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Duck Made Of Wood

A member registered Feb 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nice atmosphere. I hope you keep working on this, it has potential.

We do need more Lynchian horror! I will be looking forward to play your Lynchian game!

The right way to play Tetris! 

I enjoyed the game so much that I played it up to the end! Oh I didn't found any secrets! I will need to play it again. Very nice puzzle game!

I swear, I get no money from Microsoft to convince people installing Windows on their machine to play my games! : 

High price for this one! The "trusting" walk cycle of the NPC made me laugh a lot! Pity it is very HARD to escape from... that thing! But the enjoyment was very high! Love it!

Very nice and atmospheric entry. I would really like to play more of this! Nicely done. 

Very enjoyable and I like the story and the "Paper Please" gamepaly a lot. Very good entry and very ambitious! Well done! 

Not a single day goes by without me being worried about my mental health status.

Coll story and atmosphere. The idea is very interesting but I think the two things that could have been improved a little are !) The sound design and 2) The differences in the behaviour of the people watching the TV after the "thing that you do" (to avoid spoilers). 

Honestly the scariest game I have played in the jam. It depicts the horror of depression and of a "normal" life, very well. The glitches and the visuals are spot on and the story is really immersive. The only thing that I would suggest as an improvement is to add some "ambience" soundtracks to the different part of the day (aka train noises, bar background noises) to immerse the player even more. But I really enjoyed the experience and I still feel terrible for poor Scott. 

Thanks to you for playing and for the video. We are glad you enjoyed our crazy experiment. 

Very scary! Very well done! The setting and the story sucked me in and I was genuinely spooked by what was going on. I like how the apparently simple task slowly evolves in something scary. The best game I played so far. 

I like that the monster was just a dude that comes over to chill on your coach and watch TV together. Fun game. 

It seems to be a known issue with Unity on Wine. The Mouse usually works fine but you may have something going on that interfere with the keyboard input. Are you using any keyboard switching tools such as scim or xneur? Have you tried disabling desktop effects?
I may try to build for Linux specifically after the jam and see how it goes. 

The idea is nice as some of the design element like the U.F.O. I did not see the alien as I got lost outside in a maze of invisible colliders outside the house. I would love to play a polished version of the game.

A different take on the old scare jump maze that we used to send to the friends for halloween or to watch the reaction on Youtube! Nice. 

I like the idea of an horror platformer like "Little Nightmares". I got stuck in the vents (couldn't jump off them, like there was an invisible collider) but up to there I was enjoying the game. 

Very solid entry. it is very weel done, has a lot of atmosphere and the setting and story are a very good fit for the jam. One of my favourite. 

Short and fun. I like the Horror Simon Concept.

My hearth just skipped a beat. <3
Thank you so much for these kind words and feedback, they really made my day and the whole experiment worthwhile.  

My favourite game so far. I loved the UK trivia as I used to live in Whitechapel and I knew the answers  to both riddles by heart. Really cool concept and execution and very, very fitting to the theme. Wish you luck. 

Me too. I was staring at the monitors for a while but could figure out what I was supposed to do.

I'm always down to electrocute the test subjects! Love the "Devs" questions. And I'm also learning while having fun! Nice one!

*SPOILERS* try to applaude when the signs tell you to laugh or boo, but without getting killed by the Ghost Dogs. 

(1 edit)

I added a disclaimer in the game description. Thanks so much again. 

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback. The length of the monologues was definitely a topic of discussion during the Jam. Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to randomise the monologues as we did for the Acts and so we decided to keep the full version of the voice acting (as the actors did an amazing job) instead of cutting them short. We are definitely going to fix this, randomising the lines in the next patch of the game. We thank you for playing and we are trilled that you liked the game and the format. 

Thank you for the report! Unfortunately we didn't manage to test as much as we wanted in order to deliver the game in 7 days for the Screen TV jam. We are definitely going to patch as soon as possible. At the moment the best way to sort the problems would be to quit the game after an ending and start again instead of relying on the Play again option. Apologies for the issue. 


Fun game to play! I enjoyed it. 

Reminds me a bit of Go to  Bed, but I like that in "30 seconds" the time limit makes the experience more frenetic and scary. Fun to play.

Thanks a lot for playing and for the video!

Thanks for playing and for the video!

Thanks for sharing!

Me too!

Really liked the aesthetics of the game, it is like to walk on the set of Young Frankenstein (or the original movie with Boris Karloff). Pity I got stuck after talking with Igor I would loved to see what happened next.

IT... COULD ... WORK!!!

Really nice self contained horror game. Will not mind to play more with different levels.

I had no idea how to progress in the game. The concept look cool and I wish I have manage to go further. I saw the snow through the window though. 

Sorry for that. I'm going to check and fix as post jam release. 

Some nice classic scary tropes very well implemented.