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Obstacle to Lovers: I am a Pipe and I want to ram Fl*ppy B!rd so bad :)View game page

Submitted by Fumpledump (@Fumpledump), Manny Mallea (@MannyMallea), nyanfood, lonnie, ParkerLeathers, WhitKluttz (@TeamS_B_H) — 1 hour, 51 minutes before the deadline
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Obstacle to Lovers: I am a Pipe and I want to ram Fl*ppy B!rd so bad :)'s page


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Ranked from 282 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Instead of playing as flappy bird you play as the pipe in a dating sim.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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im already on my way to college, never really thought of getting a girlfriend and def not into visual novels but DAMN bro flappy got rizz, we gettin out of the Google Play Store with this one

nice game btw


Flappy Bird is the RIZZ LORD


I agree with the comment about accidentally losing your hard earned 25 flappy points or whatever but the only reason it even stands out as such a problem is the game is so polished for a 48 hour jam game you kind of forget that's what you're playing. Hilarious. Well done!


Yeah it was one of those things that you just completely miss as a UX issues when testing lmao. If we could I’d love to add an actual retry button instead of just tap again.


This is perfect for what it is! I love the designs so much you need to make this a full thin


This game is amazing! All those references and interactions between characters are funny as hell.

Just a small side note, I would like the score in the Flappy Bird minigame to be saved, at least for one conversation. I accidentally press one more time after losing, and then my 25 hard-to-earn points are gone, I have  to start over.


Totally! Something I think all of us on the team would want to look into. WIshing we could have gotten that done, but the time limit just caught up to us. Thanks so much for playing and all the kind words! :D


Awesome to see another flappy bird game commenting here LMAO.


Well this was an experience. Haha! But in all seriousness, the "flappy bird" mechanic to determine dialogue options is a really unique twist on the dating sim genre. I'd play more of this for sure. ^^; Don't tell anyone.


Thank you so much! I’m really happy to see all the people loving the flappy bird minigame mechanic as that was my idea and it took a lot of adjustments to get right.


The premise of the game might be a shitpost, but the artistic skill on display is seriously good. One of the prettiest games I've seen so far in the jam. 5/5 for the presentation and music, seriously.  You've got some talented people on this team.

I feel that the inclusion of Flappy Bird didn't push the theme hard enough. Sure, you play as the pipe in the dating sim, but when it's time to make a choice, it's just normal Flappy Bird. I would have liked the app to get the roles reversed treatment as well.

I ultimately enjoyed the game and was impressed, but it worn out its welcome for me REALLY quickly. Mostly because earning points for choices, while interesting, conflicted with the context and needs of the game. This is a jam entry, and we're all playing several of them. It's also a parody. The points undermine these two things by drastically extending the time the player spends with the game, especially with how extreme the higher choices are. 

The player doesn't necessarily need to see everything on offer, if chunky games like Hollow Knight have taught us anything. But because the options are presented to them, the player DOES see what's there. It's just a matter of accessing it. And this is a dating sim where you play as a pipe pining for an exaggerated hot boy personification of Flappy Bird; of course I'm going to want to see the most absurd choices possible. So it seems counter-intuitive for the game's entire punchline to be locked behind a 40 point streak.

This is a solid entry overall. An absolutely absurd premise with professional-level presentation. And obviously it's not meant to be taken seriously. But poor pacing only kills the joke, especially there are so many other entries to rate. 


Hey first off, I want to thank you for playing the game! It sounds like you are rating alot of entries to that is super nice of you!

I want to say that your critique is perfectly valid but I wanted to provide some thoughts on it. For starters, the nature of this game being a visual novel inherently makes it pretty hard to play in a short burst for rating. Our goal was to make a funny pipe x flappy bird dating sim and we narrowed in on just that. We thought the funny interpretation of the theme makes it a pretty solid and unique entry to most despite not having a mechanic integrated in the theme. I feel there is a myriad of ways that a theme can be interpretated that people tend to miss and just go for a mechanic :[

As for the pacing it’s sad to hear that you did not go for the less costly options. We didn’t want to waste your time. That’s why the flappy bird game has wider pipes and we always have a low option for people to continue to progress. Some of those low cost options have some of my favorite dialogue in the game(404 route is super wholesome) i also feel that you maybr are missing the point that the more costly options are the more nervous options for Pipe-Kun/Chan to say which is why they are hard to do. Although I will agree with you that we should have changed the minigame a bit. We had plans for it and Concept art but we were getting crunched for time. It took 7+ hours of me staying up past midnight just to get 75% of the dialogue in. So our work was very tough at times.

I am still very thankful you played the game and I appreciate the review. I’m sorry that it started to slog after a bit as it was hard for us to test the story due to time. It may not seem like it but we were very much against the clock. Again thank you for playing! And thank you for rating the jam entries! We had a vision for the game and I am so happy my me and my team was able to deliver on it in such a short time frame :]


Oh,  no, I can relate to being pressed for time. I also exhausted myself trying to get my own game out, and it still wasn't close to what I wanted it to be. I apologize if I gave the impression that I didn't think you guys worked hard, because all that effort you put in does shine through. The last thing I wanted to do was undermine that.  And I did enjoy the game when it was all said and done. 

As for the dialogue options, you're right that the cost correlating with more nerve-wracking options flew over my head.  I kinda got that sense in the start, but I guess I completely forgot that as I went on. Like I said, the absurd premise of the narrative made me more interested in the more extreme options, and ideally I would have like to replay it to see alternate choices. 

The game is a big accomplishment and the team should be proud. My intent was to give the kind of feedback I myself would like to receive, and I apologize for anything I said that came across as undermining your efforts. Best wishes for the rest of the jam. 


No the reveiw was great! It didn’t feel like you were undermining us at all! I loved the more detailed review! It’s actually amazing to see a deeper analysis of the game and its good food for thought. I just wanted to say my thoughts on it. Again thank you for the review!!!


No problem.  Thanks for conversation and insight! 


Super charming, funny and an adorable game which oozes with effort, care, love and production-value, even if it hardly fits this jam's theme

I'm so impressed, in fact (and because I love visual novels), that if you and your team would ever like to participate in any other game-jam or even making a full-title, I'd love to join you guys on your endeavours ~

If you'd like to contact me for that, here's my calling-card! :


Thanks for playing! If I remember I may hit you up on LinkedIn to chat. I’m John Haley if you get a msg lol.


I don't use LinkedIn that much :'D I'd much more prefer Discord. But if you remember to hit me up in there, and I remember to check it every once in a while, we could definitely hit up!


I really like the idea of using challenges to unlock choices


This game is so freaking cute!! love your art style ~  5/5 stars ^ o^ 


Being able to pull out your phone to play flappy bird is peak zoomer culture and the most original thing I've seen in video games in a long time. Well done.


Thank you. Me and another member was representing that zoomer blood into the project.

Submitted (2 edits) (+3)

I think this might unironically be the best game i've played in the jam. Beautiful art, absolutley genius concept, and a 10/10 twist ending. The mechanic of playing flappy bird like a DnD charisma check is a stroke of briliance. Five in enjoyment, creativity, and Presentation. Well done.


That’s amazing to hear! Thank you so much for the comment. 😁



Really funny,  great art, perfect music...

Just wondering how did you get this idea but I don't know if I really want to know.

The game I loved the most so far, congrats to you all and I hope you had fun making it!


The idea came after we dug deeper than “You play as the pipe from flappy bird”. Turning the game into the ultimate shitpost. And the mechanic of playing flappy bird to lock dialog options is from those tiktok family guy subway surgery videos lmao.

Developer (2 edits) (+2)

What Fumple said, plus I really think a "Flappy Bird dating sim" led to a slew of ideas, like the top/bottom pipes being your gender, a school of apps, how the ending would play out, tons of puns, etc. What I find interesting is most of the ideas we made (and axed) for alternative games were made by other jammers, like a gun-in-a-dungeon game, and funny enough the slew of flappy bird, but you're the pipe, games. ALSO, as EST folk, we didn't have much time after work, so Friday was really an idea day, with the remaining Saturday and Sunday morning to finish up. Lesson learned, take your time to come up with interesting ideas. Find out which idea basically forms the mechanics, story, fun on its own (the flappy bird dating sim had the most bullet points/worked with our team dynamics).


Adding my perspective to Fumple and Manny; basically, we were all in a call slamming down tons of ideas, and someone threw out Flappy Bird. I immediately was like "Oh god no, basically every iteration of Flappy Bird has been done already ... other than like, a dating sim ig." It was an out-of-pocket remark, but people started joking about it.  People in-call kept throwing out hilarious joke after hilarious joke, so as the writer I thought, "This idea has a lot of content to work with -- could actually work as a memey VN." I do remember thinking "How does this fit the theme?" realized the reversal of Flappy Bird could be "You want to hit the pipe" ->"You want to ram the pipe" and the idea suddenly didn't seem too silly.
Still, we kept 3 other ideas, ever endeared to this game the more we talked, but it was when our artist joined the call and sent some concepts that we decided to full-send. Once Buff Flappy concept was sent, it was a done deal LOL. 

Also so happy to hear you really enjoyed this! Thanks so much! 


Art is impressive for a 2 day jam! Funny, quirky, not like other games, and it doesn't want to be. Great title. Not a huge fan of visual novels for jams though.


Ayyu to each their own man. I hope that at least the flappy bird mini game being tied to dialogue options was able to make it a bit more enjoyable to people not fans of visual novels. Thanks for the comment!


Art is impressive for a 2 day jam! Funny, quirky, not like other games, and it doesn't want to be. Great title. Not a huge fan of visual novels for jams though.


Five stars, across the board. Having the score in a minigame be a requirement for a dialogue option is a brilliant bit of design - I don't think I've ever seen it before. The character designs are absolutely spectacular, the writing is spot on - I don't think there's a single thing this game does wrong.


Thank you so much! It’s makes me so ha0py to hear all the people saying the game was polished on every element. 😆 Thanks for playing.


The art, music, character design, and story are so flappin good, this is a work of art


Not the flappy adjective 💀💀💀


Bruh, your game was so flappin good!


oh my goodness gracious


Couldn't romance fruit ninja, now I'm pissed.  10/10


LMAO. If it makes you feel better I know that our artist is working on a pretty interesting fruit ninja drawing that should be tweeted out soon. :]




LMAO, originally Fruit Ninja's route was going to end with a comment "wishing she was romanceable," but I voted against it since the game doesn't have any meta-humor. You are so based for wanting this tho.
Fruit Ninja is so iconic; honestly found the VN genre to be a weird one to write for, but Fruit Ninja's dialog just wrote itself. Her design is just so great!


All the designs were amazing, every time a new character appeared I was baffled at how well yall reimagined them for the VN genre, really amazing work. Fruit Ninja of course being my favorite  >_o


Is this canon?




This was indeed a cannon event



10/10 perfect game
Knew what was going to happen and still spent the time to get the requisite score.

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