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(1 edit) (+1)

Bah. I wanted to like it, but sadly the bug with the cannons stopping semi-randomly was just too much in the end. After several restarts (couldn't find any other way to retry than to restart the whole game) I got to level 11 and felt like I was doing pretty good and then both of my cannons just ignore the enemy ship. Considering how clunky it was to select a pirate and move him around of course I was dead long before I could move them away and then back. I guess it could just be something I'm not getting about the game though, as it also seemed like sometimes the pirate below the deck just wouldn't repair the ship, nor would the pirates actually go all the way to where I clicked and instead just stopped randomly on the deck.

Great aesthetic (although the cannon sounds are a bit much) and the gameplay is so close to being fun that it's a real shame it was or at least felt so buggy.

Edit. I'm also still not sure what you can buy from the level 5 pier for 50 coins. A stat upgrade or something? I wasn't sure but I just kept buying it on all of my runs :P.


Thank you for your feedback. I know that the bug is annoying. As well as the user interface interaction is not very clear. But please consider that it was made within 72 hours and a lot of time went into graphics and balancing tests.

The highest level a player has reached yet was 23, as far as I know.  The trick is to reassign the crew regularly. Also they will stop work when they´ve got hitten (which was more or less intended).

If you want a more polished version, follow me and stay up to date.

The 50 coins item is a stats upgrade. It will lead to more repairing power, more damage at the cannons and less damage taken while steering thru rough sea.


My guys getting hit and stopping work was probably a big part of it and it makes sense, even if it wasn't communicated too clearly. I don't think I have the mouse dexterity to constantly keep reassigning people though.

I hope I didn't come off as too harsh. I full well know the reality and limitations of a game jam, which are even more harsh when you're a solo developer (at least Ludum Dare has the 48 hour compo for solo entries as well as the 72 hour jam for any entries).