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No whOne

A member registered Oct 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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YO! This is a cool game... I really like the visual aesthetic and atmosphere. The post-processing effect is really neat, the tweening animations were quick and fluid and the torches lighting up on entrance was a really nice touch. The puzzle itself was really great in it of itself. I highly appreciate games that don't use text to convey instructions, and I think this game did very well on that.

A couple things I was confused about tho was that there was one room in the rune guide that had a wrong solution (I think)... but I don't remember exactly which one it was. Also, the room in the beginning was also quite confusing since I there are 2 unexplained runes with no way of experimenting with. There also doesn't seem to be feedback on how many runes can be selected or which runes are currently selected. I tried doing: rotate 90 cw, mirror vertically. and invert color.... and that didn't seem to work, so I just spammed other combinations that I thought could work but none did.... So I can't tell if there was a solution or not.

Overall tho, the game was great! Definitely nailed the 3D puzzle game feel. It's cryptic but consistent (mostly), and is incredibly visually pleasant. Great job!

Wow... this game is absolutely amazing. I can't believe this was made in only 48 hours, you totally deserve the #1 spot man.

From the puzzle design to the atmosphere in the graphics and music, and the subtle story-telling embedded into the gameplay... Incredible!

Definitely ground work for a masterpiece!

Haha, the sounds great... You could talk with Pazzi for that one.

Haha thanks! I'm glad you liked the audio, it's something I'm still trying to learn... I do agree the navigation was quite difficult, I planned to add a minimap but couldn't implement it due to time constraints and I don't think I'm gonna update this game any time soon... Really appreciate the feedback!

This feels likeits gonna go viral for a week when a famous youtuber picks it up. Amazing!

Undertale rango music rhythm cyberpunk... what more could you ask for?

Actually GOATED


Very cool game!

Yeah... The descriptions of the upgrades do need a bit of work... I might consider working further on the game tho... So the feedback is much appreciated <3 (also goblin hand is meant to work when hitting enemies with your bullets)

Thank you! I might work on it further in a while... It would be great if we could get some support <3

Lmao... It's just a short little game for a jam XD

Thank you for playing! I appreciate the feedback 👍

YOOOOOO This already felt like a finished game that I would pay 5 bucks for... Incredible!

This is kinda cute lmao! become B I G

This is so cute lmao! I like it!

You just can't beat the minmax king

Well done XD! Should I still be crowned as king? Or is there a score I need to beat? >:)

Wow, the level of polish in this game is crazy! Wonder how you managed it! The rules were pretyy confusing at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was quite straight forward. Though, sometimes it may take quite a long time to have to keep reordering rooms every round... But other than that, great game! Good job!

A geometry dash tower defense game? Sign me up! Loved the music, loved the art, loved the souond effects... It felt like I was truly part of the geometry dash level. One thing I wanna say though is that it's quite annoying that I have to restart all the way from the beginning if I lose. But other than that, the idea is great, and the execution even greater, and for a first? This seems way too good. Very well done!

Very cool idea! It could definitely be expanded upon, though as for now, there isn't much content yet for the game to be too strategic, it's usually just spam beast and one slime and win... Other than that though, the music and pixel art really does remind me of the old retro tower defense games I used to play as a kid... Very enjoyable. Well done!

I really like the idea of the game! How you now become the NPC giving side quests to "players". The gameplay felt a lot like papers please and I honestly like that type of game. The artstyle is cute, the music is nice, and the sound effects sufficed. One minor issue tho is the card texts are kinda hard to read... But other than that, great game! More variety and content, and this game could be put out to full release! Great Job!

This is really cute! I love the pixel art style and retro sound effects... The idea itself is really creative, but due to the lack of an end goal or any score tracking, it gets stale pretty quick. Besides that, the execution is incredible, rules are very easy to understand, and for a game that's made in only 48 hours, this really suffices! Good job!

XD What a fun game! However, I must say, I can just keep refereeing like normal and not really take massive bribes, which made it kinda easy, but still fun nonetheless... Well done!

It's very CUTE! Love the fruit ninja reverse idea, great execution! Well-done!

YOOOOO... Very cool idea, AMAZING exectuion. LOVE the artstyle, incredible polish and funny little story... FIts the theme really well and is also incredibly fun. Made in 48  hours, but felt like a completely finished and polished up game. Loved it, well done!

WOW! This game is AMAZING! Really well-made, super polished. Loved the vampire survivors idea, and it's implemented very well... The sounds, the animations, the effects, they're all so JUICY. Incredibly well-done! I really can't think of anything to complain about except for maybe showing those little numbers that indicate amount of damage when a monster is hit, or a little hud that shows the stats of my monsters... but other than that, for a game made in 48 hours, it really does feel like a fully-developed game. Well done!

Oh and here's my highscore:

I like the concept of the survivors-like game but in reverse, haha... But as stated by another comment, the lack of strategy really does downbring the value of the game, it seems like so much love was put into this game, but due to the lack of time, only a part of the idea was done. Either way, really good job!

Thank you for your feedback! Will definitely keep your words in mind!

Wowowow great game!!!!! 

Honestly, I really love the gameplay... Right from fhe start, being introduced to a new card game so hmm, first play through ez loss. Then I learnt from it and tried again... Lost again... So then I found the method (which I just realized another commenter pointed out) of using a plus heal gain gold kinda deal and grind the first round, which could go pretty much infinite.

The design of the game is also quite innovative I would say, I haven't seen any game really do this rng card thingy. It's really refreshing to see.

If this could be worked on further, balanced, and polished up, I think it would go quite far. I like the balance of trying to get gold, while keeping your health up and upgrading cards permanently and things like that. I am a big fan of cards that effect permanently when played in battle. If this was to be updated, I would suggest:

• The ability to remove cards

• Slay the spire map

• Shop reroll

I also found 1 bug where somehow a card stayed on top of the screen permanently and I can't move it... I think it's cuz I was holding the card while I killed the enemy (? Not sure).

Anyway other than that great game love it would love to see more, cheers! 🥂

Thank you! A new game is coming soon

Ooh alright, thanks for checking it out 😁

Yo thanks man! :D just curious tho, how did you find this game?

I don't know about the exact genre, but it is part of roguelike and I think a lot of people call it wave-survival games

Thanks for your review! :D

The difficulty curve was quite okay imo, just add a boss a battle every couple of waves and I think you should be set. Also the screen shake is alright now, nice work... But some new bugs arised:

- When there's too many audio playing at the same time, every sound just cuts off.

- Sometimes the enchanted arrows, when left for a while, bugs out and makes the arrows gravityless.

That's all really... Great work on the update!

(1 edit)

YOOOOOOO, I didn't know you made an update already! I was just wandering around checking the winners of past jams i joined and i noticed that urs was updated, so i decided to give it a go... i like the new upgrade system, the new upgrades, the knight, the new flying enemy, and the new terrains. 

i managed to easily beat the game (basically) after the 2nd try tho... sad there's still no boss but at least the flying enemies gave it more variety. great job improving the game after the jam! would love to see more from this fosho. kinda tricked me with those  question mark upgrades tho... xd

edit: oh yeah, also, i didn't rly like that the mouse was smoothly interpolated tho, that's all.

Wow that's a pretty high score for such a simple game 😅 Thanks! :D