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A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

bump, would love this functionality

loved it! i really related to george, and i am super happy we got to throw the chair

i loved the music, the art, and the puzzles were incredibly challenging! fantastic and clever puzzles that are deceptively simple to start!

so cute! and kind of stressful when there is more than one frog lol

this game is crazy high quality for a browser game! I feel you could launch on console tbh

addictive and fun! i made it to the end, but had to retry the last level

super cute!

super cute, made me crave a peppermint latte. relaxing and i loved the art too!

Super cute! i love the potion creation mechanics, and the books floating to the right place on their own! ran into a small bug where i got stuck behind the customer somehow.

really cute! loved the idea to attack and defend with towers, and the end level was surprisingly tricky! cute art and sound. i didn't realize i could upgrade the castle until level 4, which added some extra challenge!

i also pressed it by accident.. had no idea it closed the active window. i live in the real world too much i guess lol! for anyone else like me: cntrl + shift +t to open all old tabs!

so cute! realizing the way to "win" rock paper scissors was adorable to me

This is great! super cute aesthetic, and the levels are really well scaled. Each mechanic is well introduced and changed how I played moving forward. On level 14, I ended up resetting 5 times! Had a lot of fun with this

(1 edit)

super cute game! I love the visuals, sound effects and puzzles in the demo

shift + \ should also work on most keyboards! if it doesn't on yours i am so sorry

I started playing this at 11 and now it is 1am, had a blast could not stop! great game!

Thank you! :D

Fantastic presentation! The art style and sound also add to mood really well

Thank you for the feedback! In all honesty, I doubt I'll come back to bugfix this game- but if I do, those will be the first things I'll fix!

I love the doodle art style of this! The zoom is no exaggeration, I had fun playing it.

Thank you!

Very creative! I love this idea. The sounds are good and match the theme well also! Great submission

I really like the concept for this game, and the controls were very intuitive! 

Here is some feedback for improvements:

The main issue is the submit button didn't seem to work for me- I'm not sure if it's because there is not screen for loss or not, or if it is a bug, but I tried letting it time out and still didn't get a loss screen so I think that may be it. 

I really liked that the goal is to try and figure out what the doodles were saying, but maybe some more direction for the player- maybe a hint button, or an end screen that shows the solution if the player was unable to get the correct answer.

This game felt very creative and unique to me overall, great job!

This game is very cute, I like the art especially the character design. The music is a nice touch as well! 

For crit, I think the controls could be refined a bit more, and it would be nice to have wasd as an option. 

Overall great submission!

The art in this is very cool! The beginning is so spooky, and I love the glitch effects. 

The controls are a bit floaty, though I think if you want to keep the floatiness then to also increase forward momentum, so when the forward button is released the character continues in that direction a bit on their own. I think that would make control a bit more intuitive. Overall this game is very neat! 

Thank you! I agree with all these suggestions,  thank you for the feedback! 2 min is great timing also haha

Definitely agree! thank you for your feedback and for playing!

Though this game is simple it feel the movement was good, and I liked the character doodle design! being able to zoom out was nice. I think it would be cool if you could jump on top of the falling platforms and see how high you can get- I tried to do it while playing but couldn't manage, so I'm not sure if its possible or not.

way cuter than I was expecting! I like the bounce amount, and the increase in difficulty.