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Beyond EdenView game page

An adventure to a rumoured utopia, with meaningful choices and multiple endings.
Submitted by ItsNotSimon, Ren3 — 5 hours, 9 minutes before the deadline
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Game Design#463.7433.743

Ranked from 101 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Okay, I can't not give it 5 stars all the way! Probably the best game I saw in the jam! Loved the art, loved the music, loved the voice over, loved the experience! I achieved the truth ending btw ;) 


Thanks for the kind response!


Music, Pixel Art and Gameplay are really spectacular! Rated 5Star!!!


Glad you enjoyed!


Wow, what an amazing game - and that for a JAM sub! Maybe I am a bit biased, but loved the voice over narration! Also, full flash back to the past - Lucas Art/Sierra type adventure game, with graphics reminiscent of Superbrother's hit game, Sword and Sorcery EP. And amazing submission!


Thank you for your kind feedback! We appreciate it alot :D


I loved the mood it creates, I ended up wanting to try all the options to reach different endings. Great game! One of my favorites in this jam.


Thanks man!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

this narrative game is good! well done !

Deleted post

Thanks :3


The first time I played the game I got the immoral neutral ending. On my second attempt I got the moral neutral ending. Perhaps you can add some code to check if a player has first gotten the immoral ending and then tried again to get the moral ending. Then say at the end "You fool, I lied there is no place called Eden".

I played the game in the web player and ran into some issues. Perhaps they are limited to the web build, but I don't know. Here they are:

  • The points were you interact to go to the next part of the world are off screen, making it hard to find them
  • The music is louder than the voice-overs
  • Sometimes there is this annoying sound when you press continue on the dialog, but other times it doesn't play.
  • The cinematic bars move too far upwards, so you can see the world above and below them.

Nice game, good art style :) Could you also please check out my game? 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

good art is probably one of the things that takes the longest to create for a game jam. but you seem to have a lovely style sorted already. 

i thought the narrative was a bit on the nose, also why would anyone kill a dog?  

over all its pretty good though


Hey thanks for playing! I also think the narrative was weird at points..but that high level narrative polish will come with more practice (less time constraints) and with help from responses from people like you. Thanks again!


im no story expert but a lot of my knowledge comes from watching detailed film reviews on youtube, seeing how professionals craft a story and learning from their works. 

subtlety can be a huge asset when making a story that works. being able to get an idea to the viewer without just outright stating the idea. i believe its even easier in games cause you have dialogue, images, and action/ choices that you can play around with and point towards an idea in stead of just 1 or 2 of them. 

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

It doesn't take a story expert to appreciate the story of a game. In fact, the game shouldn't require that level of expertise to be understood because then you miss out a large chunk of your audience

I completely agree with your view however, I also think that subtlety comes across significantly better in much bigger games. The idea of choices tea-spooning ideas to the player rather than giving such big chunks of the game away at a time would definitely help the game immersion and narration. I will definitely be using your ideas here in the future to a further extent.

Thanks for the feedback!


its not that you have to be an expert to enjoy a story, its that if your looking to improve your story telling skills, might as well learn from the best. im suggesting that it might be worth looking into, the good thing about videos is that you can listen to them whilst doing other things, like the art for a game. so its not too much of a time commitment


Will defo do that


I played your game. Graphics and music were amazing and made the atmosphere.


WOW!! I'm so impressed!!! I honestly would've never guessed this was made in only a week. You guys did an amazing job, congrats!!


Thanks so much c:


What a wonderful game! I liked a lot the art. The music was on point (reminds me a lot to the music that C148 made for Minecraft, very immersive and relaxing), and fitted with the environment and with the story.  I enjoyed the introduction , it remind me a lot to the ¨Undertale¨ one, but, like other people said before my comment, I would add an indicator to advance on it. Otherwise, i enjoyed the game in general!.

If you have free time, feel free to check out the game i made with my friends for this jam, I'll be so happy if you play it! Good luck in the jam and have a nice day ^^

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the game. Thank you for playing! 

Of course we will check out your game :D


First of all, I am absolutely floored by the amount of polish in this game! Even considering that you were working in a team, this is an impressive amount to accomplish in 7 days. Well done!

Your art direction is terrific. The music and visual style completely supported the mood that you wanted to get across. And I did not encounter any obvious bugs on my playthrough.

Some critical feedback:

  1. Work on grammar for the text-based communication, particularly the long introduction sequence. This absolutely needs to be crisp if your intro is so key to setting the mood for your game.
  2. Some issues about the controls:
    1. Add a [SPACE] to continue indicator for the introduction, so that people know how to advance.
    2. Onboarding would ideally be included for controls. Fine for game jam though where people expect WSAD.
    3. The in-game action controls are inconsistent and awkward. I didn't like having to click "continue" and on the dialogue choices when I was using the keyboard for everything else (e.g. SPACE to start conversation, but L-click to navigate the conversation tree is awkward). At least include a way for people to play through just with the keyboard. Mouse adds nothing. Also, the pixel art of the game lends more to all-keyboard controls as a retro-style game. 
  3. Setting aside the few grammar issues mentioned in (1), the writing is TERRIFIC. I'd suggest that you add a way to delineate between what is being said out loud by a character, what is being observed by the player character, and what is said in the player's internal monologue (e.g. put player thoughts in italics). Will make it more effortless for the player to enjoy your writing.

As a whole, fantastic entry. Congratulations on your accomplishment!

Developer (1 edit) (+2)

Wow... Thank you so much for the really well thought out response and constructive criticism! 

1. I think you are absolutely correct about this. Grammar (especially in the intro) is essential to set up the scene properly for the player

2. The space to continue idea is a really nice idea, and was a complete oversight from us. Admittedly, alot of these features we decided to ignore because it was easier to code.. (classic game jam stuff ;/) I completely agree that mouse adds absolutely nothing to the game

3. The idea of internal monologue is a really interesting point and I'm glad that you brought it up. Now looking back at the game, the implementation of some way to differentiate between the character's thoughts and what was said would really help to enhance the experience. The grammar was definitely not up to par and 100% will be improved on after the jam ends.

Thanks so much for taking the time to write such an insightful response!! I will make sure to look back at this to clean up this game(and others of a similar style) in the future.



This game is great! I just got a bug after I decided not to steal from the closet (same text would appear in many places) but thats it (and the common screen cutting off cause I have a 5:4 display but that's a common one). I got the moral neutral ending and I loved it. I havent played through it again but I might if I have more time. What exactly happens in the church though? I dont see the person that talks to you... Great work on simple gameplay and graphics that still feel nice and very fitting atmospheric music.


Hey thanks for playing! That text bug is really annoying and idek why it even happens and we didnt have time to adjust the game for smaller screens... sorry about that.. In the church scene you talk to a cat(very questionable and talk about some things about the utopia! Unfortunate that you didnt get to enjoy the game fully.. Thanks!


I like your game idea, feels like a point and click adventure.

Good work.

Developer (1 edit) (+2)

thanks! After the jam we plan on releasing some interesting mechanics to give the game a bit of a different feel Dont forget to rate ;3


Pretty moody, creepy and dark but I liked it. It would be nice to make the voices louder but it was good nonetheless. Good job on the music, it was amazing!


Glad to hear you liked the game! Thanks for playing :D


Lovely game, one of the best I have played in the jam. Congrats!!! :D


:D Thanks for playing on stream

Deleted 4 years ago

Ah no spoilers!

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