It crashed once in total (I did several playthroughs). Pressing F10 did not do anything.
Recent community posts
I added a list of box counts and secret spells used for my scores in my comment below, if that helps (although if you want to actually solve the puzzle yourself you shouldn't look at it). The problem is that the best scores aren't actually known (although I've seen a bunch of score posts and haven't seen any higher than the scores I posted).
Boxless, limited boxes, and no secret spells are also all reasonable things to optimize, but as far as I know no one's actually bothered except for boxless (I've seen some pretty good boxless scores, but likely still quite far from optimal).
Because of @hygge 's post, I figure it's worth posting answers for top scores (these are "the highest i've seen", not the ones in image). Spoilers below. (It is both box count and the specific secret(s) that the score used, which is enough to trivially tie the solution for a lot of the levels.)
- Ice 1: 5 boxes; Freeze
- Ice 2: 10 boxes; Freeze,Turn
- Lilly 1: 7 boxes; Freeze
- Lilly 2: 5 boxes; All
- Move 1: 11 boxes; Turn
- Move 2: 6 boxes; All
- Size 1: 5 boxes; All
- Size 2: 5 boxes; All
- Slide 1: 6 boxes; All,Turn
- Slide 2: 9 boxes; All
- Turtle 1: 7 boxes; All
- Turtle 2: 7 boxes; All,Turn
undo to before you entered this situation.
it is possible to escape this situation without undo, but it requires a trick you probably haven't learned about yet and i'd recommend waiting to learn it until after your first completion of the game. if you want a hint for that, though: (rot13): Ohfu vfa'g nf hfryrff nf vg zvtug frrz ng svefg tynapr.
well if you could get size the rest would be easy since the top left star is the hard part in literally every trophy in this game except the bush ones
i'd suggest just continue messing around, it shouldn't take too long to figure out. minor hint (rot13): chfuvat fbzrguvat fgvyy pbhagf nf n zbir sbe fcryyf, qrfcvgr ubj lbh qvqa'g zbir lbhefrys
Fun game! It took me a bit to realize just how much you can burn with fire (felt stuck until i finally got fire/flower), but after that things were mostly smooth sailing. It was pretty cool being surprised by what Size does (i first used it on fire/flip/size), too.
It seems super surprising that G flip flower is even close to possible; I'll have to ponder that one for a while, I'm sure.
Also I got to the bottom trophy room note with G key, which is clearly the best combination to reach it with.
Nice game.
I couldn't figure out how to do Pluto (ended up with 42, the extras being in the third room), though I did realize you can skip doing the puzzles properly by just bringing in a ladder/jetpack/key from an earlier room. I opted not to since it felt like the requirement was set to not need to do that.
I wasn't sure how to solve the jetpack revert puzzle so I just snapshotted and refilled my fuel in midair. The specific rules around when a dropping an object makes it not come with you are really confusing and I don't actually get them. Like, I was able to bring a ladder with me to get to the second trophy (although not a green key because they've all been spent... could get around that by reverting the respective green door open commit, but I got too lazy) but when I tried to bring a jetpack or trophy it just didn't let me for some reason.
Support for ridiculously tall doors would be nice. You can't scroll the door preview part of the door making UI, so if a door is taller than the screen it's just impossible to edit the locks.
Also, a way to select multiple tiles and move/copy them all together.
Also add the camera mode (while playing the level) like in the main game (zoom is optional i never used it anyway)
Nice game! I had a really easy time finishing after the initial part, while my first few times it just seemed completely impossible to outscale due to how you don't get enough points to even buy an upgrade if you're unlucky enough with initial spawns. I feel like that could be balanced somehow, but I guess it would feel much worse to lose an entire long run.
Nice game, finished with a time of 4.25K. Took a bit to figure out how everything works so there were definitely some blunders early on, but after that it was pretty fun.
I feel like knowing exactly which items lead to the powered suit is the main bit of knowledge that would help complete the game faster. It's also really annoying having certain important skills only be present so late, but it's definitely part of the fun deciding if I should give up a skill in order to gain one I might care about more.
It's really nice to see how many mechanics this game has; with the unlock of mushrooms it becomes extremely difficult to optimize (even if I'm still just doing oasis spam, now with some glass witches villages added).
I'd love to make use of the City but it produces way too little to ever be worth it; perhaps it should give a production% boost or something?
Definitely helps.
11,12 is still hard. The reason I had no ideas is because I forgot about how execution order works, so I wasn't even sure how to get to the other side. Once I got that part it just got to the fact that this puzzle is kind of difficult.
11,18 That was the obvious part. I ended up messing around until I somehow managed to have two alive cats in different columns, after which it was easy.
7,21 I did try going to the upward transition above the 0 flag to see if it'd help, but didn't see any way it'd be possible to actually get there.
6,18 I always forget about dead cats. That makes this pretty easy.
13,8 The specific part I'm struggling on is that part with the three flags and three rocks that makes a wall that you can't pass. The obvious solution would be to run forwards through the room first, but then there's an obstacle after that point that you can't pass without a zero flag, and at that point you haven't revived the second cat yet.
(also the 18,17 in the original post was a typo, meant 8)
Any help for the stars in 14,17; 11,12; 14,19; 11,18; 7,21? (I need 2 more stars for the door.)
While I've already unlocked the cryptid door there's obviously more out there; I assume I'll need to double tp in these rooms and have no clue how: 7,16; 6,18 (...well, I have some ideas, but the execution looks like it'll be hell); 18,17 (apparently you can't do this the obvious way to bring two in from below because of the differing amounts of ice); 13,8