Hi I am a programmer so I haven't done much artwork for games yet, this is something that I would like to get into but I have no idea what software I should use, I would really like suggestions.
That depends on the kind of art you're considering. 3D? 2D? And what style, pixel or vector? I've done everything from drawing in Inkscape and painting in GIMP to hand-coding SVG files and using pre-rendered POV-Ray scenes. Other developers have been successful with scanned pencil drawings. So think about your goals and preferences.
We have quite a few art tools on itch.io. Here are some:
I wrote a post about game development tools here: https://itch.io/blog/6037/get-ready-for-ludum-dare-game-development-tools
Also you can try browsing our tools page
Have you found this https://mobilegamegraphics.com/? lots of game art there and they also have a free stuff as well that get some ideas.