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Level 1 GoblinView game page

Submitted by OKSoft (@OKSoft_Games), Carbon-Based Games, Junferno (@Junferno) — 1 hour, 44 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 140 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
you play as a generic mob in a dungeon crawler.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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This was quite fun actually. Seems like it also has a small strategic aspect where you have to think about the route you take and maybe clear a passage in advance. Took a few tries to win but I liked it.

Besides some white boxes in the level, I don't think I have any gripes with it. Nicely done!


This is so scary, hahaha. I really like the idea of playing the coward who's purpose in the game is to run away and let your comrade fight/die for you -- it certainly generates a lot of empathy for low-level monsters that get steamrollered by hero types!

I also think that the format of 1st-person 3D really worked in favor of this feeling. Although sometimes it felt like the grab/interact function wasn't quite working, the simple controls were intuitive and quick to get a handle on.


This was strangely a lot more enjoyable than I anticipated from the first few seconds. At first I thought it was a straight gag game -- you die immediately because you're a level 1 goblin and that's the joke. I was curious to see if I could run away from the player so I ran and hid over in the room the player came from, and fell into the void.

I was about to quit when I realized that the paladina actually had a health bar, and my allies were actually doing considerable damage. Not enough to win in the end without my help, but enough to make me realize that this was an achievable goal.

On restart, I noticed the game world was much larger than I thought. Plenty of places to run at least, and the paladina actually does get distracted instead of mercilessly hunting you down.

Difficulty is a tough thing to balance. If the paladina was too easy to defeat, this game would be pointless and boring. Too difficult, and this would be impossible and frustrating. Worse, that balance will be different for each player, and because the game is supposed to be difficult, a difficulty selector doesn't really work here. For me, the balance was great.

You had to learn a route, know where to run and when, how long to throw barrels for, etc. With your only attacks being a jank throwing mechanic, you have to rely on your allies, but they're limited and can only do so much for you. Ultimately, you have to manage both in tandem.

If you do fall in the basement too early, you're pretty much toast -- you'd think you could've put in like a real staircase instead of two weird white floating rectangles.

Idk, I'm a fan of jank 1 hit kill super hard games like "I Wanna Be the Guy" so this appealed to me.


Tried the game and liked it! The presentation is really well done and the gameplay is interesting, even if I died…many times. On web it’s hard to aim, move the camera and I thought to have at least one basic attack, but I can only interact with items…so I would make things clearer. Quit Game options in a web build is weird to have. The F button and the voice acting when losing the game was awesome :D


This is straight up a horror game lol. Chucked a barrel at the hero and ran away in the opposite direction. Almost got caught near the end but I survived.


We definitely had horror on our minds while making it haha

Thanks for playing!


and just like that I won! Not sure what I did! Cool idea and fun game! Check out ours too!


Thanks for playing, happy you won!

Will do ^^


I was exploring, admiring the level and accidentally won  :D 


NEw record lmao


My poor family and friends haha, but gotta do what I must to survive. Aside from the stair collision being funky was really enjoyable.


Thanks for playing!!


Amazing game, honestly apart from the FPS (it's a bit laggy) and the mouvements it's a pretty fun game. Though the paladin was making me jump sometimes for real haha. Overall very solid game !

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing, sorry for the lag ^^

Should be better on .exe version if you haven't tried :)


Like a few people I found the game over a bit annoying after the first couple times. The movement did feel nice and smooth. I liked having to hide and adapt to try and deal with the paladin. Overall it worked ok and I could see it being polished up into a full game with some more ramping up of enemy difficulty for instance. I do wish I could do more than simply run and throw items.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing! Hopefully we get to update the game with a little more features sometime :)


While the game over screen was funny the first time I saw that, then got progressively annoying every time I saw it... I was a bit confused with some of the controls and wish that it was easier to tell if you were caring a object or not.  With the hand sprites on the screen, I suppose you can make them take a different position when carrying something.  I think having the ability to pick up and temporally wield weapons (like a stick since were at level one) might make things interesting as well!!


Haha thanks for the feedback. Could imagine that with the loss screen ^^

Thanks for playing!


Nice visuals and good sound design, well done!

The gameplay I think only lacked some feedback, for example I couldn't tell when I was holding something and if there were things I couldn't grab/throw (seems like maybe the barrels?) and struggled with that feature entirely.

I found it pretty cool that I ran into a hidey hole and found a centaur, and the paladin took another path to find me. Impressive!


Cool little game. The goblins art is really well made. Enjoyed playing, but maybe it's a bit too challenging for me. The game over screen can become annoying after a while, but overall, great job!


Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing!


This was a surprisingly horrorful experience with such vibrant and welcoming art style :D Really like the art style, although there were some visual glitches and hero stuck on some parts of the level, I had fun! Finally, I was able to escape from the hero indefinitely by entering to the room where he came in at the start of the level and falling down indefinitely :) Some notes to improve the game in future:

  • While running around as a gobbo is fun, we should be able to do more active things, such as throwing stuff on hero to stun him temporarily or setting up some kind of traps and luring him onto them
  • An additional hussle can be placed, such as running around to chests and looting stuff inside so hero can't get them.
  • An ability of some sorts to escape from him in sticky situations
  • Pacing the stages of the level so we can't go at the bottom of the level and wait for our demise, such as x amount of enemies needs to be killed before this door opens, or you need to collect Y amount of things to open that door.
  • Notifying some of our big brothers so they can go and fight with the enemy, so we can strategize the put the enemy in a difficult spot.

Good job and good luck!


Ooo really like your ideas, appreciate the feedback greatly!

Would be fun if the goblin had to find a key to the next floor :)


I Love the goblins art. Nice voice acting btw. XD Great take on the Theme!


Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for playing!!


Very nice! Plays very smoothly. I found myself running from Paladina, and not contributing much to the fight, but I guess that's sorta the point :)


Thanks for playing! Feeling of being a goblin ^^


Very entertaining game, made me feel guilty for all the poor goblins I have killed in my life.

It gives you the right sense of anxiety when you turn around and find yourself hunted by the paladin.

Nice game!


That game over screen had me laughing way more than I should've lol. Interesting spin on the theme and it felt nice to play (though my computer doesn't seem to like 3d games that much). Really good work on the artwork and I just found it fun to use the other monsters as shields.

Good work, this was fun!


Thanks!! Hopefully Ill be making a 2D game sometime soon for more people to try as well :)

Come join our discord if you'd like to check out our future games!

Loved your game by the way ^^


Really cute game! But what are those goblin hands lol!

Really like the idea of having to flea deep into a dungeon, letting stronger monsters take care of the paladin.

The game was really fun!

Submitted (1 edit)

Good job making the most of limited resources. 

It was actually really intimidating seeing the hero barge through the door and start murdering monsters. Maybe there could be a horror / comedy game made with it, if some more strategic elements are added.

And now I am the only goblin left. :(

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