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Murder MansionView game page

Submitted by Introverted Zombie โ€” 7 hours, 15 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Enjoyment (Best Game)#1303.1193.119
Sound Design#1453.0853.085

Ranked from 59 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Great game! The aesthetics and sound just worked so well together, also loved the cutscenes! Special props for them!


Thanks, I really wanted to practice making cutscenes. It was one of the main reasons I joined the jam.


cool game. web version was a little bit laggy for me. i think pc version would be more stable


Thanks, yeah in the future I plan on having WebGL, PC, Mac, and maybe even an Android build.


I REALLY wanted to play this but I kept getting embedded errors when I tried to interact with the lock. I have terrible luck. I love this art style and I love a good spooky mansion. Hope to come back to it later and play some


That's strange. Have you tried using a different browser ? I play tested it on the edge web browser. 


That's a great start for a game in this genre! I suggest you try out our game, it's pretty much the same concept (we also use Synty assets haha) but given we were 5, I guess we could push it a bit further! It might give you ideas if you wish to update this game later ^^

Your level design is neat and the systems are well implemented. Very well done!


Thanks, I've actually played your game and loved it. It was very well polish. I actually plan on refactoring and redoing a lot of my code and cutscenes later on. I already have a large detail plan with 2 more floors, whole outside area, with many different enemies all unique to certain areas of the map. Just got to balance school projects in unity with it lol.


Oh dang that's right haha! Yeah, finding a balance between side projects and everyday work/school is tough. I love game jams because they push me to work on them but for a reduced time scale, which is nice!

Anyway, keep going, you're doing great ^^


the atmosphere was really nice in this game :) if you could interact with all of the stuff you placed in the game it would be really cool


Thanks, I really want to expand the game. Including the entire mansion upstairs and outside are. Interactions like that would definitely be on my to do list.


I turned the music down and could hear the footsteps better. He got me a few times which got my heart going. Really enjoyed working my way through it and what to do throughout your entry thanks IntrovertedZombie!


Thanks, yeah for the future update I plan on removing the music for the background to something softer. Thanks for playing and commenting.

Submitted (1 edit)

Firstly, the FOV was just way too zoomed in for my liking. Seeing as you had an options menu, an FOV slider might have been a nice addition. I found it hard to navigate at times, not being used to that FOV.

I had some issues in regards to both my character and camera view seemingly teleporting sometimes. It felt rather weird, not sure what exactly was going on there or if it was just a me problem.

The level design is neat. I know you didn't make the assets, but level design is a whole skill unto itself. The opening cinematic was a nice touch and having a proper death cinematic is also nice

The movement and general control scheme also felt decent to play with. Its a shame when an otherwise good game jam game is hard to enjoy because of poor controls.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I'll add a FOV Slider in a future update. Oddly I noticed it zoomed in some when I built it to WebGL but did not have enough time to fix sadly. Thanks for playing and giving feedback.


The font used was nice, and the assets were implemented well. Liked the small intro sequence as well, added some character!


Thanks =)


I really liked it.  And you and I used a few of the same assets.  The implementation had startling moments.  The first few tries I didn't get away.  Nice job!  And the intro was nicely done.


Thanks. =)


Well executed concept! The ambience, level design, and puzzles all blend together nicely. The sound design is fairly well done, but my main gripe is the harsh cut between the BGM and the stalker's sound. Some of the hotspots seem to be a little  funky to interact with, needing you to be in a precise location/angle.  Impressive implementation of all the menu/UI settings, but even with the sensitivity maxed I still found it to be a little slow. Good work!


Thanks, yeah the audio is something I really need to work on. Also plan on increasing the hit boxes for all interactables. Also I can definitely increase the max  Sensitivity at a later point. Thanks for the feedback. 


well done on this! i really appreciate controller support, it makes it much easier to enjoy. i was really surprised there were sensitivity settings so thank you so much for that! i feel like the sound hierarchy needs some work. i'm still not totally sure if the music changes just because that's something it does or it's doing it dynamically in relation to the character's distance to the killer, but the main thing is really the footstep sounds from the killer. these are super duper important in a game like this that's first person but i just can't make out the distance of the killer. the only other thing is that the interaction zones are exactly as big as the object you interact with, which is no problem for mouse but makes them difficult to aim to on controller. either way, i'm right there with you being new to my tools for this jam haha! you did a great job and i look forward to seeing what else you come up with!


Thanks, and yeah I did not get to fully test out controller as much as I wanted. I did expand the keys interaction zone for pick up but in a later update I will revise all the hit boxes to work better. For the sound the bg music does change when he chases you. I plan on changing the audio system up to make the footsteps more responsive. Thanks for playing and commenting. 


I got jumpscared by the bad guy hahaha, looks good! it would be awesome if bad guy's footsteps were a bit louder so you can feel it coming while searching for the items, good job with the AI system!


Thanks. Yeah, I plan on making new audio for it. Planning on having the BG Music tense but not as loud so it's not overpowering the Footstep sound effects. Thanks for playing.


Nice implementation of the assets, good atmosphere. Big Thumbup for the mouse sensitivity setting!! But the game can throw runtime error sadly, I wanted to play more with it. GG!


Thanks for playing, and letting me know, I will have to check out what could be causing the Runtime Error.


you ever play Alone in the Dark the one from 92? this feels a lot like that game, I love that game BTW. I have to look up putting in cutscenes, that was a great way to start. Best of luck in the Jam Dude :) 


Thanks, and yeah Alone in the Dark from 92 was amazing! If you want to do cutscenes, and you are using unity. Unity's Cinemachine and Timeline work really well together, and you can control quite a bit of aspects of the game with Timeline in code. Thanks for playing =)


Its funny I only came across your game because I think me and you are both going down the Karama list. I am always about 5 minutes behind you in the comments so I have been reading your comments . I like Unity, I think I need an older version mine wasn't acting stable when I was building. happy hunting :)


Haha, I am exactly doing that. 


Nice game, like the artstyle :)


Thanks. =)


Evading the monster wasn't to hard because you can outrun it. I could find out what to do with the crowbar. Nice intro movie.


Yeah, the crowbar was the one Item I was kind of ehh about but did not have time to change it. The crowbar is used as a leveraging tool to turn the valve. More than likely that will change in the future. Thanks for playing =). I originally had the monster faster however I tried to balance it more for all players. In my test run with friends some found it easy, some found it hard. So, in the future I would like to add a Difficulty option for players. 


The models and everything work really well. The animations were on point too! Loved the crunch the killer gives your neck if he catches you. Would've loved more ways to interact with the killer like peeking around corners and stuff like that. Good submission, well done!


Thanks, yeah, I want to expand the game in the future. So, adding in more ways to interact with all planned killers will be one of my priorities.


Very scary when you have to both solve puzzle while evading the killer. I find it weird that I can't crouch despite there are some very obvious path for crouching (or maybe I just can't find the right button). Could improve on the bgm a bit since it start to get tedious very quick. All in all a very well made game


Yeah, crouching is a feature I want to add later. I meant to put some garbage bags under that so players would not think they could go under yet but forgot as I ended up working out bugs for the last day. For the music I plan on creating my own at a later point. Thanks for playing. =)


Nice graphics and gameplay... was really tense hiding from the killer! amazing work!


Thanks. =)


amazing job!!


Thanks. =)

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