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A member registered Mar 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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glad you liked it :D  and that was exactly my thought behind that system :)

wild fight wow that was great. great game!!!

cant find the guy after behind the tree!! looked everywhere help!!

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fun game. i lost more often to falling than to hitting a drop..  137.45


i love this game so much

you should hide the spoiler

windows 10, chrome

board doesn't appear till i go fullscreen or change browser zoom (i can then reset it and board remains)

cute. i think the move buttons should be swapped (X moves / X spins grouped makes more sense to me). soundtrack is nice, reminds me of transistor ost - water wall.

good game. I love the visuals; very relaxing.

favorite levels: 9, 13, 17, 21.

I liked the series of 10-12, it was fun looking for what's different.

I like that all elements are shown in the intro level.

in level 8, I think it's strange how you give away the interaction, instead using it as a discovery

in level 22, you can swap the middle lantern with another, but it doesn't change the solution much.

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fun game! Ive been stuck on level 8 for a while.. i wonder what im missing.. 

edit: wow that was a great level!!

my favorite levels are 7&8. it's interesting that the levels feel so different even though the mechanics are so simple. i thought level 9 didn't add much to what 7 does, but it's still a nice finale; i do wish that there were more levels with the 2 dots.

cute!! is the music uploaded anywhere?

I think the intro level for that shouldnt be mixed with the first level to have heavy/light box interaction. ended up confusing me on both

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really good!! i love the theming and the flow of the solve is just great. only suggestion is remove key repeat on X

lovely game, highly recommended for lovers of light pleasant puzzling!!


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works, not sure if i like the smooth movement; the "?" animation is cute. logo doesn't show up on startup properly now


ctrl+r still clips the game to the bottom right; messing with the resolution seems to fix it, till i press it again

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fullscreen screenshot, game seems to be offset? the brief moment when its windowed works fine. also, the soundtrack is amazing

cool idea, but the mechanics (random cooldown reductions mostly) make it a good strategy to rapidly click, which isn't fun. i suggest making the cooldown of slash higher but giving it a charge count (you can charge up to 3 slashes, 1 charge per second). remove the cooldown on stab and make it higher range the longer you don't use it. and make bullets start fast and decelerate


this is so good!!! please make an expanded version i will buy it

Child's Play community · Created a new topic soundtrack

love this game!! would love to have the soundtrack downloadable

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thanks! controls also feel snappier now. i think this is the only snake game i know where you can turn around with a single key press, thats an interesting decision lol

bug: when going in a direction and quickly turning around, you move into yourself (for example when moving down, quickly press right, up)

same page for sure, for easier demo access

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this is really good!!!! i love the tension of trying to maintain a good position. best: 36.33 44.8

this is great, infinite mode please!

good stuff

fun!! I wish it was longer

got 34700, fun game!!

I recommend changing to: WASD for movement, K to shoot/select/interact, L to dash/go back in menus

also, in the opening change it to "enter to continue" because skip usually means to skip the whole thing

wondeful game <3

is there any way to get the soundtrack?

press q+e while holding both items

cute :)

cute game! I can survive forever by standing in a corner with yellow beam

cute program :)



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nice game!