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Epidemic OverdriveView game page

You are a zombie! Your mission?! Expand the reach of the the virus as fast as possible!
Submitted by Adam... (@serious_adam) — 18 hours, 38 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • Cool esthetics, I like the early 3D look with the full screen effect. The first person hands were cool. It has that "armageddon" edgy 90s feel that is cool. I ran in a weird bug tho that made it frustrating to play, my camera would very often just isntantly look in a weird direction, making it hard to tell where I was, constantly having my camera thrown in a weird direction. Also it was a bit hard to tell that I had a body part to throw, I feel the tutorial should've been clearer about that. Also I liked the arrow over the head, but having the scientist dudes be fully covered in blood would been great, cause it was hard to tell if a scientist was infected if looking from the back. Could also have a bit more celebration and audio feedback when infecting the last scientist. Great mood, great esthetics, nice art.

Did you work alone, or as part of a group? (If in a group, list their names)

Disclose if you used any public domain assets or not.
I created the content myself

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Great game! I absolutely love the N64 style graphics, and the polish/juice level on the UI is through the roof! I like how you briefly accelerate after stealing guts, it allows for some neat combo killings and route optimization. Awesome work!


Thanks for playing and i appreciate the comment!


Really fun game! Not many people go for making a first person game. Having high score gives it replayability and you even put effort into the menu. Good job.


Thanks for the comment!
I do think I bit more than I could chew with the fps game play but in the end i'm pretty proud of the result!


So Cool love the graphics


Thank you so much!


I had an absolute blast playing this game. It’s incredibly engaging, highly responsive, and has quickly become one of my all-time favorites! 10/10


Wow! Thats such a nice comment! Thank you!!


I'm not very good at speedrunning games, action games, or first person games, and I still had a blast with this. Very juicy. Still fun to beat my own score. I hope the judges look kindly on this.


Awesome comment and thanks for playing.
Yeah I completely get that it may not be for everyone but it does make me happy that you enjoyed it regardless!
Thanks for playing!


Great game! Felt awesome to try and beat the record, and then my own! 


Heck Yeah!



Very cool, the loading home screen is well made and the game is fun


thanks for the comment!


Really sweet game, can't wait to see more of it!


Thank you!


This was great, had a lot of fun getting all the gold times! The initial loading times are bit long, but besides that well done!


I appreciate the kind words and the feedback

it's really unfortunate about the loading times! This is something i'm going to absolutely fix to make it more enjoyable.

Thanks a bunch!! 


what a rad concept. Would not have been out of place in the PSX era, that kinda gory/edgy aesthetic that really works well with the art style. Great job! Would love to see you keep working on it.


Thank you so much, that's super nice to say!
I honestly think i may keep working on this!!
Super Appreciated and motivating ! 


Really fun, I like the visuals. Text was pretty hard to read, I think due to the effect in place. Also, the loading times were very long for me.


Thanks for commenting!
The loading is something id like to address after the jam is over.
I'll have to take a peek at the text and see what i can do about that after the jam as well!

Great feedback!


Really great visuals, and it seems like a fun game to try to speedrun with you gaining speed when you infect people. I might have liked some bigger and more challenging levels, but it's nonetheless very solid.


Thanks for the comment!
I really would love to have some larger levels with some interesting level design too!
This is probably something ill do in a 2.0 version!



Really fun game! The only complaint I have is that I think the screen effects are a bit too much. I wish there was an option to turn them off so that I could appreciate the nice crispy low poly models and animation.


Awesome feedback!
I will do this in the next version of the game after the jam is finished!

I agree this would be useful to have a toggle!!



Really nice aesthetic and challenging but fun! Once i got the hang of it i managed to get a couple golds haha.

Great game, thank you for sharing!



Some of them can be hard golds to get! 
I'll need to work on some of those timings i'm sure!



Really fun game! Effects and sound combined with the intuitive controls make it super satisfying. The visual style and music match the game well. I especially love the scientist animation xD 

Overall a very enjoyable and polished game, well done!



the scientist animation is super silly , glad you liked it!

Appreciate the nice comment!


Wow this was excellent. Felt like such an authentic old school experience with really smooth modern gameplay. Love the scientists animation the best haha. Classic

One piece of feedback is quite a few loading blocks where the game would freeze starting levels, and worried me that the game might have crashed for a second. After the lag passed, the game ran super smooth and no performance issues after that.

Love the dnb soundtrack and the mastering of the audio was phenomenal, everything blended really nicely.

I'm not the speedrunning type, so I got bronze in all the levels, but still had a great time. Amazing work!


I appreciate the comments! especially your feedback!
I absolutely want to work on those weird loading moments, I have some ideas on how that can be fixed and will totally look at it!

Thanks for playing and leaving your thoughts!!


I've had some of the same lag spikes during loading myself and suspect it could be related to Godot's lack of pre-compiling GPU particles, which from what I've read, also applies to 3D material shaders as well. They won't compile until they're instantiated, and that can mean a big loading block if there are many being instanced at once.

It's something I've been investigating recently, and adapted some of the code from the tutorial linked above + several other forum discussions around this issue. Feel free to check out the cache system I've started working on in case any of the code snippets help you on your quest!


That's some really good info there, i'm going to dig into this tonight!

thanks for sharing!!


This game hits the vibe check for me! 5 star!