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A jam submission

Marine Mecha Mayhem MadnessView game page

Mecha Builder and Autobattler
Submitted by Velvetlobster, Jan Barboza | GGCoffee (@JanBarbozza), roguepug (@roguepug) — 14 hours, 25 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 75 people so far
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Although I don't quite understand the main gameplay of the game, I am surprised that it features an editing function. I really admire your ability to create such a unique and complex game in just 10 days. Nice job!


Not really my type of a game, but I can totally understand what people love about these kind of games. Certainly an interesting take on a theme, good job


Very different! I have to say this isn't my type of game, so I didn't played for a good amount of time. But I did created some mechas, and is kinda fun to have your own creation and battle with other player's creations. Very cool!


This is a very impressive concept for the length of the jam, and I could definitely see it work as a full game !
Nice work


Quite a cool concept man! Really good job!


Wow, for such a short time this is very well thought out game! VERY GOOD!


Hey I've already commented before, but I just came back here to reclaim my throne at the number 1 spot ;)


wow you both are in a really tight dispute

may the best robot win!
and may the bugs not be in your way too much lol (they will all be fixed after the jam we promise you that)


Well, i’m the top of the leaderboard (as of posting), so uh…. 👀

For a jam game there’s very little that I can imagine to make it better. Maybe more premade basic mechs from y’all?

For a like “real” game it should probably have things like cost tiers and stuff, kinda to crush people with a really expensive one but also that’s part of the fun? idk.

I was kinda disappointed I could build with the test dummy but it didn’t actually come into real battles with me :(

anyway great job lol


wow, now THAT is an invincible mecha

700+ wins is impressive indeed

yeah we have known issues we are still working on, like the money winning and losing triggers are kinda crazy and the saving sometimes does not work, that last one is really irritating BUT we already have a new version that completely changes the saving system and in our tests made it kinda 10x faster and more reliable ... should be updating in the next couple of days  to fix that annoying persistent bug


yeah I tried to see if it would lose to any other creations, couldn’t find one! I’m sure it’s beatable but think you’d have to design to do so :p


Yoo thanks for the challenge man! Really loved this game


Love vehicle building games, and this one was very solid :)


I wasn't expecting a battle game like this in the jam. That's a cool concept!


This could be a really good Robot Wars type physics simulator when fleshed out!


Not good at this but I like the concept and all the effort that went into it. Well done. 


The good ship Planet Express Ship is a beast! I may or may not have completely ignored the spending limit. Really cool concept!


oh yeah it is a beast! Still trying to create a build that wins agains that one


Awesome art.  This game looked great.  


Damn this is a great concept! Stumbled my way for some minutes but once I got the hang of the basic mechanics and the creator tool I was ready to compete and even win against many of the other players' creations (even the biblically accurate mechs made mostly of boosters). Great job!


Damn this is a great concept! Stumbled my way for some minutes but once I got the hang of the basic mechanics and the creator tool I was ready to compete and even win against many of the other players' creations (even the biblically accurate mechs made mostly of boosters). Great job!


very cool concept, and i love the art and music!


Wow, very interesting game concept. What did yall use to store the user created items? I tried to take a look, but it didn’t seem to be Playroom at first glance. At any rate, very impressive! I could easily see this expanding into a full Steam released game (maybe using Steam Workshop for user created stuff?).


Frustrating. I threw my creation into the arena and lost, and couldn't even see what happened. I also bet the maximum, so, after the fight I had negative money and I guess game over. A lot of good things going for it, but it's incomplete and janky


dont worry, we did not put any limit to money so you still have a chance to get to the top after that if you create a succesful build


I'm not so good crafting this kind of things, but... I won my fisrt battle so I'm happy hehe

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