A pinned thread where you can provide screenshots, updates on the progress of your projects, links to your games done with EFPSE etc.
At the moment I'm working on a FPS with lots of platforming and fast paced movement involved.
Simple way to create an old-school First Person Shooter! · By
Ah, this one is quite simple... its less about what you do in the engine and what you do in the settings of the game itself...
in the config.ini file
lightingquality=3 perpixellighting=1
this is what needs to be changed, i was just tweaking things and found it out and it looked nice... i hope this is what did it because I tweaked several things... this does mean, unless you change menu.script to not allow it to change, the player can turn it off but it doesnt effect performence so much so unless they want a more "authentic" lighting, they shouldnt really change it. if it doesnt work, ill just send you the .ini file itself, since it doesnt contain any game code, just usable data for the engine, it should be fine
it's not "finished" but i am "done with it"
I downloaded your game, it's great! :)
I haven't played the game all the way through, just testing it for now. my player died quickly on the first map :D
I have a question, I saw a ". vert and. frag file you used"
These are vertex shader files from OpenGL.
I'm a beginner, so could you recommend me a manual like one with basic commands?
Thank you.
JessicoChan will still be able to withdraw the funds once this is all over, i would imagine. it's just that with the international sanctions and freezing of banks and such, the world is trying to get putin to lay down by forcing his people to starve. meanwhile, putin is eating kaviar in the kremlin, ordinary russians are eating ramen noodles and wondering what the hell is actually going on, and ordinary ukrainians are converting beer breweries into molotov cocktail factories. it's a fucking mess all the way around. rich, powerful scumbags.
Hello, check my demo for the reload magazine game jam #1 at https://luis63301.itch.io/rondero
inspired by meso-american mythology and artwork. 2 levels, more to come (eventually)
My first game made with EFPSE Pro is out!
Genre: Weird exploration/adventure game
I am very new to game development, but I have a deep desire to make games. This was made with EFPSE lite: Cacophony by sickpleaseohno (itch.io).
Played it, the main character's design and graphics (especially the first map) reminded me of Might & Magic series, nice nostalgia trip :)
I was wondering how did you make those sparkle effects below the flying carpet, since decorations don't have animations in this engine. Then I realized, it's actually a 0 speed, 0 damage and 99999 health enemy with empty png's as blood, and that animation is his walking sprites :D Clever, you should post it as a tip in workarounds thread :)
This, because retro reimaginings are neat 👾
Needs work - like, a lot of work - but a fun start if I say so myself 👍
Ikari no Yousai: Fortified Zone 3D - Stage 1 demo by Grave Reaper Cushions (itch.io)
A new game by Zirbeldrüse and Mark van der Hell. There is no room in hell, the dead walks on earth. A old school FPS First Person Shooter with Zombies, Demons and Witches. Including weapons to kill, gore and zombie blood. Turn off the light to play the game. DOWNLOAD for windows https://zirbel.itch.io/killerzombies
Enjoy :) and thank you!
Geometrical hitman 2 glimpse: The sewer levels (2nd half of the game) are focused a bit more on the action side, also showcasing few new monsters.
And again, not using doom engine, but efpse engine instead, just for fun.
(recorded from phone because my computer drops framerates while recording)
So, yeah, this is a sort of sequel/prequel from the geohitman game i've did for the reload magazine x in the keep gamejam.
I had 72hs for the first game, then did a post jam update, now i learned a bit more about programming on this engine and wanted to push things a bit further for the sequel/prequel.
I started this fangame project a few months ago, then put it on the back burner as I'm planning to redo it in Godot further down the line. However I've decided I might as well release what I've made so far.
ALIENS: Hunted (prototype; project on hold) by Grave Reaper Cushions (itch.io)
Flaw Detection - Tape Two is a short experimental joke game in PS1 style that continues the story of the first Flaw Detection.
Just found this engine a couple weeks ago. Started making a proof of concept to learn the engine. Built an office building/bank. This engine clicked for me better than most. Thank you for this amazing engine! I've learned so much these passed couple weeks tinkering around. I made sure to try to use just about every tool. Custom models, custom modifiers, animated textures, etc.
The intro outside area. Still have to texture the vehicle models I made and do some more decorating of the building -
My swat van was the first custom model I built for the engine-
The inside of the building with an elevator-
the 2nd floor cubicle office -
breakroom with animated tv and a custom model couch with a texture that needs to be redone -
The glorious bathroom with custom model sinks. Of course with a big brother corporation they would have security cameras in the bathrooms and no doors on the stalls. -
Desolation - Dark and Creepy Survival Shooter with a more realistic approach:
Haven't made a game for about fifteen years. Felt that JessicoChan and KeshaFilm gave me the opportunity to at least give it another shot again:
So this is something of a swan song 😌
I've had a great time using EFPSE, particularly for experimenting with retro aesthetics, but I want to brush up on my Godot skills, so I'm expecting to make future FPS projects in that instead (or at least major ones; I may still dip into EFPSE for the odd quick little project).
As a last hurrah, here's a project I'd started months ago for Unofficial Easy FPS Editor Jam #2, shelved, then finally finished for Bring Out Your Ghosts.
Full development backstory in the game's description 🙂
(Just a heads-up: I was very tired and crunching hard to meet that deadline when I put the last couple of levels together - I haven't playtested the first underground level yet... It may be unreasonably tough... 👀)
And if the music's getting you where you like to get got, the soundtrack is also available for $1.99 🎧
Thanks! Next up for me is a Redux of Concrete Visions with better textures and sprites and sounds and music -- balance it better as well. Add content to it and more dialogue and stuff to make it flow better -- verticality would be a welcome addition too. After that I plan on doing a game using action figures as the enemy sprites
Брошеный мир - игра разрабатываемая на движке Easy fps editor. игра пока что в разработке но её релиз не за горами
https://forebiden-people.itch.io/abadonedworld - ссылка на игру
вышла демо для игры брошенный мир https://forebiden-people.itch.io/abadonedworld
Pavel and German.
брошенный мир 2024 https://forebiden-people.itch.io/abadonedworld
Hi! I have a problem with your game. I am using Windows 10, 64 bit. I downloaded the game, unzipped it and clicked on the first exe file, then a white window popped up, the system thought for a few seconds and then quit. The second exe file did the same thing. Any idea why I can't use the game? the framework is up to date and everything else... thanks if you answer!
Oof, can't really say. Is it happening with other EFPSE games?
You see, for changing an icon I have used "Resource Hacker" tool. After that, operating systems usually treating such EXEs as infected, which is a false alarm. So maybe your OS isn't launching the game because it treats as a virus? Try to run with admin rights.
Anyway... No other company's antivirus software is installed on my machine, Windows' built-in Defender, which says "Protection against viruses and threats" is turned off.
Anyway, my interpretation is that it is "antivirus", like Avast and Nod32 etc, they are two separate things, but they almost do the same thing.
Hi guys
The demo for my retro FPS called StarGazer is out today!
Battle through the first 2 levels aboard the space station StarGazer as you fight through grotesque cybernetic creatures with as assortment of kick arse weaponry!
Check out the game page HERE!
Any feedback you can provide on the first two levels would be much appreciated
I've played the first level so far, and I'm liking the verticality in those larger rooms, great use of the space 👍 Smart implementation of Custom Modifiers, too.
The weapons generally feel good to use, with suitably punchy sounds, although I think the damage output could be tweaked a little bit - the weapon in slot 1 ought to hit harder, as it only feels slightly more powerful than the starting pistol at the moment.
Great start on the whole! 👍
I thought they scaled pretty well. The first guys going down in about 4 pistol shots felt about right for both a starter enemy plus the starting weapon. I think this is roundabout where I started to feel that slot 1 weapon needing a buff though; if we look to classic Doom as a point of reference, there's a massive spike in damage output as soon as the player picks up the shotgun for the first time.
Further on there are the guys with the red lights on them and their tougher counterparts with the blue lights, and I was one-shotting the red guys with the shotgun but had to hit the other guys a couple of times, which felt like a decent escalation of difficulty.
I'd say don't be afraid to go overboard later in the game; bullet-sponges are actually okay so long as the player has the gear to deal with them 👍
One other thing, it might be an idea to add a melee weapon, or at least a gun that's weak but has infinite ammo (like Quake 2's blaster), as I ran out of ammo for a while about maybe a third of the way through my run. On the one hand, this was excellent for cranking up the tension, but did leave my shooter protagonist feeling more defenceless than necessary.
This is great feedback, just the sort of things I needed to know to improve from the demo. It's really hard to try and correctly balance a game when you play it constantly 😂 I fear of getting the 'driver curse' where the first level of that game was so difficult to new players but very easy for the Devs.
I truly appreciate the feedback, thank you so much
Released my EFPSE Ninja game!
Also on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2778600?snr=2_9_100000_
hey guys Ive released my first EFPSE game named KILL WILL: https://xx696.itch.io/killwill I also made a trailer for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njyW31u9zYM
небольшие подробности по моей игре: реализована торговля квесты почтовые + вынос популяции. игра не будет запакована)
до релиза true fear остался 1 день а пока
минимальные системные требования:
операционная система: wndows 7 - 10
процессор: intel core 2 1.80ghz
2 гб оперативной памяти
видеокарта 1gb
рекомендуемые системные требования:
Операционная система: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
Процессор: Intel Core i5-2500K или AMD equivalent.
Оперативная память: 4 Гб
Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 или AMD Radeon HD 7870.
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