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Get out of my Domain!View game page

A reverse bullet heaven in which you're the one that summons the hordes of enemies
Submitted by Fava Beans (@FavaBeansArt) — 6 hours, 20 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 76 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You play as the villain who is able to summon a horde of enemies that attack generic heroes

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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Great game, really liked  the art and music.




Very fun! Love the art style! Nice to see someone else using Gdevelop


Thanks! Despite its quirks and limitations, I love using Gdevelop for game jams. It really lets me focus on the art since it's so easy to use.

Submitted (1 edit)

What a beautiful game! It feels like a completed production where the graphics, audio and controlles are fine tuned. Like you mention, a bit more fine tuning of the gameplay, such as more variation in the challenges, upgrades etc would make it perfect. Still, the most professional feeling game I tried so far this game jam! Great job!


Thanks! I'm happy to hear that because I was also thinking that this is one of my most finished feeling projects. It's definitely a top contender if I ever want to turn one of my jam games into a full release.

Submitted (2 edits)

There has been an absolute abundance of minion management games in this jam, even reverse-survivors takes on it specifically, but this is an outstanding approach to the concept. The ward-area around the "heroes" presents a unique threat and a tangible form of progression that a simple life bar wouldn't. Ina's physical presence makes the player feel, well, present! 

Also Ina is very cute and I want to give her a hug.

Edit: Checked out your profile after rating this, it seems that we're cut from pretty similar cloth :p

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I'm happy you enjoyed it! I thought I was being clever when I came up with a reverse-survivors not knowing it'd be a popular idea. It's good to know that I stand out though.

I had a look at your profile too and I'd say you're right, we've got a lot in common!  So I followed you too 。◕‿◕。


yuri time :p


A pretty cool entry, the 20 Minutes Till Dawn style art direction hyped me up second 1 ! 


woahh really good mechanics and art!! I feel like Ina accelerates a little slowly which makes it harder to do precise movement around bullets


Thanks for playing! Perhaps I had just gotten too used to the acceleration while testing to notice. I could play with the value of the acceleration some more if I update this


Great game! The polish on this is wonderful - the graphics and particle effects are crisp and the sound design is good too (the rising tone as you summon more minions is a satisfying touch)!

Can see this concept being expanded with more hero/enemy types and patterns, and different summons too. Well done!

I liked how the crystal being near enemies means you are incentivised to stay near them - a fun risk/reward element. Sometimes I found the crystal was very difficult to get to, though, and it was best to play passively and draw the enemies away from it - I wonder what it would play like to have mana regenerate if you were inside an enemy's radius? 


Thank you! I am sorta considering expanding this in the future but it'll have to be redone from scratch. My flimsy logic can only handle 2 enemies at once who have very basic behavior. 

I like your idea of regenerating mana inside the enemies' zones a lot. I might use that suggestion


Great job on the game feel, you’ve made the act of summoning monsters super satisfying! Also pretty clever having the mana and health bar as one, it's one less thing to track but also adds another layer of complexity, well done!


Thanks! Making Mana also your HP was the best solution I came up with for preventing players from spamming minions endlessly


Really cool game! The game window was a bit too tiny, but the game is very solid and I didn't encounter any problems at all. I swear that the mana crystal just goes in the opposite direction I'm going every time haha


That crystal sure is tricky!

I'm glad you encountered no issues other than the game size. I realized how tiny it was only after I put it on the page. Since it's pixel art my only option for resizing is doubling it though. Otherwise, it affects the appearance of the sprites. Whoops. So for the itch page, I left it at the original resolution but The downloaded version gives you the option to set your own resolution.


Absolutely loved the visuals! Was a bit tricky to pick up at first, but once the game got going, it was interesting to strategize and see how long I could survive. Great work! :)


I like playing bullet-hell, so being able to play as the "villian" was really fun!
The summon mechanic was very interesting and had a nice strategy to it
The character and story are very cute!

Nice sprites and visuals. An active take on the reverse vampire survivor. 


Nice game, i lked the summon mechanic, pretty visuals also.


Wow! Amazing game! 🙂

We kind of thought of a similar concept for the game, but you focused more on the spawning aspect. The controls feel nice and fluid, and the visuals are great (Ina is so cute!! 😊).

I really liked how you kept making the spawn exclusion radius smaller for the adventurers, as they lost health, to make it easier towards the end.

The only qualm I have is that it really did not make sense to me to spawn anything but giant swarms of bats to beat the entire game, which left my index finger exhausted. But I managed to finish it anyway!

Overall, very nice job! 😄


Thanks! Happy to know you think Ina is cute too.

I was really worried when I uploaded this that players wouldn't be incentivized to summon more than just 1 minion. At least with the bats you do get the horde of enemies I was going for originally before pivoting. Too bad it's at the cost of your index finger. Sorry 😫


I think the problem is that the minions get defeated by the bullets from the adventurers, so bats are the best at soaking up bullets.

Also, one small idea: Maybe you could make it so that you can not summon minions when doing that would drain all your mana? It was a little frustrating to have only one enemy left, who was barely alive, and then dying to summoning too many minions.

Don’t worry about my finger, it’s fine! 😄


Good to hear your finger is fine!

That's a good suggestion. I almost did make it impossible to spawn minions when it would cause defeat but in my playtesting I felt that the possibility of making myself lose added a greater risk/reward element so I didn't change it. One thing that I wish I would've done though is clearly mark how much mana the summon would cost.


I love the color palette and character design. Overall presentation is just perfect! It's also a very fun and interesting gameplay.


Your art is very clean, and the game systems have great feedback! It was always clear what was happening in the game the whole time I was playing. Making all danger purple, to stand out against the green background was a great call. The low mana popup and the reactive profile image were great touches as well. Nice work!


Thanks! Adding good game feel and clarity was one of my biggest goals. But a few still got confused because there's honestly a bit more feedback I could've added especially to do with invalid summoning placements. It's good to know that not everyone had that issue though


The game is very polished, I can tell that you were well prepared!


Pretty fun game. Art reminds me a lot of "20 Minutes Till Dawn" crossed with "They Bleed Pixels".


Thanks! I kind of had "20 Minutes Till Dawn" in the back of my head while making this. I can see how it'd remind you of "They Bleed Pixels" too.


nice game, very very COOL ART, good work

you can check and rate my game if you want :)

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