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A member registered Sep 21, 2014 · View creator page →

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Clear was my first thought the first second I saw this. Well done.

Working on the mech configutation screen.

Hell yeah, happy to see this again. Excellent craftmanship and ideas.

GUN GODZ has pretty cool music and chunky SFX. Single-player though.

Me like ASCII art. How did you make yours? Have you heard of REXPaint? I've been wanting to try it out, but haven't gotten to it yet.

A dude from the 70s.

Daytime, ammo/repair building, 4 neutralized mechs.

Navpoint Beta (in development, 30% done)

Woah so many of submissions, noice!

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It's really hard for me to not take part in the mechjam this year. Currently I'm working on a bigger mech game and don't have the time for a side project after work and the kids are in bed.

Here's the devlog if you want to see how it's going:

I'd be interested but only 2D and no Japanese mecha, only Battletech-ish/Mechwarrior-ish setting.

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After playing computer games for over 2 decades, I was playing GTA1 again and really enjoyed the mayhem, but the framerste is locked to the gameplay at 20 fps, which really sucks for such a fast game. And I found no fixes on the internet other than widescreen fix.

So I thought I could make a GTA-clone running at smooth 60 fps, shouldn't be that hard. After searching "game making software" (guess which game-engine I started with!) it turned out that a GTA1-like isn't as easy as I estimated, especially for sum1 who never programmed before.

Nevertheless I started making a simple game - a (very unique) brick-breaker - and after that I couldn't stop making games, it felt like my calling and I wanted to make games unlike those I played in the past.

Now a decade later of making games, I still have that GTA1-like project in the drawer and plan to do sth interesting with it soon.

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Yeah you can shoot through buildings, it's a huge mech!!

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Brush pen drawing

Pencil drawing


I love me some driving games, especially the ones that steer more towards realism.

Have you thought of a car radio? Could help make the ride more entertaining.

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Working on my 2nd "big" 2D mech simulation game.

Re-using the code of the previous game to make a very different thing. (mech2: Mercs inspired). My 10 year old n00b code is deeply brute force-ish. It's so much fun to work on.

I've been drawing the title screen today because good gameplay is a result of the title screen, common knowlage. ;)

I have the feeling it's not very "read-able".

Any ideas for improvements?

It's supossed to be a destroyed mech on it's knees.

Excellent. I like your very low-res work the most.

The art is good. IMHO the colour palette has room for improvement. 

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I'm more of an artist too, although I do program as well (solo dev).

The Low Spec Jam 2 just started, and apart from games and apps you can also submit artwork. Maybe it's something for you. I just joined and will be submitting art, maybe even animated.

Edit: I just checked your art link. Really nice work, I love the straight clean look. The jam is very chunky pixel art, dunno if thats up your alley.

Yeah I agree, people are probably gonna cheat, which is a big turn off for me.


are Gamemaker Studio (1) allowed to enter?

I'd love to take part in the MechJam again, but I'm making a larger mech game (more sim, less arcade) not suitable for a jam.

Oh it's gonna be really hard not participating this year. Maybe a lil' mech mini-game though? NO!!

I miss beige computers, such a pleasant colour to look at.

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Wow love the colour palette and all the little details.

I'd recommend enlarging the screenshots.

Easter Pinball

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Depends on the game you want to make. Even then it's hard to say what's best. 2D or 3D?

PICO-8 for example is quite fun and cozy but has many restrictions (which can be good though).

Looking at the screenshots, I love the atmoshere. This ones going on my to play list! :)

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I have a job and kids too. Last jam I (solo dev) was working late into every night (3AM) except one, where I fell asleep early from being extremley tired. I think the jam was 5 days long and at the end I was messed up from the lack of sleep. Jams get me so pumped up I can't stop gamedeving and forget time and sleep. I'm 40 now and it hits hard on my body especially when you need to be a good family member and worker by day. Still jams are alot of fun to me. I always make a game I'm proud of in a tiny time-frame. Also you gain a good load of XP. Deadlines are double-edged swords.

Just join one. What's the worst that can happen? You don't have to submit, when real life gets in the way. Everyone is different, own experience is gives you the best answer.

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Good on ya! 1h is quick. I also like looking back at my old creations.

Hey these look nice! But the vertical cars have a top down perspective and the hoizontal cars have an isometric perspective, which doesnt fit together. One is 2D, the other 3D. I bet it's a lot of work to make 3D "up" and "down" sprites for every car, but I'm sure you'd learn and improve yor skills a good bit by doing so.

Also I think a diagonal sprite would be needed too, so that when the car turns the animation is less jerky.

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Botanical Box

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PICO-8 has a library of it's games on their site. (click on Carts/Cartridges)

You mean like that?

NOICE! I love the setting, love the graphics, and love simulation games. Sailwind is cool, but I'd rather explore and build up a colony or other various different tasks. You plans for this game are making me excited.

Jawohl!! Aber meine ganze Kindheit in Australien verbracht.