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Golden PathView game page

A small action puzzle game created in 12 day with Unity for the Game Jam in 2021.​​
Submitted by 888randomgames — 5 minutes, 31 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 57 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.




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A simple, robust, enjoyable game loop. Bravo! One of the candidates for first place. Not only because it is actually playable, or fun, but also it is a clever, cheeky application of the jam's theme haha. Well done!


Thanks for the kind words :)


I have the memory of dory I guess, because I am trash at this game and I hate you for making me realize that lol.

Great game, everything was perfect especially the music. I enjoyed it a lot so I didn't yell much at the screen  and kept trying again lol. 

Awesome work.


I'm sorry that I made you realize this about your memory but I'm happy that you liked the game :D


Great game! Getting the simple movement to not be too fast when holding down the arrow button is on point. Audio and Visuals are also on point for what you're going for in my opinion.

I noticed the levels kept repeating after a certain point, but it's still a lot of different levels!


I'm glad you liked it! Good catch about the maps. Yes actually at the moment there are 10 maps randomly spawning after each cycle. I didn't create more then that as I was planning to do them procedurally anyway (which is still the plan for v2) :)


My favorite so far. Really solid execution. Graphics and SFX were on point. Also very addictive. Nice work!


Thank you! :)


Really nice idea. I used the bulb all the time to find my way around  ;-)


Thanks! :)


Its very fun! I love the quality, its fluid and challenging. Cleared 9 levels. Not sure if thats many or I have a bad memory XD


I'm glad you had fun! 9 levels are great, your memory is fine :D


Really nice game! I kept moving into the wrong direction even though I was sure I was following the right path :O !! Are the paths procedurally generated? cause this is pretty cool


Thanks! Paths are not procedurally generated at the moment as I moved that out of scope due to the time available. Instead I decided to go with a picture based map generation (I have bitmaps where I use the color of the pixels to place the start/path/exit tiles). But I'm planning to do a v2 of the game which will have it :)


Addictive game. The music somehow made it so I wanted to play more and more. Really like how you interpreted the theme too!


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


Very fun game, Congrats !! The only thing is that I would like to have a soundbar to adjust the volume by myself without using the Windows mixer. I liked the music but the only option in-game was to turn on or off it :(.


Thanks for your feedback! If I continue with the project I will add a slider :) (actually I was debating on this, but the short remaining time decided for me)


Fun game! Addictive gameplay. Found myself bopping to the music. Overall good sound design. Like the dissolve in effects when you move from one maze to other.


Thanks for your feedback :)


Amazing game, very engaging and kind-of addictive, I like the clean visuals and sound too and the transition between levels looks very cool.

I think health pickups could add more strategy to it. They would give a feeling of safety to players and they could be placed on a path separate from the one leading to the exit so the player would have to face the risk of travelling a longer distance to them.

Also I might have found a bug, if you lose and restart fast enough you might not start with a full sense gauge.


Thank you! I'm thinking about adding some power ups, extra life, etc if I continue with this :)
Also nice catch about the sense gauge, I will need to have a reset applied on that too! Thanks!


That was good to play! I kind of challenge myself to make the levels in a fast way, and it always ends up bad! Awesome Music, feedback sound when you miss the tiles.

Great job!


Thank you :)


Dang, that music is nice and snappy. Good choice. It helps reinforce the urgency without being too stressful. Gameplay concept is really straightforward, but I had a little trouble with the controls. I frequently found myself going off the path because the game registered one more movement than I put in. I didn't quite figure out why, but perhaps it was when I was holding a direction instead of just tapping? A small thing, but I only got to level 2 because I kept running off when I thought I had stopped in time. 

Very well made, good job! 


Thanks for your feedback! With tapping there should be no issues, but with continuous press there might be some improvement possibilities which I noticed too. For now with continuous pressing of the keys it could be harder to master, so you should also try a combination of pressing for a while then tapping for the last tiles before turns to be safe :) I will surely have a look at the continuous button press timings for v2 :)


Nice idea, It kinda feels like a puzzle and speedrun game at the same time ! very good gameplay!


Thank you! I'm happy you had fun! :)


Really good game that fits the brief! Simple to learn and fun to play!!

Well done, great work!!


Thanks! :)


The perfect game for the theme, I love the idea, music is great, very well balanced, GREAT GAME!


Thanks! I'm glad you like it :)


Great idea! All fits together really nicely. Love the music adding to the sense of urgency. 
Could do with a few more things to keep it fresh, power ups etc.
But great job. This is amongst my favourites so far! :)


Thanks for your feedback! If there will be a v2.00 probably I will be adding some power ups, extra life, etc :)


This is really well done! The tutorial messages, the level animations, all very snazzy! I liked the music also.  If I was going to make a suggestion it would be a way to make the "reveal" mechanic a little more exciting. Maybe a moving search light, or something connected to the player "character".  Are the levels/paths being generated algorithmically? 


Thank you for your feedback! You also have some kind of 6. sense :D as in my original idea it was a flashlight type of reveal, but never got the chance to try it due to the time constrain which made me go with the full light. The same happened to the level generation: I was planning to generate them procedurally but looking at the 2 week timeframe I decided to go with a picture based map generation (I have bitmaps where I use the color of the pixels to place the start/path/exit tiles). Both are still listed on my todo list, maybe for a v2.00 in the future :)


I had those same kind of plans for our game! Let's hope we both get there :D


Really unique take on the theme! I like it. Also it was just a fun game in its own right.




This was a fun play. I liked the way you implemented the light sense.


Thank you! :) I'm glad you had fun with it!

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