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I Wanna Lockpick

A strange puzzle game about matching colored keys and doors. · By LAWatson

Bug Reports / Feature Request! Sticky

A topic by LAWatson created Dec 03, 2021 Views: 7,401 Replies: 134
Viewing posts 1 to 58

Yell at me about the game here. Game won't run? Game does run, but doesn't want to? You want to run, from the game? Do it here!

If you have a feature request (usually in the form of QoL improvements), feel free to suggest it here, although I can't guarantee I will be able to deliver on some of them, much less in a timely manner. (Just to clarify, I'm well aware of the colorblind situation. I have some ideas about it, but it's going to take a while. Other planned features include doodling/pencilmarking, key rebinding, and maybe savestating.)

If you are going to complain about a specific puzzle or section of the game, maybe try to spoil it? I dunno if spoiling is a thing in itch message boards but if it is then do it!!! If you don't, then a 5-nanometer spaghetti monster will crawl into your ear and play mariachi trumpet songs slightly off-key. You don't want that to happen, do you?

(1 edit)

You should check out this twitter thread by Maddy Thorson, the creator of Celeste, on features that help a platformer game to feel better. Not all are relevant, but a few are essential like coyote time and jump buffering.

Another thing not listed there is related to jump buffering. If the player inputs jump before they've landed but could double jump, it should do a single jump (what the player probably intended) instead of consuming your double jump.


Good point! I'm not sure how many of those I'll implement, but corner correction and possibly some very slight jump buffering/coyote time sound good, especially for a few slightly grody ledge jumps that appear every so often in the level design. Thanks for the link!


the game won't start, I'm getting this error:

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shdRainbowStripe2

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_objWorld_Step_0


stack frame is

gml_Object_objWorld_Step_0 (line -1)


I remember someone also got that error, and subsequently fixed it by installing the DirectX End User Runtime. I believe it's just something that happens with certain GameMaker Studio games. See if this helps:

that fixed it, thanks!

I don't think I ever once wanted to shorthop. With that said, I personally think every jump should be a full jump. That could also create interesting puzzles where because you can't shorthop, jumping has a risk of hitting a ceiling door.


After thinking about it a bit, that's actually a pretty good idea! I probably won't use it for level design purposes, however an option to make every jump a full jump would definitely be a good step for accessibility. I've seen a good number of people have trouble with high jumps and 4 block jumps, so I know it'd definitely be useful.

It would be actually slightly annoying because the only consistent way I have found to access the backside requires the first jump to not be a full jump to not hit your head in a wall and lose speed


I'll probably just change that jump.

Just gonna rot13 to be on the safe side here, no puzzle solutions spoiled but some Funniness spoiled, I guess?

V'z fgvyy gelvat gb fbyir Hygvzngr Qbbe Ybtvp naq V ernyyl jvfu gurer pbhyq or n jnl gb trg evq bs gur sybjre crgnyf... be, crgny sybjref? Gurl trg va gur jnl bs gur qbbef cerggl bsgra, RFCRPVNYYL vs V'z gelvat gb fperrafubg vg gb chg va ZF Cnvag. Nyfb, vg'f cerggl qnat oevtug naq gur sybbef ybbx cebonoyl gbb zhpu yvxr gur jnyyf ng gur gbc. Abg pbaqhpvir gb cresbezvat hygvzngr qbbe ybtvp.


That's reasonable. When I start implementing the new options menu for Part 2, I'll be sure to include a setting to tone down intensive/visually distracting effects like that. Thanks for the report!

Does any have a guide for this game? These puzzles are hard.

(2 edits) (+1)

You can just open a topic asking for help. I'm never going to give you the full answer, but I am more than willing to try to give you tips.

If you're really, really stuck, someone named Icely Puzzles did a full walkthrough. However, since the game is free, I am of the opinion there is nothing like doing all of the puzzles yourself. 

Not that there's anything wrong with using a walkthrough if the puzzles aren't enjoyable, but I would argue that with a walkthrough they probably never will be. I will do everything in my power to get you to solve them by yourself.

link(ROT13) uggcf://

ROT13'ing this. Spoilers for, uh, midgame??? Heck if I know how much farther I have to go, but I think I'm at the halfway point-ish?

Gur snpg gung n chmmyr tnzr jvgu guvf zhpu pbagrag naq guvf uvtu dhnyvgl bs chmmyrf erznvaf eryngviryl haxabja vf nofbyhgryl pevzvany. V'ir shyy pyrnerq gur svefg fvk jbeyqf naq nz pheeragyl jbexvat guebhtu gur obahfrf bs jbeyq 7 (unira'g gevrq gung svanyr yriry frevbhfyl, vg frrzf greevslvat), nsgre yvxr frira ubhef bs tnzrcynl, naq V'z tbvat gb xrrc cynlvat hagvy V trg guvf ragver guvat qbar. Gur qvssvphygl pheir vf terng: mreb gvzr vf jnfgrq va Jbeyqf 1 naq 2 jbexvat gubhtu ercrgvgvir chmmyrf, naq jura vqrnf qb trg frra ntnva, gurer'f nyjnlf n arj rkpvgvat be jrveq gjvfg gung guebjf n jerapu vagb gur ybtvp. (Trr, V erzrzore jura gur ovttrfg jbeel V unq jnf gur snpg gung Znfgre Xrlf ehvarq zl ubcrf naq qernzf bs rssrpgvir mreb-pbfg qbbef. Gubfr jrer gur qnlf...) Frira jbeyqf va, naq V'z fgnegvat gb srry gung greevslvat qernq rnpu naq rirel gvzr V rapbhagre n arj zrpunavp juvpu fraqf zr qrrcre naq qrrcre vagb gur qrcguf bs chmmyr znqarff. V unira'g sryg fhpu na birejuryzvat qrterr bs srne ng jung n chmmyr zrpunavp pna qb va nal bgure chmmyr tnzr rire, rkprcg sbe Cngevpx'f Cnenobk. Naq FGVYY, qrfcvgr gur snpg gung gurer vf ab jnl V fubhyq or znxvat sbejneq cebterff, qrfcvgr gur snpg gung gur ybtvp vf gvrq naq gjvfgrq va fb znal pvepyrf gung vg'f fgnegvat gb erfrzoyr n chmmyr cergmry, V unira'g unq gb fxvc n yriry. V pna nyjnlf znxr gur xrl vafvtug, obvy qbja gur ceboyrz gb rvgure ybtvp juvpu V pna jbex guebhtu ba cncre be aneebj qbja gb whfg n srj oehgr-sbepr bcgvbaf. Juvpu vf...oenib. Guvf vf nofbyhgryl gbc-gvre chmmyr qrfvta. Lbh orggre oryvrir V nz gryyvat zl sevraqf nobhg guvf bar.

Nyevtug, chmmyr snangvp thfu bhg bs gur jnl, gurer'f n pbhcyr guvatf gung V qvq jnag gb zragvba. Whzcvat vf njxjneq fbzrgvzrf: gur tnzr whfg qryrgrf zl qbhoyr-whzc rirel bapr va n juvyr, rfcrpvnyyl vs V gel gb vachg vg whfg nsgre qbvat n abg-shyy whzc. Hafher ubj gubfr zrpunavpf ner jbexvat. V qba'g xabj ubj lbh rkvg n yriry jvgubhg rkvgvat gur tnzr, naq V qba'g guvax C sbe cnhfr jnf rire fgngrq naljurer. Znlor znxr gubfr zber pyrne fbzrubj? Gur raqvat xrl naq ybpx va 2-3 ybbx jnl gbb fvzvyne: V pbashfrq gurz nf gur fnzr. Npghnyyl, guvf vf whfg n trarevp ceboyrz jvgu oyhr qbbef naq checyr qbbef: V unq gur fnzr pbashfvba va 6-10. V jnf n yvggyr fnq gurer jnfa'g n ovanel pbhagvat chmmyr va Jbeyq 6, ohg gura bar fubjrq hc va Jbeyq 7, fb nyy vf sbetvira. V birefubg gur fbyhgvba gb 7-N ol 36 xrlf (tbg 292 checyrf) fbzrubj. Naq V'yy xrrc lbh hcqngrq ba vs V svaq nalguvat ryfr gung frrzf jrveq, be vs V unir nal chmmyr vqrnf.

Gunax lbh fb zhpu sbe znxvat guvf tnzr. Vs lbh fnl cneg 2 znxrf guvf ybbx yvxr n ghgbevny, gura V'z ubyqvat zl oerngu, oryvrir zr.

Developer (1 edit)

Backspace is the puzzle exit key, you're told in 1-2 and can also see it in the readme file. I'm well aware of the color mixups that happen between Pink/Orange, Green/Cyan, and Purple/Blue. As for that jump "eating", that's a bug of sorts with the IWBTG engine I'm using called jump cancelling (Quick enough rejumps where the button is both pressed and released on the same frame, even though the latter happens before the former, will cancel the jump as early as possible), it's not a piece of tech that is relevant in any way to the game so I'll look into removing it. Thanks for enjoying everything so far!

What game engine are you using? I've had some decently crazy ideas about doors and keys, but they'd be better fit for early-game levels, which are already filled. I think it'd be fun to develop ideas by myself.

One potentially useful idea I had was a no-doublejump background block, so that you are forced to, say, fall into the key underneath a door.


I used Game Maker Studio 1.4 with YoYoYo's I Wanna Be the Guy fangame engine as the base for the platforming, saving, and assets. The keys and doors were programmed from scratch, although the visual assets and sounds were pulled from I Wanna KeyPick 100 (decompiled GM8.1 game). I also made a mod of an IWBTG level creation tool to implement the Lockpick mechanics, which was what I used for a large amount of mechanic testing and level design. If you want that, feel free to ask and I'll link it. Directly editing the game itself would likely be very difficult, half because GMS games are hard to decompile (I think UndertaleModTool is the best that currently exists?) and half because GameMaker Studio 1.4 is deprecated software that is no longer available for purchase or usable without a license.

ooh,can you please show me this link? i think itd be fun to have custom worlds for this!

(1 edit)

You know what? Yes, I would like to use this too. Even if it's just on an individual level basis, it will be fun.

can you please give me the link to try and use it?

I think I could find a way to have some fun with that level-making tool too. In fact, you should probably just post it in a comment here so anyone who wants it can try it.

Hi! I'm enjoying the game, and the puzzles are getting rather difficult. 

I'd like to recommend a feature to aid in puzzle solving on screen. Maybe right click to give an indication for whether a lock should be used or not, perhaps represented by a tick/cross or some indication on the corner. With the staggering number of locks on the screen sometimes, tracking the line of logic could be helped with something like this. 


This is actually already a planned feature for the game! I intend to eventually add pencilmarking by clicking a key/door and assigning a colored number, letter, or other symbol to it to assist the player in solving it. I can't update the demo, so it'll have to be for when the full game is released, but I hope that will be satisfactory.

A feature I'd love to see is rebinding/remapping keys—it's often one of the first things I look for if the keybindings aren't what I'm used to. (ex. I'm left handed, so I usually play wasd + e + space for one-handed gameplay.)


Yeah, that's a big one, and I intend to have a proper sophisticated keybind system (and potentially controller support) made for the full version. Technically there *is* a config file in AppData/Local/I_Wanna_Lockpick which has the key binds for certain (not all) buttons, but it uses numbers to represent which keyboard key is assigned to the bind. If you can find that file and open it up, see if you can't hack the binds. Go to the "[Controls]" section, and change around some numbers according to this list: . The ones you'll want to change are: Skip, which is actually an important toggle key that's normally bound to S, Jump (normally Shift), Undo (normally Z), Camera (normally C), and Action (normally X). There are unfortunately some hardcoded keybinds (E to toggle auto-run, and A which is a hold-button action after you get a certain item in the game), but I hope you can use this to make your experience slightly better.

I'd like to add my own vote for adding key rebinding sooner rather than later - while it's technically not unplayable, I have a tiny keyboard (60 total keys) and as things stand currently, accessing 'x' (for the master keys) and accessing the arrow keys cannot be done at the same time (to make up for the lack of space, I programmed my keyboard to have an arrow key mode that replaces that side of the keyboard - I could reprogram it, but this is literally the only time I've come up against a problem like this).

Even just adding wasd movement would fix this for me, but accessibility features like key rebinding is something best done sooner rather than later.


I understand the need for key rebinding, and I've been working on the options menu for a while now for the full release. Unfortunately, the demo version of the game was not maintained as its own version, and it would now be substantially harder for me to make a new demo version with key rebinds (harder than just continuing to work on the full game to completion). There *is* a config file in AppData/Local/I_Wanna_Lockpick which has some (but not all) key binds available to change by changing the ASCII values assigned to the buttons, but some binds in the demo (such as the 'A' and 'H' binds) are hardcoded. I'm aware it's not really ideal, but at the very least, it won't be an issue anymore in the full release.

Sometimes, it's almost impossible to read the "CLEARED ?/8" numbers on the overworld, so I think the outline should be thicker on that text

i cant get back the minimised window on fullscreen (windows 11)

(2 edits)

Oh, maybe world 8-1's title should be changed, because my friend thought it was end-of-demo moment when they played that level

Edit: (in rot13) Maybe name it "Cbffvoyr" and have the description something like "Svefg guvat V frr vf n qbbe qbja gurer, gnagnyvmvatyl bhg bs ernpu. V'ir abgvprq n cerggl cerpnevbhf gnatyr jvgu gur oynax qbbef, gbb. Va bgure arjf, lbh fubhyq or pnershy jvgu Znfgre Xrlf. Gurl'er irel funec! ... Vs bayl gurl jrer funec rabhtu gb oernx fgbar."

(2 edits)

Why not just " unless you come up with a way to magically summon more doors out of thin air, you look pretty stuck"

Good idea

hello,im using rot 13 to encode this,so use this link:

vz fghpx ba 5-3/4,vs lbh unir nal fybhgvbaf,pbzzrag gurz rapbqrq jvgu ebg13 hfvat guvf yvax:uggcf://jjj.obkragevd.pbz/pbqr-oernxvat/ebg13


Sbe 5-3, gurer'f gjb znwbe uvagf: Svefg, gurer'f n arj zrpunavpny vagrenpgvba lbh fubhyq or ybbxvat sbe. Naq frpbaq, vs lbh gel n pregnva cngu guebhtu gur chmmyr ohg vg qbrfa'g jbex, znxr fher lbh'er orvat rssvpvrag.

Sbe 5-4, lbh cvpx hc rirel xrl, ohg qba'g arprffnevyl bcra rirel qbbe. Gurer vf nyfb fbzrguvat arj gb yrnea urer jvgu gur Oebja Xrlf.

thanks (:

also the intro is soooo good. you should make the cursor rcok down then up a bit when you click down and moveing the cursor shouldn't be a snap.

Here are my suggestions for this game and bugs that I found, coded in ROT47 to prevent spoiling game features:

\\ |x}~# q&v$ \\
%96 82>6 5@6D?VE 56E64E 492?86 @7 E96 2F5:@ @FEAFE D@FC46
x7 J@F 4=:4< + 2?5 E96 A=2J6C 8@6D @77 E96 42>6C2[ E96 42>6C2 H@?VE >@G6]
u@C 6I2>A=6[ :7 J@F 4=:4< + ?62C E96 Q&=E:>2E6 s@@C {@8:4Q 5@@C]
\\ |x}~# $&vvt$%x~}$ \\
q6EE6C <6J^5@@C 2>@F?E ?@E2E:@?]
u@C 6I2>A=6i I\a \m IW\aX[ Id\`_: \m IWd\`_:X[ Ia \m Ia
IW\`X ?@E2E:@? @7 D:8?7=:A <6J :?DE625 @7 2CC@HD
|F49 >@C6 G:DF2= G2C:2E:@?D @7 5@@CD E92E 92G6 <6JD 7C@> ` E@ `a[ 7@C 6I2>A=6 F?:BF6 E6IEFC6 7@C aIa f <6JD 5@@C]
#6>@G6 F?:BF6 E6IEFC6 7@C 5@@CD E92E 92G6 ac <6JD[ :EVD E@@ 92C5 E@ C625 :? 4@>A2CD:@? E@ E6IEFC6D @7 5@@CD H:E9 D>2==6C 2>@F?E @7 <6JD]
|2<6 :>28:?2CJ G2C:2E:@?D @7 5@@CD G:DF2==J >@C6 D:>:=2C E@ C62= @?6D W6DA64:2==J 255 F?:BF6 E6IEFC6D 7@C b:\`a: 5@@CDX[ :?G6?E 2? :>28:?2CJ <6J9@=6 E92E :D D=:89E=J 5:776C6?E E92? E96 C62= @?6[ E@ FD6 :E 7@C E6IEFC6D @7 :>28:?2CJ 5@@CD] x 4@F=5 >2<6 D@>6 E6IEFC6D @? >J @H? :7 E9:D :562 H2D 2446AE65]
p? @AE:@? E@ EFC? @77 E96 >@FD6 E@@=E:A
|2<6 2 C6D6E 3FEE@? ?@E C6D6E E96 324<8C@F?5
|2<6 E96 5@@C H:E9 Q4FCD65Q 67764E =6E E96 A=2J6C D66 :ED AC6G:@FD 4@=@C
\\ |py~# $&vvt$%x~}$ \\
|F=E:A=:42E:@? <6JD E92E >F=E:A=J <6J 2>@F?E 3J 2?J ?F>36C WC@E@C k:m <6JD 2=C625J 6I:DE D@ H9J ?@EX

Here's a bug: World 8's gimmick doesn't get undo'd properly.


Yeah, I think there's a bug that happens in 8-A in very special circumstances. If there's some other bug that happens elsewhere though and still doesn't get undone properly, do tell me the steps to replicate it so that I can fix it properly later.

when does it happen?


rot13: Vg unccraf jura haqbvat nccylvat Znfgre Xrlf/bcravat pbcvrf bs n qbbe juvyr univat gur Oebja Xrl nhen npgvir.

Level editor?

Or is that to hard to code?


Maybe for the full version, but not for the demo.

where is that link thing to get a level editor for it?


Here it is. I'm not sure if Mediafire links are OK on this site but here it is:

I'll note that this editor was originally only for personal use, so it's gonna be hard to learn and use, and it's also a mod of a different level creation tool. It comes with instructions, so hopefully those can help somewhat with figuring it out.

it's window size is small,can you do something to change that?

You can press F4 to fullscreen the editor.

oh ok

Do I blame Windows 11 for this or is there something I'm doing wrong?

action number 1
of Create Event
for object oWorld:
DoAdd :: Execution Error
at gml_Script_loadSkin
stack frame is
gml_Script_loadSkin (line -1)

Yeah, I'm getting the same problem (I'm also on Windows 11 if that matters)

I, on my W11 computer, also initially had some issues running JTool (the editor that KeyTool is a mod of), but I managed to fix them through downloading the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.30319 package. I don't remember having to do anything else to get JTool to work, so give downloading that package a try and let me know if it works.

I downloaded that but it didn't work for me. Also, now that I look at it again, my error is slightly different:

action number 1
of Create Event
for object oWorld:
global variable name 'savePlayerXScale' index (100069) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_loadPlayer
stack frame is
gml_Script_loadPlayer (line -1)

This looks like the error you get when you run the .exe outside of the folder. Try making sure that you are running the .exe through file explorer in the "KTool" folder?

Thanks, it works now!

Now I just need to figure out how to, y'know, do anything other than placing basic keys and doors, such as setting a counter to display a certain key color, making keys and doors that have a number more than 1, making Combo Doors work, and so on...

i got this error



FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shdRainbowStripe2

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_oWorld_Step_0



stack frame is

gml_Object_oWorld_Step_0 (line -1)


I forget what exactly causes it, but I think that's an intel graphics thing. To fix it, install the DirectX End-User Runtime from the Microsoft website (make sure to turn off the optional Bing install as well). now exists

i need hints for some levels in world 8,i have finished:8-1,8-3,8-4,8-7

i need to beat 2 levels,and cannot play level 8-b right now,please send me some hints for the rest of the levels

(3 edits)

You can use a rot13 decoder to reveal the spoilered hints:

8-2: Gurer'f n srj qvssrerag jnlf lbh pbhyq nccebnpu trggvat gb gur svany fbyhgvba, ohg ernyvmr gung lbhe tbny ng gur fgneg vf gb perngr n "cyna" jurer lbh hfr gur artngvir xrlf bayl ba qbbef gung lbh ner tbvat gb hfr zber guna bapr. Ubj gb perngr fnvq cyna? Ntnva, gurer'f n srj qvssrerag jnlf gb guvax nobhg guvf, ohg bar fgengrtl vf gb sbphf ba bar bs gur pbybef svefg, naq bapr lbh'er pbasvqrag gung lbh unir n cyna sbe gung pbybe, lbh zvtug unir fvtavsvpnagyl yrff artngvir znfgre xrlf gb jbex jvgu gb fbyir rirel bgure pbybe jvgu. Ner gurer nal pbybef va gur obggbz pbeevqbe gung frrz cnegvphyneyl "erfgevpgvir?" (Gung vf gb fnl, ner gurer nal pbybef gung frrz qvssvphyg gb npuvrir gur nccebcevngr ahzore (be ahzoref??) bs xrlf?)

8-5: Guvf bar vf irel fvyyl. :3 Gur svany guerr oynax qbbef frrz gb erdhver lbh gb unir mreb checyr xrlf, mreb juvgr xrlf, naq gura aba-mreb juvgr xrlf. Vf gung rira cbffvoyr??? Vs abg, vf gurer nal cbffvoyr jnl gb punatr jung gubfr pbaqvgvbaf zvtug ragnvy? Vs fb, ubj pna lbh npuvrir gung? Qrcraqvat ba lbhe nafjre gb gubfr dhrfgvbaf, lbh znl be znl abg jnag gb rkcrevzrag n ovg. Ntnva, guvf bar vf irel fvyyl. :3 :3

8-6: Gurer'f n srj gevpxf urer gung arrq gb or qbar. Lbh znl unir nyernql sbhaq n srj bs gurfr, ohg whfg va pnfr lbh unira'g: Lbh zvtug unir abgvprq gung bcravat n ghaary jvgu n oyhr xrl "erdhverf" lbh gb eha guebhtu gur ghaary hagvy lbh pbyyrpg gur arkg xrl. Ubjrire, rirel fvatyr cbffvoyr pbzovangvbaf bs ghaaryf lbh pna cbffvoyl tb guebhtu gung jnl trgf lbh fghpx! Qvq jr znxr n jebat nffhzcgvba naljurer? Vs jr qvq, ubj qbrf gung nssrpg gur gbgny ahzore bs xrlf/qbbef sbe n cnegvphyne pbybe? Fvapr jr arrq gur gbgny ahzore bs xrlf pbyyrpgrq naq fcrag sbe gung pbybe gb or mreb (orpnhfr bs gur oynax qbbe ng gur raq), ubj jr pna svk guvf?

8-N: Guvf bar frrzf irel gbhtu ng svefg tynapr. Lbh unir gb perngr n ybbc bs qbbef lbh pna hfr gung nyybjf gb lbh fcraq lbhe -5 znfgre xrlf va fhpu n jnl gung qbrfa'g qrfgebl nal bs gur qbbef, naq nyybjf lbh gb tnva nabgure -5 znfgre xrlf, fb gung lbh pna ercrng gur cebprff nf znal gvzrf nf lbh arrq gb trg evq bs gur oynax cher qbbef. Vs lbh abgvpr gung va na nggrzcg gb perngr lbhe ybbc bar bs gur qbbef trgf qrfgeblrq, gura znlor lbh pna gnxr nqqvgvbany zrnfherf gb znxr fher vg qbrfa'g trg qrfgeblrq...

I find 8-5 and 8-A to be the two most fun/interesting levels in the world you have left, but 8-4 might be a bit easier than A.

[Also, I'm not the dev so my word isn't absolute, but if you have any further questions, it might be more appropriate to create a new topic in the community page than to use the bug report page? People will still see your questions there, I promise :) ]

(3 edits)

did 8-5,ill edit when i beat another

edit:ok i didn't beat one of them but i think i need another hint for 8-A just cause its still hard

edit2:oh yea if you have a hint for 5-B please give me one

edit3:nevermind i beat 8-B...


(2 edits)

I need hints for world 9  levels,I can play 9-5 9-6 9-A and 9-C. I need 1 more level to beat world 9.

Edit:levels not levela and some capitalization

Edit2:just telling how many more levels I need,so i only need 1 or 2 hints

I recommend adding error and/or percent numbers. these would be cool

Deleted post
Deleted post

what is the new profile,a new charecter in part 2 or what?


just a self portrait, nothing more


it looks nice :)

(1 edit)

Any chance keys/doors could have a tiny number in one corner, or different numbers of stripes or something?  I'm not colorblind but I'm still having trouble with orange vs. red because I keep my monitor dim to avoid migraines.

Edit:  I just got to 1-8 and I wish you'd mentioned hovering keys/doors earlier, that solves my problem.  Still might be trouble if I couldn't see *any* key/door colors as I"d have to hover each one, but this is workable for me

How about a set of levels where Lily finds another human (maybe the Kid?), and they both have separate key counts, and can be controlled individually like in Snipperclips?


I've been trying to figure out what happens when two inventories touch one door. No ideas so far.

Also, if they touch at the same time, what if you make a artngvir qbbe (rot13)

I was thinking more of they got unys n xrl. Either method could cause problems.


For several reasons (above anything, the fact that I've already scoped out everything I want for the game), I'll not be putting this in the game. It sounds like a lot to handle from a code/behavior perspective...

Maybe he's stuck because he's afraid touching the keys will kill him.

Oh whoops I missed the new replies, this is understandable

do we have more updates for the game?

(1 edit)

They're all in  the devlogs tab. Usually they're about once every two months, though nothing is enforcing this pattern.

Deleted post

level editor



I have an idea for the game! it's more on platforming than puzzle gameplay but I think it'll be a good addition!

Water - you can go through it and swim through it and basically gives you unlimited jumps. (you can't drown in it, because... game logic)


I'm past the point of adding new mechanics, and while I had actually pondered water before, I didn't think it really fit in with the rest of the mechanics (1-way passages are the most platforming the game gets). Who knows, though. Maybe when everything else in the game is made, I will add a little pool of water just for you. (Maybe don't count on it, though...)


I wanna lockpick part 2 is so close,
Yet so far.

I don't know if this is even a feature yet, but I am confused about this. (rot13)

V nz nffhzvat gur oyhr fdhner guvat va cneg 2 ghgbevny vf zrnag gb trg n xrl bhg bs gur yriry, ohg V unir ab vqrn ubj gb npghnyyl hfr vg.(V unir gevrq hc+qbja,gur bcgvba gung vf vzcyvrq ol gur qrfvta bs gur oybpx, onpxvat bhg bs gur yriry nsgre npgvingvat vg, nf jryy nf cerggl zhpu rirel bgure ohggba ba zl xrlobneq.)


Lbh pna vagrenpg jvgu vg va gur qrzb irefvba naq "fbyir" gur chmmyr vg'f zrnag gb fbyir, ohg vg'f abg irel jryy gryrtencurq. Nsgre vg'f npgvingrq, lbh unir gb qb fbzrguvat ryfr va gur chmmyr gb "hfr" vg, naq vg'f abg n pbageby cerff. Va gur shyy irefvba gur chmmyr vf punatrq gb zber cebcreyl grnpu vgf zrpunavpf.

(1 edit)

the music in my game just stoped working if you know how to fix please let me know 
i still get sound efx title and pause music but not level music 


You might have muted it with Ctrl+M? Try pressing that combination in a level with the music off. If it's not that, I don't know what it is so you might need to redownload the game.

that worked thanks

(2 edits)

a few silly/mildly goofy TOTALLY SERIOUS suggestions of mine, totally not way to late to be implemented.

treadmill - pushes the player character in one direction really fast, and the direction can be changed with a (world 8 gimmick)

endless hallway - a really really long level were one must simply run down an exceedingly long hallway to grab a key and then turn around and run all the way back to win the level

quantum keys - you don't know how many keys you have picked up, and you also don't know how many are needed to unlock each door until you hover you mouse over it (observing it)

time dependent keys - the amount of keys picked up is based off of the time of day in real life.

bucket of paint - turn all of your current keys into another colour, but after a while the paint dry's off and changes into a different colour, also changes the colour of the player character, they paint can be washed off by going into water.

poisonous gas - whenever you step into the gas you begin losing random keys at a rapid pace.

brick - is that door in your way? No worries! hurl a brick at that abstracted rectangular obstacle to break it instantly! just like in total chaos the game. [one use per brick due to fragility issues [just like in total chaos the game]].

Nokia phone - acts the same as a brick except can be re-used forever.

diamond encrusted drill - the first puzzle of world 8 too hard? simply drill through the wall and get that door! totally balanced.

paper keys - act just like regular keys, but if go into water they become...

soggy paper keys - you have to be moving slowly or else you will tear the keys apart, if you have any (world 5 gimmick) keys, after about 10 seconds they will dry out and become...

warped paper keys - the result of drying off your soggy paper keys

Separator Keys - They separate your keycount into separate signs:
World 6 spoilers: Artngvir
World 11 spoilers: naq gurve Vzntvanel inevnagf.

This is a toggle-on toggle-off effect.
This would finally make these cbfvgvir-artngvir Pbzob Qbbef openable! (W9 spoilers)
Upon touching an Unseparator Key, your total key amount of that colour will be set to all of the keys added together.
World 11 spoilers: Sbe rknzcyr, vs lbh unq 3, -2, 4v, naq -1v Checyr Xrlf, hcba gbhpuvat na Hafrcnengbe lbh jbhyq raq hc jvgu 1 + 3v Checyr Xrlf (3 - 2 + 4v - 1v).

Nitpick of the options menu, if you don't mind. When moving up to the tabs (sound, visual, etc.) with the arrow keys, you always land on sound, I think it'd be more intuitive if it selected the tab you're currently in.

(3 edits)

wanted to say i really enjoy that the song from the Library has the same melody as 'daring damsels' song from All to get her- like what are the odds.. well it's true resonation rn this is gaming


Accessibility suggestion: when player mouseover an object, highlight all objects of same color.

I think I've found a BUG (although it's less of a bug, more of an unintentional skip?), or maybe it's completely intentional, I'm actually not sure.
since this is late game stuff (area "T2"), aswell as a potential solution i will use (as well as a LARGE ENDGAME SPOILER WARNING):

Fb, va Puncgre 2 bs gur terng orlbaq, lbh pna bognva gur juvgr bzrtn xrl.
vs lbh tb vagb cntr 7 ("cerpvcvpr bs gur oyvmneq") naq fnyintr gur ynetr oynpx pbzob qbbe gb bhgchg cbvag FVQ 9, lbh pna whzc ba gbc bs vg naq cnexbhe npebff gur gbc bs gur jbeyq gb gur bzrtn xrl.
V'z abg fher, ohg v qba'g guvax lbh'er zrnag gb trg vg guvf rneyl, znvayl whqtvat sebz gur snpg gung vg qbrfa'g frrz gb qb nalguvat.

V'z nyfb urer gb nfx sbe n fznyy uvag - v'ir whfg svavfurq gur terng orlbaq, ohg v'z abg fher jurer gb tb. Gur vatnzr uvag gryyf zr gb "gehfg grfg" gur jnec flfgrz, ohg vg frrzf gung gur jnecvat unf dhvgr frg ehyrf - lbh rkvg gur yriry ng gur fnzr cynpr lbh ragrerq vg, naq nernf ner nyjnlf ragrerq ng gur fnzr cbvag.
V'z hafher jung Furanavtnaf bar pna qb jvgu guvf.

nevermind - i figured out what to do next, still unsure wether that thing is a bug, though!

(2 edits)

bug report: in t2 - 5, i was sitting still looking at the puzzle, not interacting with the game, after a few minutes i hit escape to get into the options menu. the rotating black squares appeared and begun the screen transition, it succsessfully faded to black. the first half of the "transition to escape screen" sound effect played. after that the rest of the transition sequence failed, the screen remained black and the second part of the sound effect played. ALT + F4 was not working nor was CTRL + ALT + DEL or CTRL + SHIFT + ESC. the windows key brought up the taskbar, the button in the bottom right of the taskbar that normally mimimizied all windows failed to minimize the black screen. when i tried to open other windows the window preview on hover displayed over the black screen, but the window itself would not display when clicked. the computer power options were available. after this i restarted my computer and tried to cause the issue to happen again without success.

i hope this is enough information about what happened, im unsure where any crash logs might be, if those exist and are needed i would be happy to send them if i know where on my system they are, i am also willing to send across all of my computer specs and my save data for "i wanna lockpick", hope this helps :]

other important info: lenovo laptop with an integrated GPU
running windows 10
running the version of the full release of "i wanna lockpick" that was made public first. (the one released on valentines day).
other versions of the game were present on my computer, two copies of the demo version existed, one in a seperate drive (microSD ran through an SD card adapter), and the other one was in the downloads folder (same folder as release version)

if you need more information about what happened feel free to ask me, i will try to recall as much as i can about what happened.

Rot13 for mid-endgame(?) spoilers:

Vf gurer zrnag gb or n uneqre chmmyr gb pyrne G2-7??? Vg frrzf yvxr gur chmmyr jbhyq or "trg rknpgyl -67 cher xrlf" ohg gurer vfa'g n oynax cher qbbe thneqvat gur oebja xrl ;-;

(1 edit)

Ohg gurer vf n cher oynax qbbe evtug orsber vg. V'z abg fher jung lbh ner fgehttyvat jvgu...

If you left this comment because you're struggling to beat it, think about it some more. You'll laugh at yourself once you see it.

(2 edits)

Fbeel, v zrnag gb fnl "n oynax cher qbbe nsgre gur bar abeznyyl thneqvat gur oebja xrl." Jvgu fhpu n fcrpvsvp nzg yvxr 67 vg frrzrq yvxr gur chmmyr jbhyq or gb trg gb rknpgyl 67 cher xrlf jvgu nyy gur ovanel pbhagvat tbvat ba, ohg lbh pna whfg tb nebhaq ntnva naq teno jnl gbb znal xrlf, yby.

V whfg jnf jbaqrevat orpnhfr v orng vg fb dhvpxyl gung vg frrzrq yvxr v fxvccrq fbzrguvat.


If there is a door across a corner from you, and a key normally blocking that corner, you can sometimes unlock the door before collecting the key. Demonstrable in (Base64 for endgame spoilers) MC01, just hold right as you jump up after the tall black door.

I find it a bit annoying that when you walk a bit, do something and then undo, you get teleported all the way back. It would be nicer if you would be teleported back to the last valid standing location instead of the first one after the last action. I figure this can be changed by putting the player position onto the undo stack last and swapping it out as long as you are on a valid standing location. Also, touching salvage points should be an undoable action, which it currently isn't. Additionally, there is a bug where, when you did an action but are not in a valid location (like within a salvage point), you can't undo. Also, why do you need recentPush? Isn't recentPush always 1 once you pushed an undo stack frame? I mean, after every undoPOP call you eventually call undoPUSH, so recentPush will necessarily be 1.

(1 edit)

You can cheese omega-9 by not hitting the purple blank door on the 0 bypass route to swap glitch and going in with white instead, causing you to shift orange but not cyan.

My game is quite often unfocused (on Windows), but when I click on it for it to be focused again, the pencilmark menu opens every time, which is pretty annoying. Maybe there is a way to detect if the game is unfocused on Windows, so that the pencilmark menu doesn't get opened in that case?

If i have to remember the setup for Stable Loop one more time i am going to have an aneurysm

Hello! I'm not sure if this is something you can address, but I was playing an EX level and noticed there were some blocks I could not reach.

Instead of doing the intended solution, I managed to jump on blocks while they were breaking in order to get a third jump. Since I didn't switch signs at all with multiple being available, I'm pretty sure I skipped a part of the solution.

For the sake of spoilers, I'll limit my reply.

If you can break all the blocks, you just need to rethink how to break them: a third jump isn't necessary.

I wiped my save file in the menu with the 3 save files, and when I went and started a new game in the save file I deleted, my pencilmarks were still there. Is this intentional?


Yes, it's a feature intended to assist in future playthroughs or speedruns. Press Ctrl+Shift+D while loaded in a savefile to delete all of that savefile's pencilmarks.

I see. That makes sense. Although maybe an option to also delete pencilmarks when deleting a save would be cool. Or just informing the player in-game about that hotkey.

Unsure if just weird intended behavior or bug, but: (rot 13) jura cynlvat guebhtu jbeyqf 1-5, v arire fxvccrq n (ahzorerq) yriry, ohg va jbeyq 6 v fxvccrq yriry 3 (v hfhnyl cynl va beqre, ohg v jnf fgvyy jnxvat hc), naq nf n erfhyg yriryf 7, 8, naq 9 bcrarq hc, ohg abg yriry 6. v nffhzr vg'f whfg n dhvex bs ubj gur yriry haybpx flfgrz jbexf gung v unqag abgvprq gvy abj, ohg gubhtug v'q ercbeg whfg va pnfr.

Post T4 Spoilers:

V guvax vg jbhyq or n ernyyl avpr nqqvgvba vs lbh pbhyq erfrg qbbef gb ubj gurl jrer orsber nal zbqvsvpngvba va gur Bzrtn Grezvany. Pheeragyl, lbh unir gb erqb gur fnyintr gb oevat gur qbbe onpx naq vg'f ernyyl naablvat univat gb erqb G2-7 guevpr rirelgvzr lbh guvax lbh zbqvsvrq gur qbbef jebat.

it would take a lot of memory to remember EVERY door

When I hit the "defaults" button in the sound options, the balance changed from its initial values.

When I changed the color of keys/doors, they didn't update until I quit and re-entered the level.

Post T4 spoilers:

Gurer vf bar qbbe va gur tnzr gung qbrfa'g jbex cebcreyl jura vg unf vzntvanel pbcvrf, fcrpvsvpnyyl gur pbzob plna/oyhr/benatr qbbe va yriry G4-2. Lbh pna znxr vzntvanel pbcvrf ol fnyintvat vg vagb yriry G4-3 naq hfvat na vzntvanel znfgre xrl; nygreangviryl, lbh pna hfr gur znfgre bzrtn xrl gb tvir lbhefrys na vzntvanel znfgre xrl va gur G4 yriry uho. Jura lbh qb guvf, gur ybpxf ba gur qbbe ner fhccbfrq gb unir vzntvanel pbfgf, ohg gurl fgvyy unir erny pbfgf sbe fbzr ernfba. Urer vf n yvax gb na vzntr fubjvat gur oht:


That's actually purely a visual bug, and one I knew about nonetheless, although I didn't know it could happen in this specific case. Basically (rot13) Pbzob qbbef unir n qvssrerag fcevgr frg guna abezny qbbef, naq vzntvanel inevnagf jrer arire nqqrq. V gevrq gb hfr ahzrevpny ybpxf sbe rirel pnfr bs n Pbzob Qbbe juvpu pbhyq unir vzntvanel pbcvrf nccyvrq, ohg V sbetbg nyy nobhg guvf bar. Hafher vs V'yy svk vg nalgvzr fbba.

(2 edits)

I actually have a sick suggestion for if you add operator keys (or whatever they’re called) back into the game. Spoilers, by the way

(Rot 13) Lbh xabj ubj gb bcra Xvan’f ybpx, lbh phefr gur ybpx jvgu n oebja xrl, gura bcra vg jvgu n znfgre xrl? Jryy, znlor gurer pbhyq or fbzr furanavtnaf jvgu fgbar xrlf, naq ng gur raq (lbh jbhyq unir n cbfvgvir ahzore bs znfgre xrlf naq 5 fgbar xrlf), lbh jbhyq qvivqr gur ahzore bs znfgre xrlf ol gur ahzore bs fgbar xrlf. Guvf jbhyqa’g tvir lbh “reebe” znfgre xrlf, ohg vasvavgl znfgre xrlf, naq gung’f ubj lbh jbhyq bcra gur ybpx. Naq nyfb, V guvax V jbhyq xabj ubj vasvavgl nzbhagf bs xrlf jbhyq jbex, fb qba’g jbeel nobhg gung. V qba’g guvax lbh jvyy rire nqq guvf gubhtu, orpnhfr gung zrpunavp vf fpenccrq.

(1 edit)

gur tyvgpu bzrtn xrl qbrf abg tvir gur cher bzrtn xrl jura lbh bcra n cher qbbe orsber vg, znlor sbepr gur cynlre gb teno gur tyvgpu xrl gb cerirag pbashfvba /w

Bug report: If you open the warp menu during the transition after the introduction in a new save file, then you can move while the warp menu is open.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Enable the "Unlock Everything" option.
  2. Go to the title screen and make a new save file.
  3. Skip the intro.
  4. Open the warp menu during the transition in the main hub.
  5. Move.

my game won't start. last time it was seen i was on the impossible level in chapter EX trying to make it possible

i think it has something to do with my save. i can't find where it is stored though so i can't manually delete it

hold on let me try freeing up some memory

Is there any chance you could add an option to disable those popups saying what song is playing? I find it kind of distracting whenever it appears.

Nvm I just modded them out

hello! i am not able to get the game to run, i get this warning


FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shdRainbowStripe2

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_objWorld_Step_0



stack frame is

gml_Object_objWorld_Step_0 (line -1)

anyway to fix this? there was a reply talking about this but the link to fix does not work

Have you tried installing the DirectX End User Runtime? According to the install instructions for this game, you can get it from the Microsoft website easily.