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SpeedHook! BTP JAM GAMEView game page

A Fun, Speedrunning Based platformer made for the 3rd BTP Jam
Submitted by WallJumpGames, Yazorius (@YAZORIUS), Totally (@magic_totally) — 5 hours, 24 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 73 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Really cool game! The visual and music are fantastic! I really like how you use the phasing wall as a mechanic and has lots of room to improve and expand on (I got stuck in wall quite a lot :D) . The grappling hook is a very nice mechanic and some improvement for smoother control will be awesome.

Overall, this is a super fun game  and has tons of potential! Well done!


Well isn't that good, because expand (and bugfix) is exactly what we are going to do! :D


The game looks and sounds great. Had a few problems with the colliders and got stuck in some walls but other than that it works well:)


I really enjoyed the music, but man was this hard! The way the grappling hook worked could be really frustrating on occasions, especially trying to understand how it worked in relation to passing through walls. The frequent checkpoints were really nice however, as they made me feel super accomplished every time I got to a new one, even if I didn't get much further.


The grappling is a little jank, but we are going to expand this idea, as we see potential, so we will heavily tweak grapple physics, the phase mechanic, and give a smoother difficulty curve with easier levels, so I hope you will stick around for all that.


I like the concept, the game style, the art and this music OMG is so good!! But I think you should fix this pass-through walls, it is a little bit frustrating get blocked in a wall. And maybe its just me that I am stupid but I pressed F by accident and I have to restart the whole level :_( . Maybe you can switch the full restart button to escape for example. Anyway, I really enjoy this game, I think it has A LOT of potential. Well done mates!!


The F key was a dev tool I forgot to remove, lol, and we aren't going to remove pass through walls, but we will be tweaking and changing it a lot, to eliminate this bug in future updates, as the passing through walls was a bug, but we embraced for creative level design, and it was not a thing that was easy to fix, or that I knew how too, so I added frequent checkpoints and a quick restart to prevent softlocks, which I hope helps negate the negative impact.


Don't get me wrong, I think that the pass through mechanic is a very good and original mechanic, and it gives a lot of charisma. But also it seems a pain in the butt to fix the wall block. Maybe you can apply some force field in the wall collider so it repel the character when it is touching the collider during some time or something like that. And yes, I think that the R button  helps a lot, so don't worry.


Personally, I did found the phasing mechanic interesting. Although I never quite knew if I was solving each part of level the intended way. It took me a while, but I finally figured out how to pass the final part. The art was simple but very pleasing, indeed.


Every way is the intended way (no joke, it is a game meant to incentivse speedruns, so do it by bugging out the game, I don’t really care.


Wow, It's \very fun, man. I rated it but can you explain the theme-related for me. overall I rated 4/5 because can not understand the theme. But very fun game man


It was... ahem... going to have a relation to the theme other than it’s slightly minimalist style (a golf like scoring system to incentivise speedrunning) but due to a bug, that didn’t make it in. To calculate your score, so 240,000 - your total second count (calculated by pausing at the end of the game) *1000. Reply with your score! Sorry about that bug. 


The art and music were great, and the sounds were fun. The wall phase mechanic was a little frustrating at times, but the idea seems really cool.


Thanks for the feedback. We are aware of the annoyance of the phase mechanic, which is why we are looking to remake this game in godot, and fix it's issues. Hope you'll stick around to see these updates when they come :D


I think I am way to bad for those kinf of games :D But a nice idea which makes it different :)


I really like the art and the music! the grappling hook mechanic is a bit buggy and it caused me to get stuck to a hook point. Also i had to figure out how to use the grappling hook, That took some time, a tutorial would have been nice :P


A tutorial was top of our priority's at the end of the jam. We are going to add and improve the game (including the ever-present stuck in a wall bug) so I hope you will stick around to see these updates come.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Game looks good, sounds good and is fun to play though I find it way too often that I got stuck in walls. Also the wall jump is kinda funny.


Secret game dev moment, the wall jump isn't intentional. Wall bugs are unfortunately a big issue, but not quick or easy to fix, but we are working on it for an eventual remake in godot


Really fun, fast-paced game! Thank you SO much for the check points. I died so much, haha. At first, I had no idea how to trigger the grappling hook even after reading the directions a couple times. Other people probably picked up on it faster than me, but I thought something was broken. However, when I did finally pickup on the click zone tiles, everything else mostly made sense. Phasing through walls was a funny, unexpected twist! Overall, really fun game. Good work!


Thanks for all the nice feedback. We plan to release an expanded version of it, so I hope you'll stick around for that. I like your game too.

Developer (1 edit)

If I can do it, everyone can ! ^__^
For me, being "completly stuck in a wall" in not a real bug, but a "power bad used".
The wall trick is a wonderful pause in jumps that allows to go further.
And the respawn key is perfect if the player is definitively stuck, obviously.

(the "R" respawn magic key ! I Love it ! I've used it so much ... my precious ! ^^")

PS : thanks for the comments about the music (*_*)


Thanks for the nice comments, and the nice music.


nice game, is a bit weird though, just couldn't get past a certain point. but it is nice


Was it the grapple into wall jump. Deynum found that too hard to. It is going to get easier in the remake, as wall jumping isn't properly implemented in this game, but I hope you will stick around for the updates :D


The visuals are really good, expecially the main character sprites!

Controls are a bit strange to get used though


Thank you for the feedback, we didn’t have time to polish up the controls unfortunately, I assume you are referring to the wall jump. That is a bug, but I kept it because it felt fun to pull off, if a bit finicky. We are planning or recreating the game and making the controls better, as well as fixing the ever prevolent wall bug.


The game is good, music is amazing and the mehanic is great but i could not get past that one wall there it is just a wall and the box inside of it. Yeah gotta fix that


That isn’t broken, it is just a particularly hard trick to pull off. We are going to recreate the game, and make wall jumping a grappling better, which should reduce the difficulty of that trick.


Sure im gonna folow you since id like to see the game develop :p


what a fun mechanic! But i keep getting stuck inside the same wall but overall great job


Which wall is it? The stuck inside walls bug is not a quick fix, so we couldn't fix it for the jam, but we are expanding the project.


I like this game! Great art and gameplay! Good job!


Thanka for the positivity


Awesome Idea 🧠 and Execution 🦾. Love the grappling hook mechanics. Altho I find my self quite stuck inside a wall and I don't know what to do. But I Really LOVE EM.  💖

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you! 

We are aware of this bug, but unfortunately it is not a quick fix, so we couldn't fix in time for the jam. Good to know you liked the game tho. We put checkpoints frequently as the game is hard, and to slightly negate this issue. To restart to the checkpoint , just do it by pressing R .

And also we will be making a remake . With better grappling mechanics better movement and such , so if you would like to play it when it comes , just  stay tuned! I hope you will check it out


I'm Looking forward to it 😁


Hey, really cool stuff! Loved the music, and I think a tutorial to explain what's going on would go a long way! Was really fun to swing around and play with the mechanics - well done! :D


Thanks for the feedback. A tutorial was actually top of my priorties of things to add, but, y’know, time constraints. We plan to take the game further, so I hope you will stick around to see these updates :D


Ah yes, completely understand! That sounds like a great plan, and I'm looking forward to it! :D


A little rough to get used to but the visuals were stunning and the gameplay was enjoyable!

Developer (1 edit)

Nice to know you liked it. Unfortunately a game which aims for movement depth, and is short can be rough to get into, but when we go further with project, we will try and make this curve smoother.

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