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Tailor Tales

Romance hot guys and create your own clothes. · By Celianna

Tailor Tales beta 1.2 feedback Locked

A topic by Celianna created May 22, 2017 Views: 3,604 Replies: 66
This topic was locked by Celianna Aug 09, 2017
Viewing posts 1 to 29
Developer (4 edits)

The official feedback thread!

Have anything to comment on?  Just want to voice your own thoughts? Suggestions on any additions to the clothing system, such as hair items, hairstyles, skirts etc. post your feedback here!

Questions for beta 1.2:

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?
2. How many fierce and kind points did you score for Neil?
3. How long did it take you to finish Neil's first 20 chapters?
4. What are your thoughts on Dimitri? And his voice?
5. How long did it take you to finish Dimitri's first 3 chapters?
6. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri?
7. What's your favourite CG?
8. What's your favourite chapter or scene?
9. Which part made you actually feel happy/angry/flustered?
10. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?
11. Even though Neil and Dimitri are the only two available options right now, who else are you interested in?
12. Overall comments about the game? Art? Writing? You name it!

You and your damn cliffhangers xD I can't believe I need to wait a few weeks (most likely) for a new beta *hits my head against the wall* But I gotta admit, you sure know how to create drama :D That last chapter made me completely speechless. I wonder just how much more Neil can put his foot into his mouth? He's like one big walking contradiction.

And oh! I've noticed a small issue - starting from chapter 14, whenever Sarah or Angela say the heroines name, they use the default name and not the one chosen by me. At first I thought it was a small mistake in chapter 14 only, but I also saw it in chapter 18. I do believe it only appears when Sarah or Angela say it (haven't noticed it in Neil).

I do love Neil more than before now (even if he is such an asshole - and I honestly had no idea a guy can be even bigger asshole than before :D ) and I can't wait for your next release of his route *thumbs up*

Developer (1 edit)

Well hey, at least it wasn't an even bigger cliffhanger like chapter 12 was! I stopped at chapter 18 because chapter 19 will require me to draw a lot of new things (4 new backgrounds, 2 new characters ...), so that will take a bit to finish up.

Thank you for pointing out some instances where the default name was left in. These will be fixed in the next beta.

Have you gotten the chance to play Dimitri yet?

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

I personally wasn't fond of Neil to begin but I've found myself really enjoying his route! I love argumentative relationships and bickering so there's that and I think the masque was an interesting twist and a fun way to spin the relationship and added a lot to the way they interact in chapters 13 and on.  His route is a little frustrating considering all the back and forth but I enjoy the drama and  the romantic moments are enough to keep me interested in what happens next. By the end of chapter 18 I think I've really come to love his route (although, as user Reiyane said, curse cliffhangers aha).

2. What are your thoughts on Dimitri's first two chapters? Do you want to read more?

I enjoyed reading about Joselina's time spent with Dimitri and found that even in only a short two chapters I left his route already very fond of him. The fact that Joselina was dating his brother does largely complicate my feelings toward his route but Dimitri on his own is a lovely character. I'm also very interested to see if he had anything to do with the reveal at the end of the second chapter.

3. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri? Or perhaps Alex?

Just going by first impressions my favorite character is Dimitri but overall I've warmed enough to Neil to consider him my favorite so far.

4. What's your favourite CG?

My favorite CG is probably Neil's first CG. It's such a silly but endearing moment in his route that kind of solidified the moment I started to appreciate his character as someone other than just a big ol' jerk.

5. What's your favourite chapter or scene?

My favorite chapter by far was the masquerade because it was such an interesting one, visually and from a story perspective. The setting, character designs, and interactions with Neil were all very enchanting and romantic.

6. Which part was the most romantic to you?

Same as above!

7. Out of all of the side characters, is there anyone you would want as a date option?

Probably Sarah? She's such a fun, spunky character and such a wonderful friend and her relationship with Joselina is just too sweet.

8. Did you at any point get stuck on a loading screen?

Not once!

9. Were you able to create clothing using the “Design” button?

Yes! I had no difficulties with the design feature.

10. Did you encounter any bugs while designing?

None I noticed.

11. Were you able to dress up your avatar using the “Outfit” button?


12. Was everything easy to use, or were the menus too complicated?

I found the UI very clean and easy to navigate. Being able to scroll wheel through design menus was a nice touch! The only issues I had were with the naming screen? It seemed a little odd to backspace using right click but considering it's such a brief moment it isn't a big deal.

13. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

The story but I really enjoyed creating clothes and hope to explore the menus a bit more in the near future. I hope we'll have some story ties to the design system beyond just earning money, though? I think having to make chapter specific outfits or something like that would be a nice touch but definitely not necessary. I imagine making customer clothing will be fun in it's own right!

14. Most importantly, did you enjoy the game? :D

Absolutely! I had a great time in exploring the new features and really loved reading the new chapters!


Thank you for your thorough feedback!

The menu for inputting your name is awkward, I won't deny it. It's the default settings that came with the engine, I will see if I can find one that's more intuitive and uses your keyboard. I'm still going to re-haul the intro and character creation anyway, but that's stuff I can always work on later.

I'm glad Neil grew on you. He grew on me, too. He's not my favourite character to write, and he's only the first bachelor because he won the popular vote. People wanted the jerk character haha. I tried to give him some redeeming features (the first CG is my favourite moment of his!), as well as being able to bicker with him and call him out on things - I don't think I could stand him if this weren't the case. After chapter 20 Neil will mellow out and there won't be much back and forth going on anymore to frustrate you further. So stay tuned!

Dimitri on the other hand is adorable and his route is fun to write. I'm guessing you have some issues with going after a guy that's your ex's little brother. I've had someone else comment this made them uncomfortable as well. Personally, I think it's a great trope to use - plus it happens in real life all of the time as well. Not to mention the complications that arise from it, I'm excited to write about the conflict. Also, he's got some great moments with Sarah in his route, she'll definitely be more present here than in Neil's.

Got any suggestions on what you like to see in the clothing system? Perhaps a certain hairstyle, some really cute shoes etc.

Of course, aha. I feel kind of silly typing it all out but I hope my feedback in any way assists!

That's totally reasonable! For now I'd consider it largely an after-thought but other than that I found the UI to be very easy to interact with.

Jerk characters seem to often be a hit with readers and not with their writers! That said I definitely wouldn't enjoy his route as much as I did without the ability to match his bickering. I think the bickering, at times, is very endearing it just frustrates me to see him jumping back and forth between affectionate and dismissive -- which is an understandable character trait considering his situation. I look forward to seeing him less guarded in the future!

I'll admit dating an ex's little brother is a kind of uncomfortable idea for me. Still, I think getting past that is something I won't be alone in facing, since along the route I imagine Joselina will also have some complicated feelings on the matter. I think it's a great way to draw up conflict around the relationship, though, and am definitely not adverse to exploring his route because of it. And, of course, I'm happy to see more of Sarah!

My suggestions for adding to the design and outfit categories are honestly just things I'm personally fond of. I really gravitate towards large sweaters and cardigans, blazers and jackets in general, crop tops, high-waisted bottoms, and combat boots but that's all personal taste. I'd also really love to see an a-line bob hair style on the longer side as an option for hair just because it happens to be my favorite style. Other than that nothing comes immediately to mind, I'm afraid!


Found one, in the next beta you should be able to use your keyboard when typing in a name :)

As for Dimitri's route, definitely Joselina will struggle with this as well, and it's an underlying theme in his story (every bachelor has its own underlying theme). Also, his route is probably the sweetest cavity inducing one among them all, he's a real sweetheart. I really want to hurry up and finish his script, but I'm only 18k words in! I want every route to be around 60k words at least.

And thank you for the clothing suggestions, I'll keep them in mind. I was actually working on drawing a bob hairstyle just now.

I'm glad to be able to type freely! Thank you for finding a solution, and so quickly!

After the cake scene and learning his mother is a pastry chef I fully associate Dimitri in all his adorable glory with confectioneries. Probably a cinnamon role, to adopt the trope.  Honestly all the progress you make in short intervals amazes me, already having about a third of his route  scripted is honestly awing. I'm definitely excited to have such foil characters as the Beta Bachelors: being able to break up Neil's route with a character as precious as Dimitri is refreshing, to say the least!


I definitely needed to write someone sweet after writing a jerk, hah. Plus, I know Neil is not everyone's cup of tea! So adding someone who's basically the opposite of him was a wise idea.

Great game, I can't wait for more chapters!


I wish I could work faster and just bring out all of the chapters, hah.

(1 edit)

OKAY!!! (this time, I made sure to not accidentally read the questions XD)

  1) oh, HELL'S YES, I am enjoying this route.   he's still such an adorkable tsundere!
  2) upon discovering I'm dating his older brother, I was like. oh... shit. this guys is gonna turn out to be a dick,
ok, now.... I'm not exactly sure why (dunno if this is somewhat of a normal reaction or not), but when I learned of Dimitri's age, a part of me screamed out, "OH, GOD, I'M GONNA BE A PEDOPHILE..."  XD  HELLS YES, I WANT TO READ MORE. (please make him at least 18 before any romancing weirds me out a bit... and I'm not even completely sure of why..)
  3) NEIL. definitely Neil.  (or Alex if he wasn't a cheating dickwad.)
  4) you even need to ask that? #snoggingwithneil  (snogging is just British speak for making out)
  5)it's a bit of a toss up between teasing Neil to bits over the whole, 'childhood hero thing' and that glorious snogging on her boutique counter
  6) hmm, maybe the bits before the argument that leads to the snogging.
  7) uh, of the ones I've met...I would say Alex, but again...he's a cheating dick, so....yeah, Imma pass on that. 
  8) nope.
  9) yup.
10) yes.  the rainbow has a weird line though it. also when creating the character, you only have the first two hair styles available
11) yup.but it didn't change the CG much though
12) it was quite easy
13) story, but I did

Developer (1 edit)

Don't worry, Dimitri will be 19/20 starting at chapter 3, and he'll be attending college as well! The first two chapters are really just the prologue, settings things up.

Also, I'm kinda sad Alex is a cheating bastard, I really like his design as well! Who knows, maybe alternative realities where he doesn't cheat? Hah.

I'm glad you seem to enjoy teasing Neil mercilessly whenever possible! I should have just called the routes "sadist" versus "masochist". The kissing CG was a lot of fun to make. BTW don't follow my twitter unless you want to be spoiled to back and hell about the game.

Thank you for pointing out the rainbow pattern still isn't fixed. I had the correct image set up, but simply forgot to add it to the game, silly me. The rest is working as intended though: you only get a few limited options when creating your character for the first time - and your skin colour, hair colour and eyecolour will affect CGs. Dressing up your avatar after the character creation does not influence CGs. I'm sorry, I think I would die having to draw Joselina in a million combinations for each CG. I had to limit it.

Remember; you're in God Mode in this beta, these options wouldn't be available to you if you were playing the game for real :)

Also, in case you were confused that everything was being rainbowy - the rainbow pattern covers everything, so you cannot see the original colour underneath it. If you want to see your sleeves for example with its original colour, you first have to remove the pattern (scroll to the top to remove it).

oh my god...I've created something horribly amazing.

this is what Orihime  would look like if she painted her face to look like Ulquiorra.  XD's so cringey, but so hilarious

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?
I was... wary, at first. Things are certainly getting interesting right now. I can't say I hate him right now, but I don't exactly like him. >.>
2. What are your thoughts on Dimitri's first two chapters? Do you want to read more?
He seems interesting, so yes I'd like to read more.
3. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri? Or perhaps Alex?
Dimitri seems interesting, but we haven't seen much of him yet, so I haven't really formed a huge opinion yet.I know more about Neil, but as I said, I don't exactly like him. His story's interesting, though. Alex is just a straight up a**, so absolutely not him. If he was nicer, then perhaps.
4. What's your favourite CG?
When the mask comes off. The blush is adorable, even if I'm not super into him.
5. What's your favourite chapter or scene?
Ooh, this is a difficult one. I'd say the scene with the mirrors at the masquerade. It was cute~
6. Which part was the most romantic to you?
Oooh, again, difficult.... the most romantic part, I think, was probably the dance at the masquerade. I'm more of a sweet romantic.
7. Out of all of the side characters, is there anyone you would want as a date option?
I'd like to date Sarah, she's so enthusiastic and supportive... but Angela's cute, supportive as well, seems to be in a kinda rough spot with her family, and also rich.
8. Did you at any point get stuck on a loading screen? 
9. Were you able to create clothing using the “Design” button?
10. Did you encounter any bugs while designing? 
Not that I recall, no.
11. Were you able to dress up your avatar using the “Outfit” button? 
12. Was everything easy to use, or were the menus too complicated? 
I would have preferred a less complex name-entering system, using the keyboard would be nice. Otherwise, everything else was great!
13. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?
Why not all 3? :D Okay but I'm a sucker for stories(it's how I found this) but I ALSO have to say that I loved just creating clothes too. Reminded me of all those doll dress-up games I used to play online. Good times.
14. Most importantly, did you enjoy the game? :D
Yes! :D


Well, not everyone will like Neil - it's a total preference, you know. Especially with these type of games, everyone has their preferred type. My preferred type is totally Aiden and Caine, definitely not Neil. Which one do you think you'd like, based on their brief summaries? :)

But hey, even though you don't like Neil, I'm glad you're still able to enjoy yourself reading through his route.

I can totally see a romantic route with Angela - there'd be so much melodrama though haha. She's an awesome character, I love writing her. She's definitely important in Neil's route, you'll find out soon in the next few chapters.

And same, I played a few dress-up games as well. Mostly what inspired Tailor Tales was the ability to create clothing in the game Animal Crossing. I really liked the idea of wearing your own designs, and dressing up in different outfits has always been fun to me in any game, so I went with it!

Thank you for your feedback, and the nice screenshots :)

Hmm, from the brief summaries and what I know, in order, I think I like Aiden/Sam-James-Caine/Dimitri-Neil? That may change depending on the stories though~

Angela would be so much fun to romance I think! She's so lovely and her humour is great <3 I can't wait to see more of her in Neil's route, haha!

(1 edit)

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

Much like the other posters, Neil starts of abrasive , rude and highly unpleasant. The Masquerade was a very nice touch, and gave us a taste of the other side of him. I liked the emotional punch that perhaps the main character shouldn't have been fighting back, but at the same time if she didn't, he might not have respected her as much as he does. I am reminded of Pride and Prejudice - was that your intention?
It is logical that the two of them fire up each other's loins - the description was pretty steamy *sagely nod*

I don't hate him, but I don't like him either, but I am interested to see where the two of them end up. I'm glad you decided to change the hair colour though. When I finished his chapters, I was apparently equally fierce and kind and I felt that was reflective of the relationship.

2. What are your thoughts on Dimitri's first two chapters? Do you want to read more?

I am somewhat disappointed that Dimitri is so young, being a somewhat older player. I like geeky guys - yes, the Charisma, Strength and Intelligence t shirt was awesome! I agree with the other posters that it feels weird pursuing your soon-to-be ex boyfriends younger brother. Perhaps if Dimitri found some independence away from his family before starting a relationship with the MC or is inspired to find his own independence thanks to her... Then the two of them go their own path and occasionally run into Alex who tries to seduce her away from his brother or something.  Just a thought.
I would like to see more, he's the kind of guy I like.

3. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri? Or perhaps Alex?

Neil is a complex character, Dimitri hasn't been fully fleshed out yet. Alex is a jerk and I would like to see him in serious trouble. No favourites yet.

4. What's your favourite CG?

I'm going to parrot the others and say that the first CG with Neil trying to hide behind his laptop. That was really funny and very appropriate for someone of his age and his experience.

I will state that I am disappointed that we never saw the dress she wore to the masquerade though.

5. What's your favourite chapter or scene?

I liked the scenes with Angela in it. She's such a fun character!

6. Which part was the most romantic to you?

I didn't find any part particularly romantic as of yet, but I am a bit hardened. Steamy however? Yes.

7. Out of all of the side characters, is there anyone you would want as a date option?

None at this time.

8. Did you at any point get stuck on a loading screen?


9. Were you able to create clothing using the “Design” button?

Yes, I wish the clothes had more texture and the colours weren't so bright, my first outfit was a pink-magenta and yellow 60s dress because everything was so bright! Looked great though XD

10. Did you encounter any bugs while designing?

Not that I noticed, but it took me a while to figure out how to use details - mainly due to my impatience during the tutorial.

11. Were you able to dress up your avatar using the “Outfit” button?

Yes, that was great! thanks. We can layer different outfits, which would create an interesting look.

12. Was everything easy to use, or were the menus too complicated?

Menu was fine.

13. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

I would enjoy creating clothes more if I had more textures and if colours were more matte than shiny.
I loved dressing the avatar in my creations
The story is well written and kept me engaged the entire time.

14. Most importantly, did you enjoy the game? :D

Yes! i look forward to further development. Do you take donations? ^_^


Wait, wait - firstly, there's 80 colours in the game, and currently 30 patterns :o these are not to your liking? By the way, you can take screenshots of your avatar by going into Outfit, and clicking the camera icon in the top left. The screenshots should save in your www > Screenshots folder.

Linking Pride And Prejudice to Neil's route, I guess that's one way to look at it! Neil is born from a stereotype; the tsundere. It's probably the most popular guy in otome games. While I enjoy them as well, the one thing I hate about them is ... the MC never fights back. She gets emotionally abused and tossed around and just sits there letting things happen. I wanted my MC to grow a spine and fight back - put him in his place, so to speak. Which of course, led to the revelation that maybe, she's sometimes as bad as him, indulging him with his bickering.

I'm pretty surprised you got equally fierce and kind! Mostly people lean one way or another.

I did contemplate drawing the third CG with the MC and her dress as they danced together - but on the other hand, I felt like the reveal was a much major point, and it would have kind of been spoiled by the "hey here's a CG of the man you don't know is Neil yet". On the other hand, the dress will be an item you have to wear to be able to proceed and read the chapter in the future! There will be 'dress checkpoints' so to speak.

As for Dimitri being young - he'll be 19 starting chapter 3, and during his route will turn 20. The MC is 23. It's a conflict of interest, as well as being the brother of your ex. Personally, the script is lots of fun to write! And your suggestion is on par of what I have planned for him haha. Well, spoilers for chapter 3 here: Dimitri is looking for a place to live without relying on his family, and ends up living with the MC.

Either way, glad you enjoyed yourself! As for donations, I am thinking about maybe setting up some paid DLC (exclusive clothes and whatnot) so that people can donate and support me if they want, whereas still staying a free game.

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

My first reaction was UGH. I thought no amount of cute childhood flashbacks could help but… I surprisingly like being adored as a childhood hero LOL. I can’t exactly say he’s my type, but his route is such rollercoaster of like/dislike, so I’d say I’m enjoying his route :D The masquerade twist got me good even though I should’ve seen it coming a mile away! (And plus the kissing got me flustered pretty well haha. I really like that the MC could take the initiative and kiss him first! It was really cute to see him flustered.)

2. What are your thoughts on Dimitri's first two chapters? Do you want to read more?

HE’S EXACTLY MY TYPE…….. I mean I know he grows up and might change a bit, but like… cute blushing younger boy with drama brewing because you dated his older brother?? Sign me up.

3. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri? Or perhaps Alex?

Hahaha, oh Alex. With the way ch2 ended I have no sympathy for him. My fav’s Dimitri so far!

4. What's your favourite CG?

Neil’s first CG where he’s trying to cram his body behind his laptop. It’s such a childish thing to do & I ended up laughing for a goods few minutes.

5. What's your favourite chapter or scene?

For Niel it’d be the flirtation they had at the ball. There was a part of me slowly realising it was him going ‘noooooo’ and the other half going 'yessss!'

For Dimitri it was the chp1’s rain scene :D It was so nice to see the MC take the initiative and have him be a blushing dork haha

6. Which part was the most romantic to you?

The part where Alex ditches you to get laid (shgfajshfg sorry I’m still bitter lmao)

Probably the meeting at the ball. I didn’t even realise it was Niel, so seeing this new guys personality contrast with his just made me think he was such a gent & reinforced the fairytale atmosphere. Then I felt sad because he was probably going to be an unromaceable side character (LOL)

7. Out of all of the side characters, is there anyone you would want as a date option?

Part of me wants to date Angela, but the other half is like ‘she’s a hot drunk mess maybe not'

8. Did you at any point get stuck on a loading screen? 


9. Were you able to create clothing using the “Design” button?


10. Did you encounter any bugs while designing? 

Not exactly a bug, but the game closed randomly for about half an hour. I’m pretty sure it’s my ancient windows computer to blame though.

11. Were you able to dress up your avatar using the “Outfit” button? 


12. Was everything easy to use, or were the menus too complicated? 

No, everything was pretty simple.

13. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

For me, I really like the story, but creating the clothes tied into that too! I was so fired up to make a stunning dress for the ball so I spent ages trying to make it look good :D

14. Most importantly, did you enjoy the game? :D

Yes!!! :D


Thank you for playing!

Neil is not everyone's cup of tea - especially the back and forth on his part - but I'm glad you seem to be enjoying his route nonetheless. Funny you thought he was an unromanceable side character haha. Now that you know it's Neil, do you feel conflicted? :p

Aww, you're the first to be completely into Dimitri's route! Most people have some issue with either the age gap, or the fact he's the brother of your ex. Me, I'm enjoying the potential drama and conflict, and I hope Dimitri can win over people's hearts. He's so adorable and precious. There need to be more guys in otome games that are younger than the MC, but aren't all 'more mature' than her, or trying to 'teach her' something since she's obviously less intelligent. Can't we just have an adorable cute guy that doesn't look like a kid? Hah.

As for the game closing - did it crash while you were playing and do you remember what you were doing when it happened? And did it take a long time for the game to boot up again? Although the loading may have to do with your PC not being optimized for the game (sorry, lots of images to load).

(1 edit)

Yup, I was definitely the wrong genre-savvy for that scene :’D I feel super conflicted! It gave an insight of how the two could’ve acted if they weren’t at each other’s throats all the time so I don’t really hold it against him from keeping his identity from her. I also like how the MC realised it is kinda both their faults but at the same time... it’s really hard to let go of the instinctive ‘snap back’ reaction when he’s a jerk. (But then reflecting on that it makes it seem kinda childish, like kids who go ‘he started it first!’ so I ended up picking more kinder options as the chapters went by haha)

Aw, I hope he has more admirers soon! Different strokes for different folks I guess. :P There are loads of games where the LIs is like, 10ys+ than the MC so his age doesn’t really bother me haha. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   But yes, I feel exactly the same! Most younger guys in otome tend to  be the koakuma type & tease the MC bc she’s oblivious, so it’s just nice to see Dimitri just be so refreshingly innocent and cute whilst having the MC lead along haha. Just a quick question though - does he ever wear his glasses after the time skip?  (I mean if he doesn't that's okay but... I think he's kinda cute with them on :'D)

Haha, no worries, it closed pretty early on, just before I could advance onto chp2. After I reset my computer it was fine (I’m 99.9% it’s just my old computer tho;;)


Aww, you picked the nicer options for him haha. I would always suggest experiencing both choices whenever you can (by saving). Most of the time, the scene isn't impacted much, just slightly different dialogue - but sometimes different information is shared, or different actions are performed. For example, in chapter 16, you can choose to chew him out, or accept that you could have been nicer. The first choice gets both Neil and the MC all riled up, the second one Neil apologizes again and he gives some sort of explanation to his behaviour.

Koakuma? I had no idea it had a term, but ... of course it has a name. It's a reoccurring trope (I'm no fan haha). I don't think there's many types in otome games where the MC can actually tease the guy, it's pretty rare.

Dimitri will still have moments where he's wearing his glasses (mostly at night). I have one really hot CG planned for him with his glasses on ... :D

Actually I just realized all of my CGs of Neil are basically him being caught of guard, and Dimitri gets all of the ... aherm ... steamier ones. I think this is a reflection of my own tastes ahaha.

Alright, so you were simply playing the game and it closed on you - I think that may have to be your PC as well. I really hope you'll be able to play future installments, as each update will get progressively heavier on RAM.

I'll give it a re-run once I have some free time~ :D
But yay! \o/ The glasses make a re-appearance haha. I feel like it's a case of gap moe maybe, but I'm not complaining, our tastes seem to be the same.
I've bootcamped my mac, & it's a lot speedier than my old desktop I used before, so hopefully the game should run normally even when it updates.


Probably a bit of gap moe - simply catching them in a different light. I think everyone enjoys it when characters act different than what they're used to because of something you did. Making the stoic turn not so stoic is always fun!

If you're into the glasses trope, Caine wears them every now and then as well, not as often though since he thinks he looks lame in them.

And ah, if you own a Mac, I'm hoping to release a Mac version sometime. I need a friend's help with this though, and currently she seems busy with other projects, so I don't have an ETA.

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?
2. What are your thoughts on Dimitri's first two chapters? Do you want to read more?
3. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri? Or perhaps Alex?
4. What's your favourite CG?
5. What's your favourite chapter or scene?
6. Which part was the most romantic to you?
7. Out of all of the side characters, is there anyone you would want as a date option?
8. Did you at any point get stuck on a loading screen? 
9. Were you able to create clothing using the “Design” button? 
10. Did you encounter any bugs while designing? 
11. Were you able to dress up your avatar using the “Outfit” button? 
12. Was everything easy to use, or were the menus too complicated? 
13. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?
14. Most importantly, did you enjoy the game? :D

First answer incoming ;p I actually loved Neil since his first appeareance in the game. I dont know, but even though i really can't stand kids (not even in games lol) i kinda fell in love with the dirty Kiddo with his cute violet hairstyle. As i continued playing, i just started to love him even more, since arguing with him is kinda funny and the reactions i could chose from were exactly the same as mine in reallife. Best boy ever haha

Second, i have to be honest and say, that i didn't want to play Dimitris Route yet, since i'm pretty sure that it ends with a cliffhanger and my mind doesn't want to explode yet ;-; When there r more chapters, i'm pretty sure i wont be able to hold myself back anymore, but now i prefer waiting till the story continues a bit further.

As i mentioned before, i haven't played Dimitris Route yet, but since i read the character profiles i assume that Neil's still my favourite :)

My faviourite CG was, obviously, !SPOILER! the one with the making out on the counter, lol. The perverted side of my mind awakened at this scene, and the CG was just perfect. But i also loved the CG where !SPOILER! Neil is sitting in the cafe and tries to hide from our main protagonist behind his laptop. In general, i think your art is fantastic. Everything looks perfect to me, the lightening, the coloring and the way you drew the characters faces. At first, since this is a free VN, i expected not much, but as i started playing i began to understand how great everything is lol.

Well, as mentioned, the counter and the cafe scene ;)

I guess the whole progress of their relationship is kinda romantic, even if they're mostly fighting with each other. But i loved the !SPOILER!  first-kiss-scene at the ball since beside their passionate kiss the atmosphere was really cute.

Nah, since the only side characters i've got to know so far are Sarah and Neils Sis and i'm not really into GxG VNs :)

No, i didn't have any problems with loading screens.

Yeah, it worked out for me.

No, i didn't encounter bugs :)

Yeah, i was able to do that.

I thought it was pretty easy, if u got the principle once.

Hard choice, huh. I guess one of the many facts i'm pretty fond of the game is because it's unique. I played countless VN's but i never played one as yours. The clothing-stuff made the game felt less like a simple VN but more like a really professional game with more than just the mechanics of a VN as a base.

'Course i did ;) Im already excited for the updated Beta Version


komae :)


I dislike children in my games as well - mostly because they try to shoehorn in the "oh he's so good with kids, that's romantic!" and to someone childfree like myself, it does nothing for me, hah.  That said, most, if not all, bachelors will start with them as kids or teenagers. I will always try to give them some rapport with each other before the story begins and the MC opens up her boutique.

Happy to see you enjoy Neil's route though, and that you liked the choices you were given :) I enjoy teasing my guys in otome games, so I try to include such options as much as I can.

Dimitri's first two chapters does end up with a cliffhanger! So if you can't wait, don't read it. The next beta should hopefully also include a couple of new chapters for him, but I'll mostly be focusing on wrapping up Neil's story, which requires quite a few new sprites and lots of CGs. Currently drawing his father's sprite, actually!

And aw, thank you for the compliment. I know it's free, but I've never slacked off - I want to provide people with an enjoyable romance, with a dash of dress-up (also, I am considering a Kickstarter so I can do this fulltime). Tailor Tales has been 8 years in the making, since back then, English otome games were unheard of, and I wanted to make one for free so that everyone could enjoy otome games. Of course, making a game on your own is hard! This is the third revision of the game.

Previous versions were based more on Harvest Moon, where you were free to walk around and talk to NPCs living in your town, and you'd be collecting items to craft for your tailoring needs. Here's an in-game screenshot. I scrapped it eventually because creating NPC schedules was too exhausting, and I couldn't make the romance follow a chronological storyline that made sense. The cast has changed 3 times, with the only surviving members being Joselina (the MC) and James. Although Bill (the redhead in that screenshot) will make an appearance in James' route.

I eventually decided to turn it into a visual novel instead, with a more complex tailoring system.

Anyways, thank you for playing and your feedback!

Deleted 1 year ago
Developer (1 edit)

I'm so sorry to hear that you're crashing! Unfortunately, I don't think I can actually fix this, as you're crashing during the normal story parts of the game, which are the least resource intensive parts, then I think your computer doesn't have the requirements to run it perfectly :( Can you do me a favour and hit F2 while you play the game and let me know your FPS? It should run at 50-60 FPS, but anything lower and it means the game is too taxing on your computer.

If you hold down your mouse button/spacebar, you can speed up the scenes until you come across the next choice. I will keep my eyes open about any possible 'skip' functions that people may release, but at the moment, this will not be an option.

I will add a load button to the game in the next beta though. Currently you can only load when you first start up the game, as it's mostly meant to be played as having one single save file. Tailor Tales is not like most VNs where you save right before a choice, as this might screw you over or put you on a different path. I wanted to avoid this kind of 'gameplay', so the two different endings are really easily achieved - pick the first choice for the first ending, and the second choice for the second ending. Choices only change a bit of dialogue, sometimes a little bit more, but they don't divert the route into a different path unless the ending is near.

During story mode, you're locked out of the menu, but I will keep an eye out like I said before, for any scripts that allow me to add these options (I would prefer a log, myself).

As for Neil and the fiancee plan, it's definitely something that will come into play the next few chapters. Probably not in the more traditional way of creating misunderstandings and being forced to act all in love etc. but it's definitely the third and final act of Neil's route.

I'll think about adding his original hair colour back, I wasn't planning on it though. But hey, his second ending hasn't been written yet, I might be able to squeeze it in.

Hopefully you'll change your mind about Dimitri, as the MC thinks about it the same way you do. If you're into sweet romances, then Dimitri is your guy. His ending is cavity inducing sweet.

And well, about Sam ... I don't know what you're thinking ;) one of the key themes to each and every guy's route is finding out who they really are though. It's a pretty central plot to Aiden, Caine, James and Sam. Dimitri's was revealed in the first chapter, Neil's was chapter 12. And Sam, I guess you'll have to find out haha.

Thank for your feedback!

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

UGH! my feelings for Neil are so conflicted. on one hand im like this my baby but on the other im like ur a grown MAN get it together sneety.... gotta love him tho lmao 

2. What are your thoughts on Dimitri's first two chapters? Do you want to read more?

im mclovin dimitri! i'm excited to see how you'll write it too, since you're pretty good at it, and change my mind from him feeling like a younger brother. MC looks like she sees him as one too but idk how Dimitri's seeing her ... ;) also when they first met and the bathroom incident were funny and the whole birthday cake was full of good feels.

3. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri? Or perhaps Alex?

oh no... ugh, i gotta say Dimitri. love Neil and all his flaws but my sweet bb comes first. 

4. What's your favourite CG?

lol that one where MC and Neil get a lil heated in MC's shop 

5. What's your favourite chapter or scene?

I LOVE LOVE LOVED DIMITRI'S FIRST TWO CHAPTERS. he was such a sweet lil puddin' but the chap where Neil's like "i think we should stop talking to each other" i was like BOI but i really liked it 

6. Which part was the most romantic to you?

the part where MC goes over to Neil's house and theyre on the couch it was so DOMESTIC and cute and i was happy for my babies

7. Out of all of the side characters, is there anyone you would want as a date option?

lolcertaincousins idk 
8. Did you at any point get stuck on a loading screen? 

i didnt get stuck anywhere 
9. Were you able to create clothing using the “Design” button? 

i was ! 
10. Did you encounter any bugs while designing? 

i didnt ! 

11. Were you able to dress up your avatar using the “Outfit” button? 


12. Was everything easy to use, or were the menus too complicated?

i didnt think anything was complicated plus you gave us instructions on how to use everything 

13. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

ok, honestly, i really liked all three aspects a lot. designing clothes was super fun and getting them on the MC was even more fun. the stories are great so far as well. 

14. Most importantly, did you enjoy the game? :D

yes, i definitely did! 


Yay, another Dimitri fan! Since you mentioned the couch scene being your favourite scene since it was cute and domestic, you're going to gobble up everything I have planned for Dimitri. I call his route the domestic husband route! I have way too many scenes planned for Dimitri and the MC, I actually had to scrap some ideas, hah. I've already written his ending, it's so sweet. I hope people will be able to read Dimitri's route and change their minds about feeling weird dating their ex's younger brother.

Thanks for playing and giving feedback! :D

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

I really enjoyed Neil's route so far! I was disliked him a bit at first because of his bad attitude towards the MC, though I understand that it's a necessary part of his character development. ^^ He's definitely a complex character, which I am particularly fond of. I also like how you included a family member that wasn't immediate family, but rather his cousin. Most of the time, people would use a sibling or a best friend, so I feel that it was a nice change. 

2. What are your thoughts on Dimitri's first two chapters? Do you want to read more?

I love Dimitri's first two chapters! And I definitely want to read more. I love the way MC and Dimitri meet and how they first interact with each other; it's so cute! And it sucks that MC's "boyfriend" cheats on her, but I'm more intrigued to find out who sent the screenshots to MC. ^^ I'm also curious to see how the dynamic between MC and Dimitri will further develop, seeing as he is the ex's younger brother.

3. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri? Or perhaps Alex?

Dimitri is my favorite guy so far! I love how polite he is when he and MC first meet and how he is still polite when they meet again in the future. And I think that it's adorable that he kept the umbrella that MC buys him. 

4. What's your favourite CG?

My favorite CG is a tie between when MC falls on Neil and when it's revealed that Neil is the man that MC is hanging out with at the Masquerade . I like the first one because I'm just a sucker for scenes where  one person falls on another. I like the tension and the unintentional intimacy. X3 I like the second one because that's a scene where Neil is blushing like mad, which I think is absolutely adorable!

5. What's your favourite chapter or scene?

My favorite scene for Neil's route is when the MC is taking Neil's measurements and she keeps touching him to make him feel uncomfortable. I think it's hilarious to seem men squirm, as bad as that sounds. X3 For Dimitri's route, my favorite scene is when he and the MC are making a cake together. It makes me happy to see that neither of them are alone like they thought they would be. ^^

6. Which part was the most romantic to you?

I think the part where the MC and Neil talk to each other the day after their make-out session is the most romantic. It's a scene full of fluff, which I'm a fan of. However, I do think that the scene where Neil tell MC that he doesn't hate her and then runs off is romantic in a way of it's own. I definitely like what you did there! 

7. Out of all of the side characters, is there anyone you would want as a date option?

No, not currently. I love the side characters, though! ^^

8. Did you at any point get stuck on a loading screen?

No, not at all!

9. Were you able to create clothing using the “Design” button? 


10. Did you encounter any bugs while designing? 

Nope, not at all.

11. Were you able to dress up your avatar using the “Outfit” button? 


12. Was everything easy to use, or were the menus too complicated? 

Everything was super easy to use. ^^

13. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

I loved doing all of three of those things so much! 

14. Most importantly, did you enjoy the game?

I really enjoyed this game! Made me want continue working on my works (though they aren't games X3). I'm reaaally looking forward to future chapters!


And another Dimitri fan! His route is very fluffy most of the time, though there will obviously be issues regarding the fact he's your ex's younger brother. Although I'm glad you seem to enjoy Neil as well :)

I enjoy teasing guys and making them squirms as well, so there's always an option to tease Neil (same for Dimitri, or anyone, really).

Since you're a fan of fluff, you'll like the upcoming chapters with Neil. I realized I needed a breather chapter that was purely only fluff, instead of his hot & cold attitude, so you've got something to look forward to :)

(1 edit)

1. Are you enjoying Neil’s route, do you still like him/hate him?

With things looking up in Neil's route, my feelings towards him are as well. He's still a petulant kid but it's become endearing. I'm fond of him and look forward to seeing more!

2. How many fierce and kind points did you score for Neil?

I didn't play through his whole route this time (I lost my save file, by my own mistake) but I usually get three fierce points for every one kind point -- I can't help but return fire whenever he gets sassy.

3. How long did it take you to finish Neil’s first 20 chapters?

Probably about two hours?

4. What are your thoughts on Dimitri?

Seeing him all grown up was super exciting! Seeing the costume almost made me cry, I laughed so hard, but I'm really fond of his cute personality already! Also the fact that he works at a cat cafe really sold me on him. Poor Dimitri, though. I thought meeting the girl you had a crush on and finding out she was dating your brother was bad but meeting her in a cat costume might be worse.

5. How long did it take you to finish Dimitri’s first 3 chapters?

Less than half an hour?

6. Who’s your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri?

Just considering the first three chapters, Dimitri is my favorite. Overall, though, his 3 chapters can't really compare to Neil's 20.

7. What’s your favourite CG?

It was Neil's first CG but now it is absolutely, undoubtedly, Dimitri's first CG. That CG is an adorable blessing and I'm so happy you added it.

8. What’s your favourite chapter or scene?

Still really love Neil's masquerade chapter. It was so elaborate...

9. Which part made you actually feel happy/angry/flustered?

I think the scenes that gave me the biggest emotional reaction were the scene where Neil "broke things off" and the subsequent scene in chapter 20 where they made up.

10. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

Reading the story, definitely, but the clothing menus and dress up are super fun! I definitely look forward to designing for customers.

11. Even though Neil and Dimitri are the only two available options right now, who else are you interested in?

I'm probably most interested in James and Aiden, they both seem like interesting characters!

12. Overall comments about the game? Art? Writing? You name it!

Love the addition of the new bob hairstyle!

The lighting transition in the opera scene can move a little awkwardly, which is a nit picky detail but just something I jotted in my notes.

I really really love all of the sprite work but Evelin's sprites are some of my favorites? I'm not sure why honestly, something about the elegance of her sprites, but I really loved them.

Also I loved Dimitri's smirking sprite. He's so cute honestly.

Enjoy your holiday, by the way!


I know, comparing to Dimitri to Neil's character development is a bit unfair, seeing as Neil's story is already 2/3 done, and Dimitri is still stuck in the introduction phase. But hopefully, when more chapters are released and he's fleshed out more, you can make an honest comparison :)

Aha so you liked Evelin's sprite. I tried to make her elegant, and I guess it paid off!

Thank you for playing again and giving me feedback <3

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

ugH i stg my feelings are so mixed for him but i think i love Neil lmao 

2. How many fierce and kind points did you score for Neil?

i got zero kind points rip 

3. How long did it take you to finish Neil's first 20 chapters?

like??? three hours??? im not sure i lost count 

4. What are your thoughts on Dimitri?


like u couldnt get any more cinnamon bun than him and i love !! # 1 best boy in game 

5. How long did it take you to finish Dimitri's first 3 chapters?

idk i think 20-30 minutes, i lost track again 

6. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri?

:))) my answers pretty obvious 

7. What's your favourite CG?

i still really like the counter CG with Neil but dAMN Dimitri's CG at the Cat Cafe i was like my baby 

8. What's your favourite chapter or scene?

the cooking one with Dimitri was so good and wholesome i was in tears my precious babe

9. Which part made you actually feel happy/angry/flustered?

ok so i went and straight up asked Dimitri if he wanted to live with me BUT lmao it was so straightforward i was like man o man 

and when Neil was trying to keep MC away without acknowledging her feelings i was so mad like can you sit down and think about this 

10. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

i liked them all in their own right but reading the story is fave part rn 

11. Even though Neil and Dimitri are the only two available options right now, who else are you interested in?

CAIN ! im weak for red heads with a secretly shy personalities and just looking at him has me weak in the knees 

12. Overall comments about the game? Art? Writing? You name it!



at first i didnt wanna play this game bc i was more into "anime" art styles ig?? but it looked super good and i was like okay well might as well try man AND GOD BLESS AM I GLAD I DID the writing is so good and the characters especially are !! so !! realistic !! like they have such real emotions and their own clumsiness and their flaws and it's so !! i cant even put into words how much i love it and how much i appreciate the effort you put into it. anyway hope you have a wonderful june and meet some cute puppies <3 


*waves Dimitri flag* best boy indeed. Well, personally, I can't decide between Dimitri and Aiden, but that's because Aiden is a hoot to write haha.

I wish I was that cat tbh.

at first i didnt wanna play this game bc i was more into "anime" art styles ig??
Oh, that's a bit disappointing to hear the art style turned you off! I'll be honest; art is huge in otome games. I refuse to play a bunch of games as well, due to the art simply being too westernized (too cartoony), or it's hyper realistic which creeps me out. Now, TT's art isn't all anime-like either, but the cell-shading definitely is, and the eyes are very anime-like. I was hoping it wouldn't turn people away, but I guess it does D: sitll, I'm glad you gave it a shot regardless, and ended up liking it! I guess the biggest strength lies in my writing.

Ahhh omg that sounds so rude when I reread what I typed up. I actually really like the style now, like it grew on me and I'm glad it looks different from the rest bc that definitely catches the eye and when I see it I'm like "oh ik where that's from" I'm so sorry it came off so... rude lol, that definitely wasn't my intention. 


No no I didn't think it was rude! Like I said; I acknowledge art is important in otome games, sometimes it strikes your fancy, and sometimes it doesn't do anything. For you, it didn't strike your fancy, but you gave it a chance anyway :) but I'm glad you can look at the art and say; hey, that's from Tailor Tales! I find it important to have a cohesive artstyle that belongs to my game only haha.

(1 edit)

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?
i never hated him but honestly, tsunderes aren't usually my faves but i LOVE how you have options to bully him so i guess you can say he kinda grew on me :')c

2. How many fierce and kind points did you score for Neil?
i got 18 fierce points and 19 kind points! I WAS SO PUMPED PICKING ALL THOSE NON-DOORMAT OPTIONS but then i felt sooo bad in the later chapters so i ended up picking more gentle ones..... he has suffered enough,,,

3. How long did it take you to finish Neil's first 20 chapters?
ahaha... maybe 3-4ish hours? i was kinda multitasking other things (like assignments oops) though

4. What are your thoughts on Dimitri? And his voice?
i haven't started playing him yet! but i already know he's going to be my fave :3c i'll edit this when i get up to him! *w*)/)

5. How long did it take you to finish Dimitri's first 3 chapters?
haven't played him yet!

6. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri?
dimitri's 100% my type!!! even though i haven't played him yet but DOMESTIC LIFE IS SO UP MY ALLEY!!!!!!! (✧ω✧) so yeah i can tell he's gonna be my fave 100%  hahahaha

update: I LOVE HIM.... everything about him is perfect. he's so lovable and cute...... ((and his shirt.... whispers... +8 intelligence, +3 strength, +1 charisma)) his voice is the cutest too......  also his design points hit every single one of my weak spots..... under-eye beauty mark, megane (only occasionally bUT I MEAN. IT COUNTS OK.), SOFT AND WARM. ADORABLE. I JUST REALLY LOVE THE SOFT AND WARM TYPE... ESPECIALLY THE SHY SOFT AND WARM..... HE COOKS, HE CLEANS, HE DOES THE LAUNDRY AND EVEN BETTER: HE'S A CAT PERSON. wife material. truly.

7. What's your favourite CG?
the counter CG... that counter CG....... maybe best babe will make me change my mind though? who knows.. DIMITRI'S CAT CG. ONE: IT'S BEST BOY. TWO: THERE'S A CAT. IT CAN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS.

8. What's your favourite chapter or scene?
the masquerade scene! it was so cute my heart melted a little.... the entirety of the 3 released chapters of dimitri's route i'm so biased he's so cute my heart is melting i'm so sorry ahhh... actually... my favourite scene is EVERYTIME HE SMILES.............. seriously though it would probably be the scene where you first meet dimitri... so cute 💕

9. Which part made you actually feel happy/angry/flustered?
the masquerade scene!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh!!!! it's so gooD!!!!!!!!!! i wish he was this soft all the time 😂😂😂 but then i guess the gap moe and UST is A-OK with me too 😂😂😂 honestly every single part where you get to push back gives me the dokis 😂😂😂 it's just!! so rare to not get punished for being a ドS i'm so happy!! seeing them blush really revvs up my fryers HAHA SORRY 😂😂😂

10. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?
god they're all so fun though!!!! how can you get me to pick just one ;__________; ((muffled whisper... the story but only slightly.... making clothes is so fun too....!!!))

11. Even though Neil and Dimitri are the only two available options right now, who else are you interested in?
i'm loyal to best babe dimitri :3c i'm super pumped to see the rest of his chapters! HAHA SORRY but other than dimitri i guess i'm most interested in dimitri sam and aiden? IT'S HARD BECAUSE MY TOP 2 FAVOURITES ARE ALREADY AVAILABLE 💕

12. Overall comments about the game? Art? Writing? You name it!
i love it!!! the art is super pretty (i LOVE how they blink! especially in some of the CGS!!! it just feels so much more immersive), the writing is really entertaining i just!! really love it!! for some reason it gives me those good rune factory vibes which i've really missed~ thank you for making this game available ;_____________; i can tell how much love was put into making it~ i'm on a mac so i was super excited to see the demo release!!!


Ah wait, you played the Mac version? You were actually able to play it? I got a report from someone that their game froze as soon as a character showed up, so I haven't been able to verify if the Mac version works or not. If you are playing the Mac version, I'm happy it worked, and that the characters blink! :D

If you like the domestic plotlines, you'll fall in love with Dimitri 100%, there's lots of cute scenes with him in the future. Let me know what you think of him :D

That you managed to score 18 fierce points and 19 kind points, damn, that's basically equal. Whichever one has more points, that's the ending you'll get, and the split is very near. But bullying Neil is so much fun ....

Did you fall for the fake Neil at the masquerade? ;)

ah yes! i did! i didn't have any problems with it at all! *w*)/)


and omg i was so... torn....... THE URGE TO BULLY WAS SO STRONG but i felt so bad and i wanted to be S O F T.... BUT I WANTED TO BULLY.................. I TOTALLY DID HE WAS SO SOFT...... SO SOFT............... ALSO THE BLACK HAIR SUITS HIM SO WELL... covers face with hands....... this game is so cute... everyone's so cute..... ALSO FORGOT TO MENTION but the side characters are so cute too!!!!!! everyone feels so realistic and i love it! you did a really great job with this game, i love it! 💕

Developer (2 edits)

Dimitri will wear his glasses every now and then, no worries (to the megane fans haha). He's so sweet and adorable though, so precious. People who are turned off by the plot of dating the brother of your ex are missing out! Dimitri is perfect boyfriend material :D

If you like Dimitri the most, and also enjoy Neil, your next type would probably be Caine (he's a more childish version of Neil), and then Aiden (who is hilarious and suffers from social anxiety). All of them will have their adorable moments though!

Bullying Neil is way too much fun to not pick those options whenever I play-test the game >_> besides, it leads to an ending where he's the one who gets all super flustered! Mwuahaha, finally we can torment the tsunderes.

Psst, your best CG will probably be another Dimitri CG, involving a cat. And sleepiness. And glasses.

.... i stand corrected.... best boy PLUS glasses PLUS cats..... PLUS SLEEPINESS??? my domestic life radar is going off the charts OH CG OF MY DREAMS, SIGN ME UP


awww they both sound super cute too!! i'll be looking forward to it!! *w*)/)

also, i hope you have a nice holiday! :D

1. At first, he was quite annoying and I was really happy to slap him at some point though it was right at the moment where it became interesting. Let's say he became tolerable to actually sometimes cute. I'm so looking forward to the next chapters 'cause it's quite the cliffhanger you left here.
2. 15 fierce points and 15 kind points so going for the passionate ending though I forgot to save so have to redo all of it again. A skip button might be interesting in such a situation or an Auto button.
3. Like more than 2 hours? I didn't really check the time.
4. He's cute and loves cats.
5. 15 min? Again didn't check the time.
6. Difficult to say. I prefer Dimitri as a person I would say but Neil's route is more interesting right given the story is father ahead, though I see a lot of potential in Dimitri's route as well.
7. The one with the Avatar and Neil on the counter? But the one with Dimitri and the cat is also so cute. I love cat's so this one has a lot calling for it.
8. The Cinderella moment where I could slap Neil?
9. The intense moment between Neil and Avatar and mostly Neil's honest moments.
10. I would say reading the story. I'm a sucker for such stories. I also like the dressing part but I don't have that much patience when it's only free creating.
11. I think Caine and Sam!
12. I really like your story telling with suspense. A skip or auto button also might be good. I feel a little bad about rereading everything a bit 'cause it does take long and I'm eager to read the rest when there will be a new beta but I also do want the points I had back. There's a little bug with Dimitri's cat CG. His eyes stay on the screen even after the rest of the CG disappeared.

I'm really looking forward to the next beta. I'm not very patient but I know that it's a lot of work and I thank you for your time and work on this! I really enjoyed playing it through and will wait with more or less patience for the next update.

Developer (1 edit)

Tip: hold the mouse button/spacebar to skip text quickly :) you can also go into the settings and select 'chapter' to skip some chapters.

But yeah, core VN reading options are missing, I know. It's not native to the engine I'm using, but I'm on the lookout for those options in the future, maybe someone will make something similar.

You're the second person to mention the eyes. I think I know what's causing the bug, hopefully I can find a better solution than what I'm currently using.

If you're impatient about updates, I blog pretty often about progress, and if you're into spoilers, I tweet about Tailor Tales a lot as well.

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

I like the route but Neil's pretty frustrating, especially with his moodiness. i've only played a more innocent route though - going to try making fun of him more just to see what happens.
2. How many fierce and kind points did you score for Neil?

7 fierce, I don't remember the Kind points.
3. How long did it take you to finish Neil's first 20 chapters?

2 hours.

4. What are your thoughts on Dimitri? And his voice?

He's very cute! I adored the 'mews'. I hope we see more of the chapters.
5. How long did it take you to finish Dimitri's first 3 chapters?

around thirty minutes  
6. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri?
Despite his moodiness, Neil, but I feel like we know him better.

7. What's your favourite CG?

The one where she falls on top of Neil!

8. What's your favourite chapter or scene? 

I think the measuring scene was.

9. Which part made you actually feel happy/angry/flustered?
Definitely the masquerade - I kept wondering where Neil was and got as fooled as the heroine did.

10. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

I did like all three, but the clothes kept distracting me. But mostly, I like the story a little more.
11. Even though Neil and Dimitri are the only two available options right now, who else are you interested in?


12. Overall comments about the game? Art? Writing? You name it!

Okay first - the clothing is a bit buggy - I made a skirt with  a waist band and it was it disappeared? You could only see a small bit of it. I also think that there needs to be a tuck in option maybe, especially for shirts - I've basically only used the dress option because the way the shirts overlay the skirts looks choppy and strange.

Another thing is, and I don't know if you guys will do this, but seeing Dimitri constantly written out as a russian-speaker is kind of... jarring. Much like you shorten Alex's from Alexander name, is it possible to do so with Dimitri? Dimitri in E.Europe (specifically the russian-speaking countries) tends to shorten to Dima, which I think is a bit easier to type. I'm not sure if that's possible to change the script but maybe as they get closer (since shortened names are informal)?

I hope Angela gets an intervention tho - she needs one.


I will make the skirts layer a bit better with shirts, but that you cannot see the hemline of the shirt when creating a dress is normal, since it's being hidden by the skirt. Unless you meant the actual waist for a skirt, which disappeared. Then I need to know what you were making and if you happen to have any screenshots, because that's definitely a bug.

As for Dimitri's name, I honestly did not know Dima was the nickname for it! However, Dimitri is already not very traditional (I'd like to have used Dmitry instead, but knowing people would constantly misspell his name, I went for a simple Dimitri), and the game is based on a fictional European country, so Russian culture would not apply, I've only borrowed the name. Plus, I've known one Dmitry and everyone called him Dmitry haha.

Funny you mentioned Alex/Alexander, because Dimitri is the only one who uses his full name, and not his nickname. There's a reason for that though.

But thank you for your input, that was very informative. I do not think I'll change it to Dima, but who knows, I may be able to write something like that in referencing the nickname.

(4 edits)

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

→→ Actually, that was pretty fun! I liked his personnality since the begining because I thought it was fun to argue with him and tease him. I didn't really like his hair though, LOL. What I liked most about him was to tease him, especially when he couldn't stand to be touched. At some point I didn't want to get off him because I wanted to tease him, and him apologizing against his will was the best. When he got black hair I was so happy because he looked way more hot! But he kinda became Prince Charming, which was a bit, er, boring for me maybe? The writing was still nice so I was into it, but I liked his childish side better. After those events he became kinda rude even if I believe it was for the Main Character's own good. He still kept his (rare) sweet sides though, but I'm still just a bit sad that he isn't so wary of being touched anymore LOL. I liked that tbh, I find this kind of behavior cute imo. Tho' I understand that it'd be hard to keep this side of him when the MC's taste seems to be the prince charming type. He can't possibly act like a gentleman if he's too shy to touch, I know that much. But still. *cries* 

2. How many fierce and kind points did you score for Neil?

→→ Wow I'm a clean person to be honest, I got 16 fierce points and 15 kind ones LOL. 

3. How long did it take you to finish Neil's first 20 chapters?

→→ Five hours and something.

4. What are your thoughts on Dimitri? And his voice?

→→ He was cuter when he was younger. *cries* He's still good looking! I like his cute side, and the fact that he is less shy now he's grown up. Also I really love the fact that he loves baking LOL. To confess, it's my dream to get a pastry chef as a boyfriend, or at least a close friend! I mean, I'd really love to have someone close to bake me sweet and original cakes! I'm not joking at all now. I was waiting for that angel from Cakes Heaven to come down on Earth, at least through a dating sim if that can't happen in real life LOL. I'd still be waiting IRL tho. 
And about his voice, it was a nice one! Also, I hope he'll be more agressive now that he's an adult. I mean, he can't possibly stay a shy flower all his life, can he? But he won't become an agressive savage either LOL. Just as long as he says something. I mean, at first it happened when he couldn't say anything back.

5. How long did it take you to finish Dimitri's first 3 chapters?

→→ Err I don't remember, that was kinda fast though. 

6. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri? 7. What's your favourite CG? 8. What's your favourite chapter or scene?

→→ I'd say Neil because I haven't had enough of Dimitri to be able to properly judge. Also, I like Neil's looks more. When he changed his haircut I thought it was familiar but I couldn't point it out clearly, but I really liked it without knowing why. Then I remembered. Dark hair, golden eyes, IT'S FUCKING ZUKO!! I just finished re-watching Avatar - the Last Airbender, so yes. Zuko. Zuko all the way. Also how Neil can be hard to deal with also reminded me of Zuko, even if he's sweeter than Neil especially at the end of the series. Moving on. About CG, it would be the one with Neil when both characters fell down. Favorite scene is the same as the CG, and I also liked the infamous scene at the masked party and actually... Somehow, I really love that scene in Neil's appartment, when as choice you decide to approach your face to his hand. I liked it because it was really well written and relatable. Good job on that part! It was short but really nice. 

9. Which part made you actually feel happy/angry/flustered?

→→ I'm a sensitive person so when things are well written and brought up, I get really into it. I kinda felt what the MC would feel I guess? Which is a good point then, as it proves that the writing was nice enough to make people into it. Neil was kinda getting on my nerves at some point though, when he was acting like a douche AND when I couldn't even tease him. I mean, I was kinda sad not to be able to tease him, so when in addition he became a douche, I was frustrated.

10. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

→→ Reading the story I guess. It was nice to create clothes, but it's not like I made anything fancy so even if it was nice to discover this original feature in a dating simulation game, I wasn't very hyper about this. I didn't see much changement on the story or CG because of the clothes of the MC, so I didn't really care much about that feature. Maybe it's because I don't really care about designing outfits, I like to pick and mix already made clothes better.

11. Even though Neil and Dimitri are the only two available options right now, who else are you interested in?

→→ I think the... James guy is hot? Sorry I feel to lazy to check his name, but the tanned one with black hair. Who's supposed to help when the MC discovers the bad state of the shop. With something with bees or I don't really remember. Well, that one is hot. I don't really care about the silent type, I just like his looks so I'm curious to know more about his story. You ought to write him next! Because! Well, because reasons.

12. Overall comments about the game? Art? Writing? You name it!

→→ To be honest I sometimes skips a bit when the MC is talking about the background or anything with too many details unrelated to the story itself, really. For instance when she is shielding from the rain with Dimitri and there's hails and she just tells how it melts or whatever. I know it's important to set the mood, but it's simply because I'm more of the action-type. Actually, you should really take that as a compliment because it means I went through reading a story without making much choices. Which is rare. I really drop the game most of the time, because I'm not into the story enough to keep reading. I like to make decisions better with a gameplay with less overall story and more about "playing the game" and talking with the other characters to find a way out of it. So yes, I'm eager to read more of this! Even if it's not supposed to be my cup of tea, I really enjoyed it! Good job! 

aaa also I had some questions about the "real game". will it be possible to read all the chapters as much as we want? or is it only possible in the beta because of the God Mod? 

Anywaaay, good luck with this game! I truly hope you'll write fast though LOL. I'm frustrated to have started a beta game, because I want it to be finished already!


It is fun arguing with Neil! Whenever I playtest the game, I'm compelled to pick answers that make him as miserable as possible. I guess he does look like Zuko, hah! Just missing a scar. We named our dog after Zuko :)

If you're into teasing people who get flustered when they're touched, boy you're in for a ride when you'll try out Aiden's route. That's basically the entire premise!

Thank you for giving my game a try, and that you managed to read the entire beta without dropping it, I'll take it as a compliment indeed haha. Sometimes when it comes to reading styles, some people like really flowery language (lots of descriptions of surroundings), and some people like it simple and to the point so it's very short. I can't please everyone, so I'll be sticking with what I've been using so far, which is working pretty well :)

The current beta puts the player into God Mode, so all items, chapters and others options are available to you so you can test out the game for me. The real game will have barriers - you'll have to purchase your own items, wear certain items/clothes to progress the story, and purchase each chapter with money. You earn money by playing a quick mini-game where you have to create clothing for a client.

The option to read all chapters without any restrictions, or to design clothes with all items/options available - is something I'll probably add as a perk to be unlocked.

Aww, you're teasing me! I'd love to try Aiden when he'll be available then!

Will there be other betas before the full game being available? If so, any ETA? I'm reaaaally getting curious now, geez! 
I really hope your game will go for the best, I think it deserves it! 


There will be continuous updates, as I'm trying to complete at least one route at a time.

Here's a progress of how it works:

(Aiden is at step  "Write important scenes and plan out CGs" whereas Neil is at "Complete Script")

So you'll never have to wait until the 'full game' until you can play a route. I'll always try to release an update that includes more chapters. Some people like to wait and play it until it's fully finished, but personally, I hate waiting for months/years (and in the meantime totally forget about it), so I like releasing small updates each time.

Route order at the moment is Neil > Dimitri, and probably next up is either Aiden or Caine, though most likely Aiden. I'll probably have him added if I write his introduction chapter (I don't write chronologically).

1.Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

I actually don't mind his route. At the start I thought he was a real a-hole so I would just fight him and tease him all the time, but after the ball I started to warm up to him and I enjoyed seeing different sides to Neil which made him complicated but loveable at the same time. 

2. How many fierce and kind points did you score for Neil?

I scored 15 fierce points and 15 kind points. I'm sweet and sassy like that. 

3. How long did it take you to finish Neil's first 20 chapters?

Around 2 to 2.5 hours

4. What are your thoughts on Dimitri? And his voice?

Dimitri is super adorable and is very cute but the age gap is a bit weird. I'm Dimitri's age and personally I could not image going out with someone who is 4 years older than me. Can I please have a scene where he punches his brother or at least fights him (verbally of course, I don't want the cutie getting physically hurt)? Alex really pisses me off and I assume he'll come back into the story in later chapters. 

I didn't have my volume on, sorry....

5. How long did it take you to finish Dimitri's first 3 chapters?

30 minutes 

6. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri?

This is a tough question. I'm a personal fan of the hate to love plot line and I know more of Neil's story so for now I would have to say Neil, but if I knew Dimitri more, I reckon i'd love them both the same. 

7. What's your favourite CG?

The ball, definitely the ball

8. What's your favourite chapter or scene?

Tough question again. It's all so lovely but I need to experience the entire game before I can properly answer this question.

9. Which part made you actually feel happy/angry/flustered?

I was infuriated by Neil first treatment of me and Alex (no explanation needed). I enjoyed all the moments with Sarah. I really felt like she was a good friend even though she has a weird obsession with cameras. She was always there for the MC and she knew when not to pry, which made her a true friend.

10. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

I like the creating clothes aspect of the game as its different and makes this game unique in comparison to other VNs. I was nice to be able to control what your MC looked like as well, so you felt more connected with the MC as she is your creation. 

11. Even though Neil and Dimitri are the only two available options right now, who else are you interested in?

I don't know really. Maybe Craig??? I haven't paid too much attention to the other options tbh.

12. Overall comments about the game? Art? Writing? You name it!

There are a couple of glitches with the designing clothes part of the game. I'm unable to create pants because they don't show up on the MC while i'm creating them nor do they show up when I dress her in them. I also cannot apply any decorations onto any of clothing, they just won't show up. 

Also, is there anyway we can maybe get a warning or something before we make a choice. I'm a fast reader so i'm constantly pressing the space bar and I accidentally have picked an option without knowing what the option was one too many times due to my fast key pressing skills. 

There is also no way to go back if we accidentally skip some of the dialogue or to save while in one of the chapters. Maybe there is and I don't know about it so may I please be informed if there is??

Thank you for creating such a lovely demo. I really enjoyed the game play and cannot wait to see how the rest of the game pans out.


Nice to see you like Sarah. She'll have a more prominent role during Dimitri's route, so you should be seeing more of her!

The game does not have a log, but it might be added in the future (depends on if I have the funds to pay my programmer for it). If you kept accidentally pressing the wrong choice, I suggest using your mouse to read instead, as you can't accidentally click the wrong choice like this.

I'll think about a "are you sure?" button, though I'm inclined not to add it since the choices aren't terribly important - it won't suddenly land you a bad ending for example.

I recommend playing the game with your volume on though, you're missing out! The voices are cute and add more life to the characters :)

Thanks for playing!

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

I actually find it very amusing. He can be kind of a character - but bantering back with him, and then trying to be nice, it's kinda funny to see him react to things. I usually play the nicest choices, but for him, I can't help but want to push his buttons sometimes.  As of chapter 20, I like him and his route.
2. How many fierce and kind points did you score for Neil?

All kind points. I would save before making a choice, and just go back and pick the fierce option first just to see what would happen.
3. How long did it take you to finish Neil's first 20 chapters?

A bit under 90 minutes, but I was also saving and going back to see different outcomes of the choices you make.
4. What are your thoughts on Dimitri? And his voice?

I think it's interesting - a cute character with a great premise for a route. Even though he's younger than the MC, it shouldn't be that big of a deal, both are adults. I just want to see how it unfolds with him and the fact you dated Alex. His voice sounds fine, too,

5. How long did it take you to finish Dimitri's first 3 chapters?

About 40 minutes.
6. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri?

Probably Neil, but only because he's got 20 chapters out vs 3 chapters for Dimitri. That could change, though, when more chapters are out for Dimitri.

7. What's your favourite CG?

The one where the MC fell on top of Neil and he just looks so horrified. I couldn't help but laugh at that one, poor guy. It was fun to razz him about it, too.
8. What's your favourite chapter or scene?

I liked the masqurade ball. I loved how it just kind of added that bit of a twist to the storyline for Neil, and now I'm very curious to finish his route - there's gotta more going on with him and his family relationships.
9. Which part made you actually feel happy/angry/flustered?

I didn't like how Alex treated the MC - but I would also be curious to see how he's changed after awhile. Also, I loved Neil's latest chapter and how he can't make up his mind about how he feels about the MC - I'm curious to know why he wants to keep her away and what he means by family drama, as we've only just been introduced to his parents and see where it goes from there. I'm happy he's decided he does want to keep seeing the MC, but how in unfolds I guess  is what I'm more looking forward to, especially with the 'story' they've built up and told his parents.
10. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

Honestly? All three. It's a very unique feature to an otome-type game that I haven't seen in any I've ever played, especially not to the extent that you've made it. It's fun to create your own character and have them interact with the characters - it makes you feel more involved in the story that way. So, I'd say all three kinda go hand in hand.
11. Even though Neil and Dimitri are the only two available options right now, who else are you interested in?

Alex? I know he was awful to the MC towards the end, but I'd be curious to see how his route could possibly play out if he did become and option.
12. Overall comments about the game? Art? Writing? You name it!

I can see a few people also mentioned it, but I can't create any pants for the MC, they don't show up. I haven't noticed much else, as I also played Demo 1.1. I think any errors or corrections on that you've already made. Anyway, I think it's off to a great start and I can't wait til the next release to continue playing! Keep it up! :)


Since you keep saving for each chapter to see his other reaction to the fierce option, just for you, I'll add a load button to the game in the main menu! Right now you can only load when you start up the game.

Happy to see you're interested in Neil's story and what will happen next - there's definitely some family drama going on, and it'll start right at chapter 21. The next beta release should hopefully include the next 5 chapters to satisfy your curiosity.

Also happy to know you like creating clothes! I think Tailor Tales is the only such game at the moment where you can design clothes, dress-up your avatar (I'll eventually be adding premade clothing), and also read romantic stories. I've always wanted the concept of making your own clothes and romancing some buys to go hand-in-hand.

If you made any cool creations, show me them! Take a screenshot by going to Outfits, clicking the camera icon in the top left, select a background and click on "done" to generate a screenshot in your Screenshots folder! :)

Deleted 5 years ago

Thank you for your feedback and playing the game! :D welcome to the Dimitri fanclub. It's funny, because people come for Neil, but stay for Dimitri!

No worries, the ending will have some more steamy scenes haha. I'm contemplating creating short stories with adult content and release them separate from the main game as a perk. My main writing strengths are character dialogue - and smut, lol. Years ago I was struggling with writing such scenes, and I forced myself to write a lot of it until I became pretty good at it!

I'm very happy that you enjoyed creating outfits in the game! Please send me over some screenshots of your creation (go to dress-up, click the camera icon in the top left, select a background, and click on 'done' - your screenshot is in your Screenshots folder!), I love seeing them.

Deleted 5 years ago

Dimitri best guy <3

(1 edit)

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

I think in Neil's case, I ended up enjoying him because of the character archetype of a tsundere, all of my interpretation of my jabbing and his jabbing against me is about the Dere so it didn't bother me as much...surprisingly. Although I DID wanted to wrangle his neck until he moved that mannequin and I just went, I see what you're trying to do.

2. How many fierce and kind points did you score for Neil?
7 Fierce, 23 Kind.

3. How long did it take you to finish Neil's first 20 chapters?
2 hours and 40 ish minutes?

4. What are your thoughts on Dimitri?
Adorable, and totally awkward checking out my Ex's brother but what the heck.

5. How long did it take you to finish Dimitri's first 3 chapters?
Uh, really fast. Less than an hour.

6. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri?
I like them both equally.

7. What's your favourite CG?
Dmitri holding the cat and the laptop one.

8. What's your favourite chapter or scene?
The chapter where Neil and MC they were about to get laid but not really.

9. Which part made you actually feel happy/angry/flustered?

Everything in Neil's route had me laughing most of the time surprisingly.

10. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?
Admittedly the story more. I'm not good with fashion so I struggle. Maybe when I can start creating clothes and it has influence in the story probs? Not sure.

11. Even though Neil and Dimitri are the only two available options right now, who else are you interested in?

Angela and Sarah.

12. Overall comments about the game? Art? Writing? You name it!

I'm a bit concerned about the background being maybe too much on the same spectrum as the character? I think more atmosphere would be nice.

Oh my Goddess! (NO I don't believe in more then one God, but I ended up taking this term from a book I read so I didn't say God's name in vain lol)

1.) Do I love Neil's route? Yes.. Yes I do. He probably isn't well liked by other's but for some odd reason I see this boy with a heart of gold in there. Under all that angst he's obviously got going on since he was still in the care of his parents. He is under a lot of expectations, I can only assume this. He obviously hasn't been near too many girls that he may have liked as it's easy to see he is quite flustered easily, and made uncomfortable when he is too close to the protagonist. Those elements in the story are what I like, when someone is so high and mighty get's flustered from someone who doesn't care to pull him down from his pedestal.

2.) I honestly can't tell you this one, because I can't seem to find a save option for your game. So I have to start from scratch with getting his CG's, and points. Though generally I choose the blunter of the options given, because I can often be referred to as the bluntest tool in the shed. lol

3.) I pulled an all nighter to finish all of his chapters.  I absolutely can't wait till you get more chapters and elements to this  game. I look forward to playing a lot more of it! In fact it's in my 'Patiently Waiting For' collection, because I absolutely love the thought you have put into your game. I can not stress that enough that I love the thought put into this game!

4.) Dimitri is sweet with a lot of sugar on top. I don't have much of an opinion on him as I do with Neil, but that's because he doesn't have a lot of chapters out. I can say that I think he'll be the bunny out of the bunch. Neil seems more like a panther waiting to pounce on his prey. That's just me though.

5.) It didn't take me very long to finish his chapters. Around two hours I would think. I wanted to read both routes slowly, and didn't actually start till I finished Neil's.

6.) I have to say it's Neil. Dimitri hasn't developed himself yet in the role of male antagonist yet for me. I do however, look forward to reading more of his chapters!

7.) I personally like the CG where the protagonist fell on Neil, showed off how flustered and uncomfortable he was with the situation. Made me personally assume, he did not have much experience with girls in close proximity.

8.) My favorite Chapter has to be the masquerade ball. Go heroine, go! Be the Cinderella you were meant to be!

9.) The masquerade ball made me flustered the most, he was the one that was the obvious man. What with his approach to the protagonist of the story. I felt embarrassed for the protagonist for picking the WRONG Neil, lol. 

10.) I love everything about your game! I love that I can choose her appearance for how I want to have her look, and that it's incorporated into the CG's! You did a marvelous job in making this game the way that it is.

11.)  I'm highly interested in the thief. Cain I believe his name was.^^;

12.) I would love to see more from you in this game. For instance I always love when a programmer adds easter eggs to their game!

I'm legit depressed, as soon as I made my first avatar after i clicked *I never played before* It said there was a word script instead of the coding to head to the next scene ;-;


Sorry, I'm a bit confused! Did you get a script error? Are you playing the Mac version?

(1 edit)

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

I am enjoying Neil's route. He kind of reminds me of Mr. Darcy, then he started reminding me of one of my own characters so I can't help but love him now. Plus he's a tsundere and I love tsuns.

2. How many fierce and kind points did you score for Neil?

I can't remember.... I think it was 10 fierce and 20 kind?

3. How long did it take you to finish Neil's first 20 chapters?

I think it was about 5 hours....

4. What are your thoughts on Dimitri?

Let's just say if there was a "Marry me" choice I would have chosen it in the 2nd chapter.... if it wasn't creepy to be saying that to a teen anyway. *nervous laugh*  He's totally my type plus he can bake and works at a cat cafe? How perfect can you get?

5. How long did it take you to finish Dimitri's first 3 chapters?

Less than an hour I think... or about an hour.... I didn't design any clothes between the chapters like I did with Neil's. But I spent like five minutes each chapter squealing over him.

6. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri?

Dimitri! <3

7. What's your favourite CG?

Dimitri holding the kitty. :3

8. What's your favourite chapter or scene?

All scenes with Dimitri. And the scene where you're measuring Neil.

9. Which part made you actually feel happy/angry/flustered?

I squealed all through Dimitri's scenes.  And there were times I wanted to hit Neil with a mannequin and tell him to shut up. Like when he's being completely arrogant or when he was demanding money for his watch... or pushing you away...

10. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

All of them equally? What made me download the game was the designing clothes and dressing up but I'm really enjoying the story so far.

11. Even though Neil and Dimitri are the only two available options right now, who else are you interested in?


12. Overall comments about the game? Art? Writing? You name it!

I stayed up until 5-6am two nights in a row playing. I LOVE IT! I can NOT wait to get more. The art and writing are really good and I've always wanted to design my own clothes.
I think for the details-the bows and such-it should be a set color choice like with everything else because it is impossible to match the colors I wanted with the slider. It's nice to have more color choices but when I wanted, say, a light mint I couldn't get the color right.

Also, will you be adding the accessories in later versions?

And I can't design pants/shorts? They're not showing up when I click in to create them...


Thank you for playing and the feedback!

Seems you came for the clothes and stayed for the story haha. You should show off some of your designs! Just go to Outfit, click the camera icon in the top left, pick a background and click "done" in the top right, and it should generate a screenshot in your Screenshots folder where the game is :)

Dimitri is a cutie, isn't he? I'd love to be able to add more chapters for him in the next update, but I'm mostly focused on Neil at the moment. I can add up and until chapter 5 for Dimitri though :)

As for your suggestion about the colours, that's unfortunately not possible. You can try the set colours for the details above the sliders, they're closely matched with the first 10 default colours. Unfortunately I cannot use the same colours you use on the clothing as on the details. This is mostly because you can add like a 1000 details in one single image, and giving it the same colour involves masking, and that would pretty much crash your game haha. So I did it the simple way: tinting it. This doesn't strain the processor :)

You can create all colours with the sliders though! It just takes a bit of practice.

There will definitely be more items later on, accessories - even flapping butterfly wings at one point. They're just on low priority at the moment. Next update shouldn't have anything new added, since I'm focused on Neil's route.

In the current version the bottoms are bugged and you cannot design them. It'll be fixed in the next version!

Of course! And thank you for making this!

Yes you can say that I came for clothes and stayed for the story. ^^ I've shared my designs with my best friend (she downloaded the game too:) and also posted them on Facebook.... I'll post some of them on the thread a little later, though.

Aww, I want more Dimitri (especially domestic type scenes) but after replaying Neil's chapters I can't wait to torture tease Neil more.

I see... Yeah, wouldn't want it crashing all the time! I will stick with the slider thing then... I am getting better at it and can now at least match my favorite color.

Oooo butterfly wings?! My best friend and I are going to have a lot of fun with those. I figured that was the case but wanted to confirm it... I understand focusing on one thing, I have too many projects I want to have done Now so I'm all over the place with them. *sigh*

I'm really excited about how this game will turn out, keep up the awesome work! ^^ I do have one more question/suggestion, are you going to add boots? A cute pair of booties would be a nice addition and would go well with some of the dresses I've created.


Aw, I'm happy you're sharing the game. I worked really hard on the clothing design system (and paid a buttload of money for it), so I love it when people share designs. Eventually I might ask people to design something for me, and I will turn it into an actual outfit that will be added to the game :)

I've got so many shoes ideas in my head, and I actually did draw some boots. Can't remember why I didn't add them ... oh wait I remember, they were really ugly and I didn't feel like fixing them. Ahaha. I'll add some boots to the next update. Feel free to spam me with pictures for accessories ideas, I do like knowing what my players want to see in the game. Same thing for the kind of patterns you'd like.

And thank you! Next update should be in August, since I'm back working in full swing - the game now has shops where you can buy all the items from, and you can design clothes for clients to earn money. Don't worry; I will add an option so that all clothing items are available to you, but I prefer it if people were to test the game having to work for the items.

Ahh, I have so many domestic type scenes planned for Dimitri, I actually had to cut them down because it was getting a bit too much. Hopefully I can add two more chapters for the next update.

(1 edit)

1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?

Yes, and I like him a lot. I want to kick him in the head sometimes, but that's the same for my relationships in real life and it's also probably why I like him so much. Nothing beats someone you can have a good argument with .

2. How many fierce and kind points did you score for Neil?

Nine fierce points and forty-something kind points. I like arguing, but I'm clumsy in real life, so when the MC crashes into people and breaks things, my own reflexes kick in and I can't not apologize... I understand MC! TT_TT We're not that clumsy! It's just bad luck!

3. How long did it take you to finish Neil's first 20 chapters?

Well, because I screwed up and did something stupid, I can't actually give you an accurate time. Sorry...

4. What are your thoughts on Dimitri?

I ADORE Dimitri. If he were a shirt I'd get twelve in every color. Seriously though, that sweetheart just shows up in a giant, fluffy, cat costume and meows? Who's heart wouldn't explode at that? A terrible person's, that's who's!

5. How long did it take you to finish Dimitri's first 3 chapters?

Still not sure, but it would have defiantly taken less time if I didn't have to stop and fawn over him every time he said something. That cutie!

6. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri?

Oh, come on? How do you expect a girl to choose? I mean seriously it's just rude to even ask- Yeah, no. It's Dimitri. I mean I <3 Neil, but I just love Dimitri to death.

7. What's your favourite CG?

The one with Neil's new look, where's he's dressed up as... You know, I don't know which it was, because the MC called it two different things, but either way he looked real good *she says with in a strange voice, with a pointed look and wagging eyebrows*. ... Gross. I just creeped myself out a little... Anyway, ON WITH THE QUESTIONNAIRE!

8. What's your favourite chapter or scene?

The one in Dimitri's rout where the MC has the option to scream and slam the door in Dimitri's face, 'cause that's what I chose to do and what I would have done in real life. Clumsy and prone to freak outs... MC and might actually be the same person. *Get it? It's funny because she's the character I play. Haaa... My jokes suck... Also my real name is Sarah, so that whole thing would be weird...* ONWARD!

9. Which part made you actually feel happy/angry/flustered?

Well, as I said before, I wanted to kick Neil in the head throughout the story, but when he blew up at MC after that thing with the nurse and when he said those things in chapter- 18, I think, I wanted to kick him somewhere else, but every scene with Dimitri makes me happy. Neil has some some scenes during the ball that make me happy, but those are also the flustering ones. Oh, and Angela is just a boat-load of fun! If you could find a way to box that up, it'd sell like hotcakes around the world!

10. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?

Creating the clothes was fun, but without the pants options and accessories, dressing up the avatar felt  a little bit limited, but the game is still in development, so I can't judge it for that. The story was the best aspect by far, anyway, but then again, that's my opinion on everything. The story really is good, though. If  it wasn't I wouldn't have commented, but I do think you need to look over the text and dialogue, some of it is written strangely and needs editing.

11. Even though Neil and Dimitri are the only two available options right now, who else are you interested in?

I want Caine!!! I like his freckles.

12. Overall comments about the game? Art? Writing? You name it!

I really like the game. I think it's cool and has a unique premise with the whole character creator/fashion designer meets otome thing it has working for it. I like the art style too, but I think the avatar for the MC might need to be altered a bit. I think maybe her legs or her torso are to short, not that I have a problem with short girls or anything, but in some dresses she looks like she has reeeally long arms, but that might also just be me. Other than that and the writing thing I mentioned earlier, I think the game is great! The story really is good, just told really strangely in places.


Ahaha, I'm sorry your real name is Sarah and Sarah happens to be your best friend in this game! And since you like Dimitri so much, I'll warn you: Sarah appears a lot in Dimitri's route. Still, happy to see you're enjoying his route so much, Dimitri has gotten quite the fanbase. The next update should hopefully have a couple of chapters added, especially of the domestic variety.

And you're right; there are no accessories yet because that's something I'll be adding waaay later :) but right now, the system works, so that means I can add accessories anytime I want!

As for awkward dialogue, unfortunately I'm a one-man team, and don't have anyone reading it over. So I would appreciate it the next time you play the game to take a screenshot of awkward wording etc. and show it to me. This way I know where I need to edit my work :) just hit the PRTSCN button and it should appear in your Screenshots folder!

Thanks so much for playing!

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