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Grave Reaper Cushions

A member registered May 30, 2017 Β· View creator page β†’

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Thank you very much!

I've got a few ideas for other Aliens-related projects, so watch this space... πŸ‘

Thanks Fred! πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

And then I noticed that Tracks 20 and 30 are (graphically) numbered 10 and 20... πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Bah, I'll fix that in the next build - it's only a visual error; under the hood, everything works as intended πŸ‘

Oh hey, I've just seen that you're part of flower studio πŸ‘

Haven't checked out Dead Names yet, but Shoot-Out! and The Melting Apartment were great! πŸ‘πŸ‘

If I'm remembering correctly, it's one variable to track map position, one to track direction, and a heck of a lot of the "Camera Move To" event. Thankyouverymuch 😁

I got stuck on a slightly raised piece of ground roughly in the centre of the map (it looked like a separate mesh rather than part of the geometry of the terrain). Presumably the technical issue was that the car was elevated in such a way that none of the wheels were able to gain enough traction for the car to start moving again πŸ€”

(Now that I think about it, I didn't try melee - that's a pretty mighty foot Caleb's got right there...! If melee doesn't already work on the car yet, that could be a thematically consistent solution... 😁)

This was pretty good, although I did get the car stuck on only slightly raised geometry at one point, which took far too much forward-and-reversing to clear - I'd suggest putting a "shove car" contextual command in there somewhere.

Aside from that, this was a pleasant surprise, nice work πŸ‘

I thought they scaled pretty well. The first guys going down in about 4 pistol shots felt about right for both a starter enemy plus the starting weapon. I think this is roundabout where I started to feel that slot 1 weapon needing a buff though; if we look to classic Doom as a point of reference, there's a massive spike in damage output as soon as the player picks up the shotgun for the first time.

Further on there are the guys with the red lights on them and their tougher counterparts with the blue lights, and I was one-shotting the red guys with the shotgun but had to hit the other guys a couple of times, which felt like a decent escalation of difficulty.

I'd say don't be afraid to go overboard later in the game; bullet-sponges are actually okay so long as the player has the gear to deal with them πŸ‘

One other thing, it might be an idea to add a melee weapon, or at least a gun that's weak but has infinite ammo (like Quake 2's blaster), as I ran out of ammo for a while about maybe a third of the way through my run. On the one hand, this was excellent for cranking up the tension, but did leave my shooter protagonist feeling more defenceless than necessary.

I've played the first level so far, and I'm liking the verticality in those larger rooms, great use of the space πŸ‘ Smart implementation of Custom Modifiers, too.

The weapons generally feel good to use, with suitably punchy sounds, although I think the damage output could be tweaked a little bit - the weapon in slot 1 ought to hit harder, as it only feels slightly more powerful than the starting pistol at the moment.

Great start on the whole! πŸ‘

These guys look great! πŸ‘

PC build coming soon, you say... πŸ€”


Aw πŸ˜” Still, it was a fun experiment 😌

Best wishes to everyone involved moving forward πŸ‘

Yes. I've never tested it myself, but the purpose of the engine is to output roms compatible with the original hardware πŸ‘

Yes. I've never tested it myself, but the purpose of the engine is to output roms compatible with the original hardware πŸ‘

Clever! 😳

The 'sprites behind background layer' thing was always confusing to me, so I never paid much attention to it, but seeing this in action helps put it into context; I still don't think I'm quite ready to start experimenting with it 😌, but it's cool to see what can be done πŸ‘

We all have to start somewhere - keep going! πŸ’ͺ

The VG Resource ( for sprites and sounds, and Music | Aubrey Hodges ( for the music πŸ‘

Ha, I notice a couple of absolute cowards have downvoted these comments, bless 'em!

Good demo, a solid experience even before taking into account the NSFW element. Nice work! πŸ‘

Thankyouverymuch 😁

Good to know, thank you very much! πŸ‘

Great plugin! I'm still getting the feel for it, but already getting better results than when I've been wrestling with GBVM scripts directly 😡

Daft question maybe, but I'm planning to use this for a Gallery mode in an upcoming commercial release - is that permitted under the licence? (Just making sure; I haven't charged up-front for any of my games before... 😌)

There are a lot of great ideas in this one πŸ‘ I love the pacing and innovative (not to mention gross...!) take on displaying player health... 🀒

I hope you do expand on this. I was thinking during my playthrough just how much of a dynamic shift it would be for the player to run that whole gauntlet, then be rewarded by picking up a new gun which is... just another pistol, but it holds a few more bullets this time; an absolute godsend given what they'd just been through. But then they find that the enemies have suddenly gotten tougher...

The .gb file is a Game Boy rom, all you need is a Game Boy emulator to run it πŸ‘




Played and enjoyed the old demo back in the day, massively impressed with how it's grown πŸ‘

(1 edit)

Thank you very much! 😁

I haven't quite decided if Morag's on the balls of her feet or she's wearing clear heels - so clear that they're effectively invisible, apparently... πŸ€”

As for engagement, there'll be unlockables in the *full* version...

Thank you very much! 😁

Additional fixes coming soon, too πŸ‘

I've been thinking about adding some wait time between a pumpkin appearing and actually moving - like a fraction of a second πŸ€”

Which in turn got me thinking, if that interval can be of varying lengths, I'd be on track for implementing difficulty settings... πŸ€”πŸ€”

New version's up...! πŸ‘πŸ˜

Yeah, there's a lot to clean up with this current build... 😌

I was going for "quick" over "good", and, yeah... 😬

Thank you very much! πŸ‘

It was a great day when I found out GB Studio web builds could do that πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

That's two reports of not being able to shoot - that's strange πŸ€”

Were you using arrow keys or WASD to move? If you were using WASD then we at least know letter keys do work, so the issue won't be related to case sensitivity πŸ€”πŸ€”

A standalone strafe button. I've thought of that, too - the Game Boy port of Contra 3 has B to shoot and holding A to strafe on the top-down levels - but I haven't tested that yet either πŸ€” Plus even in that setup, the player would still be required to face the direction they want to shoot before holding the fire button.

It's certainly a control setup I'll want to try to recreate at some point though; I've got plans for many demakes, and that control scheme is bound to be an ideal fit for something.

Oh damn πŸ˜• Hope the Kickstarter works out, this has been a promising project so far.

I'm still figuring out the best course of action for top-down shooters on the Game Boy πŸ€”. One idea I've had but not tested yet would be where one fire button enables strafing while shooting in the direction the character is facing (as it is here), while the other button strafes in the opposite direction, letting the player retreat while firing at the thing they're retreating from.

The two reasons that hasn't been implemented here are:

  1. I haven't figured out how I'd get the retreating shot to work yet πŸ€”πŸ€”;
  2. I really wanted to work with the idea of a primary and secondary shot type...

(Although in practice, I wonder if anybody still uses the primary fire after picking up any of the special weapons, because I know I certainly don't... πŸ€”πŸ˜Œ)

I'm thinking if the enemies weren't quite as relentless as they turned out in this build, that would also mitigate some of the clunkiness to how the strafing handles, and would in turn help with what you're saying about respawning right in the thick of it.

Thanks for the feedback! πŸ‘

Could you have had Caps Lock on by any chance? πŸ€” GB Studio's web builds can only read letter keys if they're lower case - it's a little odd like that 😌 (similarly, it can get confused if the Shift key is held down).

Glad you like the music 😊

Ah, validation... 😊

πŸ˜† Thanks, guys! πŸ‘πŸ₯³

Thank you for your kind words 😊

I'm not quite ready to confidently declare a time frame for any of the projects I'm working on in general at the moment, however, after the next jam entry I make (a much quicker project), the full version of ROT will likely be the main thing I work on, and with a lot of the groundwork already in place thanks to this demo, it should be done fairly soon...

🀞🀞🀞🀞🀞 (I have no idea how long "soon" is going to be... 😬)

Another factor that may add to the dev time: I've announced within the game that there's a hospital level in the works. The plan was to go there twice, to a "dark" version on the second trip, followed by a transitional run through dark streets to the final area, and little branches that will affect which ending the player gets to see. This is a stripped-back version of the earliest ideas I had, which would have added a few extra levels along the way, but were the first cuts in order to even begin meeting the deadline.

Now that the jam's done, I'm tempted to add those cut areas back in πŸ€”

(And I'm realising this reply makes for a pretty good devlog, so I'm going to literally copy/paste this onto the main page... πŸ‘)

Thanks again, and watch this space...!

Published in January, so waaay outside of the jam window.