The first comment on my game after I posted it was "same idea here...", then a link to another game with a similar concept to mine. After checking that one out I went to browse some submissions and was greeted with yet another game with the same concept. Overall, I really enjoyed all three of them, but I noticed that even though we had the same initial concept, we all took it in a slightly different direction. I definitely tried to focus on actions that require you to combine buttons and making the player juggle those. The second definitely felt like a more traditional platformer shoot'emup that forced you to conserve and plan out your resources, and that third one really played like a puzzle game rather that a platformer.
I definitely had fun with them, and it was interesting to see not just different takes on the same theme, but different takes on the same mechanics.
My game: Full Press
Second Game: Shutting Down by felipedev
Third Game: First Impressions by Mr Rutabaga