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i HEART üView game page

Redefine Everything Around You: Using Letters
Submitted by pahn — 9 hours, 12 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#1603.7673.767

Ranked from 60 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
We wanted to think outside of "two-gether," and instead combine all 26 letters of the alphabet together... because letters only have a greater meaning together than when they're apart: from A to Z, or i and ü. :)

We also wanted to challenge ourselves with our own secondary "theme": introduce a new mechanic, one that seamlessly combines story and gameplay together... to change the meaning of things, and find love <3.

Did you write all the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
Yup! Everything's from nothing to something on our own (2 people), including music + art

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Cool concept :)

I recognize the style of Baba is You :)

Maybe a bit fiddly. I rapidly find solutions but it take long to sort the letters.


Thanks so much for playing our game!! And yes, we love Baba is You, it's a lovely game. :)

We're trying to balance the problem-solving time and movement as well, I agree with you that there can be times where they're misaligned -- though I'm glad you were able to figure out the solution quickly!

Thanks <3


I really liked the game, the mechanic is simple and quickly masterized and yet still allow for quite complex puzzle, I also absolutely love the simple graphisms, especially the "shaking" of the letters, wich I find really adds to the ambiance of the game. Speaking of ambiance, the story telling, even if it's quite simple, really allow for a good immersion.

 The game in a way remind me of Baba Is You, particularly in it's innovative way to play with the "rules" of the game. I would for sure love to play to a much longer version of the game with even more  advanced levels, with for example missdirections (possibles word not useful in the puzzle of the level, ie : rat or hate for the level 1).

The only criticism I could make is the lack of mechanic to differentiate between the "words" that can be broken with E and those wich needs a "tool".

Lastly, I find that the twist on the theme is really poetic (like the rest of the game) and pure genius.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks so much for playing, and you have so many great ideas for us as we expand the game! :)

We would love to create more "deceiving" or "trick" moments like you said, that'd would be fun (maybe a bit evil :o)

I agree with you on differentiating what words can be broken on its own versus needing another object "tool." We'll work on that in next versions!

And I like that you enjoyed the twist on the theme! I enjoyed your game as well and thought it was very clever <3


Cant wait to play the next versions <3


So adorable. It feels like a love letter in a game. Is it a love letter in a game?? omg

Sadly got stuck at the bridge part, and the hints weren't enough :c broke the tree but couldn't break the bricks to get the letters I needed for a bridge!! 


Thanks so much for playing!! And glad you found it adorable :3

Oh no on the bridge, you're so close! Breaking apart the AXE you made is how you would get the A for the HAMMER, I think? There's a lot of moving parts though and we could have made it clearer haha

I'm glad you enjoyed it still, and I loved your game as well! <3


Alright I finished it (I had forgotten about the hammer it's funny)

I love the concept!! I kind of wish movement was faster / holding down the movement buttons worked instead of spamming the button, because it took a lot of work making the words. But at the same time that kind of works as a metaphor for how much work and care love needs and how hard communication is? Am I seeing too much into this?

Anyway, great job for a first game!! Also, the music is nice and soft, it didn't get repetitive so that's a plus!!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Haha I'm glad you figured it out and got the Hammer moment. :)

I like where your head's at on the metaphorical movement -- we actually did want to work on smoothening it out lol, but ran out of time unfortunately. :( That'll be our next priorities for future versions.

Thanks for finishing the game!! And I'm glad you enjoyed the music too. <3


Incredibly cute. Great concept, even better execution.


Thanks so much for playing! And I'm so glad you enjoyed it and found it cute :)

Your game was a gorgeous experience, and I really hope you continue developing it and adding more levels as you wanted! <3

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I like the concept a lot! I think it's really cool and interesting ^^ 

My main problem while playing was that I have  an azerty keyboard so the controls were very unnatural to me and got kinda tedious because I kept forgetting which key was what, so I have to admit that I haven't finished the game yet (I do plan to try again when I have more time tho).

Also the first time I played level one I got confused because writing "heart" seemed too obvious and I didn't understood properly what I was supposed to do (but that might just be me, haha!) so I tried to write "rat" and nothing happened... And then I read the description and finally got it xD

Overall I liked it, I found the the music to be nice and fitting, too, What I saw of the story (I gave up after level 3) seemed sweet!

(EDIT: correcting  english mistakes, don't mind me)


Thanks so much for playing!

And we didn't know about AZERTY keyboards -- thank you for letting us know about that! We want to be as inclusive & accessible as possible so this will definitely be a priority for our next versions.

And your English is great by the way. :)


For the next version I would suggest to use the arrow keys, or to allow the player to change the key bindings themselves (even if that's probably more complicated to code...)

Thank you, I try my best :D

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Yup I agree! Arrow keys / key binding changes is something we're adding as our priority. Unfortunately we did run out of time here to add it for the jam version (we actually had <6 days, since we started the jam late haha)

Thank you for letting us know about the AZERTY keyboard, we were not aware of that and definitely want to be inclusive of all players! <3

And thanks again for playing our little game! :)


so sweet :o this game is great, and innovative :3 I like the story between each level, and the animations with the text moving :D 

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks so much for playing :o

I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)


Cool concept and art, really enjoyed playing your game


Thanks so much for playing, and I'm glad you enjoyed our little game! :)


Well what a lovely game! Its really hard work somtimes to push all the letters around but that fits the story of the game! Well done!


Thanks so much for playing, and I'm glad you enjoyed the story :)

I agree the last level does become quite a journey haha. We wanted to see how far we could take the mechanics, maybe we pushed beyond the limits :o

Thanks for the kind words, and best of luck for your game too! <3


really sweet wholesome game :> it kind of remined me of baba is you, but you took it ti a different place. well done! 


Thanks for the kind words, and thanks so much for playing!

And yup we love Baba is You! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Best of luck on your game as well! :)


Really sweet game! I really enjoyed the unique puzzles and the cute message, as well as how the music progressed throughout the levels! Only thing extra I'd like is the ability to build words vertically (didnt seem to work for me at least)

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks so much for playing!! I'm glad you liked the story and music :)

Yup I agree with you 100%, we're looking into vertical word-building in our next version since we didn't have time to implement it here (e.g., because when a word gets deconstructed it spawns vertically, so our code would automatically re-construct the word again lol).

Definitely something we want to add as we know that's an intuitive way to read a word, like how you and many others did it!

And loved your game as well! I hope you keep developing it, I really enjoyed the art-style. <3


Loved the game! Very relaxing with great music. Plays a lot like baba is you, but you put your own twist on it by creating the actual words. Can get a bit messy, especially the later levels as the screen gets filled with letters. Really liked the way you hinted the player to making specific words by having the words on screen, very helpful!


Thanks so much for playing!! Yeah, we love Baba is You haha

I'm glad the hints on screen were helpful! :)


Great idea! The minimalist art style and the peaceful music fit the game perfectly. It took me a while to get the hang of the mechanics but once I did, I had fun figuring out the puzzles and building the different objects.

One minor nitpick (in addition to the control issue that a lot of people have mentioned): the music stops and restarts very abruptly at the beginning and end of the tutorial level. Maybe fade-out/-in the volume there a little more gradually.

Developer (2 edits)

Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed the music and had fun with the problem-solving mechanics.

I agree with you on the music! We were trying to figure out a continuous flow of music between each level through the transitions (to keep the layering of instruments between levels smooth too), but couldn't figure it out on time :(

Definitely something we're working on for future versions! :)

And I loved your platformer game! I hope you keep on developing it <3


Unique game! I love te presentation.


And thanks so much for playing! :)


The main mechanic is super unique and I love how the items and gameplay tie into the narrative. The level progression is also nicely designed too - each level teaches you something new to build or break, and you use that knowledge for future levels. The swap mechanic is also a godsend, so I really appreciate it being there.

I'd make it so that holding down the arrow keys would move the player faster. It gets pretty repetitive mashing down one direction to move long distances. I'd also use a different object in place of the ham, as trying to spell "Hammer" can get you ham instead. For the last level, I'd probably remove the purple cage entirely, since the last level feels quite long and tedious already.

Overall, this is a very touching game and I'm glad I got to play it. Well done!


Thanks so much for playing!!

Totally agree with you on the movement, we're going to work on that for future versions. We wish we had the time to implement it before the 7 days was over :(

I'm glad you enjoyed it overall. <3


The game is tremendously clever, and uses its mechanics well! I had a real moment of "ah, they got me good" moment when I was trying to build a hammer and got a ham before I was done.

I would really focus on making the controls be more responsive though. Each movement feels like it takes one too many clicks, as turning a corner is two clicks. I get that it's for re-orienting the pointer, but it also lead to the game being slightly painful to control.

Oh, and props on the music! It was very calming and looped quite nicely.


LOL I'm glad you enjoyed the Ham moment!

I agree 100%, the controls are definitely not optimised. We had ideas to smoothen it but ran out of time :(

And I'm glad you liked the music!

Thanks so much for playing!!


Art on this one is really good, and combined with the music it is great! Gameplay is simple, yet polished and fun! Good job!


Thanks so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)





Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I really enjoyed playing your game, it is such a great idea and you did an awesome job with the implementation! Everything fits perfectly together and the music is outstandingly beautiful i could listen to it all day :)


Thank you so much!! :)

I really enjoyed playing your game too! I hope you continue developing it! <3


Thank you so much, I have read your lovely comment earlier that day but I wanted to make sure that I have enough time to play your game too :) Please keep up your great work too! <3


Aw you're so sweet haha


Your game has a strong concept and a clean visual presentation. It remindes me a lot of "baba is you". Comparably the control scheme seems a little clunky at times.

Developer (3 edits)

Hey Zwarn! Thanks so much for playing our game :)

I agree with you actually, we opted for simplicity in trying to combine turning + movement together (to allow for simpler interactions with objects on the grid-based system), and ultimately sacrificed by having clunkier movement scheme as you said. We had ideas to bandage it, but ran out of time unfortunately lol -- we plan to work on less clunkier controls for any next iterations.

I'm glad it reminded you of Baba is You haha, we love that game

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Nice emotional take on the classic "put the boxes in the right places" game (forgot the exact name). Very artistically inspired game, music in particular is very nice.

A small complaint - there are certain situations where the level becomes impossible to complete unless the level is restarted. However, restarting triggers the initial cutscene. A fast restart would be a good addition.


Hey Radetzky, thanks so much for playing :)

Thanks for letting me know about the small bug -- which level was this, out of curiosity? 


I don't think it is necessarily a bug, it's a "core" feature of similar games of this type: I don't think you were necessarily going for a puzzle game, but the mechanics are very similar to Sokoban.

Basically, the idea is that if you push an object against an edge 3 blocks wide you can no longer move it back. The main goal of such games is to avoid situations like this. Most of those games have a quick restart option.

Developer (2 edits)

Ah got it -- yeah, we tried to avoid this through the SPACE button for allowing players to swap with tiles to avoid that mechanic in classic Sokoban games (though we could have made this clearer), to instead focus on the letter-forming / letter-breaking mechanics.

Though I agree, a faster restart button would be helpful regardless of the situation.

Thanks for letting me know!

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