Falnarion Tactics, oh boy.
I went into this without any huge expectations, since this clearly made in a particularly new engine (SRPG maker). Since I am pretty familiar with SRPG's I had to see what this game has in store for me.
I am a bit conflicted.
The first battle in a tactical RPG should be pretty straightforward. Easing the player in and getting a feel for the game itself. I immediately see some issues. For one, there are maybe a few too many enemies on the field which drags out the battle rather than make it challenging (which is a trend that continues through the course of the game) and the mapping is much to be desired. Having a protagonist that can one shot enemies isn't the best way of fixing this, especially when I want to utilize my other units and give them time to shine. He can be really strong, but he can not be untouchable. The tutorial feels kinda thrown in there with not too much thought behind it. It just happens and Felm has some playful banter with his 2 other units. Instead of having more enemies, I would slightly lower the stats of the protagonist (just very slightly), lower the amount of health each enemy unit has but increase their defense, and just get rid of a few enemies on the map. That way there is still some challenge, but it will not feel as tedious. Since there will be less enemies, I will decrease the size of the map accordingly. I prefer a more closed map rather than a open one for the first battle.
The game has a sense of balance, but it's off in quite a few ways which is unacceptable in an tactical RPG. You got to have most of it balanced to a tee, otherwise the tactics of the game will be thrown out the window due to me abusing a blatant exploit or me losing a unit due to me getting hit to an enemy that has a high ranked weapon that can one shot everyone including Felm (and that would be a mere average unit not a boss unit).
As the game progresses, I get more enemies thrown at me and even bigger maps for them to be placed in. Every battle I faced thus far has been in really open maps. Which makes battles feel exactly the same except with sightly more powerful units to slaughter and slightly more powerful boss along with it. The battle in Chapter 3 (or Chapter 4) with the large skirmish is reasonable in terms of the map itself and the story going along with it, however, I feel that it is a big battle that should be saved later in the game when there is more build up to it instead of thrown in there relatively fresh into the campaign. Also, promoted enemy units start popping up at chapter 4. Have higher level basic units, but save the promoted ones for way later in the story (and try to avoid giving them really rare weapons upon introducing them).
Speaking of story, it is totally Fire Emblem inspired. Except it is terribly cheesy in so many regards. From the units, to the story itself. Evil kingdom wants to revive a greater evil to plunge the world into darkness. Why? Because Why not, I guess? It is a guilty pleasure to be honest. I do not hate it, but the writing is painfully cliché and needs work. After all, a strong SRPG needs a strong story to keep me going through the tough battles ahead.
Also, there's this wonderful gem that made me die from laughter by how cheesy the writing is.
Overall, I have not finished the game and may continue onwards (I know in the comments that you mentioned a patch version on steam that I may check out as well). This is not a bad game, despite my bashing and criticisms that may say otherwise. An SRPG is not easy to make since there is so much that needs to fall into place so the game play is satisfying and has the story to fortify it. Both of those things, as of now, I faintly feel from your game.
I will keep my eye out on your game and see how it develops. I want this to become an amazing SRPG as a fan of this sub-genre of RPG'S, but also as a fellow game developer that wants to make an SRPG of my own in the future. I wish you luck on your game!
By the way, Luna is best girl in this game next to Ashelo. No question.
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