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A member registered Feb 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Wow, the music is insanely good. Nice work overall with the different enemies/room layouts and cute story elements linking things together.

Nice, very fun! I was able to get 5 stars with 560 points on my second try after learning the recipes a little bit better. It would've been nice to have a second oven so I could get multiple things going at the same time, but really fun and definitely captures the same kind of fun hectic feel as Overcooked. Really great job putting this together!

Thanks so much for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed it and I hope we can keep adding to the game post jam as well. 

I loved that the office started to catch on fire as you started to slip behind and fail tasks. This is total fine /meme. Gameplay wise, it definitely felt really hectic and the music speeding up also piled onto that feeling so I think really well done in that regard. I also liked all of the subtle animations and exclamations pouring off the characters. Overall really good mood and a fun gameplay loop. I think my end score was around 670? Curious how others did.

Wow, didn't expect a detailed analysis of the horror genre through a Q&A session, but it turned out so good. The ending was also really wholesome. Great job putting together all of the dialog and art assets needed to power this whole thing. Good job!

No worries at all! Definitely understand the time pressure in a game jam, but you still made something! Nice job

Pretty relaxing game concept . I really wanted to unlock the top slot item, but was never able to build up enough cash. I was able to get to day 83, but finally I was crushed by my oppressive landlord and their insane rent! Even digging up gold bars isnt enough to satisfy their greed lol.

Good job!

What a hilarious concept of fish delivering mail. I was able to get to level 7, but the sloped surface at the top left was giving me a lot of grief. I think I was supposed to wall jump off it, but was having difficulty due to how tight that section is. Really great job putting this together. The overworld map, great sound track, and hilarious flopping physics, all fantastic!

Agree with others in the music is really great for this! Can jam to this for a long time.

In story mode, the first character was actually the most difficult for me for some reason. Largely was just running into time pressure and getting the right colors to clear before it reached me. I was able to beat the second boss and the final ringleader (freeing everyone from their bubbles!) much more easily. Pretty fun overall game and I enjoyed the extra story layered on top.

Nice work!

I liked that you could interact with objects in your room to get some more details, but I had some difficulty operating the shop itself. It seemed like I could interact with the containers on the sides using Z and then talk to the customer, but I couldn't figure out reliably what they wanted as the meter at the top seemed to always show vanilla. 

Really cute concept of a penguin running an ice cream shop though! 

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So incredibly cozy feeling. I initially just dove into the game and had some difficulty with the milk component, but your instructions on the game page helped a lot. I could definitely see this concept expanding out as you grow your coffee shop like a significantly more relaxed/chill overcooked. Great work!

Really cute story. I think I was too punctual in my duties though and got the "burned out" ending. RIP :(

Nice work though! I can tell you spent a lot of time crafting such a cute world and backstory for the characters.

I enjoyed the puzzles you had setup for this. I eventually got to the "dream" level, but wasnt sure what I  was supposed to do there. Was that a free style mode at the end? I seemed to have "beat"? it and it went back to an earlier level.

Nice work!

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The intro animation was so good! I like your title design as well, really eye catching. I wish you had more time to work on this some more as I think it could've really fleshed out into something interesting.

Pretty fun! I was able to get to the end of the track, but man every fight is so difficult. I feel like they dodge more than 50% of my shots, and then if it does hit, its all shields. I also had a lot of bad luck with the events, my rolls were terrible lol even with the stat boosts from the character I picked.

Only feedback I would have is the minigames in combat could use a little bit of tuning to feel a little bit more in control/responsive, but not bad for a quick game jam. I was surprised by how  much content you managed to pack into this, great job.

Thanks for taking the time for this detailed feedback. There are a few trends in the feedback that I've seen that definitely echo parts of what you've said and I think are very valid. This is the second game jam I've competed in so I'm still learning to properly scope and timebox things so I can hit the important details you are mentioning (especially menu/tutorial). For example, your point on progression, I think the game as-is was meant to follow the progression of RoR's difficulty curve, but that is too slow for the quick demo-like nature of the game jam. There are 4 different monsters in the game currently, but it would've required a lot more time to play to see them all. I think that is a good lesson learned for me in a game jam is to shorten the time necessary to see all of the aspects of the game, even if a real complete version of the game may be paced slower/differently.

Thanks again for your feedback! I intend to continue working on this game after the jam and I hope I can address your points when I have more time to dedicate to it.

awesome, that is good to know that the dedicated download for Mac does work

Ya sorry about that. I believe that is one of the known issues with Godot 4 web exports and macos. The download version for Mac may work, but I'm not sure about that as I wasn't able to test it.

I think a lot of roguelikes live and die by the amount of items available so I tried to pack in as much as I could handle as a one man team in the time frame. I'm glad you enjoyed it and hopefully I can find some good middle ground with the controls based on everyone's feedback.

Thanks so much for the kind words and playing!

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Wow, I really appreciate the amount of time you put in your comment. Thank you so much for this detailed feedback.

On your first point, I completely agree with your thoughts on expandability. I had started to prototype a shield generator car and a laser train, but disabled them before uploading to meet the competition deadline. I love the idea of junctions that you can shoot a lever to choose which path you go down. I think that adds a lot of meaningful choice in how the player progresses, not just coasting on one rail the entire game. It is funny, but if you are able to survive long enough in the current build (~60 minutes) you will reach the extents of the game and reach the null void where the background becomes grey. It is actually kind of a cool feeling going between those two zones, even if it wasn't intentional, so I think your idea of biomes is spot on and definitely something that should be pursued.

You also make a good point about the train braking. Early in development I found it useful so I could not miss an item chest, but as difficulty was tuned more and enemies were added, it became meaningless as you mention. My current build of the game I've actually already replaced it with a 10% self heal that seems to feel a lot better, and helps smooth out some of the difficulty spikes when huge waves are spawned.

With regards to detail/contrast, I'm a programmer by trade so all of the art assets I created were a best effort attempt while trying to minimize the chance someone could notice my drawing errors lol. I think I'm slowly improving, but I definitely recognize I have a lot of room to grow, and a more complete version of the game I would probably want to contract a real artist to replace the assets I had made. I do like the idea of introducing fog, and more particle effects in general would probably help sell the atmosphere while also bounding the camera extents as you mentioned.

On your last point, I had originally planned on having the train be expanded over time, say after every boss fight you could get a new train car added. That obviously was cut for competition reasons, but it is still something I am playing with. Early versions I had actually been testing with trains that were 20 cars long and it felt pretty awesome, but it definitely becomes even more difficult to control. I really do appreciate folks feedback with regards to the control scheme and this is something I am thinking very seriously about to try to resolve.

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I can definitely understand the need for more contrast between the train and the background. The camera distance also seems like it needs to be a setting so players can adjust it to whatever they feel is comfortable. These are both issues I hadn't really felt myself, but it is extremely valuable to me that I can get this kind of additional perspective to improve the game. Thanks so much for your feedback and glad you had fun!

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Thanks for the kind words. There has definitely be a trend of people having issues with the controls so I will look into that more. After others feedback I did add mouse left/right click control, but I personally prefer keyboard still. If you have any suggestions of preferred control layout I would be interested to know!

As for lack of control on when you lose, I think there is certainly a lot of balancing that needs to be done still. I have played the game a lot obviously, but I can get to 15-30 minutes pretty regularly and sometimes go infinite if I get the right combination of items. 

Glad you had fun and thanks again for your feedback. I will take it to heart and try to find ways to improve the game.

Yeah, I had only realized later that I needed to include clearer UI to indicate the ability to switch between cars. I'm glad you were able to figure that out without having to read the game page instructions though. As for the difficulty ramp, I think you are right for a game jam format, it needs to be a little bit quicker to the action. In my playtesting, the real difficulty curve starts to hit hard around 5 minutes in and usually most games end around 10-15 minutes unless you get some OP item combination. Thanks again for playing and I'll think a bit harder on how difficulty should scale for this.

Very original concept and I loved the backstory concept with the dastardly competitor Beetle. Funny stuff! Gameplay wise I found it was really helpful to just spam reroll. I got to stage three, but retry starting back all the way on stage 1 made it rough for me to try to complete since I had to resolve all of the previous stages. Adding a checkpoint system would easily fix that, and I think you've got a pretty solid start to a fun, cute puzzle game. 

I'll echo what others are saying, but the graphics are really beautiful in this game. One of the features I liked is the cursor being a hand that pinches when you are clicking on items, really a nice subtle effect, but adds a lot of polish. I would like to have seen some kind of scoring or something to indicate how well I did. I think I got through 5-6 rooms worth of golden tickets before reaching the end. I felt like I was rushed due to the timer, but I wanted to spend more time looking at the artwork yall had put together in the different picture frames and the foreground characters.

Nice work!

For the controls I tried to copy pretty common MMO/Action style games where all your keys are tightly clustered around WASD (+ER). Now that I think about it more though, having the primary/ultimate ability also bound to left/right mouse clicks would have helped a lot so I really appreciate this control feedback. Definitely something I can improve on. In a more complete game, I'd like it to be customizable, but simply didn't have enough time considering I also had my regular full time job responsibilities.

Thanks for playing!

Ya, totally agree on having more info on what the items are in game. I actually tried to implement it, but was having some issue with the mouse over of items not activating. I think i didn't layer control nodes correctly or a non-control node parent? Anyways ran out of time :(

Definitely like your idea of unlocking abilities/upgrades too. I had two different train cars (shield and laser) that I wanted to basically add onto the train making it longer over time, but had to focus on the cannon/twin gun just to get them working.

Thanks again for playing!

Pretty fun! I wish the turning radius was a little bit tighter, but I enjoyed zipping around trying to cut other trains. 

I had actually seen you work on this a little bit on Twitch in the very early stages, so I'm very impressed to see how much you were able to put together since then! I got a good laugh when the horse started chucking axes when you got the apple item. 

FYI, I did run into one issue when in game the top middle had some font rendering issue I believe. I think the score was supposed to be there, but all I saw were random blocks. I ran into a similar issue recently with web exports + custom fonts so I think there is potentially a bug in Godot. I might have to look into it more and see if I can write up a bug report for the Godot folks.

Thanks! There is definitely a lot of balancing that has to be done for all of the items, the different train car abilities, and enemy difficulty, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Difficulty seemed to ramp up pretty hard after a few waves. I wasn't sure if I had properly upgraded my cannon when I went to the computer tho so maybe I was doing something wrong. I did have issues with "shift" being the default fire key for the cannon. Windows kept trying to enable sticky keys because I was spamming shift lol.

So cute! Originally I started out attacking and trying to slowly advance through the level, but the next stage felt way better just to speed run it and tried to avoid everyone rather than killing them. Really fun sprinting/jumping through a bullet hell.

Really great work! My total time was 6m 58s. I like the different mechanics introduced, especially the magic mushrooms lol, that was definitely trippy to control. I also appreciated that you took another meaning of "train"! 

I am really impressed with the inclusion of both a tutorial and a level edit system. Amazing work! I actually tried to first just jump into the puzzle, but I didn't understand the station lights so the tutorial really helped me understand how that worked. Good job!

Yep, the train should appear to be pretty small. Mainly I wanted to allow the player to see a lot of the surrounding so they can see enemies approaching. The longer range vision helps in particular with using the skills of the cannon/twin gun car. Thanks for playing!

The dialog was so cute for this! I'm impressed with how much content you were able to pack into this game. The platforming itself was also interesting being able to use the salamanders as tools to solve situations. I did have a little bit of difficulty using Wallace correctly to do boost jumps, seemed very sensitive on timing, but still very fun when you hit it right. Great job!

Hah, this was totally an unexpected concept! I felt like I was helping train the next generation of AI at rapid speed. Shame that the game would randomly lose when I clicked upgrades. The extra cursors when you used Ash felt super powerful and was pretty cool seeing them going around clicking stuff. Nice job!

Interesting concept and I really enjoyed the mood. You really hit it perfect with feeling like a lone survivor in a barren world. Gameplay wise I struggled to maintain enough fuel to get to the next town. Is each town's supplies randomly generated? Or was the town deeper than one room? I unfortunately ran out of fuel and lost, but I liked the premise.

Holy smokes, this is really impressive work! It took a little bit of understanding, but I appreciate all of the effort you put into the introductory tutorial. Everything was super well put together and most importantly fun! Great job.