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Gibo Dwane

A member registered Jul 16, 2016 · View creator page →

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This one is really a great idea. 

I create too many 2d arts here

That one is too dark. make it a little light and good to go.

Great tools. You can ask or answer some queries on the tools. I like it.

I am agreed with @T Allen Studios, adding an image to your post.

It looks like the same with my work. 

Left is cool,, 

Do you have some screenshot that it's really looks a city?

(1 edit)

Do you have some holiday characters?

I like the design, but it looks blurry to me.

The walk is like a fast forward. haha

Great stuff.  The fact that this is the real art came from hand to hand.

Thanks for sharing this one. Looks very cute. 

What is the name of the male character?

Well i really love it. I really like your work.,

What tools have you used to create this?

This one is looks really  great.

I tried downloading many games here and all is safe. I assure you that all the games in itcho is very safe when downloading. 

I don't this is live..

Looks really great.

Merry Christmas and advance happy new year.

You are a great artist. I really like it, a lot. It's a fantastic work.

You explain very well man.

Great work from the great artist. 

Hi Guys, 

Just wanted to share my free game assets theme that you can use it for free. 

Download Here:

This really a fantastic work. I really love it

if you want a game developer or creating a game. You should start learning C#.

Well it looks nice. 

Do you have some sample of avatars?

Looks very great

Great work, it's really nice.

(1 edit)

Have you found this lots of game art there and they also have a free stuff as well that get some ideas.

Anyway, no more argues. I like both of your designs.  And both of you are weird. hahaha

It's really look fantastic. 

Fantastic work. 

(1 edit)

Our new Pixel Alien theme! Embark on an extraterrestrial adventure and create the game you’ve been fantasizing about. This mega pack contains tons of alien creatures, 2 main characters with plenty of ready animated sprites, alien terrain objects, power ups, parallax pixel backgrounds and so much more! Everything in this pack is ready animated and delivered as PNG sequences. Here is a quick description of the contents. If you want to know more –scroll below to the detailed section.

526 Unique Pixel Art Assets included in this amazing pack!

20 Characters with Sprites (walk,jump,shoot,attack,die,and more..)
23 Ammo / Projectiles
5 Parallaxed Backgrounds (46 Background Layers in total)
140 GUI Assets (ready icons, menus, buttons, level select, shop, and so much more)
21 Objects (Trees, Caves, Spikes, Ceiling/Floor enemies, and more)
1 Poster (Customizable Poster)
16 Power Ups & Bonus Items
258 Unique Tiles (5 Different Tiles sets providing 258 Tiles in total)


(1 edit)

On my side, i am using photoshop and pixelmator.

Oh i didn't know that your game is free. Why i am having lot of downloads on my part even it's free. 


You just need to promote or shared your games. Or maybe your game is too overpriced. That is why no one downloaded it.