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Francium is a series of short adventure games featuring a small robot, Roboto, in a world where a megalomaniac king wants to be the last of humans. Each opus presents this original and wacky universe in a different way, both in an independent scenario and in a different graphic treatment. If some episodes follow one another, some others (like this one) can be enjoyed without having played the other games. Probably because this is an "origin" Francium that would serve as one of the first episodes to do if all the episodes were brought together.

Indeed, this Francium 0.5 is above all there to present some robots that the player will find in other episodes. The restricted places confine the hero to a landfill, for the sole purpose of being able to meet his creator, while a war rages. In this polluted environment where overproduction for the sole purpose of throwing away is the ultimate goal, humanity has little future, and Roboto will only meet robots in this adventure, whether they are prison guards, prisoners or simple robots abandoned in the dump.

This Francium is entirely in 3D, in a very successful graphic rendering. Colors, models, textures, lighting, ... the whole is neat, and helps to dive into the stifling atmosphere of this world in agony. The game is fluid, pleasant, and its gameplay is deeply intuitive (keyboard arrows to move Roboto, the mouse to interact on the elements and characters near the robot). Like any great Point & Click classic, this game offers an adventure focused on exploration, dialogues, collecting objects and using an inventory.

A few mini-games are offered, which varies the pleasures. As for the adventure, it is as always original, adorable and very interesting. Always logical and motivating, this game constantly makes you want to know more, and to advance in Roboto's quest. The integration of a game jam requirement (3 rules) is so successful that it seems impossible to design this game without it. And even if this game is the result of a game jam, it remains nonetheless a real little adventure game that is enjoyable for what it is. Here we see how much the developer knows what he is doing and how to do it best.

Remarkably, a French version is even implemented, which makes the game much more intuitive for French-speaking players. This game is therefore an excellent surprise, and offers high-quality entertainment that is worth a look. Any adventurer in need of a nice Point & Click will find in this game all the answers to their requirements. It is beautiful, original, accessible, varied, very well designed: we feel the love of things well done. Essential, therefore.

Francium est une série de courts jeux d'aventure mettant en scène un petit robot, Roboto, dans un monde où un roi mégalo veut être le dernier des humains. Chaque opus présente d'une façon différente cet univers original et loufoque, tant dans un scénario indépendant que dans un traitement graphique différent. Si certains épisodes se suivent, certains autres (comme celui-ci) s'apprécient sans avoir joué aux autres jeux. Probablement du fait qu'il s'agit là d'un Francium "origin" qui servirait d'un des premiers épisodes à faire si tous les épisodes étaient réunis.

En effet, ce Francium 0.5 est avant tout là pour présenter quelques robots que le joueur retrouvera dans d'autres épisodes. Les lieux restreints confinent le héros dans une décharge, dans le seul but de pouvoir rencontrer son créateur, alors qu'une guerre fait rage. Dans cette ambiance polluée où la surproduction dans le seul but de jeter et l'ultime but, l'humanité n'a que peu d'avenir, et Roboto ne rencontrera que des robots dans cette aventure, qu'ils soient gardiens de prison, prisonniers ou simples robots abandonnés dans la décharge.

Ce Francium est entièrement en 3D, dans un rendu graphique très réussi. Couleurs, modèles, textures, éclairages, ... l'ensemble est soigné, et aide à plonger dans l'ambiance étouffante de ce monde à l'agonie. Le jeu est fluide, agréable, et son gameplay est profondément intuitif (flèches du clavier pour bouger Roboto, la souris pour interagir sur les éléments et personnages à proximité du robot). Comme tout grand classique Point & Click, ce jeu propose une aventure axée sur l'exploration, les dialogues, la collecte d'objets et l'usage d'une inventaire.

Quelques mini-jeux sont proposés, ce qui varie les plaisirs. Quant à l'aventure, elle est comme toujours originale, adorable et très intéressante. Toujours logique et motivant, ce jeu donne constamment l'envie d'en savoir plus, et d'avancer dans la quête de Roboto. L'intégration d'un impératif de game jam (3 règles) est tellement réussie qu'il semble impossible de concevoir ce jeu sans. Et même si ce jeu est le fruit d'une gamejam, il demeure malgré tout un véritable petit jeu d'aventure appréciable pour ce qu'il est. On voit ici à quel point le développeur sait ce qu'il fait et comment le faire au mieux.

Chose remarquable, une version française est même implémentée, ce qui rend le jeu beaucoup plus intuitif pour les joueurs francophones. Ce jeu est donc une excellente surprise, et propose un divertissement de grande qualité qui mérite le détour. Tout aventurier en mal de Point & Click sympathique trouvera en ce jeu toutes les réponses à ses exigences. C'est beau, original, accessible, varié, très bien conçu : on sent l'amour des choses bien faites. Indispensables, donc.

Il était plus que justifié de se demander qui tu étais, vu que tu as un pseudo différent de celui sur PA, et qu'aucune annonce a été faite sur PA pour préciser l'intérêt de francisation. Quoi qu'il en soit, avec cette histoire je découvre un développeur de grand talent. Et français de surcroit (perso, je l'ai su en 4 clic, en lisant le "About" de son site perso). Sinon, tu as bien raison, ces jeux ont tout pour plaire à la communauté de PA. Je me délecte avec Slipman, et il me tarde de découvrir les autres productions ^_^

Le plus amusant est de proposer à un développeur français de franciser son jeu ... Mais bon, sachez que notre site Planete-Aventure est un endroit sérieux où chacun oeuvre par passion et partage. J'ai donc été surpris que les travaux réalisés par l'équipe des patcheurs soient appropriés par une personne qui n'est très probablement pas de l'équipe. Tout cela m'aura au moins permis de découvrir votre jeu ^_^

Salut à vous. Juste pour dire que je suis admin du site, et je n'ai pas (et Ghylard non plus) connaissance de ta présence, Fenri57, parmi nos traducteurs présents et actifs. Pourrais-tu m'éclairer à savoir qui tu es sensé représenter de notre équipe de traducteurs de PA ?

How can so much genius, original ideas, various puzzles, lowpoly 3D worlds and everything else this incredible game has to offer fit into 62 MB! o_o It's incomprehensible to see that. It reminds me of the endless games of the 90s on console cartridges that only took up a few KB. I would like to make the same menu, I would already have reached 60 MB. At this level, it is no longer Art, it is pure Magic! As for the game itself, it is a real feat. Fluid, beautiful, it offers a very pleasant moment of reflection with the pillars, but knows how to introduce this universe through a few more accessible puzzles. It would have been unfortunate to miss out on these ideas, and it is with pleasure that Simon leads the player into his irrefutable logic. Top! For that, just count to 3 ... 1, 2 , 10 ! o_o

A good variety of settings, enemies as numerous as ever, in a high-octane game that will remind you of a Serious Sam, with old-school graphics, in a game engine that rocks by its visual dynamism. It was hard for me to stay alive for long, but I was able to explore a good part of the places and find some nice hidden bonuses. A game in the author's style, and aimed at trigger-happy people.

What I like the most:
- the colors
- the graphic simplicity that does not take away from the visual richness
- the level design
- the general dynamism

What I liked less:
- the multitude of enemies
- their resistance to blows
- my ineptitude in this kind of games

Certainly, LILA is a difficult title, at least for players like me. But that does not spoil the pleasure of having tried, and of having tried to go as far as possible. An LSD version of the Wolfenstein classics. The pixel/voxel/3D mix works very well and brings a very original general aesthetic.

Wow! What a surprise ! so much genius in such a costly and strong experience! The difficulty is of a very high level, but nothing insurmountable, ... it is 100% perfect. If you haven't tried it yet, go for it! You will not regret it !

A lot of sweetness in this music. Calm and simplicity. Time seems to stop while the melody is played, with a nasal timbre on discreet pads. All in the intimacy of a stolen moment, like a meditative introspection. I don't know the soundfonts of "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess", but it remains to be noted that the music takes advantage of these sounds to deepen the atmosphere of old-school RPGs.

Indeed, it is a Rhodes, used as a vibraphone/bell ^_^ My music has indeed a slightly tense side, a little dark, inspired by the intense vegetation and the solitude of the human being at the center. I did my best not to fall into the marked sad, but I am not sure I managed to avoid the pitfall. Thanks anyway for your comment ^_^ PS: I like your funny nickname/avatar ^^

Sweetness and nostalgia. A meditative moment, with trip-hop percussion. Pleasant, full of poetry, beautifully orchestrated with a piano melody that stands out perfectly to make the whole thing airy. The breaks are well mastered, and highlight the piano which nevertheless loops in a minimalist way: wonderful to then find the layers of strings on which the melody comes to rest. Like a dream, a cloud of notes. Perfectly in the spirit of the photo. Bravo!

Cute, simple but offering a good sound rendering with various instruments highlighting Asian sounds. A bit of a shame that the accompaniment is so present and so little varied : some other chords would have considerably enriched the final result, offering a renewed attention. Still, what is offered here does the job.

Wow! This music is so dynamic! It's fast-paced, you can feel the danger, the obstacles, and the speed. A great way to use classic soundfonts to make something more modern.

It's hard not to think "epic" when hearing this music: the instruments, the rhythm, the melodies, everything is there to echo the great video game quests, in the medieval/Asian universe. The melodic layering is very successful and captivates the listener until the end. The woodwinds, percussion and brass represent the picture very well. One of the rare music to exceed 4 minutes, with a coherent speech that makes the time pass at full speed. Very successful

What a pleasure to hear music that reconnects with my meditative impressions of the photo: I ended up believing that I had gone off-topic. But here, you chose to stay in major, which brings an even stronger sweetness. The flute of the melody is perfect, the koto of the central variation is wonderfully used, and the musical choices inherited from the West and the East are absolutely mastered. The melody played without accompaniment at several moments of the work accentuates the meditative side, and the guitar considerably rounds off the accompaniment, like a pause where a whole group meets after a difficult quest, to regain strength. Excellent

An anguished, threatening atmosphere in each of the sounds and melodies. The imperturbable cyclical percussive side creates a hypnotic effect, and even if the whole thing remains very simple, until the end where the grave melody finally breaks free from its straitjacket before the rhythm fades out, the music remains effective and perfectly pays homage to the metroidvania genre.

An original way to appropriate the sounds of an old RPG game to make another so different : the result is surprising, but works super well. The timbres are very well chosen, the melody is catchy and very well constructed. All this music is the work of a good understanding of what is done, and a mastered taste for music between classic Japanese RPG and more recent and independent games (like Undertale). A success.

Growing from the criticism of the previous OST, this one remains pleasant, jovial, simplistic and cute as desired, while benefiting from a greater timbral richness which allows to differentiate well all the short music. The sound rendering is successful and allows to dive directly into an adorable RPG where everything leads to have fun and smile.

How strange! The sounds, the atmosphere, the harmonic staticity, and the polytonal of the melodies that seem to live their own life ... if the first impact is to remain stunned by so many disconcerting choices, on the second listen, we say to ourselves that finally, it is less difficult to grasp than we thought. The main melody ends up entering the head, and all the instruments as bizarre as it is become a personal touch with an original discourse, as if coming from a meditative improvisation. Why not. We just wonder what will end up coming out of the lake.

This is surprising (in a good way): you don't expect such sounds. Sometimes a little difficult to understand where the music wants to go (especially in the melody: the best way to know if the theme is "fonctional" is to be able to sing it from memory after two listens), but it remains perfectly in the style of a good bossa. Funny thing, the building seems, under this music, to become a store where you can buy fishing equipment and some potions to continue your quest. Which shows that the music has a considerable impact on the image: where I made a nostalgic atmosphere close to sad static, you brought a touch of dynamism and joy. And it works very well !

Very fun to see how the work evolves as the theme repeats itself. Surprising and original. The theme is catchy, with an Undertale vibe. A successful personal way to participate in the jam by participating in both topics at once.

A little sweetness accentuated by the charming instrumental choice that I can only agree with ^_^ The very positive, slightly naive atmosphere gives this music an impact of great sweetness. A few slightly more daring chords reinforce the relaxing side of the rest. The end unfortunately remains rather abrupt, and would have deserved a more brought conclusion, or even a re-exposure of the opening theme, for a coherent listening. The work remains pleasant and sympathetic, which can be listened to without weariness several times in a row.

This music represents so well the atmosphere of a break near a stretch of water, why not go fishing or sit on a bench to regain strength. The atmosphere is very positive, and even if some dissonances surprise by their presence, the whole remains as accessible to listen to as it is effective in its role as sound clothing.

Cute, light, very minimalist, but does the job perfectly. A complete OST, with a chill vibe, totally in the spirit of what is expected.

Multicultural style, yes. Thanks for listening. I'm happy you liked it ^_^

Thanks for your nice words ^_^

(1 edit)

Excellent stealth game , with many perfectly implemented mechanics. The levels are well built, the gameplay meets all the expectations of this type of demanding game. It's not always easy to escape the guards or other imperatives to continue the adventure, but what satisfaction when you succeed! On the other hand, I didn't find how to save, which means that when I quit, I had to do everything again ^^ The most impressive point of this game is obvisouly the artistic field, especially the graphics which are a pure marvel. The animations, the sets, the lighting, ... it's MAGISTRAL!  Even if I'm not very good at this type of game, I had a great time on this game that I highly recommend.


Excellent jeu d'infiltration, avec de nombreuses mécaniques parfaitement implémentées. Les niveaux sont bien construits, le gameplay répond à toutes les attentes de ce type de jeu exigeant. Pas toujours simple d'échapper aux gardes ou autres impératifs pour continuer l'aventure, mais quelle satisfaction quand on y parvient ! Par contre, je n'ai pas trouvé comment sauvegarder, ce qui fait que lorsque j'ai quitté, j'ai dû tout recommencer ^^ Le point le plus impressionnant de ce jeu est évidemment le domaine artistique, notamment les graphismes qui sont une pure merveille. Les animations, les décors, les éclairages, ... c'est MAGISTRAL ! Même si je ne suis pas très doué dans ce type de jeu, j'ai passé un très bon moment sur ce jeu que je recommande vivement.

Played it  !  We can feed the goat with bacon , so it was fun.  I prefer being the goat than being the prince : cutest !    I specially like to not die in a game, and it's impossible to die in yours,   so I like your game. ^_^ Thanks for sharing !

Clearly, it is a very original game, very well executed, and which impresses enormously with its ability to adapt its text added to that of the player. What to say when the voice starts to read the text ! Wow ! The atmosphere is beautiful, the background of the story is sad, but the game makes you smile, and according to the stories told (personally, a story of a little girl who wants to learn to fly with her friends the fairies, and who collects every day her farts in a bottle so that it flies away and takes her into the clouds), it's purely epic to hear the words read with such seriousness. This is a very nice discovery. Bravo for the intelligent use of AI, and for having done this little wonder so quickly and alone. Probably one of the favorite projects from GGJ2024, because it combines the poetry of the story setting (as well as well-chosen images and music), effective interactivity, while offering a result that depends on the quality of the player's participation. A success, quite simply. WELL DONE !

Thank you for the comment ! It's an honor to receive such a positive review from a developer like you. This short Puzzle game does indeed offer a certain challenge in the end, but I hope that the early stages of the game will allow the majority of players to understand the workings of this puzzle and reach the end. My first project to use the help of Artificial Intelligence for graphics: there are strengths and weaknesses in these renderings, but it was very instructive to use them. A fun way to play with a cube: definitely, this shape, one of the simplest in existence, remains an inexhaustible source of imagination!

Without Threepwang's considerable help, I would never have been able to come up with such an addition. His work as a translator, extremely involved in the project, allows this version of the game to be accessible in its best way to all the many Chinese speakers. A chance to introduce this game, and perhaps even all of the Black Cube games to all these players.

Thank you for this glowing comment ^_^ I'm glad you liked this game. I did my best to pay homage to the wonders you created. It is true that the beginning of the adventure is not easy, because we are overwhelmed by all the clues at once, and it is a little difficult to understand which one to use and how. But as you said, once the adventure begins, everything gradually settles down without posing any more problems. Thus, the Colors/Letters/CubeShape are indeed the start of a succession of moments of reflection which, I hope, will please fans of your excellent series of adventure games.

Thanks to Simon for his advice: by installing the game with WinXPSp2 compatibility and Administrator mode, everything went well and I was able to launch the game as is. As a result, I was able to appreciate this particularly strange game, with its logic dedicated to the movements of the knight in chess. I really appreciated the numerous references to Simon's games (and not just the Black Cubes games), as well as the general atmosphere, the final enigma, ... I'm glad to have insisted on your advice. A great way to appropriate the concept of the cube, in order to offer a little game that deserves to be discovered. Thank you for this quality entertainment ^_^