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Oh,  no, I can relate to being pressed for time. I also exhausted myself trying to get my own game out, and it still wasn't close to what I wanted it to be. I apologize if I gave the impression that I didn't think you guys worked hard, because all that effort you put in does shine through. The last thing I wanted to do was undermine that.  And I did enjoy the game when it was all said and done. 

As for the dialogue options, you're right that the cost correlating with more nerve-wracking options flew over my head.  I kinda got that sense in the start, but I guess I completely forgot that as I went on. Like I said, the absurd premise of the narrative made me more interested in the more extreme options, and ideally I would have like to replay it to see alternate choices. 

The game is a big accomplishment and the team should be proud. My intent was to give the kind of feedback I myself would like to receive, and I apologize for anything I said that came across as undermining your efforts. Best wishes for the rest of the jam. 


No the reveiw was great! It didn’t feel like you were undermining us at all! I loved the more detailed review! It’s actually amazing to see a deeper analysis of the game and its good food for thought. I just wanted to say my thoughts on it. Again thank you for the review!!!


No problem.  Thanks for conversation and insight!