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(3 edits) (+1)

After playing computer games for over 2 decades, I was playing GTA1 again and really enjoyed the mayhem, but the framerste is locked to the gameplay at 20 fps, which really sucks for such a fast game. And I found no fixes on the internet other than widescreen fix.

So I thought I could make a GTA-clone running at smooth 60 fps, shouldn't be that hard. After searching "game making software" (guess which game-engine I started with!) it turned out that a GTA1-like isn't as easy as I estimated, especially for sum1 who never programmed before.

Nevertheless I started making a simple game - a (very unique) brick-breaker - and after that I couldn't stop making games, it felt like my calling and I wanted to make games unlike those I played in the past.

Now a decade later of making games, I still have that GTA1-like project in the drawer and plan to do sth interesting with it soon.


Lol I've had many of those (it shouldn't be that hard) moments

finding myself in whirlwinds of frustration but still a good experience

"it felt like my calling..." that sounds like a cool line from a book about the #origin of the ultimate game developer 😆

you are a true pioneer👍