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Reddit vs. Wallstreet!View game page

Play as Reddit and /u/Deep-Value to take on Wallstreet Hedgefunds as they attempt to short Gamestop stock!
Submitted by Avatar Nick (@TheAvatarNick), Theoriginalchris1 — 1 day, 10 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#5633.2433.243

Ranked from 37 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
The game "Reddit vs Wallstreet" is based on the real life events of Redditors banding together to bankrupt several Wallstreet hedgefunds by buying up Gamestop Stock! The Redditors were Stronger Together, only being able to accomplish such a feat by working as one!

Did you write all the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
I wrote all of the code and my brother created the characters, but we did use background image assets to give the stages variety.

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Really great to see the combination of a real life event with the theme! The game itself feels really well handled. At first I was bit confused though and some tooltips here and there would be a nice touch, although I was able to get into it really fast!  Haven´t been able to get to the final boss yet, but I will make sure to take him down! Great job!


The final boss is the most comical haha, Glad you enjoy it!


The game is fun, but I think that in a couple of years no one will remember about the jump in GameStop shares


That is very true, but it was fun while it lasted haha!

had a real laugh playing this game! really smooth for being made in a week. 


Amazing assets! Felt very polished in some ways. Felt like the first few levels could have been a little easier to help ease you into the gameplay and upgrading. Otherwise I really enjoyed it!!


Nice game, well done for a week!


Who can defeat the Wallstreet Hedge Funds final boss!

Submitted (1 edit)

Dude I had some trouble opening this game up at first I thought I got virus lmao scared the hell outta me but after closing some stuff in task manager it worked just fine.

The game so far is really fun! Hilarious characters and abilities im gonna go finish beating the game but seriously nice job!

Also Elon OP


Hahah glad you got it working. Yeah the game is big because I actually did manage to create a somewhat full RPG game experience as I've done a few Jams before. My brother created graphics which took a lot of weight off me.

Good luck with the final boss haha! I recommend playing the desert level to gain some easy levels ;)


I cracked up the first time I used the Special Heal! Very funny!


Stronger together lol! Gotta get all the people who helped out the Redditors involved in the game haha


This game is surprisingly addicting. Even though the turn based battles are simple, the progression system was satisfying and kept me playing for a while. While the grind sometimes got annoying, the battles went fast. 

My strategy of spamming Elon Musk worked well for the most part. Not many other games where you can say that.


Yeah the Elon Musk strat is definitely the best for the stun but need to have a lot of Redditors in order to make it work well. A tip for the grind is the "shill" level gives you a ton of xp which will give levels very quickly ;)

Maybe ill make a real RPG sometime in the future with more time haha


ohh I didn't know about that Shill level. I'll have to check it out


This is hilarious with all these memes. Good work!


Thank you, I take pride in the memes lmao


This is kind of fun (and funny). Only issue is I don't play turn-based games, as they're not my thing.

A tutorial would have been nice, instead of having to figure out what the controls are and hoping I survive the end of the round.


Quite enjoyed your approach for the theme. I'm usually not a big fan of those game mechanics but i enjoyed playing yours.
Good humour in the game, was fun to watch your let's play as well. 

Nice work mate ! 


I really liked it. I haven't played it completely because I don't have much time but I laughed at first glance to the game's story and the artstyle of the characters.

The mechanics are simple but let's not forget that this was made in a week (and also they are well implemented to the theme)


Yeah I went for maximum comedy with this lol. Yeah the RPG is simple but the upgrade mechanics are quite complex so I'm very happy with the result


Lol, could not stop laughing while playing. I like the memes. Nice game :)

Would love if you give mine a try


Haha yes I went for maximum meme points on this one lmao. Will play your game next!


Didn't expect playing this today XD. Good job.


I'm a massive sucker for a turn based system and stats and the whole reddit vs wallstreet theme fits the theme to a tee, nice job!


Haha had to go for maximum meme points with this theme


For anyone looking to play the Mac version, there is a permission issue since this was built on windows. To fix this you need to navigate to the terminal with the .app file and run this command:

chmod -R 777 [applicationName].app


Hi! The OSX version is not working… any clues? I really liked the concept and want to play the game.

Oh, by the way, thx for creating a OSX version!


Thanks for letting me know about the Mac issues Struo! This was my mistake but is easily fixable. Essentially I built the game on Windows which removes executable permissions for Mac. To solve this you need to run this command in terminal on the application:

chmod -R 777 [applicationName].app

Sorry about that, let me know if this works!

the error changed, but didn`t worked. No worrys! I’ll borrow my wife’s notebook tonight and try again.


Sorry about that, ill need to get a mac next time to compile it for mac it looks like


AWS now has a ‘virtual Mac’ service. My brother is using it when he needs to deploy iphone apps. Next year i will change this one i use and i’m thinking in do the same. Will save a lot of money here in Brazil.


This game is really cool! It's just a simple turn based RPG with some really funny references and jokes based on the Reddit Wall Street thing, I'm all for it! I didn't finish it in one sitting but I'll definitely come back to it :)

I feel like your use of the theme is kinda borderline and isn't integrated into the game very well, but the game is still heaps of fun!


Really nice game I love all the small easter eggs and jokes integrated into the game (Mother's Basement with the Discord Mods is definitely one of the better ones. Overall really good game and well done especially for a game jam.

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