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Michael Ramirez

A member registered Jun 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is excellent! Like others said, there's a lot of potential here. 

I think like the third time I read the description I understood I had to press escape to see the controls and then the game made sense. The concept is really neat and the physics are excellent. The enemies are fun to watch. It says local coop but 1v1 also seems like it'd be fun.

I don't think I really got the hang of it but it was fun trying. I liked the "health" system of body parts falling off (great sfx!) and it is pretty addicting. 

Art looks cool, I'm curious what you were planning on making. It's intriguing so far.

That was cool, I really liked the gravity and it's nice that reaching the edge doesn't penalize you. I also wonder how the game would play if it was slower and maybe if there was a little indicator of where your lasers would go (I realize that's kinda tricky as things change by the time the laser moves). Still, the arcadey feel is pretty cool and I liked how steering the ship felt.

I had the craziest adventure haha. I really liked the writing and the music was spot on. I did feel really lucky with every encounter I ran into, at some point I was really trying to "lose" to see what would happen but I kept lucking out. Not sure if that was random or if the game leans that way a bit. Still, was pretty fun and engaging!

The blue background made this really difficult for me to continue playing :\ I liked the looks of things otherwise though!

It took me a bit to understand what I was doing. It was neat but I think some more instruction might be useful? I liked the hands.

I definitely think games don't necessarily have to be "fun" to be good and even a painful experience can be great in the right context. Still, I had trouble with this one.. the walking was just too slow for me.

That said, I did have moments where I thought "It's just over this dune" and then realizing I still had much further to go and also moments where I got lost even before the sand storm really kicked in, which is a neat thing to make your players experience. 

And the sand storm was really cool, I really liked how quickly frames of reference disappeared. Oh and the music was great!

I liked the pixely look but I almost feel like you could dial it back a tad; I wasn't really sure what I was recycling. Definitely nailed a satisfying feeling of grabbing and moving things with the mouse, nice job!

agree with the other comments, just wanted to say this is more complete than the first thing I made with Bevy. Keep it up 👍

Not what I expected after reading that it was unfinished! Really great atmosphere between the visuals and the audio. It reminds me of those old escape the room puzzle games I played on newgrounds. I hope y'all continue working on this and publish an update, it's really intriguing! Also, throw some screenshots on your itch page! 

I liked watching the world generate, it'd be cool if it could continue generating as you go along and vertically too. Really cool minimal vibe, I liked it.

This was quite an experience. I got lost a bit but I guess that's kinda the point? Really nice artwork and a unique style.

I agree with Jan, I wish the movement was a little faster. That said, it was fun dashing into the dweebs.

I really liked the UI in this game. Took a bit to get the hang of it. I liked the cycling seasons driving everything. I can't decide if it'd be better if it cycled automatically or based on player actions. Nice job!

I got pretty stuck on one of the jumps, I think it was the 4th level? It was hard to gauge if movement was slippery or not.. I wasn't sure exactly how the melting mechanic affected the gameplay. 

best bevy splash screen in the jam! I liked the design of the game, it has a cool risk/reward mechanic. I also with there were keyboard controls and maybe something that auto-finishes the cycle once you fill your gem selection. The gems are pretty and I liked the cycle complete gem explosion.

Could only get the wasm build to work and it seemed like clicking didn't do anything :( The mixture of gametypes based on the screenshots seems impressive though.

This is really cool and clever. I sometimes use asciiquarium as a window "buffer" in my tiling window manager at work just to position main windows better but this would be a cool alternative. It'd be cool if the aquarium stretched to fill the window size somehow but idk how feasible that'd be. Also cool that you put it on cargo!

lol I got wrecked. I was a little confused that my wizard was asleep but also could attack. Also, it cracked me up usually in RPGs your heros just get knocked out but not here, this rat is a killer.

What a menu! I noticed resizing the window resets the main menu so I spent a minute playing with that. Nice visual effects ingame too. I'm always a little conflicted on what's the right way to handle direction in isometric games i.e. whether up is relative to the camera or to the entity being controlled. Was that a distinct choice you made?

Being a wheel in a platformer is kinda neat, reminds me of sonic a bit. Would be interesting to add slopes and maybe chasms you have to clear.

It looks cool and the controls look like they'd be fun to play with. The oscilloscope looks realistic and I had fun playing a bit on the keyboard.

I had trouble running the linux build but compiling from source worked. Without feedback on the start button I thought the game froze, but I'm assuming that's just the game world loading/generating. Cool that you got random level generation in during a jam. I'm not great at the controls but like Rie said, it might be a skill issue. I probably would have had an easier time with a ranged weapon as it was difficult to know how close I needed to be to attack and also how far I needed to be to not get hurt. Oh, also, the health meter for me appeared off to the left vs what I see in your gameplay video.. not sure if that's my screen resolution or because I maximized the window after it launched.

Neat game, it felt really nostalgic, love the pixel art and the laundry interpretation of the theme is my favorite. It'd be cool if the perspective could rotate 45 degrees, not sure how difficult that would be. I had trouble resisting cheating haha, that'd definitely be cool as an unlock/freeplay mode. I can totally see playing this on my phone with more content.

I could probably listen to that soundtrack all day but the babblers were a bit loud in comparison :( Cool game, great use of physics!

Neat game, I like the concept. It reminded me of the sonic bonus rounds. Wish it turned faster too though haha

I liked the concept, I think like Jan said, it'd be cool if you reached a point and then can edit your track for specific levels.. like, once you pass a level your track is locked in and then you can only add to it?

Really cool, also I'm curious what your title track looks like and how well it plays

Freaking love this one, it's totally my kind of game. The use of audio is excellent, headphones definitely recommended. My only complaint that isn't actually a complaint is that I wish the controls responded to touch so I can play on my phone lol.

I liked the concept and the rules cracked me up. I was annoyed that my fuel was decreasing while reading the instructions but you can refuel right after so that's ok. I had trouble navigating the hover car and I kept getting confused that E is to get in and Left Shift is to get out. The camera angle while driving also made it a little hard to navigate. That said, I like the vibe, the piano is great and I liked knocking into things with my terrible driving lol Also love those trees

Thanks! Yeah, I added the sword and had it setup to work on a specific type of enemy but ran out of time before I was able to add it ;_;

I'm still working on the game to finish out what I was trying to do with it so in the future it'll work better. Thanks for playing and the feedback!

I thought "oh cool, a game about that hill" and then loved it when I realized you're the cheese. Great job!

I always like the concept of attacking is also sacrificing so you get that risk and reward gameplay. I did find it a little confusing though and kept dying. It might be worth putting up a playthrough video?

It took a little bit to get used to the controls but once I did it's not... too weird.. I'm using a trackpad with "tap to click", I wonder if you were too? Because.. that kinda makes sense why you'd avoid clicking.. not sure. Either way, I _do_ like FPSes where the mouse is locked to one axis actually since you can make it a bit more frantic and not have to worry about the player being really great at aiming. I also liked the level transitions where it's like the vibe changes dramatically. At some point I fell out of the map though :( Fun game otherwise, makes me hate fridges more than I already did

I liked how I found myself having to destroy and rebuild paths to alleviate traffic. Might be cool with a sort of "endless" mode where there isn't a timer on individual sources and instead the goal is to like.. maintain a certain rate of entities sent.

(1 edit)

Agreed with most of the comments, played a few rounds and at first thought it was too easy and then got overwhelmed. I played this on linux and did run into a crash too and saw your comment asking what it was so I played a couple more times to see if I could reproduce it

thread 'main' panicked at /home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/
Entity 271v4 does not exist
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Encountered a panic when applying buffers for system `recycler::trash::handle_trash_collision`!
Encountered a panic in system `bevy_app::main_schedule::Main::run_main`!

Looks like a timing edge case where an entity no longer exists but it's used in a query or something? 

Couldn't get the linux build of this working, I think some dependencies were missing. Do you happen to have the source available on github?

I use a tiling window manager, so the game launched in a smaller, wide window and then when I fullscreened it looked like this which was a little confusing before I realized what happened, haha.

Despite the ability to "cheat" in this way, I still kept losing I'm really bad at ignoring the wrong color. Neat to look at and a fun challenged but I do wish the hitbox was a tiny bit bigger. 

I liked being able to upgrade but also was confused at.. how much I can upgrade and how to place the guns so they fire? I'm not sure if I did it right, but I ended up with a big thing that still only fired one bullet at a time.

I saw your other comment about color and that's fair, but I think you could still use some different shades of gray/white/black to distinguish things. At some point I totally lost my ship in the blocks and it's also hard to tell which bullets are mine or the enemies'. Pretty neat though