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A member registered Dec 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!

I could be in this garden for hours without buying anything and it would've been a good use of my time. 

I'd like the camera to be zoomed out a tad more, and it felt like gasoline cans spawned a bit too late for me to react. A farting truck is freaking silly though, I like it :D

hit a final size of a whopping 92! I feel like there were too many moments where I could find a "tunnel" of unobstructed space where I could just coast for a long while before being forced to course correct. I didn't even have to use the snowballs! apart from that, you did great, it really is a simple and fun game.

Almost wish I could mute the music, not because I don't like it but because the snow SFX are so good. 

I  hoped that was the case! great job! I also really enjoyed your entire game's aesthetic, the newspaper idea and tying it to an actual event was a great choice!

I really dig the jumping animation. It's so dynamic! style's on point. I don't think I have much feedback on the gameplay aside from what others have said. Wanna see more though!

You fiend. You monster. You.... you... 

ah heck I can't be mad at these Kaizo-level spikes. Great job.

Thank you so much! I'm glad I was motivated to stay away from public assets and make my own, and it makes me all the happier that they mesh well! Glad to hear you were drawn to discovery!

Thank you!

I liked your dialog. Would definitely hang with the sassy balloon. Fun mechanics too, although the bug that was mentioned did put a damper on things. I definitely wanna play more after that's fixed!

the control system slightly frustrated me, if I'm honest ^^; middle click to inspect a card but right click to put it back? and if I right click on a card while not inspecting it, I reroll it? I had a hard time wrapping my head around it. Your UI effects are really nice, but I think I'd prefer the board not to move with the mouse. Maybe make that a toggle?

HOWEVER! I love the concept and the simplicity of the core mechanics. These are definitely games to zen out to, and I wanna keep playing! 

When I saw this tileset, I immediately wanted to make an Ultima inspired game with this. I even used it to prototype my game jam entry with it. You took it and RAN with it though. the gameplay is decidedly old-school which I can appreciate. Inventory management, tile-based movement, bump combat. Yeah it's archaic I suppose, but it scratches an itch for me. More please!

I'd definitely suggest starting the map with a camera pan for like, an overview. I had no idea the enemy was right across from me! Also, the floor implies this is all built on water? To me at least, lol.

oooh I understand now! It's because the background for the soldiers is red, whereas the buildings are green, so I assumed they were locked behind something I wasn't getting. and because the soldiers spawn in the buildings, I didn't see them because of how my camera was turned.

Super neat idea! I decided to just play as player two with player 1 as AI cause that JK scheme wasn't gonna work for me XD I didn't think Pong could be improved but you're certainly taking a good stab at it!

I like the idea! Restaurant sims are always fun. I'd love a way to check orders while I'm in the back working, and for the correct recipes to be on the wall instead of on the itch page, but i'm sure you had already planned that last one :D

I really liked the trick jump and your puzzle logic! Also your sounds were very cute, sounds like you voiced them all. 

I really liked the trick jump and your puzzle logic! Also your sounds were very cute, sounds like you voiced them all. 

I really like that all the characters have their own personality in the fonts. Makes me wonder if there's more to be done there. like, little kids use smaller words only, the coughing smoker's letters won't sit still and are harder to read, stuff like that. I didn't really feel a ramp up in difficulty but I really liked the graphics, the music and the general game play. 

Made it to level 3 by trying to stick to the shadows more but restarting back at level 1 is just a bit too much for me. Really takes out the pacing. I personally liked the squirrely car, very arcadey.

I really like what you were going for! I also encountered a ghost that didn't wanna sit down but then I realized the game was trying to tell me to upgrade for more seats. the fully black text wasn't very legible in the comfy/moody pub. Also I just... ran out of ghosts at some point? They didn't wanna come in anymore.

I love that the ghosts move to the beat of the music! It's cute! I would also like a dash (maybe with a risk of spilling the drink?) and the ability to press a button to hand over the drink (so I can choose which patron I serve first)

Would love to become a ghost mixologist. You did great given the limited time you had because of circumstances. Don't leave this project yet!

I really like what you were going for! I also encountered a ghost that didn't wanna sit down but then I realized the game was trying to tell me to upgrade for more seats. the fully black text wasn't very legible in the comfy/moody pub. Also I just... ran out of ghosts at some point? They didn't wanna come in anymore. Would love to become a ghost mixologist.

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I got kinda softlocked at some point, there was one more open tile and I wasn't allowed to place anything there, and I'm not sure why. However, the simple act of placing cards and expanding your town that way was really satisfying. Although I didn't fully grasp the gameplay, I do like the simplicity of this and would gladly jump back in. Got me excited at least!

such a cute game! I didn't wanna stop but there wasn't anything to do anymore! I'd love to put potions back into the cauldron to mix two together and create something even better. Perhaps it would also be nice if orders start rolling in. I also would like to know what the cauldron and helpers do in the form of a tooltip.
I want more!

I did get a softlock at the 900 dollar day. Wonder if it was because I Alt+tabbed a lot? I did restart the game and finished it! What a lovely zenlike game! would gladly go into deeper in debt to play more


I am humbled by your message. Thank you so much. I have no words.

I fully agree with you on the extra sources! A cat and perhaps the characters partner/friend were planned right from the start, but I was so damn worried about overscoping that I decided to hold off on those. Also, I couldn't justify the character having a partner or outside help and the house being a massive mess. So the idea needed more time in the oven anyway.

The reactions I've been getting on the game motivate me to work on the game some more after the jam, for sure. You're right, we don't often see games about recovery, and I felt strongly about the theme. Thank you again.

Thank you so much!! 

The core loop is quite mesmerizing, kinda nice to zone out with it. Though the intro gave me the idea that being mellow and zen with the game wasn't really the intent :D 

I would love to see you come up with names/tooltips for the things you build. They're silly in a great way and I kinda want a name to go along with them!

the time it takes to get to a stop and start slashing annoyed me at first, but meeting the game at its terms did make me wanna improve my score again and again. Funky soundtrack, rad character. If you continue developing, I'd love to see Keith's dream go more and more bonkers, adding more visual flair to his growth. I wanna go full Keith Kaiju!

C R A V I N G a toastie right now.

absolutely love the gameplay, I really like Cook, Serve, Delicious and I'm always looking for ways to show off my blind typing skills. Could play this for hours. also, the art is SO adorable, loved the opening comic.

now that I've expanded my own personal world, you can bet I will. Thank you so much, that means a lot to me.

what a rad concept. Would not have been out of place in the PSX era, that kinda gory/edgy aesthetic that really works well with the art style. Great job! Would love to see you keep working on it.

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slapping this quote on the back of the box. Thanks for the kind words, Host!

Thank you for the kind words Iggy. It warms my heart that the game was inspiring to you!

I wish the initial speed was just a tad faster, and that turning was just a bit tighter. However, as I said, I really enjoyed the twist on the snake gameplay, the risk/reward is really satisfying and your arcade bezel is just so fun.

All good! Thanks for the feedback!

Doesn't run... It's not able to find libssp-0.dll ? 

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Right up my alley. Very unnerving. The lo-fi graphics really sold it along with the text box effect.

Really liked the level design of the later stages. Wonder what else you could cook up if you ended up going back to this.