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Lackluster Video StoreView game page

A game about managing video returns in a store named Lackluster, game created for the Brackeys Jam 2020.2
Submitted by StrodoGames — 6 hours, 34 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#4773.3463.346

Ranked from 78 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
The games core mechanic involves rewinding VHS tapes.

Did you write most of the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
I wrote all of the code. The character and NPC sprites were purchased and a sound was obtained on CC3.0 license, they have all been referenced on the landing page.

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Fun game! I wanted to keep playing. It could be addictive.  My only feedback is using a keyboard control as an option as an alternate to the mouse. Like spacebar.  That would have made it a little smoother I think.


Thanks for playing! I did consider that because something similar would also be needed for controller support but the issue I kept coming back to was how to prioritise what item to interact with, for instance if you stand between the two TVs then both would be in range and one might have a tape in it that you don't want to collect yet.


Hmm yeah, good point. Maybe an indicator in the direction your char is facing and whatever is on top of that or closest to that, but yeah I could see that being tricky.


This game was really good! It fit the theme well and the art style and menus looked very nice. I liked the little touch of the music playing from the speakers at the front of the store. The only issues I had was that I seemed to get caught on the corners of obstacles and it made dashing to put stuff back quickly a little more challenging, also $600 for some trainers?! wouldn't catch me paying those prices. ;) Overall a very nice game, Good job!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Those trainers are worth every penny! you can get to the furthest shelf and back in the time a video takes to record :P

Man I thought I had fixed that... I spent a good 15 minutes just running into things trying to get myself stuck and nothing happened. Unity has a serious problem with 2d box colliders.

thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


Fantastic game! I actually had a lot of fun with this. Those damn customers bringing in 3 tapes.. who do they think they are? lol I really should have started with the returns upgrade I started with the TVs but I don't think that was the most efficient route to go. 

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for playing! glad you enjoyed it. 

They all have their pros and cons but I personally prefer the boots as they allow exactly enough time to reach the furthest shelf and get back as the next tape has finished rewinding. 

The returns storage can be great for storing tapes when you are either being overrun by 2-3 tape customers and the queue is getting too long or for storing tapes that need to be returned furthest away as you can wait til you get a few 1 tape customers and clear the queue.

My favourite trick with the TVs is to return rewound tapes in the period between a customer leaving the counter and another joining, if it's one of the closer shelves then you free up an entire space without losing time AND if its far away and you have the storage then you can just put use the previous storage tactic and mitigate the downside.


The fact that you've created a game that allows you to go in depth about the strategies to max efficiency like that is so awesome! lol 


Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it. It's the first game I've ever finished so I'm quite proud of what I achieved despite there definitely being areas for improvement.

I am working through a backlog of games in my thread here so give me a post if you want some feedback and a rating :)


Nice play on blockbuster. Cute. Liked the over gameplay. Good entry!

Please play and rate my game as well!


Thanks for playing! If you post in my thread here, I am playing every game in order and providing feedback.


This game stressed me out more than it probably should have, lol. I'm never good at these customer management games. But the theming was really nice, and once I got used to the gameplay loop it got  fun to try and optimize it. I do wish that the customers went slower at the beginning, and curse that first customer that keeps on giving me three tapes!

Developer (1 edit)

Must be the second customer, the first one is hard coded to only give 1 so the tutorial part I added was easier :P Glad you enjoyed it! 

if you post in my thread here, I am playing every game in order and providing feedback


Nice game,  I like the rewind idea and how works the shop.

My game is a casual game if you wanna rate is , Thanks


Thanks for playing! if you post in my thread here, I am playing every game in order and providing feedback


Rated . Nice game bro :) Here's mine will you check it


Thanks for playing! if you post in my thread here, I am playing every game in order and providing feedback


A pretty interesting game overall. I feel like this captures the rush of working at a store during some sale event perfectly! One thing I would say though is that while the arrows make explain pretty well what the player is supposed to do, it is still a bit confusing, and I feel like there should be text as well to guide the player. Other than that, you've made a great game! 


Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it. If I continue to develop it after the game jam then I will probably create a much clearer tutorial that explains the game in more detail.

if you post in my thread here, I am playing every game in order and providing feedback.


A tutorial would be awesome. And yes, I did indeed post in the thread :)


Cool game. I wished I could carry more than one vhs tape. Made me miss blockbuster lol.


Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I did experiment with more than one tape and had a couple of friends playtest it but it just didn't feel right at the time, only downside to game jams is that you don't have a lot of wiggle room to experiment with different implementations because of the time constraint.

if you post in my thread here, I am playing every game in order and providing feedback.


Congratulations for this game! I had so much fun getting nervous with the rush of the clients! I laughed a lot with myself thanks for this game. Continue with the development!


Thanks for playing!

if you post in my thread here, I am playing every game in order and providing feedback.

Submitted (1 edit)


i wish customers would come slow at the beginning.

they are too fast when i am playing for first few times.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing!

I think its most likely due to the touch pad as nobody else has mentioned any issues, I use the new unity input system and didn't add any touch support so that's more than likely why. What kind of issues was it?


ur right my touchpad problem...:/

i update my comment too.

now i get to play the game longer  and I would like a button option for placing the rewinded tapes. it would help player even more.

let me know if there is a button for it

Developer (1 edit)

What do you mean when placing the tapes? I set it up to use left mouse click to interact with any interactable objects but you have to be in range of it which is a maximum of 1 square in any direction. if the tape is rewound and you are holding it then there is an arrow indicator for a specific shelf you have to click on to place it.


oh i thought i need click exactly where the arrow points 


Ah! I could see how you might think that, a few people have pointed stuff out to me that seemed obvious as the person who created it but not as a player seeing it for the first time.

Let me know if it all works as intended now :)




about the problem it was my laptop screen not taking my  mouse input at some area which matched with you game tv so when scroll down a little the controls were good


Nice job! With some polish this could be a really fun game!


Thanks for playing! glad you enjoyed it.


This game feels really flushed out with what it does. There's a few problems in game design that I want to touch upon. The customers come in way too fast. I was able to be at the speed of it rewinding the tapes and yet still I constantly fell behind, so I was looking forward to the $400 upgrade, but only got to $340. In order to get to $340, I was on the other side of the counter which felt cheaty. Having more jobs to do would have been nice as well and could stop that from happening. Other than that I did enjoy playing it! (I did play it again, because I felt I could get to $400 and it didn't help that much as I could only carry one Cassette Tape.)


Thanks for playing! the difficulty is definitely an area that I would have improved upon if I could, the problem is that it is operating completely on random generator as oppose to weighted probabilities due to time constraints so if RNGesus hates you, you're going to really struggle. 

There are little tricks to make the game easier that I left to discovery such as being able to swap a tape that has not been rewound with one that has inside the VCR.


Ah yes. I've run into some RNG problems in my time. It's always hard to find a right balance between common difficulty and RNG. I also did find that little trick by accident when I had no idea what I was doing. I then realized I couldn't live without it!


There are a few more tricks as well, for instance:

When a customer is leaving the counter and another is approaching, you have time to return a tape to half of the shelves inside the store without it having any effect on efficiency and allowing you to clear 2 tapes of the counter at one time. if you have the storage shelf upgrade then you can even store rewound tapes that are further away for when RNG is smiling on you and you've managed to clear the queue more.

Unfortunately I don't expect players to discover all these little nuances during a game jam though as they will only be playing for 5-10 mins max.

Submitted (2 edits)

Nice Game, this feels like a 2d simulator of working in a retail store. I worked in KFC a bit more than a year ago and I was like this character running around all the time because we were always understaffed and frequently things would go wrong. It was a small store so the queue would always reach till the entrance of the store at busy periods but at least I didn't get fired over that haha. 

Playing the game got very difficult after the customers started pilling up with 3 returns back to back and even though I had an extra VHS rewinder I could only carry 1 VHS tape with me. Also the prices for the TV-VCR were on the high side in my opinion and even more for the shoes. A restart button would have been a great addition as you would know you will lose soon as you started falling behind and you cant do anything about that while the customers started pilling up like unmanaged tetris blocks. 


Thanks for playing! if you press esc to bring up the pause menu there is a restart option :P 

The boots are a pretty big speed boost and makes a big difference to the difficulty so I think the price is definitely justified

Submitted (1 edit)

I would suggest updating your controls description to let players know of that. Also there is a typo in the rewind spelling as well which is "rewound".


Will do, esc is the default key in every game so I assumed people would instinctively try it.

Sorry where is this typo you're referring to?


in you game description: The player is working in a store called Lackluster where they must manage video returns from the customers. Each video must be "rewound" and put back onto the shelves.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

That's not a typo, its the past participle  of rewind in the same way that you would say 'each player must be found' rather than 'each player must be find'


Fair enough. English is my third language so I didn't hear that word before, my bad. Thanks for telling me <3


Haha no problem, I wouldn't have been able to guess it was your second language let alone third so don't apologise or be embarrassed. As an Englishman learning Japanese, I know the struggles...


hmm.. are you learning Japanese to watch hentai anime  ? Btw I live in England too and you'd think my English would improve from living here haha x)


lol nah, I plan on moving there to work, I watch the odd anime but its the food, culture and sights the country has to offer that intrigues me. The plan is to stay there for 5 or so years and then move on to Korea or Thailand once I have learned enough of whichever language I end up choosing.

I really like this idea. Kinda reminds me of Papa's games where you had to cook for clients in different restaurants. The upgrades are a very nice idea to the game because the player may find going back and forth to recover videos a bit tideous. Also, the arrow was very helpful and it really takes some of the difficulty away, which is good.

Overall, a very ncie game with a cute idea! Nice work!

Here is my game:

Consider rating it as well! I would appreciate it so much!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Don't forget to rate it as well. I'm working through the list in order of posts so ETA for yours will probably be about a day if you post it here.


Very nice submission, what I liked most:

-Arrow was very helpful and made your goal quite clear

-Rewinding sound was very familiar... (tells a bit about my age :P)


-Difficulty ramps up ever so slowly, you feel like you have this under control.. till you don't!

-Liked the subtle detail of background music getting louder closer to the speaker, love it when someone spends time on that stuff!

What additions I would personally love:

-I'd love to be able to see my score in the end, it feels like this is the whole point of running around as fast as you can.

-A way to tell if the VCR has a currently rewound tape in it or is empty.

-More upgrades of course !!

Overall great take on the theme!


Thanks for playing and providing feedback, I absolutely agree with everything you suggested.


my customer have a super long queue hahaha, overall nice game and control is quite easy to use , in this game jam there's atleast 2 or 3 similar games but the controls is super hard but yours is more friendy and i like the arrow that assist you where you need to put the tape. again very nice game :)


Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it!




Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it!


Very nice game. Had fun :)


Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it!


I loved the game! Really liked the visuals of the game and simple gameplay. It almost feels like playing an overcooked sort of game!


Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it!

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