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FurealityView game page

Break and join realities with your Felis catus friend.
Submitted by midgear, Lukahna, sl-station, bdanreilly, BerniceChua (@ChuaBernice) — 2 minutes, 16 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 32 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
FUREALITY is a game about splitting and joining realities. Join our very special Felis Catus on a daring escape from a research lab. To escape, you will need to use your wits and smashing good looks to solve these puzzles.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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LOVE the soundtrack for this and how it changes depending on how you switch (any chance we could listen to more?). Very nice graphics and cool idea!


Cute little puzzle game, and I really appreciated the music tracks being tied to their particular realities. Nothing too terribly hard, but I feel it could definitely be expanded on if you ever wanted to add more levels.


Oh, and before I forget. A kitten for you!


You've beat us with the kitty! Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed the game, and we are planning on expanding more levels in the future:) Here's the kitty for you!

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos)

Deleted 332 days ago

Thank you for playing and all the suggestions! We were planning on doing more to make the dimensions more clear and the links between switch and laser but we ran out of time, it definitely will be a feature we will add in for future development! Here's a thank you kitty!

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos)


the game idea of the interdimensional cat is really cool! and the pixelart looks fantastic, really good job


"Interdimensional cat" would make an amazing band name ^u^

Thanks for playing here is your thank you kitty!

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos)


Very cerebral. Music and sound design was amazing. I liked that there was a calm little room as a reward at the end of the game


The cooldown room before the escape was one of last minute levels that really helped the ending.

Thanks for playing here is your thank you kitty.

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos)


so tiny <3


I really really liked the game! I didn’t grasp it at first but upon tinkering around with the realities it just ‘clicked’.

A great idea!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Yeah it takes a moment but once you get it its a lot of fun.

thanks for the play here's you thank you kitty

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos)


Wow! Thank you! I’ll treasure this pic forever!


It is a very cute game, the art is really good! The concept is also great, well done!


The artists freaking killed it! I was shocked with what they did in the time given.

Thanks for the review and here is your kitty!

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos)


Joining realities, what a cool idea! It is amazing you handled a sci-fi concept with a cute cat. It feels difficult to design these levels, but as a player, I enjoyed my time as a reality-merging cat a lot. The separatable soundtracks are very cool!


Thank you! The design process definitely used a lot of our brain power, and we still need some improvements, but I'm glad you enjoyed playing the game! Here is a cat pic for you:)

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos


Awwww these two kittens so cute!


Loved it! Bonus points for having a non-human character, and even more bonus points for it being a cat! Great art, great fun!


Thank you so much and I'm glad you enjoyed the game! Here is your bonus point of a cat pic:)

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos


Run out of photos??? Not possible :)


Lovely game with an interesting concept. It explains how cats merge realities which is something I've been wondering about for a while now


Thank you! I also wonder about cats merging realities all the time, and speaking of which, here are some merging kitties:)

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos

Super cool idea with having 3 different realities to split between! Simple concept made for some interesting puzzle mechanics! and I really liked that the two split realities had only part of the tracks for the music and the combined reality had the full track--realllly nice touch!!


Thank you for playing! Evan, our audio expert did a great job on the music so I'm glad you liked it:) Here's a kitty pic for you~

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos


Awesome job on this! Love the cute cat and the art is great! A fantastic use of the theme switching levels is super cool and interesting! Great job! :D


Well thanks for playing! And yeah the kitty is super cute ;) here's another cute cat.

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos


Super cute and fun! The last puzzle was a brain burner for me lol. 


I saw that! <3

Thanks for playing and streaming it, here is your cat photo!

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos


Thanks for playing our game! We had a blast making it.


Fantastic game!  Fun puzzles!  I like how you implimented the reality swapping/merging mechanics!  Great job! 


Well thank you! We were very happy with how the swapping/merging mechanics turned out.

Here is your kitty photo as a thank you!

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos


I liked this a lot. Good mechanics and puzzles. I'd like the slight quality of life improvement of seeing what button connects to what.


We also really wanted to have that thing as well, but alas time ran out. As we expand on the game you will for sure see quality of life improvements.

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing! Have your kitty photo:

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos)

Submitted (1 edit)

Was confused at first, and the second someone said "Oh its Schrödinger's cat" it all made sense :D
 Cute use and display, and the puzzles have decent mechanics. Also, I too would love a fluffy cat in response.

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

well fluffy kitty (and dragon) coming your way!

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (until we run out of photos)

Super cute little puzzle game!

Developer (1 edit) (+2)

Well thank you! have a hiding kitty as a thank you for playing!

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (Until we run out of photos)


I am Furee XD

Great game, good job!

Developer (1 edit) (+2)

Thanks for playing! Have a kitty photo as a thank you!

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (Until we run out of photos)


Nice concept! I kinda feel like occassionally there was really only one thing to interact with so I ended up just bruteforce trying the dimenions until I got through, but obviously designing a puzzle that's difficult without being frustrating is super hard, especially with this pretty large scope for a jam game!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

We wanted to make more crazy puzzles like the last level, but there only 48 hours in this jam. When we put out updates there will be much more complex levels to play!

Have a kitty as a thank you for playing!

It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (Until we run out of photos)


WOW what a game i loved the art and the music aswell. the only thing i found that i could complain is the cat hitbox, sometimes it collides with the walls while the sprite is not there but is a tiny problem compared to the great work you did in 48 hours.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Yeah the hit box was a bit big, when we work on this more that is one of the things we're going to fix!

Thanks for the feedback have a photo of a very safe kitten.


It has been decided any one that leaves a comment will get a photo of one of the developers cats or foster kittens (Until we run out of photos)


Really cute kitten. <3

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