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(2 edits)

Nice Game, this feels like a 2d simulator of working in a retail store. I worked in KFC a bit more than a year ago and I was like this character running around all the time because we were always understaffed and frequently things would go wrong. It was a small store so the queue would always reach till the entrance of the store at busy periods but at least I didn't get fired over that haha. 

Playing the game got very difficult after the customers started pilling up with 3 returns back to back and even though I had an extra VHS rewinder I could only carry 1 VHS tape with me. Also the prices for the TV-VCR were on the high side in my opinion and even more for the shoes. A restart button would have been a great addition as you would know you will lose soon as you started falling behind and you cant do anything about that while the customers started pilling up like unmanaged tetris blocks. 

Thanks for playing! if you press esc to bring up the pause menu there is a restart option :P 

The boots are a pretty big speed boost and makes a big difference to the difficulty so I think the price is definitely justified

(1 edit)

I would suggest updating your controls description to let players know of that. Also there is a typo in the rewind spelling as well which is "rewound".

Will do, esc is the default key in every game so I assumed people would instinctively try it.

Sorry where is this typo you're referring to?

in you game description: The player is working in a store called Lackluster where they must manage video returns from the customers. Each video must be "rewound" and put back onto the shelves.

(1 edit) (+1)

That's not a typo, its the past participle  of rewind in the same way that you would say 'each player must be found' rather than 'each player must be find'

Fair enough. English is my third language so I didn't hear that word before, my bad. Thanks for telling me <3


Haha no problem, I wouldn't have been able to guess it was your second language let alone third so don't apologise or be embarrassed. As an Englishman learning Japanese, I know the struggles...

hmm.. are you learning Japanese to watch hentai anime  ? Btw I live in England too and you'd think my English would improve from living here haha x)


lol nah, I plan on moving there to work, I watch the odd anime but its the food, culture and sights the country has to offer that intrigues me. The plan is to stay there for 5 or so years and then move on to Korea or Thailand once I have learned enough of whichever language I end up choosing.