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MechJam is back for  its fifth jam! Make a video game or  physical game about mechs/mecha over a two week period.  It's a jam really for anyone, especially those who loves some good mech action! You can join here.

MechJam V is a game jam for creating video games or physical games featuring or based around mechs or mecha. This is the fifth MechJam event following the fourth and the biggest  in July 2023. 

If you are unsure as to what Mech or Mecha refers to, this is how  Wikipedia puts it: 

The term  mecha  (Japanese: メカ,  Hepburn:  meka)  may refer to both  scientific  ideas and  science fiction  genres  that center on giant robots or machines (mechs) controlled by people. Mechas are typically depicted as humanoid  mobile robots. The term was first used in Japanese (meka) after shortening the English loan word  mekanikaru  (メカニカル, 'mechanical'), but the meaning in Japanese is more inclusive, and "robot" (robotto) or "giant robot" is the narrower term.

These machines vary greatly in size and shape, but are distinguished from   vehicles  by their  humanoid  or  biomorphic  appearance and size—bigger than a human. Different  subgenres  exist, with varying connotations of realism. The concept of  Super Robot  and Real Robot  are two such examples found in Japanese  anime  and  manga. The term may also refer to real world piloted humanoid or non-humanoid  robotic platforms, either currently in existence or still on the drawing board (i.e. at the planning or design stage). Alternatively, in the original Japanese context of the word, "mecha" may refer to mobile machinery/vehicles (including aircraft) in general, manned or otherwise. Your game can be any genre, if you want to make a mech platformer, mecha text-based adventure  or a mech simulator go ahead.  No genre is off limits. The only fundamental rule is you include a mech in your game. 

- Make your game free so everyone can vote on it. You can charge for it after the voting period if you desire to do so.

- Do not submit spam entries that have nothing to do with the jam.

- Make your project within the jam time.   

- Be respectful and not offensive, if your game contains 18+ content please make a note of it on the game page.

- Respect the community.

- You can work in a  team if you desire to do so.

- Any engine is allowed.

- Please do not submit any projects made outside of the jam.

- Assets not made yourself are allowed but please credit the original creator and ensure that they have been properly acquired, so no stolen assets.

- State if your game is a video game or a physical game.

- Please understand it might be difficult for tabletop/physical games to be presented in the livestream. - Have fun and don't overwork yourself, a game jam is meant to be an enjoyable experience not a stressful one!

This is looking awesome, loving the tiles and sprites in the level in the GIFs!

Best of luck with your endeavours in learning Godot, playing one thing you have made it in it already shows how much promise Return's eventual return will have.

I'll give it another try when I get a chance :)

The character designs are really nice and the battle systems seems really well developed. Haven't finished it yet, kept dying on the first battle. But I enjoyed what I have played so far!

Liked the mechanics like crossing on the crocodile's heads and the dancing! I got stuck at the horse part, might just be me being an idiot though! Good game!

Very informative, still to finish it but learned a lot from what I have played so far!

As you know from my stream I was terrible at it. But I really appreciate all the effort that has gone into the combat system and will certainly try it again in my own time.

There seemed to be an issue where the pause did the opposite of  what its meant to be doing. Other than that I had a really nice time with this game, nice experience overall.

Haven't finished it yet but a very polished experience. Nice work!

I had a lot of fun with this game. If you ever expanded it with more enemies, more level variety and added sound I would definitely play more. Loved the look of it too!

Very nice visuals and a very unique idea. 

This was fantastic! Just a really fun game, I loved the atmosphere of the temple and sneaking around listening  to the samurai. Well done!

Nice blend of 3D and 2D!

Don't know why but I couldn't get  past the character select?

Couldn't get a grip of the bullet parrying mechanic, not sure if I did something wrong. Appreciate the effort you put into giving it a story and voice acting. It was charming!

A very fun action game!

The art  for the characters is really well done!

Nice character artwork especially the main character! The grappling felt a bit weird at some points, but its understandable in this state. Also felt tricky to know if your hits were damaging the enemies too.  You could also walk right out of the level before defeating the boss, a gate only unlocked by defeating the boss might help with this.

Felt very difficult to determine if I was damaging the enemy or not. The enemies are very powerful too, I am not sure if I was doing something wrong but I had to manually restart the game every time I got a game over too.

Interesting unfortunately haven't met anyone in the game yet. Still always impressive to make something multiplayer in just two weeks!

The frogs are really cute! I unfortunately had to fight myself as I have nobody to play it with!

Nice game, sometimes felt like the attacks were a bit too slow. Well done though!

Interesting and very flashy! Fun game!

The combat system is really cool. Very tough but cool!

I was a bit confused gameplay wise, but I really like the graphics here!

Really cool idea, very atmospheric too. Unfortunately I managed to clip out of that small hole sort of area on the stream but I will definitely play it again in my own time.

Very polished and enjoyable fighter. I really enjoyed it!

Unique! Could be challenging to type the attacks, even for me and I can touch type haha!

The control scheme is so awesome, I really hope you add some more to this. Battling enemies in this style or taking on more mini game challenges would be a ton of fun.

Loved the variety of different crab enemies!

Very nice visuals and ideas. Sorry to hear you had issues with your engine!

Nice but really would benefit from some more enemies.

Fun and fast, great movement overall. I really enjoyed it!

Unfortunately ran into a crash once  I got to the elite spear enemy. But really enjoyed the rest!

Cool game, if you worked on it again in the future I would definitely up the enemy AI a bit and add some checkpoints. I made it all the way to the end then died to the boss.

Really struggled but it's well made. I also really liked the quirkiness that the BEEngo mode could offer the player.