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Jess Draws a Blank

A member registered Jan 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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enjoyed the graphics and the theme 

I really enjoyed the gameplay and music but one of the zombies got stuck in a door and don't think the red door made it to the build I played

I really like the detailed customization settings that effected the game play, I also had 0 sounds in my game, I prayed the browser version in chrome.

Very clever idea 

I really enjoyed reading the back story for the game but I couldn't get it to work in my browser. None of the key inputs noted on the game page were responsive.  I tried playing it on both Chrome and Firefox.

Loved the Lethal Weapon references and nice use of one of my favorite tropes 

I like the look of the sprites and the back ground was assemble nicely,  could have used some very basic free  sound effects to enhance the experience.

Love the character designs and the humor 

Thanks for playing our game! There actually is an option to to restart the level. Press p to pause and the pause menu give you the option to restart the level, visit the shop and even go back to your inventory to rebuild your deck.

I like that there was a cat.

Really enjoyed the pun title 

I loved the  Erik Satie piano.

I enjoyed the physics mechanics but the cart sprites kind of blended into the background and the hit boxes were inconsistent.   

the gameplay was humorous, If you press space and w and the same time the character will fly up in the air and eventually rise from the ground 

I felt the controls are a bit clunky but the art and animations were amazing!

The music is great 

I think the art style is top notch. When walking into the first room sometime the character will teleport to the other side of the screen  

I really enjoyed the concept and the mini games are addicting 

I loved the art.

I really enjoyed the art style and use of the theme. TV headed person is the best character in the game 

I enjoyed the character design  but the game only starter in two player mode for me, also the game crashed when I was fighting the boss.

I liked the kitties and the banter was fun but I feel like the wounds should have more effect on gameplay like drawing the shape of the wound or draw the shape on the left on the wound.

love the elf animation and sound effects 

I love the design of the character but the Level complete sound effect startled me the first time 

I like the control choice to have wasd control movement and aim and arrows for just movement. At the the end of the level the character just kind of fell out of the game.

I love the game over Jingle 

I really like the art style and the talking sound effects

I really enjoyed this game, The creature design is great. I enjoyed the old cliché of the horror game with the fixed camera angles, but I seemed to have gotten lost off camera a few times.

I enjoyed the art style and the zombies attack animations. When I tried to interact with purple ball at the bottom of the screen near spawn one of the Zombies came out of nowhere and knock me out of the map and I eternally fell into the blue abyss 

I appreciate the effort to deliberately make a boring game just for the pun 

I liked the music but the orientation on the the second level gave me motion sickness 

I really like the design and animations for the dragon 

I really enjoyed the sprite and animation but I traveled in game for about 5 minutes with out seeing a single enemy or power up 

I enjoyed the animation for the elf 

Very nice game over screen. It would be nice if you could see the range of your turrets and if the music was loop instead of having a sudden stop 

pretty fun but I wish there was a death animation or a game over screen when you lose because it took me like 3 hard cuts to the menu before I realized what was killing me 

I liked the music but an in game volume slider would be nice.

I enjoyed the art style and the walking animations.  I did encounter a few texture errors though. In the north the houses don't seem to have consistent hit boxes and the textures over lap the character and to the south the water texter was kept flashing in and out of exist stance . I played the browser version through Chrome 

Sorry should have mentioned that, yes I played on chrome