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Overall the game was really nice, especially considering it was created for a 72 hour game jam. Played trough it once, and did some of the start again to try out how the paint mechanic actually worked.I do have some suggestions for improving it if you're gonna continue development:

  • Sound effects.
  • For a game this big in size I would've preferred a downloadable version (pre-emptively switched from my netbook with 2GB of RAM to this desktop with 8GB :P).
  • I encountered a bug where Markus was stuck in the jump animation while on the ground and prevented me from jumping again. Eventually he transitioned back to walk though.
  • The paint use seems really inconsistent. On my first run I draw the tiniest lines possible (which made much of the platforming a pain due to them basically being dots you could slide off of), but on the second run it seemed that the paint usage was determined by something else entirely, because for example when I drew a line that went from one end of the screen to the other I just lost a tiny amount of ink.
  • One checkpoint near the end of the game was rather unforgiving (I think it was the one where you jump down, cross a half-fallen bridge, jump over a shadowman and then cross the long gap and then some spikes). The first time I died there and came back the ink before the last spikes also didn't respawn (or was invisible), which made it that much harder.
  • Overall I don't see any reason not to have the paint respawn indefinitely. It would make failing at most parts much more forgiving, since the player would not have to kill themselves to try it again.
  • Painted platforms sometimes turned invisible almost immediately after painting them, although I could still jump on them.
  • The physics (especially the jump) felt quite janky, but that is forgivable for the jam version. Physics are hard to get right, especially when you can make your own geometry like in this game.