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SplitiverseView game page

You just jump and shoot, easy right?
Submitted by ednekebno — 1 day, 22 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 57 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Heavy Iron Hammer by laxattack1226 on opengameart (modified) Mixamo Animations Music from

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Clever concept!


Nice job, real challenge to multi task. Never seen that before, cool.


Cool concept I enjoyed it.


Good arcade game. It's creative that you used player input to determine the generation of the level.

Submitted (2 edits)

[edit] I went back to check, am I in fact creating the holes when I throw the axes?! But you kindly prevented me from creating unpassable gaps??

93.9 is the best I could do! I don't know why a game with only two buttons is so difficult for my brain to handle, I did a lot of jumping when I meant to shoot and viceversa. I found it was easiest if I just kept shooting at all times and concentrated on the jumping. Speaking of the jumping, I found the bits where there's two tiles set up next to the other with the first lower than the second to be the toughest to navigate. It's also a little bit unintuitive to know which gaps can be safely run across, though I learned those fairly quickly for the most part.

The dialogue exchanges are a fun touch in the game over screens, I got to the point where they ran out of memory. :) Based on the story I think it would have been really neat if every destroyed enemy actually did open up a hole in the top half of the screen, making it so that the player really is responsible for creating the platforming section while also being forced to do so in order to defeat enemies. It would also prevent the player from simply mashing the attack button since there would be a bit of planning on where and when to create holes that could be traversed. It really does work that way! I just assumed wrong since there's always a jump which can be successfully made even if I'm spamming the attacks nonstop. Wow! :D


Thanks for the comments. 93.9 is a very good score. And yes - the holes are created when you throw the axes but it avoids situations that would make it impossible for the player to jump. So throwing axes makes jumping harder but never impossible - the player is always going to die but I wanted them to know it was timing that they could get better at than because this impossible situation came up.


That's fair! If I'd come upon a huge pit I couldn't possibly jump I'd probably have been confused and not realized it was my own fault. Maybe some sort of animation showing the axes fly upward into the dividing platform and breaking it? I know as it currently is they have to create the holes further along and out of sight, but it's an idea if you had interest in pursuing the game's concept further. :)


Yup, good idea...thanks - that connection between axes/holes could be clearer and that would definitely do it and be a more visually interesting game.

Submitted (1 edit)

The writing and progression of dialogue really stood out. It was a pretty funny version of graphics wars. But what really shined for me was that even though it was a rather simple runner approach, it actually had some cool depth in that the actions in one dimension impacted the other. At first, I was only sparingly shooting when I needed to, but then on my 3rd try I started spamming the shoot button and realized how much that changed the jumping side. 

It's really cool how that almost makes the player create their own level on the fly and creates an almost automated balancing of difficulty. So cool.


Funny dialogues ;) 


it's simply jumping and throwing, but the story at the end is where things going!


Cool game and good job on keeping the controls simple. It's hard enough paying attention to 2 dimensions at the same time! The dialogue every time one of them died was great. Good job on this one!


This is well made. It is hard to divide my attention with lightning reflexes and reaction for determining when to jump and when to throw an axe. This is most likely because I am old, I want to look at one spot not take in two screens, just call me old fart. It plays well and does exactly what it set out to do very well. Great Job!

Submitted (1 edit)

Very nice. Dynamically generated. I liked the music as well.


Fun/challenging game, cool concept. I like the "two dimensions" aspect to the story, along with the variety of comments made when you lose. Well done with the time allotted!


It’s a nice concept; I like the idea that you’re going with, the HD dimension and the Pixel dimension, but I think the execution could be better. One is the visuals; I think it would be nice when it’s like in a futuristic setting. Still, I liked the funny dialogue at the end and how the main game was endless. Good job!


Thanks. Funny you should say that - I did originally intend a futuristic theme. There were two things that changed my mind. The one was that I wouldn't be able to prepare enough graphics in a game jam timeframe to do that twice. The other was that the emphasis is on there being an HD dimension and a pixel dimension. I felt the setting then needed to be very neutral to highlight that difference as as soon as you put a more themed setting on it detracts towards one or the other. Thus I left the primary focus on an HD character and a pixel character.


Interesting approach to the theme. The dual control provides an interesting coordination challenge. Solid entry. Congrats!


This was really fun once i got the hang of it. The level design was done well in that i didnt seem to create holes that wouldve made the level impossible. I also really liked the mix of pixel and HD graphics that was a nice touch!


Thanks. And a bigger thanks for noticing about the holes - that was something that took quite a lot of thinking and working out that I thought nobody would notice because it's the sort of thing that if it is okay people don't notice.


I definitely noticed because when I see mechanics like that I always try to think about the logic that might go into it so it was cool to see that you came up with a solution that made the game feel solid. 


pretty funny dialogue! Really enjoyed it, only issue I had was there wasn't any cool down on the axe throwing, so I ended up just spamming the spacebar and concentrating on HD's jumping.  

Nailed the theme and I had fun though! well done!


Poor HD! The more axes get thrown, the harder her jumping is. :) Shhhh...secret better strategy is to concentrate on jumping and if you see a baddie out of the corner of your eye, throw a few axes. 


I love how the story progresses on death! and it even takes into account the type of death. you could go really crazy with that concept... it already elevates the rather simple game to memorable experience in my book. well done.


This was fun to play, a lot of text but it explained well  what this game was about. Quickly I knew what I had to do and it was pretty straight forward after that.


Very nice Dialoge at the End and a very nice Story! Cool Concept, cool Game!


Cool game. I love the idea with controlling two characters in the same time and its not too complicated to play. And its funny to die, because of the different dialogues. ^^

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