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Aqua's CircusView game page

A puzzle platformer inspired by Smash's Target Practice
Submitted by BlueMoon Gaming, jrojas28 — 14 hours, 13 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 62 people so far
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This is an awesome platformer. I really love the art, especially the title screen, the seal is so cute I love it! The gameplay is a lot of fun, it's got a nice flow to it once you're able to play thru a level just bouncing on targets and dashing thru gates without landing on the floor. I think the only constructive criticism I thought of that I haven't seen mentioned in the comments already, is that there should probably be a max fall speed set, when I was trying to bounce on a target from high above it I'd be falling super fast by the time I got to the target and it made it really hard to time when to attack. Overall tho, this was great and I had a lot of fun playing thru every level of it!


very awesome game, love the mechanics and the music is just perfect for this vibe.


Damn, these controls are TOUGH. And i thought my game was hard... anyway, the rest of the game is pretty damn good, lags pretty bad, thats a me problem tho, i have trash pc. Anyway, good game, but the controls genuinely make me grit my teeth...


I really liked the graphics, music and mechanics of the game (but dash on "M" key is masochism). Great job keep it up


Wow, that's a fun game and it looks amazing! the pixel art and color palette feels super polished <3 the gameplay was fun too, I only wished the hit box for the objectives were a bit bigger ;D the background music fits very well, too. great job!

Submitted (1 edit)

Fun game! Whatever feedback was already given pretty much what I think. 

I could just say maybe the mix (balance) of the sound and music can get a bit better, specially when you pass a stage, the main music (the nice piano old school jazz one) could maybe fade out a bit more and then come back, giving more space to the Level Cleared Music. But again, I am just stretching a feedback as I think for the time given, this game was really well done!

Gr8 Job!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I really liked this game a lot, the jumping, controls and mechanics feel very clean. I like that you can go for just clearing each level, trying to do it fast, hitting all the targets and dashing through all the rings,  or trying to do all of these at the same time. Overall I think it's a really great job!


I really enjoyed this game! the art is 10/10, the sounds are spot on, the attack is a bit weird as sometimes it didn't hit the target even though it looked like it should have, and the dash feels satisfying. one of the best games i've seen so far, good job!


Attack hitbox just seems to be at the front of Aqua, maybe? Feels like it should be like the whole body is active for it. Otherwise super fun, though the noise for a death sound was distractingly loud and… bad sounding. Music was nice but could’ve used another section. Art is incredible and clean.

Besides whining about hitboxes and one sound effect, this is easily one of the best jam games I’ve ever played, at least for what I like in a game. So i’m super impressed and hope y’all are proud :)

Oh, for some reason it got stuck loading a couple times, and had weird stretchiness on my 2560x1080 monitor, but those bothered me sooo much they’re literal afterthoughts lol


Man this is great feedback! Thank you! We will for sure take it into account going forward. I've done some changes already to the game (ofcs, can't upload until the jam's over) and I did also in fact think that the collision needed to be bigger. It now is :) So I completely agree there. Thanks a bunch!


The game looks gorgeous and the mechanics are fun!


Nice and fun platform mechanics. I love the style. 


Great mechanics! But attacking seems too strict for me.


A very careful artistic style and very entertaining and fun gameplay.

Good job! <3


I love the theme and the mechanics have a ton of potential. I would just like a bit more forgiveness in performing the attack. The timing seems a bit too hard to get.

Insane mechanics!!! I rly like this game!

The game is poorly optimized, but I have to say that I liked the pixel art and the music, in addition to the mechanics, has potential.


We did not notice any slowdowns while working on it, but happy to improve on it! Can you gimme the specs of your machine to see if I can repro and (hopefully) fix once the jam is done?


It's pretty fun to play and gorgeous artstyle, though I do feel that the attacks can be a bit tighter/more forgiving in the timing. Also, for such a cute looking game, I do find it quite horrifying you fall into a pit of fire of you fail lol.


This is so damn cute, i love iiit!!! Also the music fits 100%




really cool, lot of fun, love the ambient, the background and everything, really good job <3
I invite you to play my game and give me some feedback as well ^^

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