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A jam submission

INFLUENCEView game page

Control the public out of control!
Submitted by Ron0Studios — 2 hours, 26 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 169 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You can easily lose control by choosing the wrong people

Did your team create the art for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We created all art during the game jam

Did your team create the audio for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We created all audio during the game jam

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It's a good idea, and generally I like the mechanic of gathering your army. It would be good though if there was an end to the means, I don't really get anything to do with my horde of people.


It would help a lot if you would rate my game as well, it's my first ever so would really appreciate the feedback! Thank you


What a dapper gentleman! The game is extremely polished with great art, music and post-processing effects.  I liked capturing people, but I wanted to do something with my gang of peeps, like battle a rival gentleman and capture his followers!


Interesting idea, but I didn't really understand why I would fail to control characters sometimes.


This game felt really polished, especially with the post processing effects. I was a bit confused by the core mechanic, in that there were times where my reputation bar was full but I wasn't able to control people with fairly low levels. If there was some indication as to the likelihood of capturing someone, I feel that may have helped (e.g. invert the numbers so that the number above someone's head represents the percentage chance of capturing them). Still a really neat concept and a good submission for the jam.


Neat little concept, interesting take on the theme and the art was really nice. The game also felt very polished, some more variation in the layout wouldve been nice though :D Overall awesome job!


Very cute! Love the art and concept - I think it'd benefit heavily with some more level layouts!


Fits the theme well! Thought it was hard to find a good tactic, and kept losing, but maybe I just didn't get the gist?


cool little game for 48 hours maybe more features , variety and levels after the jam , thank u for making this game.

Submitted (1 edit)

Hello to the creators and congratulations! The game is very well made, it's polished and has good aesthetic values. As other people mentioned, the core mechanic is a bit vague, although I sort of managed to figure out that targets with a lower score are easier to catch.

Given that, it kind of makes sense for this game to be a multiplayer game, where you shoot each other and try to become the most prestigeous, with the player with the highest score being the hardest to catch. I honestly don't find the output randomness to make sense in your game (see The Two Types of Random by Mark Brown), as it makes the precisive nature of shooting kind of meaningless.

However, my first encounter with the mechanism of shooting a guy only to have him join me gave me a nice chuckle, and I think that along with the overall great presentation it is a worthy experience to create in a 48-hour gamejam.

Good luck!


I love the old TV / VHS effect


This is interesting. The concept and presentation are really cool, but I wish it was a bit clearer what was going on, for example, what did the scores on people's heads mean? Is that how much I need to control them? Or how much score they give? I just wasn't sure. Overall, good job you two!


really neat concept :D


This game was a team effort from me and ToastedToast!

please check the description and check out our social media!

Great artstyle, lovely juice and intriguing concept - enjoyed that one!


Very cool concept and good execution!


Well done!


loved the artstyle! cool game

Thanks! i did the artstyle


srry toasted, I mentioned you and everything in the game and description, but nobody seems to take notice! Ill make another message for it!


The concept of this game is Amazing, i love the simple art style! please check out my game too :D

Haha thanks! i did the art, i'll also try ya game too!


Amazing Graphics and very interesting concept



Best rate criteria : Presentation.

Best score : 130. Overall, interesting idea (I like the concept of "shooting" people to influence them). The only problem I got is "You can easily lose control" was in practice "You will, not knowing why, lose control". But I understand it's hard, in a game, to feedback something that by nature shouldn't require any ;). Good effort !


Thanks for the detailed response! Oh dear, 130! That really is bad luck, did you follow the strategy and target the lower score people first, since you have a much higher chance of getting them?


"target the lower score people first" Yep but I didn't found the system (that binds "my score / reputation" to the probability of gaining an influence) predictable enough :/

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