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A member registered Oct 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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Under Arch I get the same message but the game runs without a problem. Maybe you're missing a library? Try this and compare the results:

nassi|nirvana|~/Downloads ldd SuperMayaAndTheRedDot.x86_64 (0x00007ffc46fb4000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f33efc8b000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f33efa6d000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f33ef865000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f33ef4de000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f33ef192000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f33eef7b000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f33eebc4000)
        /lib64/ => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007f33efe8f000)

It is indeed really barebones. I hope it was a good learning experience though.

(2 edits)

Can confirm. I'll go and try it on my desktop with 8 GB.

Edit. After clicking "Run game" (I have set the web based games not to autostart) my RAM usage jumps by about 2.5 GB (from 2.2 GB to 4.7 GB used). It goes a little higher still while the game is starting (mine peaked at over 5 GB used), but then settles back (at 4.5 GB used for me). It does like RAM!

Edit2. It does run though.

I'm not the dev, you should've replied to the comment above mine :).

Ah, forgot to mention that you should feel free to use it as you wish! I hope it's of use and will bring you more players.

(1 edit)

Made a 64-bit Windows build for the game in case you're still interested. Surely you need to play this one too to actually earn the right to call your videos "Jupi Plays Indie Games: ALL THE GAMES" :P.

Edit. Here's a link:

Thanks for playing! It's always nice to see how people who are playing for the first time tackle the different challenges. Been a while since I've had a game on your channel, last time was back in 2014 during Ludum Dare 30!

(1 edit)

I took a quick look at how to do this, and it seems like you can cross compile to Windows under Linux. Everything was going smoothly (although I've never used Go before) by just following these instructions: In the end I ran into a problem with pixel. Seems like even that is doable though, but sadly I don't currently have enough hard drive space on my Linux system (docker pulls a 700 MB+ of stuff) to try it out.

Edit: Switched to a Windows computer and got 'er done: It was quite painless despite using Windows (although gcc or some other part of the build process had trouble with my username containing non-ASCII characters (Käyttäjä = User)) and being a first time Go "user". Go get & go build are lovely tools!

(1 edit)

The itch version didn't load at all on Chrome under Windows 10 for some reason. On my Arch Linux netbook with 2GB of RAM it did load, but the first time I entered a city it just froze and started eating up all my ram (I was at ~2GB RAM used and 1GB swap used before I shut down the browser). In the end I played it using the editor in the source code link and it worked fine on the Windows computer I first tried this on.

I like the idea and the execution too. I was glad you didn't make the different systems too deep, which made picking up and actually playing the game easy, which of course is nice for any game jam entry. I liked the realism in the movement system and didn't mind getting stuck too much as the atmosphere of the game was really great. Absolutely 5 stars in mood. I think I might've "killed" a couple of towns by building schools too early in their lifetime, but the game said that I made a difference (got 504 points I think), so I'll have to trust it. What is the last screen supposed to present by the way? Slavery/poverty/literacy at different points of time at different places? It was hard to grasp to be honest.

With this I have played all of the Open Jam submissions (excluding Laser Eyes VR, which I don't have the equipment for and I have yet to rate P3TE due to a bug preventing the last minigame from being played). Yours was the last, but certainly not the least :).

Yeah, I had some problems getting the links to actually point where they should. Should be fixed now. Seems like you managed to download them while I was still in the middle of editing the message, that was fast :P.

(2 edits)

Download these two files into any folder. Then just run the exe. Might take some time to launch (took like 20 seconds for me on Windows 10 for some reason) but should work.

Overall the game was really nice, especially considering it was created for a 72 hour game jam. Played trough it once, and did some of the start again to try out how the paint mechanic actually worked.I do have some suggestions for improving it if you're gonna continue development:

  • Sound effects.
  • For a game this big in size I would've preferred a downloadable version (pre-emptively switched from my netbook with 2GB of RAM to this desktop with 8GB :P).
  • I encountered a bug where Markus was stuck in the jump animation while on the ground and prevented me from jumping again. Eventually he transitioned back to walk though.
  • The paint use seems really inconsistent. On my first run I draw the tiniest lines possible (which made much of the platforming a pain due to them basically being dots you could slide off of), but on the second run it seemed that the paint usage was determined by something else entirely, because for example when I drew a line that went from one end of the screen to the other I just lost a tiny amount of ink.
  • One checkpoint near the end of the game was rather unforgiving (I think it was the one where you jump down, cross a half-fallen bridge, jump over a shadowman and then cross the long gap and then some spikes). The first time I died there and came back the ink before the last spikes also didn't respawn (or was invisible), which made it that much harder.
  • Overall I don't see any reason not to have the paint respawn indefinitely. It would make failing at most parts much more forgiving, since the player would not have to kill themselves to try it again.
  • Painted platforms sometimes turned invisible almost immediately after painting them, although I could still jump on them.
  • The physics (especially the jump) felt quite janky, but that is forgivable for the jam version. Physics are hard to get right, especially when you can make your own geometry like in this game.

The controls are a bit exotic, but manageable since the game didn't really require any fast actions apart from movement. It was a bit inconvenient to also spawn from the same point every time, because the old man from above would usually be ganking me as soon as I spawned :P. Didn't manage to get too far (1 point on my first try and 4 on my second, lol). I guess I should've used the piss on tree -> wait for money -> buy beer from pigeon and repeat tactic a bit more, but instead I tried to look for water and usually got killed while doing so. Looks nice, although the zoom is maybe a bit much, especially when sprinting.

Thanks for playing!

The difficulty is indeed all over the place, although I did want at least one game to give the player a change to catch their breath even on the highest speed (this was not supposed to be Diamond Heist though but... Beach Walk! LOL). Diamond Heist does remain the easiest (imo) and slowest (objectively) throughout the game, it was the first minigame I designed and balanced after all. I also ran into a problem when balancing the game, because I wanted to make sure that even if two holes spawned at the opposite ends of the screen the player could still win if he had good enough reflexes. At higher speeds this made the player move so fast that actually aligning yourself with a hole became almost impossible, so I had to turn the speed scaling down quite a bit (looking at the code it scales with the game speed at a factor of 0.5, whereas most other games have a direct scaling).

Cave Painting doesn't scale too well either. The other minigames do get quite fast, but even Beach Walk should be doable at all speeds. The screen warps around in that minigame, which can be quite effective at higher speeds. If you get the angle right you can just let the game play itself, as the player will eventually cover the entire screen x)!

Haha, no problem with your tool choices, I was (at least partly) joking. I like the work Unity and Unreal have been doing with the Linux versions of their editors and how easy they have made for people to publish a game on Linux.

The Data folder seems to work with both of the Linux versions (x86 and x86_64). Thanks.

A stripped down version of this would've made a nice mini game for my entry. I liked how you were able to get multiple mechanics and enemy types and even progression in there. Played until I got the dragon and then a few more rounds. Can't really give any specific advice on how to improve it apart from more polish and more of what it already has: hazards, different playable "characters"/upgrades etc. This is a nice jam entry though.

Would not have noticed the sprites changing and how the game was related to the theme had I not read your reply to frodewin and then actually looking at the sprites really closely. I did use the same interpretation in one of my minigames though, so of course I approve :).

The bindings are a bit unfortunate, as the keys W A S D are all bound to something within my browser (d for example closes the current tab, and without thinking that was the first button I pressed after opening the game). I guess it was a ploy to get me to play and win as Trump! It's pretty barebones at the moment, but it is a complete game and I could see myself getting a laugh out of it if I had someone to play with.

Played trough five frames and I did start to get the hang of it the further I played. My general strategy was to first go vertically and try to target Jupiter while randomly getting some inner planets. Then depending on the situation I would snipe the furthest planets by following the side or try the middle again if I missed. The overlaid starmap helped with this quite a bit, especially so after I was able to estimate how much the planets would usually move before being hit. My best overall frame was 84, but my best individual throw was 50 (followed by 11 and 0 in the same frame...).

It was quite hard to judge how much the asteroid would move horizontally during its travel based on the angle, so I ended up shooting mostly vertical shots. Some parts of the game could use a speed up in my opinion to take some of the waiting away from it.

I think my highscore is something like 53 minigames, but I did start at a speed of 1 :P. Usually when testing I too started at speed 1.5 or 2, it was a nice middle ground. 

Glad you were able to figure skidmarks out. I knew it was going to be a little obscure, but I really wanted to simulate how it feels to walk to the toilet when you have to poop really bad (that sounds so horrible when spelled out like that).

Thanks for playing and commenting!

(1 edit)

Okay. I played trough it, but I have to say that that third level made me absolutely hate the game. Probably took me 10 restarts and once I even accidentally reloaded the whole page due to an angry click. The mark/block leaving mechanic just didn't feel well implemented and I could never judge where it would appear, especially so in the third level where the platforms were tiny. The collision of those blocks also felt way off especially when trying to do a tricky jump from below a block, in a question mark pattern. I also felt like I was dying to the spikes when I should've been safe, which added to my frustration.

Nice retro aesthetic, but the scanline shader is a bit extreme especially vertically. I'm really sorry to say this, but it was fun to watch, not fun to play.

Edit (after getting a cup of tea and calming down a bit). For some reason platformers, especially more hardcore ones really get under my skin. I might just not like the genre.

Finally the Planetes ( game I've been waiting for x).

The gameplay could've used something to spice it up, perhaps bombs or something you should've avoided instead, or aliens trying to steal your trash for some reason. It's a cute little jam game though.

Sweet little game. Even had a nice difficulty curve to it. I also found myself just shooting the trees at full power, perhaps if there was some gravity to the planets it would be more fun to shoot slitghly less charged trees and see how they orbit the planet before landing on it :P.

You should've mentioned there were bots to play against! For the longest time I avoided trying this game out since I had no one to play it with, and when I finally decided to try it just to see if the Linux version works I notice that I could've played it much sooner. The Linux version works perfectly btw, although I did get some 

"ERROR: connect: Condition ' s->slot_map.has(target) ' is true. returned: ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER
   At: core/object.cpp:1477."

messages in the terminal.

The Pogo Jump minigame is probably my favourite among all the Crash Bash minigames, so it was fun to see a somewhat different take on the formula. The fight for territory and trying to punish those in the lead while also gaining points yourself is very much present in this game too. Of course it could've used more powerups and even more levels with different mechanics (just like in Crash Bash when new mechanics are added as you progress further in the game), it's quite complete and polished for a jam game. I never got fully used to the diagonal view and how the controls mapped to it, but it sure looked good. Good job!

It looks good but the gameplay isn't too hot. The last piece of the snake also seemed to have the wrong angle most of the time and the fact that new pieces first spawned at the center of the map before being joined into your snake was a bit creepy.

The Linux version worked flawlessly.

My guys getting hit and stopping work was probably a big part of it and it makes sense, even if it wasn't communicated too clearly. I don't think I have the mouse dexterity to constantly keep reassigning people though.

I hope I didn't come off as too harsh. I full well know the reality and limitations of a game jam, which are even more harsh when you're a solo developer (at least Ludum Dare has the 48 hour compo for solo entries as well as the 72 hour jam for any entries).

I like your forward thinking with the controls (no scrolling due to using w and s instead of up and down), but this actually made the game unplayable (or perhaps undrawable :P) for me, as my browser has functions bound to both w and s. Not much gameplay, but it has a nice aesthetic.

I also stumbled a bit with the keys, but I did like the puzzle aspect of the game. Too bad it was so short, but game jams are game jams... It's a solid prototype at least.

The downloadable Linux version seems to be missing some files. When I tried to launch it I just got the following message "error: Couldn't load game path '.'", it also provided a usage help though, which contained the following: "-path [dir] : Path to a game, containing engine.cfg" and sure enough, such a file was present in your GitHub. After cloning the repository and moving the binary and the .pck file in there it worked just fine.

Lovely and unique aesthetic, but the gameplay desperately needs some depth. A cool little jam game nonetheless. I think you should work on the mechanics and make a post jam release, the art deserves it (I hope I'm not being too harsh on the programmer, you did a good job as well!).

I would've loved using different controls (keyboard only), but seems like instead of using the Unity input system you hardcoded them so I couldn't even change them in the launcher. Also this happened:

I guess the launcher was too big to fit into the space my tiling window manager wanted it to go to. I changed it to floating mode and it looked normal again, so not really a problem.

Both of the downloadable Linux builds are missing the Data folder. Could you fix this and leave a reply so that I can try it? Tried extracting and renaming the Data folder from the Mac build, but to no avail.

I have to say, your tool choices are:

He's probably much happier about the license of your game though!

(1 edit)

Bah. I wanted to like it, but sadly the bug with the cannons stopping semi-randomly was just too much in the end. After several restarts (couldn't find any other way to retry than to restart the whole game) I got to level 11 and felt like I was doing pretty good and then both of my cannons just ignore the enemy ship. Considering how clunky it was to select a pirate and move him around of course I was dead long before I could move them away and then back. I guess it could just be something I'm not getting about the game though, as it also seemed like sometimes the pirate below the deck just wouldn't repair the ship, nor would the pirates actually go all the way to where I clicked and instead just stopped randomly on the deck.

Great aesthetic (although the cannon sounds are a bit much) and the gameplay is so close to being fun that it's a real shame it was or at least felt so buggy.

Edit. I'm also still not sure what you can buy from the level 5 pier for 50 coins. A stat upgrade or something? I wasn't sure but I just kept buying it on all of my runs :P.

(1 edit)

There's a big difference between submitting something you've made beforehand versus submitting something that was made during the actual jam, or perhaps even better made for multiple jams that happened to be at the same time. While his code repository history isn't the most informative, that along with the fact that it says "... Edit: Seems like the post was cut here for some reason. I just wanted to point out that the repo and the game page have the same dates for when they became available.

I understand being frustrated about someone cheating in a honor based event like a game jam, but false accusations aren't much fun either.

Whatever the case might be, I think the most important thing is that it is open source.

Somewhat unrelated, but have you tried VR development/consumption on Linux and if so, how was it?

I don't have the proper equipment to actually play your game, nor am I willing to use the OS your game is on, but I have to say I love that video of you playing the game and jamming to the beat!

(1 edit)

Reminds me a bit of the first jam I ever joined. It was a 72 hour Ludum Dare and I delayed a feature which I thought would be easy to implement, but pretty essential to the gameplay for the last day (my priorities back then were quite skewed, as I remember having a working splash screen and a menu before the actual game worked x)). Of course it wasn't easy to implement and we ended up having to redesign a large part of the game to make it at least somewhat playable in the last few hours of the jam. Boy was I feeling frustrated...

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you should take it as a learning experience and not be too hard on yourself. Game jams are full of suprises!

This is one of those games I just can't play without having a smile/grin stuck on my face. It's distilled fun. First I was thinking that it could use some obstacles or something, but then I realized that if it had those I probably wouldn't be smiling because it was too stressful. It's a really solid little game.

First of all, thanks for leaving a comment and such a flattering one at that! No longer will I have to watch my game be the only one with zero comments in the "Games in need of rating queue".

I hope they were just the right amount of confusing, the one that doesn't make you want to give up but rather feel like you're about to figure it out. If you don't mind me asking, did you check the game's page for controls or were they easy enough to figure out on their own? I think I failed a bit in that aspect this time around.

Sadly I had to leave some of the more complex minigames I had planned out due to time constraints, but I also like how most of the minigames turned out.

Got 12 ducks across before the jet just couldn't stop the falling duck in time. Lagged a bit (especially towards the end) on my Celeron based ex-Chromebook-turned-Linux-laptop. It's a nice physics test, too bad you didn't get to realize your original vision (as you said in the comments).