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A member registered Jul 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Crazy to see a zachtronics style game in a jam. It's really impressive and fun to play once you figure out how everything works. I made it pretty far on my 3rd run once I had it mostly figured out. I never was able to understand how the duplicator works. I think it'd be nice if there was a tutorial level that let you undo stuff and mess around a bit to understand how to place things and the mechanics a bit, I had to refresh the game a few times when starting cuz I wasted a ton of energy trying stuff out. But this also seems like it was a crazy amount of work so I get not having time to make an interactive tutorial. Great work on this!


Ah shoot I'm sorry to hear about the performance problems, I don't have a mac so I hadn't tested it on that. Was it just for a bit at the beginning of the game, or freezing consistently the whole time you played? Happy to hear you enjoyed it despite the performance issues!!

This game is great, I got a high score of 95 on my first try!

This game is really fun. It took me a while to really understand everything cuz I have never heard of Truco so I had to learn that and then figure out how using Jiri to cheat would help me win. I'm really glad I stuck with it tho, it's a really interesting take on a puzzle game once you understand how everything works. I felt like a genius when I figured out the last level in.. not that long of a time lol. Also Jiri is so cute omg I love it! Really great work on this it's very fun!

This is cool! It's a fun single player pvzh clone I enjoyed seeing what the different cards did. Great work!

This is awesome, I love golf games and I like the gun mechanic instead of having a golf ball. I didn't realize you could keep firing before the gun stopped moving until the 2nd to last level, but I liked the last level that utilized that mechanic a lot. Great job!

This is a fun platformer! It's super difficult but I enjoyed playing it and I think the bomb exploding mechanic is really cool. I think it'd be great to add coyote time for the jumps and I found the wall jump kinda tricky to pull off. It'd be nice if you don't fall off the wall immediately when you press the direction opposite of the wall, idk if I'm explaining it well, but that's how super meat boys wall jump works and I think it makes it a lot easier to execute. Great work on this!

This game was fun. I love the art style and humor of the game. I especially love the animation of the pigeon eating bread in the top left when you pick up crumbs. It took me a while to figure out rolling refills your bread meter, I thought I was soft locked at the end of the game, not sure if it mentioned that somewhere and I just didn't read it. Glad I made it thru the game, I liked the ending a lot. Great work on this!

Really fun incremental game. I kept playing for a while after seeing the tree upgrade just cuz I wanted to get more upgrades. It's really satisfying once you one shot everything with an auto tower and your workers a running at hyper speed. Great work on this!

This is a fun getting over it style game! I really like that it's level based instead of one giant level so taking falls isn't such a catastrophic setback. I made it to level 7, but that one was really tough and I couldn't get thru it. I had fun playing this great work!

This was really cool. I like the premise a lot it's very funny. I like the art style a lot too. The mechanic of possessing different stuff is cool and I liked it a lot when there was a lot of different stuff to control like in the level before the boss. I unfortunately didn't beat the boss cuz I accidentally clicked return to menu instead of try again when I died one time, but I had a lot of fun getting up to that point. Great work!

Really great work on the UI and polish of this game, I had to play it when I saw the balatro looking ui on the left. I'm not sure I understood the strategy of the game. Because I had no idea what the oponents cards were going to be I wasn't sure how I was supposed to strategize what a good hand would be to play. Was fun to play tho, great work!

This is really cool. I love the art style it looks great. I'm not much of a visual novel person, but I found the story intriguing and am glad I checked the game out. I got the blue ending!

This game is so fun. I am absolutely addicted to getting a huge combo on the illegal gambling ring, it's so fun to get a crazy amount of points when you pull it off. The music is so good, I played 2 full rounds and I never got tired of it at all, I love it. I ended up with a score of 715,224 and a best run of 204,756. Great work on this it's one of my fav games I've played in the jam so far.

Really fun game. I like the shooting backwards to propel yourself mechanic, and the slow down is a lot of fun to use. I had a great time playing thru this!

This game is a lot of fun. I really like squishing all the people and the addition of the gun is great. I think it might be good to pull the camera back a bit cuz it's kinda hard to see what's coming once you get moving fast in the later levels. Great job on this tho I had a lot of fun murdering all the people as a rock.

I really enjoyed this game. I love incremental games and it's fun to become an absolute death machine. The bombs are so awesome and it's great just exploding everything as you get all the damage and multiple bomb upgrades. Great work on this I had a lot of fun playing!

This game is awesome. I love puzzle games that also require a bit of execution to solve things. The art style is great I really like it. I had a great time playing thru this game, fantastic work!

This was really fun. It's super polished and there are a really crazy number of levels for a jam game. Some of them are pretty tough too which I really enjoyed. It's so satisfying to pull off a perfect level and get that 3 star rating. Great work on this!

This was a lot of fun. The gameplay kinda reminds me of nodebuster and I love that game. It's fun getting the upgrades and just wrecking all the monsters as they come in. And I like that the last level was a bit challenging and my strategy of just having the circle stand over the satelites didn't suffice so I had to try harder. Great work on this it's cool!

This is a fun survivors game! I like all the different spells you get and it's really satisfying to blow up a huge group of enemies. I think it'd be good to add a hit flash when you take damage, it's kinda hard to tell when you get hit unless you're watching the health bar closely. Great job on this!

This was a lot of fun. I liked how hectic it was and it's really satisfying when you get the hang of it and are executing well. I kinda wish you could place the boxes anywhere instead of on a grid, cuz I'd accidentally place them not where I wanted to sometimes. I ended up going for maybe 5 or so runs cuz I was enjoying it so much and my best score was 215ish. Great work!

This is a really solid rage game. I like the sword flinging mechanic and I think it's really cool that you can rotate the sword while it's in the ground to get a better angle for your shot. I ended up going over to the right side of the island cuz I am dumb and didn't realize that is not where I wanted to go, but I had fun playing the game! Great work!

Really great entry. It's so polished looking and I think the gameplay is a lot of fun. It's really satisfying to blow a monster up when your close to dying and I like the hook mechanic a lot. I think the mushroom slow debuff stacking can get a bit frustrating at times, but that could be a personal preference kinda thing. Great work on this!

This was a really cool tower defense game. I think the idea of having multiple areas to defend at once is really cool and makes the game a lot more interesting. You were not joking about wave 34 being rough lol. I think being able to switch areas and see the red and yellow exclamation marks on the UI in the top left would be a really nice addition. Great work on this!

This is really fun, I love the swinging around mechanic it's a lot of fun to use. I also appreciated that while the game is difficult, it's not psychotic difficulty like a lot of rage style games are. Great work on this!

This is a really cool concept. I loved the added strategy of being able to use your UI pieces as barricades and the health bar to blow stuff up was awesome. Great job this is very cool!

This was a really cool puzzle game! I really liked the more difficult stuff towards the end too which got my brain thinking. I think maybe a bit better tutorializing would be good cuz I would've really struggled without you giving me hints sometimes while I was playing it. But I totally get not having a ton of time to add in depth tutorials for a jam submission. Great work on this I enjoyed it a lot!

This was a really cool game. I'm not usually one for story based games, but I like how interactive it was it kept me way more enthralled than something like a visual novel would. I am terrible at predicting twists and plot turns and stuff so I did not see the ending coming at all lol. Great job on this!

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah it's not a super original idea, I was mostly just interested in figuring out how to make a procedurally generated dungeon and map. Thanks for checking my game out!

Thanks for the feedback! I always tell myself I'll polish up the player controller more later and then run out of time before submission time lol. So Sorry about the getting stuck in a room with no exit, I knew there were bugs in the map generator but I hadn't seen that before. Appreciate you taking the time to check my game out and leave a comment :)

Thank you for the feedback!! Sorry about the bugs, I ran out of time to fix them all. So glad to hear you had fun despite the jankyness of the game tho! Appreciate you taking the time to check it out and comment :)

Thanks for the feedback! Smaller rooms would definitely be better I think you're right. Appreciate you taking the time to check my game out and leave a comment :)

Thank you for the feedback! Yeah I really wish I had spent more time on polishing and bug fixing. Thank you for the kind words and for checking my game out!

thank you so much for playing my game and for the feedback!! Shoot that sounds like a bug I didn't have time to add secret rooms lol, sorry about that. So glad to hear you had fun despite the jankyness of the game tho :)

This is a really fun rage game. I love that you added the ability to drop checkpoints because it is insanely hard as you get higher up. Were you able to beat this without checkpoints?? Great work on this!

Really fun survivors game. I loved the gigantic cat paw ability as it powered up. I think the life leach might be a little OP once I had some of it I was pretty much unkillable. Great job on this it's fun!

This game was awesome. I was cracking up at the sound effects they are so funny. The gameplay is fun and I liked how hectic it was getting towards the end with tons of enemies spawning. Really great job on this it's fun!

This is a really cool spin on chess! I loved getting the power ups between waves, it was fun becoming an overpowered rook. The difficulty ramps up really quick I never made it past wave 3 because I'm very bad at planning where everything will move lol. Great work!!