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A member registered Aug 01, 2015 · View creator page →

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The concept is cool but the execution is a bit rough. There's just a bunch of little piddling issues that make the whole experience a bit thornier than it needs to be. The mouse sensitivity is quite high for me, the movement speed quite slow, grabbing things is finicky, rotating them makes you drop them because mouse look isn't locked, jumping against the wall sometimes flings you upward, the fps isn't limited so my GPU is at 100% without reason, etc.

I tried to put the head on the monkey and it fell off into space and made me lose.

Pretty cool though.

This is really neat! I like the idea and potential for varied strategy and interactions of units and what they're doing at the moment. The game starts off good with the first few levels introducing new units, but the lack of variety after those first few levels becomes apparent and is my only real complaint. Either the field could have been changed up or perhaps some other units or actions for the units already introduced would help to really flesh out this idea. I quite liked it! It crashed a couple times. You'd think perhaps because of the dropped frames level, and it did crash there once, but also on the second level, so I don't think it's necessarily a resource issue.

Very cool!

Very slick looking and sounding game, could also call it very tight. The mechanics are all simple and straightforward with a couple nice little jokey bits. Fitting it into 60 seconds is nice and fits the theme well but also it feels quite short, in that I would have really enjoyed to keep going and play some more.

The polish here is very high. Great job!

I played the non-jam version.

1. This is the most accurate and fair depiction of anime ever, at least since the last hyper turbo.

2. Each game is competent and fun enough without being harsh or difficult to switch between each minute.

3. Decent if sometimes underwhelming crossover between the games

4. Peepaw voice acting is good

5. Game closes when you get to the end. This is funny. I enjoy funny things.

Well done.

The intro is very very good. The music fits so well and is nice and catchy and fun. It feels like what I imagine Animal Crossing games to be like, though I've never played any of them, so. The addition of the pufferfish is nice, and I do quite enjoy that it doesn't kill you or ruin the experience in any way. 

The map is interesting. I do think it's nice to have a bit of help considering there's no opportunity for exploration without the time limit, but on the other hand it seems a bit detrimental to give the exact locations of the watermelon bits as it basically removes the possibility or necessity of exploration. If it was more vague, like a growing vignette when close to a piece or something that might have been better for the feeling of exploration and discovery. On that note, I was really hoping there'd be secrets around to find, little references to the character or the world or anything. This game really feels like it encourages looking around, and after beating it, I spent far more time looking around and playing with the movement than I had with the game itself. I tried for quite some time to get Hekko back to his spot to no avail.

I absolutely loathe the eating sound.

This is great!

This game is unfortunately frustrating. I couldn't convince myself to get past the second stage because of the full restart on any mistake. Halfway through I hit escape in the hopes of pausing to look at instructions but it restarted the game. The rewind mechanic didn't work when I tried keeping that first door with the two enemies opened, my clone guy just disappeared unless I was still rewinding. I might just be a baby with very little patience but I couldn't keep trying. I got hit by an enemy shortly after passing that first area on my like, 15th attempt and it reset.

The concept is a staple to explore which is great, the audio and visuals are quite nice, and Mihai's voice acting, what I was able to hear, was well done.

This is stylish as all-get-out. The music starts a bit excessively abrasive, but after that it's bumping and harks back to CoLD SToRAgE and the wipeout games and more generally 90s EDM stuff. The game itself is hard as hell and I'm bad at it. The momentum of shifting momentum is extremely long lasting and difficult to manage, and slowing down time doesn't seem to make it any simpler, just slower and easier to not recognize just how hard you're throwing the ship when maneuvering. I did play it for a good 15 minutes with basically no progress just to see and hear it though, so you know, hell yeah and all that.

Unfortunately the game crashes whenever I attempt to pick a character. I usually only play the version submitted at the deadline, but I tried the updated version and it still doesn't work for me, which is a bummer since what I read in-game sounded like a neat idea. 

The idea of combos and exploration of mechanics is always cool and interesting, but this game suffers from a real lack of information, unfortunately. The tutorial is a bit too condensed and tiny and doesn't contain all the useful information. For instance, it mentions that you can drag the characters to the corner, but doesn't mention positioning before the fighting starts. It seems reasonable to expect the player to put two and two together, but those kinds of things slip past while you're thinking about all the other parts of the game. On a funnier note, one of my characters got flung off the map because they all spawned at the same point due to my not knowing I could place them.

The game seemingly ends at round 7 every time and yet it doesn't have any sort of way to end the game which is a bit odd.

I like the concept but it's a bit unpolished to be as enjoyable as it could be.

I will always enjoy any opportunity to berate Elon Musk or to enjoy his misery and on that note I would have preferred to be a competitor ruining his chance to "get us to mars" despite him having no real knowledge or expertise in well, you know, anything of value. That's my personal feelings and besides the point.

This was a nice and polished game, it looks great, the art is very well done, the concept is straightforward and easy to expand upon. I got to level 11 before moving on. While the randomness of the tourist tiles benefits from not having any fail state, the lack of one means that the levels end up feeling like waiting a lot of the time, especially later on when the tiles are limited. On one level I had tourist tiles spawn and cut them and my tiles off from the rocket so I just had to sit and wait, but even when that doesn't happen the lack of a threat still drags down the gameplay experience and makes it feel quite slow.

I wish the tiles could simply be picked up and placed wherever I want, as the way it works currently feels frustrating and clunky, moving them one space at a time. Rotating in both directions would also have been a small but satisfying improvement.

Quite fun and very polished. Nice!

Neat style, readable and expressive imagery and I very much enjoyed the atmospheric music. The controls feel a bit unresponsive, as in jumping inputs seem to be missed/dropped when running up to the edge of a platform or if hit shortly after rewinding.

Very good ending. An all around enjoyable experience!

I like the concept and the music is nicely chosen for a puzzle game, though it did run out and didn't loop before I finished the game. I didn't finish the game, because unfortunately failure of one level means restarting the entire game over which, after three attempts, became too frustrating. It's simple, neat, and has plenty room to grow, but that consequence of failure is too harsh.

I like the visual style, it's reminiscent of something I can't put my finger on. The controls of the ship are a neat idea, especially the toggling of the turret mode. There's an issue however in the set up for the asteroids which is that they're simultaneously extremely far from the mother ship and the player, as well as from one another, which leads to situations where it's infeasible to maintain a mental map of where they all are at any given time and so invariably something squeaks by embarrassingly soon. I did very poorly playing this game, only destroying a handful of rocks before one of them got past and ended it for me.

Very neat! The controls are great and don't add to the difficulty of the strict time-based fail condition, it's fun, the voice acting, music and atmosphere are all great. Sometimes it seems to grab the wrong object when there's seemingly no way to actually pick what you're grabbing which I thought was a bug in the second set of levels, but it happened several times more in the third set. The stairs in the last set are built in such a way that the movement makes the jump input apparently undetectable which leads to running off the edge of the stairs into the gaps which was a but frustrating. After winning I dumped the wizard in the basement pit.

Very good.

It's a tick over the threshold of "too challenging" for me for a jam game, but I did end up winning eventually. The warning feels a bit lackluster and the pattern is harsh, but the controls were nice and responsive. I figured out the double tap by chance which makes a huge difference. I enjoyed it after not enjoying the difficulty while actually playing it. Very cute art!

It's pretty rough and gives no real instructions or goals but there's text-to-speech and it didn't crash or have any noticeable bugs so hey, it's a finished product and submitted on time, hell yeah Jo.


  • Simple, straightforward idea
  • Good opportunity for Hanks synergy


  • Buggy controls / inconsistencies
  • Very short music loop


It's a little rough, there are a bunch of inconsistencies that make the game more frustrating than it needs to be, such as the jump not always working in general (I even died twice from seemingly just jumping), or the camera movement being very slack and leaving you in many situations asking for blind leaps of faith. Also the music loop is wicked short which gets tiresome pretty quick. I'm of the opinion a loop should last at least 40 seconds before repeating. I have nothing to back that up. I like the idea of exploring Hanks movies through the mechanics of a platformer, and there are nice touches that try to adopt these IPs into game stuff, but in general it's lacking variety. The different sprites and tilesets are great, but also the enemies are only sprite swaps, as are the hazards. The difficulty in the judging build was wicked high with only 3 lives, and 1.2 made a bunch of small improvements that I very much appreciate. A little more time to explore could have brought a big impact, but as it is, it's a nice if simple platformer. Nice job.


  • Cool idea
  • Good use of theme for main gameplay mechanic
  • Good breadth of Hanks


  • Finnicky bits cause lopsided difficulty curve
  • Tail counts as body for damage
  • Could use more variety or progression


It took me quite a few tries but I managed a 60 second run, where the obstacles seemed to begin repeating. I like this idea as a whole, but the play area is a bit tight and the snake sometimes has a mind of its own. It's possible to fly off in a non-cardinal direction if you hit the keys within a certain window, and being able to accidentally hit the direction that turns 180 feels harsh. The use of various Hanks films as material for obstacles and audio is great, but even though it's very difficult to reach 60 seconds or so it still feels like there could have been more Hanks pulled in. I think if the boot was less proportionally realistic it would alleviate some of the challenge that kicks off as early as it does. This was cool. Boot Snake is good.


  • Very cool puzzle game
  • Built-in hints
  • Very good ending


  • Some hints though funny are not helpful
  • Accidental pickup on zoom out / mouse wheel doesn't zoom out
  • Lack of speed-up button


The first piggie level is pretty difficult, in a good way, and the hint is pretty helpful, but I didn't manage to get the "right" solution, I didn't use the chocolate. I ended up on the platform with the bomb just barely in front of piggie and it never caught me. First face level has a very good solution wrt trapping piggies. The bouncing ball level was pretty frustrating, though I'll admit it was probably my own fault that I didn't think of the solution rather than the game being malicious or anything. I've never played Lemmings or other puzzle games quite like this so it was fresh and interesting. My only complaints are that there's no fast-forward, which causes the game to get a bit tiresome when feeling out a solution, and that the standard zoom is far too close to be useful. Very nicely done.

doom, laid bare before his eyes


  • Good writing, funny and charming
  • Fitting music and style
  • Oddball enemies with no explanation


  • One (or two?) bug(s)
  • Far too many random encounters in Green's level. Like. Far too many.


This was such a pleasant surprise. It was funny and charming and endearing. The mechanics of the combat were a little unfinished feeling. I never had Green land one of his specials (low chance means low chance I guess), and attacks ranged from 5-8 then on crits they were 30-35, which is far too big a jump. I also ran into what I believe to be a game breaking bug: In Green's level, you earn 2 keys, and there are 3 doors. After getting the keys and returning to the typewriter room I opened the right door, had stuff happen, then came out the top door. I tried to open the top door and it put me back in the right room. When I tried to leave the level I was now out of keys and there's nowhere else to get more. I luckily had a backup save by accident, but otherwise that would have been game over for me. Also Mana Swap seems to not work, it caused a UI bug I saw otherwise where my team row disappears and I can't select them, only the enemy.

Ignoring the bugs though, this was a fun and nice experience with silly images for avatars and funny writing and a pleasant art style. Very nicely done.

Thanks so much! I'm in total agreement about sharing or having access to other people's solutions or at least scores, but that idea fell into the abyss and I forgot about it. Presuming I would have figured out how to implement it, that would have been quite sweet.

I had the moderately farfetched wish of implementing a Zachtronics style leaderboard which would show average performance, and I wish I remembered to implement either a screenshot-taker of solutions or ability to share layouts so that it would be easier to show your ability to easily best my times. Thanks for playing and proving my hypothesis that I'm not very good at puzzle games (even when I design them :V)


  • Impressively broad
  • Simple yet well explored puzzle design
  • Whole buncha art and dialogue


  • In general a bit slow (dialog option for accepting a match takes seconds to show)
  • Whole lotta RPG maker stuff that isn't used yet remains in-game


I had to read the game page which isn't visible through these jam pages (Why, itch, why?) in order to realize how to play. After I got it though, it was good. There's a lot here in terms of raw content with dialogue and art for the intro/cutscene stuff. I loved the cameos, though I admit I have no clue who Barb is. I played a handful of random NPCs, never once getting to go first, and then realized the Convention Center was where I needed to go. I beat a couple people there then started the finale. I beat Hanks first try thanks to accidentally deft strategy. But then tragedy. I went to hit PrtSc to take a screenshot but instead accidentally hit F12. Because fate is a horrible demon, this resets the game. I hadn't saved, and attempted to start over, but as of right now I'm too annoyed with myself. I'll give it another go to see the ending, but in the meantime, very well done. It's an interesting idea for a puzzle/card game, though the 3x3 board feels a bit small, there's little in the way of shifting momentum or building to more complex strategy, but for a jam game it's a neat experience and the fact that there are rule variations bring a lot to the table, no pun intended.


  • Goofy art
  • Funny writing and style


  • Bit short
  • Very short music loop


There's a bunch of charm in this entry, from the flailing Woody-as-Hanks-body animation to the use of some of the various Hanks roles as other characters. I think some sort of ending sequence, even slide show, would have a big impact for the player and given the excessive breadth of Hanks films to build on there's tons of material to use to this end. I don't play point and click adventures, and I was pleased that this game had very few of the frustrating tropes that some feel are a staple of the genre. The TV was a bit of a stretch to ask of your players though, I think it's pretty easy to miss.


  • Interesting concept for a puzzle game
  • Simple and clear mechanics


  • Kinda drops the concept for the puzzle game
  • No audio


I liked the idea of having the mechanics change from level to level, becoming more limited as you progress, which would force you to consider other ways of completing the same or similar tasks. Unfortunately this idea isn't explored very far, and the various levels feel more unrelated than as if part of a progression. The lack of audio is also a bit of a bummer, even having a simple song playing in the background makes the game far more immersive. I enjoyed the various Hanks imagery plastered about.


  • Hanks audio & theming
  • Good bonks
  • Hanks models


  • Dialogue volume very low esp relative to other sounds
  • Wilson fell through the earth
  • Guard placement is very far apart


After several attempts of getting 3 goons I took a stab at using Wilson and coconuts and it went well. After two successes I was still at full health, then I threw Wilson and it fell through the world. In terms of referential humour: A++ very good. In terms of gameplay though, less good. The difficulty overall was a bit high for a jam game, especially with the guards seemingly being unable to miss, but a little patience goes a long way. Overall it's a nice game, but a few small things cause some unneeded frustration.


  • Cute and fun


  • Slightly unpredictable

This is a very cute execution of a staggeringly embarrassing and destructive reality, which is probably the right way to go about something of this subject matter. It's a blast to have the NOG-GUY launch himself, typically butt first, across the levels. It's a bit odd playing fullscreen and having the cursor be able to go offscreen and for that to seem like it's necessary for some of the puzzles, but it wasn't too far of a stretch. It's a bit short, and I felt that there was some randomness as to when or how hard the NOG-GUY would respond to clicks regardless of distance, but when it counted it tended to work and that was good. Well done and welcome to the AwfulJams, I hope to see more stuff of yours in future!


  • Great audio/visual polish
  • Flashy effect driven movement


  • Lack of telegraphing

Very good logo treatment. This looks and sounds great and it plays really nicely. The effects surrounding movement and transitioning between the normal world and the plane of zippy-dooing (astral? ethereal?) are quite slick. The stealth mechanics work pretty well, though some small issues arise such as desynchronizing rotational views which leave a significant gap and make it trivial afterward. Ignoring that though, the only issue I found was with not getting any hints as to the existence of TVs. At first I thought the TV by the tree was a safe-door which is entirely on me, because … why? But even still I had no reason to believe that moving to a particular spot and then hitting a movement key would activate a thing. On top of that the behaviour seems to be different for the parents depending on if the TV is on or off (or perhaps if they only witness the switch?) The end got me to chuckle, and as a concept for this theme this was really nicely done.


  • Cool control scheme / mechanics


  • Lack of feedback / juice

The gameplay is neat (pun unintended) and the improvements over the original submitted version go a long way to improve on the issues I had with it, but the lack of punch or effect from outcomes leaves me a bit underwhelmed. I know it's just some superficial stuff but I think it'd elevate the experience quite drastically, given that otherwise there's nothing to modify the event as there's no fail state and just the timer. I had a bug (?) where a patron wanted two different types of drinks, the second listed as Gins & Tonics where the card only showed the Gin portion, and the typical ratio of 1.5 : 2 didn't provide the correct drink, nor did straight gin. Dubstep remixes of holiday jingles is what I really wanted, what I craved, what I needed for my soul while roleplaying as someone who knows about alcoholic drinks and lives to dole them out in these trying times of various cheer-entrenched-ordeals. 


  • Funny and varied


  • When trying various combinations becomes a bit clunky

This is a well written little game and enjoyable to experiment with. I lucked out on the first real attempt with something I couldn't improve upon. After that it was just wild experimentation to see what combinations produced what and to read the responses, but given that it's just the one selection, it became a little tedious to click through to get back to the one selection screen. Having 65 or however many results is great for chance to express itself through the player's choice but also makes it too daunting a task to make seeing all of the possibilities worthwhile. It maybe doesn't fit as well with the theme of the game but if you selected 3 dishes for the meal it would help sate my curiosity for all the different options. The names of the especially troublesome dishes are great in themselves, let alone what MOM has to say and at some point I just want to read through everything! Very festive and pretty accurate MOM-shaming.

(1 edit)


  • Very tight and responsive


  • A bit too easy

The controls are a huge part of games like these. I got pretty into CSD 1&2 this last year and this taps into a similar frame of mind of not-thinking-while-still-recognizing-required-components-then-hitting-buttons-real-fast-and-accurately. I never lost a life though, which is due to how quick it is to visit the barrels and then land at the bar to toss it back. It also takes a bit of a while to get started, and it maybe could have benefited by making the last wave or two difficult enough to practically force losses of lives but still be just winnable. That might be too much to ask for, especially in the difficulty of gauging that … difficulty for a broad range of people who'll play this game. I thought the voice acting was nicely done, someone was seemingly doing their best Nelson Muntz impression for one line that I couldn't stop hearing. Very solid, nicely polished and responsive.


  • Fun whimsical music really enhances the concept


  • Computer tellin me what good Art is

It's just uncontrollable enough to be fun and not infuriating while trying to actually make a good snowman (yet still failing). My best was "Good try" but something was always off, understandably. One time it judged that the biggest snowball wasn't on the bottom when it seemed by any measure to be clearly below the rest, but that's a matter of perspective I guess. It would have been a nice little extra to be able to spin the snow-bomination around at the result screen to really inspect what was clearly a manifestation of my complex feelings on Kantian aesthetic autonomy so that I could more acutely experience what it means to shove it in Kant's jerkass face for real but that's my baggage I suppose.


  • Nice puzzle-y elements


  • Quite fidgety and harsh

On the one hand there are nice little moments like gathering the bones for the dog to get at the present in its house, and then on the other there's a maze where the vision of the player is so reduced it's practically blind. The solution for the kitchen is also a bit of a twist given that there's no indication that the stove is interactable or requires a button press (I think I activated it with the spacebar but it could also just have been by touch). Overall it's a solid if short game, but I became pretty frustrated with it when I was discovered while no one's bars were full and forced a reset, or attempting to poke at the present in the kitchen to figure out the solution also caused an instant failure. Polish in stealth games is pretty crucial because the genre is so focused on expectations of the player that when anything unexpected happens it feels like the game is cheating. All that whining aside, this is a nice and solid first entry to jams, so all that other stuff will come in time. Keep it up!


  • Nice visual and audio work
  • Concise little story


  • Bit predictable

This was a pleasing experience, namely with that visual effect of the snow on the road and intro screen, it's quite nice. The audio is nicely chosen and mixed and feels believable and acceptable as well. My only confusion was due to the change of character without any indication, even though there was only dialogue boxes to work with, which was jarring for the 20 seconds before I realized what was intended to have happened. Ignoring that though, it was a nice and simple game with a sad tinge that is rarely well explored, especially in jams. Cool!


  • Kid hitting
  • Satisfying / Strange obstacles


  • Control is a bit wonky
  • Time restraint slightly difficult

Well, I got them kids, but it took a couple tries. I'm always up for Krampus, and the kid hitting in this game is pretty high on the list of games wherein one hits kids. The mechanics are a bit stiff and sticky feeling, so the wall jumping can handle unexpectedly and feel sluggish, also the small gaps in between some platforms feel like obstacles in themselves when they should probably just be smoothed over. Finding the kids was fun enough and I appreciated the scenery lying about where kids may or may not be. My favourite part of the game however simply has to be the spinning platform. That was a nice moment and surprise. This game leaves an impact appropriate for the amount of time available in the jam. Nice.


  • Simple game with a clear purpose
  • Nice positive theme use


  • Performance gets pretty choppy near the end of time
  • Sad people transformation could be more responsive

If I had to guess, I'd say that the particle effect for the fountain or something similar is causing the game to run pretty slowly by the end of the timer. The gameplay is simple enough to understand easily, but the game itself doesn't explain that you need to be standing on top of the sad people to gift them a spirit while pressing e. In hindsight the "e" makes sense, but because of the delay with the transformation into not-sad people I had convinced myself it was a number key for my first attempt. After I looked it up though it was a pretty smooth little game. Nicely done.


  • Nice consistent style
  • Simple, fun and engaging gameplay
  • Great use of theme


  • Difficulty of Uncle Tony's stage is a bit steep, relatively

This is a really tight little package. The game is intuitive and simple but the controls allow for some nuanced movement which feels satisfying, such as controlling a descent through the bubbles while maintaining horizontal velocity. The subject of the game is really nice and fitting, the sound is effective and doesn't wear, even when you're mashing the buttons to float. Very solid. Took two tries to beat it, but I'm glad. It was satisfying.