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SweetlandView game page

Dive into sweetland, where the candy folk are DYING to meet you
Submitted by GhostBitStudios (@GhostBitStudios) — 17 hours, 18 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
How engaging was the story?#143.4553.455
Should this entry qualify for the next round? (Primary)#163.6823.682
Did the sound and audio fit the style of the game?#213.7733.773
How well did the audio drive the story?#213.5003.500
Did the game feel complete?#293.3643.364

Ranked from 22 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Which game engine did you use?

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i am scared of the dark forest


it holds many secrets. Thanks for playing fennec!


I really enjoyed the new gameplay you added, and the story as well! I can't wait to see what happens next. Your choice of music and SFX is nice, really adds to the overall atmosphere of the game, especially in the dark forest area. The AI voiceovers also sound fairly realistic too, which is great!


Glad you joined the stream for this one. Had a great time with it. I like the idea behind the battle system and think you're onto something special with it, just need to work out some small kinks. The main thing is just more clearly communicating through the UI what's going on, what I'm queuing up and what it'll do. That would help a lot. Would be cool to be able to shoot enemy projectiles too. Overall, great entry.


will do, thanks for the feedback 


nice additions from last round! The sudden switch in tone really surprised me but i did not understand why you could not just keep drawing cards and then using them immediately in the battle segments? but other than that great entry!


like draw a new hand to join the current hand?


no just drawing hand , then using every card straight away then drawing another hand straight away and occasionally shooting the large amounts of bullets i had from doing that lol

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

ooo like as soon as the cards were drawn they would be applied directly, instead of selecting them. That is an Idea. But I wanted to go a more traditional route 


Great story telling, I like how the tone of the game changes when it goes dark and the audio is great throughout. I also like the card fighting mechanism a lot, but I think the health could do with healing a little more. The timing of the shield was good fun and I like the attacks and how it can be built up. I think it would be cool if your bullets could destroy or deflect some of the enemy attacks. I like how the cherry ducks down and would love to see an enemy in a future battle that can move around on the screen and more enemies at once but I'm sure you got this planned already. Once the things you mentioned in the description page like the voice overlap and card problem gets fixed, it'll be really good. I noticed some bugs you may or may not be aware of. If just the health card is on the screen, you can press space to draw the cards causing the health card to overlap. I somehow got the shield to stay on the main none battle screen and could then become invincible in battles, not sure what I did though. Bugs aside and can be expected in everyone's jam games, I think you've got a truly great game here and can't wait to see what will happen in sweetville


One thing I noticed with the voice overs was that if you pressed z to skip the sound kept going, so you could easily  get a jumbled mess of everyone talking at once.  Overall good game!

Developer (1 edit)

i know, i put a warning sign in the instructions in the top in BOLD words not do to that, i forgot to code that in the game. thanks for playing


Loved seeing the direction you took this from round 1, I think the card system could use some fine-tuning cause it felt a little clunky, but seeing as this was an audio round it's all good. Really liked the twist at the end too, wondering where that may lead.


Excellent work! Those voiceovers are good, especially the right-hand card servant one. I really like the card system. I think it would be better instead of aiming with the mouse, it aims and fires automatically, but every shot has a chance to miss. Very good and enjoyable game overall. Looking forward to the final release.


i like you idea! IN FACT you just gave me a great idea , thanks!


This was the game that I was most looking forward to trying for this current round (big fan of card games).

In my first playthrough I just walked past all the enemies and went straight to the boss. And then just spammed the cards until I won. In my second playthrough I spent more time with each enemy and figured out what you were trying to do with them.

Overall, it’s pretty good considering the major changes you made at end of the jam. Remove the card spamming (timer/mana system?), do some balancing this game has a lot of potential. I hope to see more from Sweetland.


thanks for playing! Yes I do need to balance the card system heavily. Plan on completely remaking it, staying to a more traditional route of a card system instead of an experimental one.


The VO work is amazing and the story is great.  Took me a while to get used to the battle mechanics but it was easy after a short time. The card drawing aspect of the battle system was interesting, I want to see how this game develops. 


thanks for playing! i will continue to polish and make the card system work better


Seriously.  Terrifyingly cute.  And I still love it.

You commented on the Discord a few times about the card system.  I can see where you are coming from.  It isn't quite as intuitive as I think you were wanting.  But I think your changes ended up being pretty good in the end.

Overall, I'm still really intrigued by Sweetland and would love to see this continue to be developed.  Great work!


YEAH THAT LAST MINUTE CHANGE SAVE MY COMBAT... a bit lol. i definitely do want to continue this! if i do get eliminated, i am remaking this game, and this time the way i want to make it, and no experimental stuff lol


Pretty good! got a bit confusing at times but overall was fun

did encounter a bug where a buncha different voicelines played overlapping every time a character spoke, my ears hurt lol


oops! i forgot to put a warning that you must wait till the dialog is over! sorry about that, i"ll get to posting that now


This was a pretty cool game! I liked the art and the combat system while taking a while to get used too was pretty fun when I got the hang of it although I did find it too easy to just spam drawing cards, collect a bunch of bullets and shield and just destroy my enemies.  I also like the story.


thanks for the kind words! i hope i can make it, i didn't like how it turned out.


Wow lol!You got Vegeta to do the voiceovers? Sick casting! Well done to everyone involved!
(I was looking for links or references as to who they are, well done for the passion and commitment!)

At the start I couldn't get the game to understand I was pressing Z, but I had the same issue with my Godot games, so after a few restarts all was well. 

(Its great how you could skip dialogues, and also very entertaining to just spam ZZZZZ and move around while the characters were stacking their lines. 10/10 would do again)

It was great to revisit sweetland and meet its creatures! Really enjoyed the tame vs monster versions of the sweets! Ofc, my main man the corn monster is amazingly designed, and it was great to see him animated and fighting.

The story was a bit complicated for my tastes (pun intended). These body-swaps get me confused every time. But I got the gist of it as: "save the kingdom's subjects and reclaim your throne." The ending  was enjoyable (to not spoil anything). Feels complete, and a nice amount of gameplay/story (again because you allowed me to spam/skip/walk/listen at the same time, so thanks!).

Gameplay-wise,  I liked how you removed the small rocks' collisions from the path. In round 1 it felt a bit weird to move around.
At one point after a fight I could still fire my candy around at an empty screen.

The card mechanics took me a while to figure out, but then after button mashing and reading the instructions helped ofc :).

Using "UIO" was an interesting choice (curious to hear your rationale, are these used in other card games?) and the combinations of mouse and keyboard made it fresh and challenging. Really nice idea allowing me to stack bullets, and fire them all at once.

Well done for such a nice sequel! Felt as a very rich game. I still cannot get over the amazing voiceover, and of course the corn guy <3

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

OMG I almost forgot to credit the voice and music! done, thanks for that spoonsweet, honestly this game was bad! i hated most of it, what you played was 48 hours of last minute inspiration! the combat is heavily made from the previous version ( which is waaaay more confusing and bad)  and the story is a bit convoluted lol. thanks for the love! 


Oh no! Dont feel that way! My game was put together tonight last 8 hours as well, but many components were done before. Its okay if its nor t perfect, and each developer has 20 games in mind before being forced to deliver and work on 1.

I really enjoyed this one, thanks!


Great showing! Rival, I really like the combat system you've added, could be polished up a bit more, and the aiming feels quite useless, however it's a great idea! I think the biggest issue is the fact that you can just activate cards and instantly draw a new hand, there's no timers on anything.


when remaking the combat ( which was 48 hours before deadline) I kept A LOT of the old combat stuff in the new one, due to time restrictions, also curious as to what worked and what wouldn't. Honestly I was going to scrap the card system entirely and just go with a more traditional rpg, but I lacked time due to what I had left to do. Thanks for letting me know what worked and what didn't rival!