste sur une jam qu'on a fait en Alsace au mois d'aout c'était trop bien... 

thx! we try to be cool...

thank you ! so kind