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SpaceviataView game page

Conquer the galaxy!
Submitted by Vleue (@FrancoisMockers) — 7 hours, 14 minutes before the deadline
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Theme interpretation#3232.4092.409

Ranked from 22 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Missing some nice ambient music :(, other than that it’s a pretty easy to pickup strategy game, didn’t find any issues


Clear, you put a lot of work and love into this game - well done. There's plenty to clean up, and there's a real solid game to build on. My one complaint was that the colony ships simply colonize, I can't choose if they continue to the next system  -- that caused some problems with negative revenue - especially at the start


Cool strategy game! I like the planet generation and all the options you have before starting! The strategy elements are simple but engaging. However I feel like there isn't too much to do in the early game, as exploring new planets starts loosing revenue so you kind of just have to skip forward a bunch of turns to start making money. It would be cool and helpful if you could see enemy ships as well, that way I would know which planets to defend / attack. Overall nice work and I would love to see it expanded upon!


A simple but a solid turn-based strategy game. I can see you put a lot effort on the world generation and overall presentation. 

My only complain would be the lack of sfx  and background music.  

P.S: I cannot close "Shipyard" dialog box once I open the same dialog box from other planet so I am stuck with multiple UI. (Not sure is this intended or a bug)


It's an interesting game! I love the strategic aspect, and I think the minimal visuals work well with this gameplay!

Honestly, I just wish there was more... for instance, friendly civilizations you can ally with/trade with, or different types of ships you can build that have different strategic purposes (e.g. fast ones for recon, ship-to-ship fighters, and ship-to-ground fighters).

Also, I get how there has to be an exploration aspect, but you think the star color would be the one thing I can figure out before visiting... considering that we can see star colors from Earth LOL.

Like the other commenters, I wish there was music!


great entry! I'm not sure that I followed how it resonates with the theme of the jam, but the game itself was fun, and 4x feel was good!


Thank you!

I originally wanted to add more things related to having to save the galaxy and the space opera genre, and actually doing opera in space by having artefacts to discover which would be opera libretto, and needing to cover the galaxy with broadcasting range as a way to manage influence zones, but didn’t have time.

For now the enemies are named after opera characters, and the mask that shows a star is owned by another player is inspired by the phantom of the opera… It’s quite light on the theme…


I really like the detailed customization settings that effected the game play, I also had 0 sounds in my game, I prayed the browser version in chrome.



Sadly I didn’t have time to add sounds…


Nice game! All my respects to you for joining the jam with a 4X. The graphics are fit and readable, but I don't know if there's some problem with my audio but I can't hear anything. Gameplaywise it feels like a complex game, with lots of variables and configuration. Congrats on your entry



I didn’t have time to add sound, so that may explain why you can’t hear anything…


I really dig the aesthetic; the twinkling stars were a nice touch, and the menus were really nostalgic to me. I felt like my mouse was offset when dragging while playing in Chrome so I downloaded the linux build and then noticed the bloom 👍 definitely the way to play

I'm not great at strategy games so I liked the little hint at the start of the game that shows all the colors of the planets. I noticed WASD pans the camera and was wanting something like "press enter to continue" on the turn windows or something, but not a big deal. Pretty cool game, curious where you go with it!


Thank you for the feedback!

Adding some keyboard shortcut is a great idea, it can definitely be heavy on the mouse clicks at time.

Submitted (1 edit)

I like the experimental feel of playing this game. The minimalist graphics  and fonts work great!  It feels really clean and cohesive.




Hey there!

I really liked the idea of a 4x game with the goal to conquer the universe. I ended up playing this a lot. I appreciate that you chose a game of this type to enter the jam with. Overall i liked the game.

My thoughts is it is based too much on RNG. Some runs i got bad stars and i could not recover from it. I feel i had to randomly choose which star to conquer and hope for the best. The game played fine and the tutorial was simple but effective. Some sounds would be nice to add in general.

It is a good effort and a game you could definitely build on! Keep it up!


Thank you!

I had to cut short on balance and sounds, that would have definitely made it better!


Great game. I enjoyed playing it. I think it needs a little more RNG balance, and some interactions can be simpler. Otherwise, it was pretty fun!



Yeah, depending on what is happening it can require a lot of clicks…


Sort of just took every planet and won easily. Would have been cool to have a bit more happening on the map and of course sound effects but a solid start.



I didn’t have time to better balance the game, and added a quick “difficulty” settings… that can be completely overpowered if you randomly start in a very good or very bad position.


I like the idea and I love the ambition. I usually love 4x games, so this is in my wheelhouse, but I didn't get very far.

I'll be honest and straightforward because that the kind of feedback I'm hoping to receive. Platitudes are nice, but critical feedback is more helpful. Please don't think I hated the game or anything like that.

First impression: The tutorial is nice. Simple, unobtrusive, effective. Game concept is great. Galaxy map is great. moving and zooming feels good. Some ambient audio or background music might be nice.

Second impression: I wished my colony could build a telescope, since all my early attempts at exploring resulted in bad outcomes with inappropriate stars, which ended up costing me money.

Is there a way to dismantle a colony that's costing money?

Oops, I didn't realize the menu would end my game.

Third impression. Learning the optimal build-sequence to get through the important first few steps of a new 4x game is sometimes tedious, A let's play walkthrough or a small strategy guide would come in handy.

I feel like I'm trying to make decisions without any information. How many fighters would it take to conquer a planet? Which planet should I send my next colony ship toward? It seems like guessing. 

(It's possible that I missed something obvious, or that I'm bad at strategy games)


Thanks for the feedback!

In my original plans I wanted to add a way to abandon a colony, and inexpensive scout ships that could provide more informations, but I had to cut short.

Also the galaxy is currently a little too random and you can start in a very hard position…