Stuck? Need advice from a more experienced delegate to vanquish a challenge or steal a heart? Here's the place to ask your fellows. <3
When you start a new game, you get a prompt asking if you want to activate NG+ boosts. The game then tells you what boosts you unlocked for each relevant epilogue/romance/origin.
I got a bad end due to the Revaire bug the first time and didn't see any bonuses from starting a new playthrough then, so can confirm bad ends don't seem to give bonuses!
I turned Jarrod down in a way that allowed us to still be friends, and then pursued the political marriage path when the option became available while continuing my romance with Gisette as normal. I then automatically got the option of talking to Gisette about marrying Jarrod on the political marriage path.
What week is Jarrod's political marriage conversation? I'm still getting Gisette's ending. I've tried with both an ethical Revaire and immoral Corval MC.
During the W3 matchmaker conversation, I asked about Jarrod until she said that political marriages are arranged at the end of the summit. But I never got the chance to follow up on that?
Do you know how many times exactly? Trying to get the legendary ending is very time consuming so I need to know if it'll be possible to have a political marriage and still get the legendary ending by giving up on some more LI invitations and events that are important but aren't as necessary as other invitations and events.
I could use some tips on how to achieve the legendary outcomes for all countries at the end of the game. Spoilers below!
What I've managed to do:
- secure peace between all nations, and within Revaire (royals step down peacefully for the rebels)
- max approval with all nations
- host a perfect ball
- be quite persuasive (575) and take every chance I've seen to increase peace/influence people to work together
- have a decent amount of social capital to use to influence the nations towards peace during the negotiations (I've tried different distributions), while ignoring my own interests
- convinced Avalie to work with me towards peace and had Penelope go to Skalt
- decent or better respect and friendship with everyone except Jarrod
- resolved Weaver, historian and rebel secret chains
Can anyone point me in the direction of what I've forgotten to do?
Update: so I've confirmed you need to reform Jarrod to get the best possible ending for Revaire. I still haven't managed to get the legendary achievement to pop, though, so there's something else I'm missing.
Update 2: I think I haven't managed to get the best possible outcome for Arland/Jiyel. If anyone has tips for that one it would be greatly appreciated.
Update 3: success! I was messing something up in a conversation with one of the ambassadors.
You have to have Rebel approval at at least 50 (halfway point of the bar), and possibly you need friendship with Gisette as well? Then you'll have to carefully navigate your way through two conversations to convince both parties to sort things out peacefully. Oh, and you need to have seen all the Rebel secrets.
Definitely not that, I can "greatly influence" 2 options, but the one that encourages peace in general just increases conflict, for example, I have three options in that last choice for Revaire, Increase Peace (which only increases conflict ), Increase Allies who are for Peace, and Argue for better negotiations for Revaire.
By the way, I sorry for the nitpicks, this is a marvelous game that I love and have been looking forward for years. It is every bit as good as I ever imagined! Thank you for it!
Also just got the Revaire peaceful resolution with romancing Gisette (was romancing Clarmont unlike he dumped me :/ ). I had high Gisette respect and low rivalry/romance/friendship. I'd uncovered all the rebel secrets and I think you also might need high enough respect/friendship from Sayra (which is made easier if you ace the trial).
Yeah, this is something I'm not sure about either. I've never gotten the bar to more than 50% before the conversation with Sayra about Revaire's future, and even that I've only managed on my playthroughs where Katiya's legacy is my announced goal, so it seems like I definitely need that bump. I don't know anything for sure, but maybe befriending Clarmont and having high approval with the servants helps? I know you don't have to invite Sayra to an event to get the peace outcome, because I haven't done that before. It might help, though?
Yeah, being nice to servants definitely helps. If you get the gifts from Mrs. White and Sayra and Ria, then that's a sign that you're on the right path. I didn't invite Sayra out either, so that's not required (though inviting her to the Onvu tournament certainly wouldn't hurt). I raised the rebels approval by like 1/4 of the bar in week six and part of that was pulling off a successful ball. The other big boost was my convo with Sayra, which happened automatically. Couldn't say why she opened up to me and not you :(
I think it's just saving Penelope and the Summit (following Katya's , yeah. I bet that the servant scene before Clarmont's week 1 date also influences it. I was romancing Clarmont on this play through, so maybe that gave me more opportunities too? Antagonizing Gisette during the opening scenes helps too, but I think that may be more counterproductive if you want her to agree to peace...
I was trying to get the peaceful ending while romancing Clarmont with the Arland princess background, and after multiple resets I managed to do it! You don't need to befriend Gisette, but it seems like having a semblance of respect from her helps. I managed to get full success during the play and played opposite of her as Serah, which greatly boosts all approval and earns a fair bit of respect. I had to consult the guide for the stat checks, so this is probably going to be a lot easier in story mode. Hope that helps!
How do I avoid the mysterious assassin who comes to kill me right before the ball I'm hosting? I'm friends with everyone except Jarrod, no faction even dislikes me, my personal matters are being worked on (Corval delegate romancing Hamin, collecting protective blackmail, finished that line as far as it can go). Did great at the trial and most everything else.....
My persuasion/,manipulation related skills are off the charts (in some cases literally) and that skill doesn't work. I can scream a bit but he covers my mouth, my self defense sucks but I wouldn't be able to bring that skill up in time even replaying the week and ONLY doing that. What am I missing? What can I do :,(
According to ye ol' Piratepad guide:
Assassination attempt
-Disarm (Requires 300 defensive instincts on challenge mod and 250 defensive instincts on story mode)
-Scream (Requires high friendship with Ana or being Avalie's ally. If you're Avalie's ally, Pen, Cordelia, and Ana can come too if your friendship is high enough)
-Seduce (Cannot succeed) [tragic doomed romance lol]
Info here:
Thank you!! I definitely have a friendship with Ana but I guess it's not high enough :,( as for Avalie's ally, I've gone to all of her events, the last one being when she invited me to hang out in the last week and said she was unused to having friends, and we danced together. has high respect, friendship and rivalry. did I miss a special allyship scene D:
To become allies you need two conditions to open up the chance to convince her, then pass a persuasion check:
During her friend date on week 6, you will get an extra set of choices if you saw the secret acene in the garden that week, all the weavers scenes in previous weeks, and have enough respect+friendship:
- I will be satisfied...
- Truthfully,..... Friendship + | Respect ++
- I'm worried, Avalie (Ethical only)
-- I suppose... - Avalie will not become your ally
--I don't think that...
---Let the subject drop. - Avalie will not become your ally
---Attempt to convince her
Pass 455 > Persuasion- "...You are a manager of miracles, Charname." - Avalie will become your ally
Fail < 455 Persuasion - Avalie will not become your ally
Also- I remember on the old forums there was a guide for how to avoid potential breakups, some were harder than others. It's been awhile, but I remember that to avoid Clarmont's breakup scene we needed to have seen certain secret scenes while exploring that tell you about his backstory. Hamin's wasn't that difficult to avoid, currently struggling with Zahad's. Would love any tips people remember for avoiding the breakups in general, maybe important enough to get it's own topic?
For Zarad specifically (taken from the pirate pad)-
I'm going over my achievement pages and there are two that I'm stumped on. From week 6, what's the achievement after "A Political Affair" and before the romance ones? And, what's the final achievement on the last page, after "Behind the Ball"? Is it the one for getting all the secrets, and if so, is it still bugged?
I’ve gotten the epilogue for her multiple times, and have always achieved the best outcome for Hise and Corval. Here are some of the things I did that I think helped with that:
Hopefully this will get you the best outcome for Hise and the Cordelia epilogue!
I decided to put links to all the guides/documents I've been using from across the internet in one place, in case any one else wants to use them (also because managing all these tabs is breaking my brain).
Old Week 1-3:
Random Guide:
Week 4 Doc:
Hosting Events Guide:
Character Creation Guide:
Welcome Dinner Guide: Race Guide:
Trial Guide:
Great list, thanks for collecting everything in one place! Yeah, I got so many tabs open when playing this game, all the guides + stat calculator + wiki. Studying for the summit is real!
The piratepad guide is from the old forums, I believe, a lot of people worked hard on it. I hope eventually some of those people come back to play the game to see the fruits of their labor.
The stat calculator can be found here:
Here's the post by the creator of it:
Fantastic additions! I'd like to add the build calculator and this guide that covers weeks 1-5!
Hi, I'm having trouble friendzoning Jarrod and am wondering if the RevaireMC is locked out of that option? I have done the following:
W1 - on his date, select option that loyalty is earned; pleasant conversation to reinforce better behavior; in all frankness
W2 - get blush scene
W3 - before matchmaker scene, select that I am aghast. But he tells me that's a stupid complaint when we all know the best choice.
I don't think I failed any persuasion checks because I chose character creation options that would give me 75 manipulation and always select options that give +5 insight.
I've never had difficulty getting Sayra's confession on week 6 before. I was on a widow build that was designed to unlock all secrets, so I had every secret from weeks 1-5. I remember that I didn't get Ria and Sayra's gift, and I thought perhaps that was because I had her declare the wrong ambition (making history instead of Katyia's legacy) since I'm convinced I did everything else right. Aced the trial in week 4. Friendship and respect were fairly high, but not high enough.
However, my main widow has the same ambition, and she definitely unlocked Sayra's confession when I played her last (...about five years ago). She didn't invite her to an event, either. I'm pretty sure her second event was the midnight picnic, which Sayra never accepts. That's usually my default week 3 event for Corval and Revaire MCs. I guess I could try and load my oild saves to check, but I imagine that too much has changed between now and then.
Can anyone help me solve this mystery?
I used the "Bring Peace to Revaire" guide and it worked on an Ethical Widow, see link below.
Interestingly enough, I just did a second run-through (Jiyel) while following it more loosely, and I managed to get Revaire's good peace ending after forgetting to invite Sayra to Onvu tournament, so I don't think it's as necessary as boosting her friendship. Also, I chose the Katyia's legacy ambition for both characters, although my widow was lying and moreso interested in alliances.
I think it has to do with the ambition for sure. I tried to go for a peaceful end for Revaire while romancing Clarmont as a Arland princess and had to reset multiple times because I couldn't get Sarya to confess to me either, which ended up with Clarmont dying and my poor princess widowed before marriage (and also a bad end). I ended up resetting multiple times trying different things, and Sara's respect and friendship seems to be tied to rebel approval. I ended up having to redo my character build to make sure I had at least 250 persuasion to get Katyia's legacy as a choice by the time the speech comes around. I noticed that once I did, I received Mrs. White's gift during week 3, which I didn't despite having the rebel approval bar at 3.5 before restarting. I think you also need to find all rebel secrets and find out who the true murder is too during the trial and complete a successful complete defense.
Incidentally, I managed to get perfect completion of the play and noticed that it greatly boosted approval all around in general. It is definitely not easy (I had to do a lot of planning to make sure I had the minimum stats based on some guides), but if you play around with your stats to make sure you have at least 250 persuasion, it should be a lot easier. I chose to play a lead role in the play and got roped into playing Serah. When I tried to pick another role, Jaslen forced me into Serah's anyways. I don't know if things will be different if you chose to work backstage. Hope all of these observations help you get Sarya to open up to you!
How do you wipe your progress and start fresh?
I want to re-unlock all the achievements now that alpha's out (and re-read all the text before using the skip), but I can't work out how. I've gone into the game files and deleted everything in the 'Saves' folder - no luck. I feel like I'm missing something obvious - anyone know how to do this?
I had the same issue, here's what worked for me (in addition to deleting the save files like you did):
1. Press Window Key + R to get the Run dialogue box
2. Type %appdata% and hit OK
3. In the window that opened, go to the folder Renpy
4. Inside Renpy, find the folder Seven Kingdoms The Princess Problem and delete all the files inside it
That finally let me start totally fresh. Hope it works for you!
There's a series of stats checks, you don't have to pass them all, but you have to pass enough of them.
Poise + Courage (smaller value checks) Quick thinking and Defensive instincts (bigger value checks)
The you know enough line only gives you 10 out of the 50 points you need to save yourself (that's the middle pass line - higher defensive instincts would net you + 25)
I'm not sure why I can't get Avalie in an alliance. The guide says that you need to discover the weaver chain of secrets and the garden scene which I'm sure I did. Is there a specific piece of dialogue with the final secret in the forbidden wing that signifies you completed it? The two previous secret scenes is the week 1 garden and week 3 I'm sure I got. The guide says you first pick the option that mentions her backstory, then there should be another option the next set of choices but I just see gossip, fashion, and onvu.
I haven't seen any guides yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if some come out soon <3
tips for Legendary Jiyel:
-make sure Jiyel and Arland both know peace is in their interest
-make sure the agree to open borders and cultural exhange
-Bring them together to study history
And then make sure you have been convincing enough /or used enough influence that they work together happily and peacefully
Thank you so much ! On week 7, I chose to ask Lyon for his ideas, joint history library, and chefs training in different nations. Are they the 'correct' choices or is it more probable that I missed something along the playthrough ?
Also, thank you so much Aly for your hard work ! I just finished two backgrounds playthrough and the game is marvelous.
Someone just posted a link to a guide to how to bring peace to Revaire:
I managed to stumble upon it after banging my head against the wall before the guide, but I think it has to do with persuasion as well? I didn't keep track of the choices I picked, but I think I picked the same choices more than once and I noticed that the option for peace showed up only once I had a high enough persuasion. I can't confirm if that is really true though since by that point I was so relieved that I didn't want to go back and reload to see the difference in stats 😂
Just did another run with a different build (I managed to bring peace as an Arland princess while romancing Clarmont) as a Jiyel scholar and I can definitely confirm that there's some hidden stat needed in order to get the option to aim for peace to pop up. I tried messing around with the choices for when you talk with Sarya on the guide I posted the link to and the option for peace didn't pop up. I'm guessing it has to do with persuasion or manipulation, or maybe people? I would need to look back on my saves and compare my stats.
This wiki has stat check information for the secrets (
There's also this guide (
Can someone help me with Sayra?
I played a route with Clarmont and had no problem unlocking her confession.
I'm having another go, and she didn't open up. I invited them for breakfast, choose Katya's legacy, got her gift, defended her, got all the rebel secrets, aced the trial.... I don't what I'm missing? I'm at half way point with rebels aprobal, and maximun with commoners.
from another reply I made:
To get the Sayra scene (in week six) that gives you the option to side with the Rebels, or try for peace you need:
first- have discovered the existence of the rebels (following the rebel secret chain)
second, pass an insight 85 check
third- have Sayra's rival less than 10, friendship more than 30 and respect more than 40
Sayra's friendship and respect are boosted by choosing katyia's legacy, being nice to the servants (introducing yourself, comforting ria, sticking up for sayra when the delegate is bugging her, ) inviting her the onvu tournament, or the girls night, saving Imogen at the trial (this is a big one, it gives a 20/20 boost for the best performance and a 10/10 for saving her)
Yeah, you can!
Here's the guide:
I was dumped by Clarmont ;_; I assume I need to see all the Rebel secrets to progress the romance? I've done it in a previous demo playthrough years ago, but I can't quite remember what's needed - what rooms I'm supposed to explore when. Can someone refresh my memory please?
So happy you finished this Aly, I've loved this game for many years. Thank you!
...In the meantime I'm venturing into week 7, forever alone lol.
You don't need to complete the rebel chain to marry him at the end. To avoid getting dump for any guy is to have high enough romance with them so that if they try to break up you have all the right answers to avoid a (permanent breakup) where instead the romantic option needs to think and comes begging back.
To increase romance you either have to pick the dialogues with the highest amount of romance or go on more dates with your intended ( I noticed two dates are enough )
fyi: if your romance is very high, the break-up (attempt) won't even happen. That was the case with me in my second walkthrough with Clarmont.
Warning contains spoilers
Peace as in no rebellion?
I was able to unlock two "peaceful" ending for Revaire.
- Quick rebellion where the rebels one and Sayra becomes queen (she has to confide in you her true identity and you have to campaign in favour for rebellion )
- The second option I got was the new Revaire royal family stepping down ( high enough friendship with Gisette) but in that game Sayra told me her identity too this should hopefully give you some idea.
Here's some pointers:
- go to your room every week to see his event
- invite him to one of your events (he won't come, but it boosts romance I believe)
- finish the historian secret chain and see the last one before the auto-triggered conversation with Jasper in week 4, then pick dialogue choices telling him to put down his burdens and assuring him you'll save the summit
That should help you get on his route. For the best outcome you have to have legendary endings for all countries. I think a perfect acquittal for Imogen also helps, in boosting relationship if nothing else, but I'm not sure about that.
(accidentally posted this in Bugs first, my apologies! XD)
I'm hitting a wall. I cannot make Revaire legendary happy, and I don't know why. I successfully increase peace at every turn, at parties, with the negotiations, with the ambassadors. I get Sarya's confession, and very good friends with Gisette, and can stop Jarrod in the hallway and encourage him to a peaceful mindset.
Sarya marrying Jarrod just makes Revaire miserable, getting every possible ally makes Revaire miserable during a rebellion, what else is there to do?
Hi! I think you may be choosing the wrong option with Gissette? Because all the rest sounds exactly as what I got.
I got the legendary ending by choosing "peaceful but fair" (second option) and I got the marriage one when I took the first option (something that implied sharing power).
Hope that helps!
Here's a couple other ways:
1. Clarmont's week 1 date will give you +10 leadership as long as you don't mess it up
2. In Penelope's week 2 friendship date, if you're friends with both her and Lisle, then Lisle will pop in for a visit. You'll get +5 charm from Pen and +5 leadership from Lisle.
3. In week 2, visit the garden during your free time. If you have high enough romance with Clarmont, he'll be there. You two will take a walk through the gardens and you'll get +5 leadership.
I got a gift from Zarad (my last playthrough's romance option.) Romance was maxed out, I'm not sure if anything else needed to be triggered. (I kissed him when I had the option to, but I don't even remember if that scene was before the ball or after it.) Sorry, don't know if that helps.
I'm playing a runthrough with Lyon right now, approaching week 6 soon. I'll try to pay attention this time and report back.
It can be raised several ways: picking specific dialogue options, receiving gifts from others, and under your Free time to-do list - select Ask someone for skill advice - and then select Practice dancing with Jasper.
Most other skills can be raised through exploring the castle, asking someone for skill advice, or self improvement.
"Insight" kind of translates to "meta knowledge about the game." It's basically a measure of whether or not you've played the game before and how well you understand the characters. During the welcome feast at the beginning of the game, you have the opportunity to gain a total of 70 insight. To do that, you need to show up early so you have time to talk to as many characters as possible.
There are guides out there explaining how to get the max amount of insight on day 1, but it's possible to figure it out yourself. Each character you talk to asks multiple questions. They typically ask you 1 or 2 questions that require a skill check and 1 or 2 questions that do not. For example: when you meet Cordelia, the first question is just how to greet her. The greeting is based on skill checks; you can greet her politely if you have enough etiquette, curiously if you have enough intelligence, etc. Her second question is another skill check. Her last question is not a skill check. This is the question that grants insight. She politely asks you how your journey was. The correct answer is the most polite one. It makes her happy and grants +5 insight. All the conversations during the welcome feast share the same basic format. The questions that do not require a skill check, the ones that are just about choosing what will make that character happy, those are the ones that grant insight.
The welcome feast will grant you the most insight, but there are other opportunities to raise insight scattered throughout the game. They typically come up during group events. For example, during the introduction speeches at the end of week 1, you can get +5 insight from answering Woodly's question. And then during the horse ride, you can get +5 insight from answering Yvette's question.
hi !! a bit embarrassing but I can't seem to get all the legendary endings for each country. I can always get Revaire, and I managed to get Corval/Hise to legendary once, but the other won't budge from being neutral to good for the rest. During the first meeting with the representatives I always push them to diplomacy, I have high friendship/respect with all the delegates, and I always succeed in 3 good suggestions for peace during the negotiations during week 7. I'm not sure what I'm missing?? Please help ;;
What are the requirements for Ana's epilogue? I know I maxed out the romance (because I got the unbreakable bond achievement), I got a good ending for Wellin and Skalt with quite a bit of influence on the Skalt side, but can't think of any other boxes to check that would be relevant to Ana? Any particular skills or something? (my character has sky-high defensive skills so I don't think it could be that). Or does she need some legendary outcomes to trigger?
I'm not sure if anyone else has posted it, but I have all the approved romance bonuses and some of the background ones that you get during your 2nd playthrough. What I see so far are:
I've always chosen the 'she is more than she thinks and will find another way to help her family' options when talking to her in her friendship events, and have always had her on my (winning) team in the ship race (Hamin + Cordelia + Penelope + Lyon or Avalie), and have always been able to get her to go to Skalt in the end!
I think you might need to boost her confidence during the play too? I had a Sheltered Princess playthrough where she played the character Penelope usually does, and Penelope was too scared to go to Skalt. But it could have been because my persuasion or some other skill wasn't high enough to convince her.
Hi all, does anyone know how to use the clean slate option? I have downloaded the clean slate option and played the direct app file from the folder but it still does not show getting the achievements again. I noted that it deleted the first few pages of saves though. I have also played from the latest 1.09 build but the achievements are still not getting re-triggered.
(potential minor spoilers ahead about the final weeks/ negotiations)
I've heard talk of blackmailing different people, but how can that be done? I've found out a few secrets about people (e.g. Blain's), but I never seem to get the option to blackmail someone? When should that option present itself? I was thinking maybe you'd have a conversation with them during week 7 where you get that option, but this hasn't been the case - what am I missing?
I’ve gotten blackmail options three times so far - one for Jaslen’s secret, one for Avalie’s, and one for Zarad’s (for Jaslen, I only needed to see one scene - for Zarad, I needed his confession to get the option.) For both options, it happened at the end of the day’s negotiations, where I was asked if I wanted to blackmail the character whose secret I knew. For Avalie, I think I only got the option when she wasn’t my ally.
I'm missing something about allying with Avalie and I can't figure out what it is. I've seen both weaver scenes listed on the wiki, found an additional one in the forbidden wing in week six (that implied I was missing something but ??? what?), seen several secret scenes involving Avalie (that aren't listed in the weaver chain), and seen the garden scene with Cato and Falon. I've got high friendship, respect, and rivalry with her; I've used (to my knowledge) all the right dialogue options. Are there more weaver scenes? I have replayed this game so many times at this point just to ally with Avalie and I still haven't done it. Pls help lol
The last Weaver scene has a pretty difficult interpersonal insight check (270 IIRC) that you need to pass in order to unlock the Weaver secret and ally with Avalie. You’ll also need high persuasion to convince her, but I don’t think it’s higher than 500 (which you’ll need anyways to convince the Jiyel ambassador for the legendary ending).
It's actually 275, and even MCs that specialize in people/politics knowledge would need to grind a bit to get there!
Considering how busy you can get trying to get the secrets to the legendary endings, I definitely recommend getting the practice in earlier than week 6. I ended up 5 points short of it myself, and had to load up a save two weeks earlier because I didn't have enough free time slots, RIP.
During her week 2 date, did you get her extended dialogue ended with "It would be a pity if you weren't at your best tomorrow"? Because it means you're heading in the right direction :D If you did, but still didn't get the other date, then... hmm, inviting her to the boat race and hosted events might help.
You have to select the correct choice with the Arlish ambassador in the welcome feast. I was also having the same issue with getting Avalie as my ally as I selected the option "The final 2 weeks are more important than the previous 5". During the nego, you will have 2 choices to select during the ambassador showdown - if you only got to support and give (un)due credit to Cato during the week 7 nego, you will not get the legendary ending.
I'm trying the get the Hise MC's mother, the Blackthorn, released at the end of week 7 while still managing at least a perfunctory peace between as many countries as I can.
I used a chunk of influence to try and push for my own ends at the end of the summit, do I need a higher persuasion so I can gather more influence? Anyone know how much?
Granted I was romancing Zarad when I freed her, but I managed to do so without chosing any of the "work towards my interest choices" or spending influence on Hise/Corval.
Feels like nation approval + making the right convo choices with the delegates during week six is king for getting what you want at the negotiations - if you have the near max approval levels that lets you volunteer three choices at each talk you should be able to get her free and sue for some sort of peace with everyone without even spending any influence .
I feel like I’m seeing different answers to this so I was hoping someone could confirm this for sure. Is completing the Rebel path the only way to keep Clarmont from breaking up with you? I had been prioritizing the Historian chain but if that’s the only way to stay with Clarmont I’ll have to go back to the drawing board with crafting my MCs…
I figured, thanks for confirming for me! I had planned all my MCs for each background in a way that they could successfully get with all the approved romances, befriend Penelope, Cordelia, and Avalie (though for Avalie I’ll be buddies with her but can’t ally with her since my builds can’t afford for me to spend free time to complete the Weaver scenes 😂), uncover the Historians, and successfully get through the week challenges. I’ll have to see if I’m somehow able to do both Historians and Rebels with my current builds for each background. I got the stats for both, the problem is if the loss of the free time slots will make things harder for me in the challenges if my stats aren’t enough….If not, like I said before, back to the drawing board for me!
hiii does anyone know how to get lyon to get involved in the peace talks discussion? I'm trying to unlock the legendary ending but even w/ getting avalie's ally + 500 persuasion stat + picking the right options for the ambassadors I can't seem to get the option to show up. He's legit the last thing stopping me from getting all legendary. ; w ;
I just completed my first playthrough to completion. It said I saw Hamin at the end, smuggling someone aboard his ship as we left in a chest. They seemed mischievous. I then unlocked a character. Hamin didn't explain to me, which the narrative pointed out, but I am wondering how to know. Is it an origin I might be able to use, or a delegate/person I can see on vail isle now?
I'm lteraryyyy cryinnggggggggggggggggg, I've spent 4 days (not joking) spending HOURS on this game, to get Avalie's route, idk if it's a glitch but my latest run I got Lyons friendship and the grand game quest line until week 6. When I clicked the forbidden wing IT SAID NOTHING LIKE WHATTTTTTTT.
Likeeeee.... I'm dumb enough to believe the grand game quest line. BUT IT DOESN'T SHOW UP. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
IF anyone can give me stats to achieve Avalie's route/the grand game plzzz tell me.
+999999 my never-ending gratefulness
Did you get the scene where MC finds something in the Forbidden Wing? If not, you’re either missing part of the Weaver chain or you don’t have high enough secret stat. If your MC does find something in the forbidden wing but she doesn’t think much of it, you need more interpersonal insight.
You also need to get the garden scene in Week 6 before Avalie’s date to get the option to ask her about the Weavers.
Hi! I romanced Clarmont in my last run (took a couple runs). If I remember correctly, what I had to do was complete the Rebel secret/route, be an ethically moral MC, peace in Revaire AND use the PiratePad Week 5 Guide dialogue under the Angst Guide (Guide to not getting dumped). I believe you cannot be a Revaire widow. Note: I am not sure what the exact requirements are but this is what I'd done.
Amongst other things... Those were what I really had to focus on. Hope this helps!
The main thing with Clarmont is you gotta complete the Rebel secret chain and have more than 50% Rebel approval. And then in the conversation where he’s trying to dump you make sure to pick the right answers otherwise even if you got the scenes and approval you’ll still get dumped. Other than that, as far as I know, you should be good to stay with Clarmont!
I never noticed before, as I usually either fail to invite Woodly or have high Eloquence, but I just got +5 Eloquence from managing to invite Woodly to the Musicale! This isn't in any of the guides I've seen!
I had 35, which meant I failed the Eloquence test just earlier. The line sounded like perhaps you only get that if your stat was somewhat low. I wonder if the other chaperones have similar effects...
the Fanon wiki has it, and personally I found it really really useful.
Yeah, and then afterwards I noticed that it was indeed noted in at least one version of The Big Spreadsheet Guide, just so discreetly I'd never noticed it 😅 Looks like Jaslen also brings Politics bonuses, and she and Yvette also bring bonus approval for their respective allegiances!
[eyes Falon] looks like not only does the general only deign come to 1 single event, but he just gives a Jiyel boost and that's it. wow
Thank you to Aly and all contributors to this thread. With y'alls help, I finished the game with 4/7 character backgrounds, 4 different love interest, the heartwarming trio friendship scene (Avalie queen!!) AND finally a legendary run ;) (all 7+ hours per run) With that, I am still excited to continue playing.
Are the 'secret' unlockable backgrounds available to play in the EA? If so, what do I need to do. They show up in the More than You Appear screen but I can't play them when I click. Also, I know there's an NG+ but from some of you, it sounds like this is already available with the EA. Is this true?
I was trying to get a good ending while romancing Clarmont as the Countess
Can you do it without bringing peace to Revaire?
He would dump me if I tried to participate in rebel activities. I had to choose support for him to continue
I had very low manipulation and cunning the entire time. Charisma wasn't great either.
I tried getting in with Sayra. I got her and Ria's gift but not Mrs. White's. Never found out Sayra's secret.
I did solve the murders though.
to romance clarmont successfully you need to either bring peace to revaire or side with the rebels
you should be able to choose either option at the end of week five as long as you pick all the right answers during your conversation (see guide)
if you don't have high enough persuasion to choose katiya's legacy as your ambition during the self-introductions then you can gain rebel approval by telling estelle that imogen is innocent at dinner
Oh! Do I need to have Katyia's legacy as a public ambition in order to side with the rebels?
I had it as a private ambition but had a different public one.
I'm trying to figure out what stat I'm missing when I was able to support the rebels but didn't have enough of something to participate. I thought my persuasion might have been too low? Could that be the only thing stopping me?
I made it to the end with his proposal but Clarmont died in the war.
you have to hit both a certain threshold of rebel approval (like half the bar?) and a certain level of sayra friendship for sayra to reveal her secret, which you definitely need in order to arrange peace and most likely need to side with the rebels. having katiya's legacy as your public ambition is the biggest, easiest early-game boost to rebel approval - i think you might need it to get the rebel gift in week 3
I don't think I've ever gotten the rebel gift in any playthrough, even in the first 3 week demo. Maybe once when the demo was new, but not in the last couple years. How do I increase the rebel approval that much that early?
and according to the most recent guide posted in guides, you need a minimum of 250 persuasion to have katiya's legacy as a public ambition which I didn't have. Having almost no manipulation and low charisma are probably hurting me early on, since they're part of persuasion.
I'm attempting another go with my Countess build. without the rebel gift and without the public katiya ambition.
I already ended up with perfect acquittal, which I didn't get the first time with the Countess.
Do you treat Sayra, Ria and the staff nicely? E.g. be friendly with them when you introduce yourself (part of character creation), invite them to eat breakfast with you, invite them to events, comfort Ria on the day of the horse riding accident? Did you also sweep in to assist Sayra against the drunk delegate?
Can't think of anything else which could affect the rebel faction - the actions above would help with Sayra's approval/friendship which is also linked to the rebel faction. I have always received the gift from Mrs. White/Ria +Sayra
it might also depend on things like your success at the self-introductions (i think passing perfectly gives you a bigger boost than just passing?) and having enough insight (at least 60) to choose the best option assisting sayra ("I don't doubt that Sayra can handle herself, but...")
there's a guide that covers the entirety of the game in the help and guides thread now, btw!
I did every single one of those things you mentioned, and didn't receive the rebel gift. Any time I could comfort Ria instead of receive a stat boost, I did. I received the Ria/Sayra gift. And I got Ria's confession.
Anything that boosted Ria or Sayra I did. I invited Ria to both events and I invited Sayra to the girls night. I didn't have the stats to succeed in the onvu tournament.
There's one rebel approval thing I missed the first go through which was responding to Lady Estelle about Imogen being innocent. I'll find out at the end of week 4 if it will let me choose to participate in the rebellion. I'm using a guide to boost my persuasion everywhere I can. I'm going to assume if I still can't continue the romance by picking that answer that I need to redo it...AGAIN.
Do I need Sayra's secret for a successful romance with Clarmont, so he survives to the end without peace?
and omg, i just remembered something and it will blow my mind if this is the ONLY reason I'm not getting the rebel gift because the guides don't say that this choice affects any approval. Because I thought it only affected my personality. But on day 1 when talking to Gisette, because i have no manipulation, I choose to say I support her in order to improve my relationship with her and nothing else. Might I have to either avoid talking to her or support the people?
EDIT: I still couldn't choose the "participate in rebellion"
According to one guide all I need to get it are the right answers and ethical. Do I need to be max ethical? I'm almost max but not quite.
I'm not even sure what choices I made that prevent full ethical...unless it's the option I mentioned above on day 1?
I think you messed up with Gisette, for the peace in Revaire ending I would avoid her unless you're playing with at least 75 manipulation. (and truthfully I wouldn't go this route without it for the legacy ending).
First I greeted Sayra, Ria and Jasper friendly
invited them to eat
When talking to Ana click Gisette want to talk to u for 5+ manipulation
NEED TO TALK TO ZARAD, CLARMONT, EMMET AND JARROD (for peace in Revaire ending) (would immediently go to the first introductions don't waste time on hair and makeup)
Save Penelope from Jarrod in the first introductions when talking to Clarmont
rebel secret 1 in kitchen
made Kaytia's legacy my goal
Host a event and invite Sayra
------week 2 --------
Met Clarmont in the garden
meet Jarrod in the training room
forbidden room (for trial- you need 100% to get rebel respect)
cliffs (rebel secret 2)
--------week 3-------
Befriended/romanced Jarrod and rejected him, (needs 450 persuasion).
accept Clarmont's proposal
Host an event and invite Sayra
-----week 4-----
Say 'I'm sure Imogen is innocent' in the supper after the murder
visit crime scene in first day and examin everything
find alibis for Imogen
go see the other crime scene and click rummage through everything, and click everything but the water option
(70 manipulation of 50 courage needed to talk to Kade)
He's the murder ordered by the island natives. He used a rosethorn, made the horses disappear, Framed Gisette, (idk the rest off the top of my head)
On the last day Zarad with enough friendship will meet u and tell u about the weapon used and u have to go to the servants quarters to check for it.
Achieve a perfect trial, by clicking the ace up my sleeve
Go on dates with Clarmont
-----week 5------
go to servants quarters, Mrs White will give u a nod if u have MAX approval with the rebels.
go on dates with Clarmont
and do the break up scene with him again.
-----week 6-------
Grind poise for the negotiations
----week 7-----
no need to host the ball
follow the wiki's advice on how to bring peace in Revaire, for the legacy ending u need to convince, Gisette, Jarrod and Sayra
You definitely don't need max Ethical, I got it with a Widow that kept toeing the line and I was juuuust barely on the ethical side of the halfway mark when Clarmont tried to break up with me. (I remember I had to wait to do a murder on my personal issue storyline, finishing it JUST in time to not get arrested, so I think I was even back into Immoral when Sayra talked to me.)
Also, to get Mrs White's nod, you just need to have filled half of the Rebel approval bar (which is the "max" you can have at this point, or thereabouts).
I think you can still figure out the secret and continue the storyline with all the other requirements, and not having 50% Rebel approval just gives you a lot of Clarmont and Sayra rivalry (Mrs White gets mad at you but you still piece it together). This is probably for the allying with Gisette's family route, but maybe you can still ally with the rebels anyway...? It doesn't take away from their friendship/romance/respect, so maybe it's still possible.
Do I need to invite Sayra to the first event even though I know she will decline? That's the only thing I didn't do. I didn't realize the importance there can be of inviting certain people who don't come, just to raise stats with them (like Jasper). Does increasing Sayra's stats affect the rebel approval?
I've figured out the main secret every time just without the Sayra part. So she's the reason I can't participate in the rebellion? Where in the timeline does she tell you her secret so I know if I've messed up? Before the play but after the trial? An exact day would be nice if you know it. Do I need to receive Mrs. White's gift too? Or is it possible to get Sayra's secret without receiving the gift? Because I don't know what I'm not doing in order to get that gift.
My current build doesn't have high enough persuasion to give me the option of a public ambition of Katiya's legacy. Is having that as a public ambition required for the rebels? Do I need to redo the character build to increase my persuasion to make it possible?
According to a guide, Ana's acceptance to your week 1 event is automatic, but she declined. Was this previously true and now changed? Or do you have to have zero rivalry? The only rivalry answer I gave was for the etiquette boost on day 1, but gave the best answers all other times including her date.
gotcha. thank you 👍
one more question. do you know if the relationship scores are considered when you send the invite or when the event happens? since Ana's date happens after you send the invite but before the event, does what you earn affect the acceptance to the invitation or was it already decided before the date, when you first sent the invitation?
So I absolutely swear I chose all seven Jarrod reform flag options but there was no conversation with him triggered before the revaire negotiations. I wish there was a way I could check the game log to know for sure if I got them all or unknowingly missed one.
Is there any other requirement I could be missing? I didn't finish the rebel secret this time through so I never got choices with Gisette. I'm not on his romance path and my background is Revaire. But the guide doesn't list any other requirements outside of the "reform flags"
For endings. If you're from Revaire. Will you always get a bad ending unless you get peace or able to take a side?
The main thing is you need to make sure Lyon's romance level is high enough and that your MC is ethical and compassionate. After that it's a matter of you picking the right dialogue options in the choices that come afterwards. As long as you picked all the right answers OR picked almost every right answer (I think you can miss one or two) and have at least 400 persuasion you should be good to go with him!
I'm playing a Revaire Widow with full or near full noble, compassionate, and ethical personality traits but when Gisette came and asked for the names of rebels my only option presented was to tell her everything (and get the Royal Habits achievement). Are there other options that I could've unlocked? Is this because I also had a full ambitious trait? This is really awkward because I was romancing Clarmont :*)
Yeah, you have to get Sayra’s approval higher to be able to get the peace or rebel outcomes.
Quote from Aly earlier in this thread:
“Sayra's friendship and respect are boosted by choosing katyia's legacy, being nice to the servants (introducing yourself, comforting ria, sticking up for sayra when the delegate is bugging her, ) inviting her the onvu tournament, or the girls night, saving Imogen at the trial (this is a big one, it gives a 20/20 boost for the best performance and a 10/10 for saving her)”
you're having the exact issue I had a couple weeks ago. Everything that was already said
But you also might need Rebel approval. After the last rebel secret, Mrs. White in the servants quarters, if Clarmont's rivalry goes to 50% then rebel approval isn't high enough.
Did you get Mrs. White's Gift and Sayra/Ria's gift before the breakfast?
And on day 1, did you talk to Gisette at all? if so what was the last answer you gave?
I wish there was a character guide to increasing specific characters' friendship for outcomes, choices, or endings.
For example, before I get to the week 7 conversation with Gisette, I've done everything else right, but I guess my friendship is barely below 50 (which I assume would be half the bar) and rivalry is 30 or higher. My friendship might be 40 or even 45. Other than Katiya's footsteps I don't think I did anything else to get Gisette Rivalry. I invited her to my events and gave her the best gift and succeeded in her event.
What other friendship boost is there? I used the guide to pick all her best conversation answers. Maintained her friendship after week 3 getting matched with someone else. At the beginning I successfully lied to her about supporting her. I visited her in the Gazebo after the horse ride.
I failed the check after the "great arguments question" I never got to the blackmail option. I went back and tried for the Sayra/Jarrod marriage and she killed me.
Can I convince Gisette to peace without getting a perfect acquittal? I got the next best thing. I guess that also adds rivalry.
And why doesn't respect factor into these? I literally have respect from her maxed.
this guide has a very specific walkthrough (in the week 7 tab) to choosing all the correct answers in your gisette convo, i'd also recommend looking in the guides and resources thread if you're struggling with something
I know, that's the guide I used. I did all the right answers for both different ways to peace. 1 rejected. 2 (sayra/jarrod) dead
according to that page of the guide i need less than 30 rivalry (+2 wrong if not) and at least 50 friendship (+1 wrong if not). If I get +3 wrong there's an auto fail at the point I'm struggling with. I have both. And I need help knowing how to prevent gisette's rivalry from getting that high and how her friendship could be higher than it is because I did everything I know about. The only way to get her rivalry down would be perfect acquittal but my warfare knowledge is too low to achieve that without starting over.
EDIT: i was not friends with zarad
I think you misunderstood some parts of the guide, let me help you.
In your w7 Gisette convo, you don't need a good relationship with her to convince her to peace. The choices during the Gisette relationship check are "Yes, I do" and "Best not", choosing the latter will let you avoid the check. Now, before that choice, if you have 30 or more rivalry with her you will get +1 WRONG (or +2 if 40 rivalry, or +3 if 60 rivalry), but if you haven't pissed her off much beforehand it should be fine.
(For the record, saying your goal is Katiya's legacy gives +10 rivalry, not having all aquit for trial and just most aquit gives +20 rivalry. Katiya's Legacy pretty much requires all aquit so you probably should redo it if that's your goal.)
And yes, Zarad will help you before the trial if you're romancing him or have 25 friendship with him. Tell me if you need help on befriending him.
Just saw Aly's Tumblr post saying Weaver might give 10? Manipulation bonus and I'm EXCITED!!! Really helpful for my Wellin and Arland MCs! I usually choose max Manipulation in the CC for the others, but with the Weaver bonus and all the other bonuses, they could still have 75 manipulation in the beginning! So I can choose another skill in the CC! :D
I'm absolutely certain that I saw all the scenes for the Hise MC's plot (successfully got info from Hamin and Zarad), to the point where selecting "Pursue personal affairs" just kicked me back to the standard free time screen, but I never got the achievement. Did I miss something, or is this just another bug?
What's the max manipulation you can get as the Princess from CC? Also, can the Princess ever redeem Jarrod, or will she never have enough persuasion for the check no matter what she does? I'm trying to plan for a Princess run where she ends up with both Jarrod and Gisette but I can't tell if it's doable! Or if NG+ bonuses are a must for that route.
Princess can get like 25 max from CC, only in the question about bandits because choosing the other options will lock her background. Plus the ng bonuses (Revaire siblings/Avalie) would be 40. Redeeming Jarrod requires his week 1 date and Arland can never get enough courage to pass it. For the Revaire 3p you don't have to do anything with Jarrod. Just be immoral, romance Gisette, and she'll handle it. Side with Revaire royals and choose "something of you both" with Jarrod in week 7. Complete the Rebel secret chain, which doesn't include Sara's secret.
I tried it while befriending Sarya and the rebels then betraying them, but I guess the previous version was bugged because it made Jarrod marry Sarya. Maybe it's fixed now, but I tried again without Sara's secret or rebel approval and it worked. Also don't choose Katiya;s legacy for goal. Hope this helps :)
You sure? I've seen 50 Courage or 50 Poise on the 7KPP wikia (when I looked a few weeks ago at least.) I'll go and test it because obviously, as the Princess I don't have the required manipulation or courage and I just looked at my princess save (my first ng+) and in character creation I didn't give her the (alleged) required poise either.
Will report back!! EDIT: Yeah, 50 Poise doesn't do it, sorry friend.
Hi, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I can't get the clean slate version to clear my seen text. It will work initially in 1.07 after I select the option but then when I close it and open 1.12 my seen text is still there. Is there a step I'm missing? Alternatively if someone could let me know what file to delete to brute force it (I already tried deleting the renpy file from appdata)
Hey I finally figured this out, leaving it here in case anyone else is having the same issue
Delete the 'persistent' file in the AppData\Roaming\RenPy folder then go back to the Seven Kingdom Princess Problem \game\saves folder and delete the 'persistent' file there
Simply deleting the folder in AppData\Roaming\RenPy will cause the game to pick up on the 'persistent' file in the SKPP \game\saves folder. This will then sync the file there back into the AppData\Roaming\RenPy folder.
To put it simply, both the universal persistent file and the local persistent file must be deleted to get a clean slate. If you only delete one but not the other, then the game will continue to check both locations and sync to the one that has the most progress.
I played as the Revaire MC on my first playthrough and got the bad end, I suspect its because I didn't bother finding out about the country's internal conflict.
Its not compulsory to find out for every MC unless we are from Revaire or aiming for one of the Revaire LI are we? I don't want to play another round just to get the bad end again for the same reason 😭
From my understanding, if your LI is Jasper you need to be successful in getting the best ending for Revaire? And by getting the CGs it means that you unlocked the best ending?
I got the CG of Sayra on the throne with Gisette being her Spy Master, I got Penelope to go to Skalt, I even got Jarrod to step down peacefully but I couldn't get Jasper's CG. I even got legendary host & belle of the ball during the ball. The only thing I could think of that I'm missing is the historian route, I didn't have enough time blocks to explore that :(
Is the missing link the historian route or something else?
I am having problems unlocking the "more than I seem" backgrounds I have have seen two appear but it says that they aren't available yet. Is this a bug? Are they teasers for an upcoming version, or do I need to do something special to unlock them? I am playing the full version of the game, and have done a successful play-through of each main background
Am I understanding it correctly that if you play a widow and haven't fully unlocked the rebel secret chain it's impossible to get anything other than the worst possible ending for your character?
When Gisette came to see me during the final week, she realized I didn't know about the rebels, and just got dissapointed and left, and I was not able to have any input on the negogiations that just ended in war. I understand that the Revaire/Rebel plotline is difficult, but just..
In order to fully unlock the rebel scret chain you need at least 60 insight (specifically for the scene with Gisette and Jarrod at the cliffs in week 2). During the welcome feast I focued on roleplay/personality rather than farming insight, so did I just fully doom my character with a roleplay decision made durng the first event of the game with no possibility to do anything to change it afterwards? That seems harsh.
I agree that's pretty harsh on not letting people have different play styles and being able to get the best endings.
It would be nice if every skill check had multiple solutions for more flexibility, instead of requiring the player to have to play one single way in order to succeed. Otherwise despite many dialogue choices, there isn't actually any choice if you want the best ending.
I cannot pass the second matchmaker interview for anything. I've been trying for three days (doing both a Jiyel and a Hise background.) I have four or fewer stats less than 50, and I earned the "girl to bring home" achievement. Is it something to do with my relationships?
Or is it better to play a few runs in causal instead of challenge mode to get a feel for the game? I typically try to avoid walkthroughs on my first several runs, but now even after looking at the guides, I'm still struggling, haha.
it could be a relationships thing or an approval thing! also every skill greater than 75 will give you bonus points, same with every knowledge over 50 (or 25, in the case of secrets)
as for relationships i think you need high friendship + respect + romance with as many people as possible + little to no rivalry + high kingdom faction approval - my recommendation is to host events both weeks and generally go on as many dates as your skills/personality will let you pass
Guys is there an epilogue cg and bonus stat for Jasper?
I'm playing as a moral widow and did everything the guide say to get perfect endings for all the kingdoms but somehow i can only get the perfect ending for Jiyel and Arland as well as golden ending for Revaire. High skills and maximum approval from all the kingdoms without missing anything (in the guide) yet the only thing i get is the proposal to stay with him and marry but only friends at the epilogues.
Is my forth time trying and nothing, not even using the remaining power. The only thing that i didn't get was Lisle and Zarad secret (for blackmail) and i'm playing on Story Mode.
Anyone have any idea what im doing wrong? I followed everything on the community guide and Katyia Legacy guide (meaning even Aly advices).
If you’re able to marry Jasper but didn’t get his epilogue cg, then you’re missing legendary endings from some countries.
Are you sure you have fulfilled all the conditions listed in the quickstart section in the big spreadsheet guide? If the answer is yes, then you probably need to choose more choices that fits your best stats. Can’t really see what is missing with your play through without knowing your stats and choices made in detail, though as a widow who managed golden ending for Revaire you should have all the stats to succeed.
to get jasper's bonus stats and epilogue, you need to get Katya's legendary ending, ,meaning you have to restore peace in Revaire without a civil war and all NATIONS must have the best peace agreements.
The fact that you only get the perfect ending only for Jiyel and Skalt, tells me that for the other negotiations that you lack either positive relationships with the others involved or you don't have the right amount of skills.
Choosing the right answers/ options during negotiations is the right step, but depending on the skill, which backs up whatever claim you choose your MC to say, it might backfire.
You didn't mention that you gained Avalie as an ally. You need her to get Katya's legendary ending. Without her you can't.
The Blackmailing is not relevant, you don't need to know Lisle or Zarad's secrets to get the legendary ending. You need to know Avalie's secret though, so that you are able to become her ally.
Different person here. I got the legendary endings for Arland/Jiyel, Corval/Hise, and Skalt/Wellin. However, I think for Revaire I got the "good" ending, not the legendary one. Am I missing something?
Hi, sorry to bother anyone but I am having some trouble triggering the option to enter a political marriage while romancing a different character like Ria. I've done the three events in week 4/5 and I'm topped out on friendship with, say, Lisle and Penelope for instance... but nothing ever happens. I feel like I must be stupid or something since it doesn't seem like anyone else has asked about it. I would just appreciate some direction please.
Another beautiful person D: thank you so much. Imma get them bonuses and then I will still have several other playthroughs because I love this game so much. Thank you, your help really means a lot to me, I've been feeling so frustrated I even stopped playing for a couple hours before going back and just playing again because I can't stay away lol
Hi there, for some reason whenever I choose to betray Sayrah and side with Gisette in week 7, instead of having the options to gain more allies for the royals near the beginning of the revaire negotiations it's been for peace instead? Was there something else I should have chosen/done for the former to become available? (jarrod wont stop dying due to a lack of support i think TT)
btw I had a question. What is the requirement of getting a personal date in week 3? In my first playthrough of the proper game I couldn't get one for Gisette for some reason even though she seemed overall interested in me. I remember to be able to do that in the demo but not here. My relationship stats are almost equal parts friendship, romance and respect, is that the reason? Or was I wrong to also seduce her brother (I figured the way for us to be together would be a political marriage to her brother and looking at the guide I was correct).
Now at my last interview with the MM, there was no romance nor political marriage option so I dropped this playthrough for now to start over. Or is there still a chance for romance at this stage of the game?
so, there are two different kinds of routes in this game - full routes and secret routes (with some weird ambiguous edge cases like jarrod and lisle). the full routes are generally with the kinds of people the matchmaker would approve of you pairing off with, and they get week three dates. gisette is a secret route, so she doesn't get one. if your relationship values are high enough when you're going to see the matchmaker for the last time at the end of week three, she'll interrupt you on your way there, send jasper away, and imply that she's interested in you. (if you go to the gazebo right after the horse incident in week two you'll have a scene with her there that comes with a relationship boost, a stat boost and a CG, which are necessary to get the values high enough, i think?)
i'd actually avoid pursuing jarrod if you're interested in gisette unless you have the stats to talk him down after rejecting him - just be evil and avoid him, and gisette will do the rest
also, your relationships with Everyone are reliant on how well you perform at events, including the self-hosted ones - everyone you invite gets a big boost of friendship, respect, and potentially romance, which is great for building romance with the secret routes!