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Peter Morgan

A member registered May 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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ahhh! I now try the in game full screen button FIRST, and that works.
Going to the itch fullscreen meant the in game one didn't work.
Issues resolved :)

This is the size of the window I get on Safari and Firefox.
I click fullscreen button bottom right (the classic Itch one) it just takes my window bar away at the top.
I come to settings in get and click here, nothing changes (when I exit settings the music/SFX changes happen, but nothing to full screen).
Not sure why it's just me, maybe its a Mac thing :D

I look forward to a replay of it when you update! :)

nice work on this. Excellent range of enemies. 
I was a bit disappointed by the crossbow :P. Heavy hit, but very slow, suppose that's the trade off. I had some bugs with it where it didn't fire at all (while holding mouse, or by clicking) off and on until I died. 
My suggestion would be to ramp up the pace of things to 11! :).
More and faster enemies, much quicker fire rate. 

But I did enjoy it! nice set up!

Thanks! glad you enjoyed it :)

(1 edit)

No I am not annoyed at the lack of skip button.
Creepy text saying I am watching you is creepy :P
Is 11the a typo? :)
Goats are annoying :P.
SFX is really important :), listening out gave me a heads up who is coming, nice touch. 

Read a few of the other feedbacks, and your new upcoming update and it sounds like you've nailed and hit most of the bugs.
Just checking if you got the full screen on, as the screen size was very small for me.

Love the disturbing underlying tone in the post death scenes etc, hope to learn more in your update when I might get further :)

Great work, really engaging, had me playing it through a few times to try and learn more.

Thanks for playing :)

No idea how the code for this works :D that's a lot of particles or objects to be checking :D.

Great going on a unique idea

Well done smashing this out for the Jam.
Read your other feedback sound wise, and yeah I know how it can be having to make choices with time and what to work on.

Was quick to get going with and understand, which I appreciate :). Number of games make it hard to know what you're doing straight away.

Thanks, I really appreciate that :), really glad you had fun!

My timing needs some work with those bomb explosions, I kept running into the flames :P, I need more patience :D. Nice game, good feel to the controls, easy to get going and know what to do. 
well done!

Thanks a lot :), much appreciated. 

Someone help me out here, there's no guide for the controls :D

I'm assuming from others comments and the pictures, there's more, but so far al I can do is move with WASD. But I can't rotate my view (tried mouse and arrows), to see the plates and food etc.

Nice Text adventure game :). Was fun to put the pieces together and work out what I needed to do next. 
After winning the game I played again to see if there was other endings, only found the shooting a teddy one :), but did notice the clue from the 3rd stand :)
well done!

Nice having a game with different ways of getting through levels. 
The overall look and sound of the game suited nicely as well.

A few bugs to iron out, but that's all part of the process :). You should totally stick with this!

Thanks for playing and glad you had fun! Really pleased to hear it :).
Much appreciated.

hah yes, that was part of my initial idea, and it didn't stray to far from that :), 
Thanks for noticing the polish to. It cost me some time doing more balancing, but I really wanted a nice overall look/feel to the game. 

Woo! I'm glad someone saw through to my most original idea, of that infamous Mobile game ad :P.
Thanks for playing and the feedback, it's much appreciated :)

nice mix of game designs, being part puzzler in working out how to get around to your parts, as well as the combat.
First round the giant tree took a nose dive off the platform and was never seen again :P. But the giant bird on the second planet was a lot tougher.
Great job on this.

Well done! Nice premise and set up. Great job with the different enemies and power ups. 

awesome, glad you enjoyed it :) thanks!

thanks! :)

Thanks! Yeah those Holo Helpers broke any semblance of balance :P. 

nice set up. Good speed of movement for the player, and challenge to race to the guns. Great job having the aliens speed up ramping up the difficulty :). 

My one big Criticism is using E to shoot :). Should have been space bar, it’s much better button to mash for firing :). 

Oh yeah I had a few ideas on all this, just ran out of time to implement any of them.
I should have balanced it so the less holo helpers you have the more Green power ups spawn, and the more you have, the more Red cancel them out ones. Would have been a lot better. Probably wouldn't have been to much work, but I got stuck polishing up menus and story and getting the WebGL version to work on itch properly.
Could have had the option to buy them in the shop, with a follow up option to upgrade them (so they start as the player does at level 1, and you have to also pay to upgrade their levels. Maybe have a cap on how many you can have via this, that costs a lot to upgrade.
Maybe have them only last for 10-20 seconds, thus stopping the over powered thing that happens when you have 4 (I started with 8 of them before testing :P).
So yeah, think we're on similar pages with it :), just wish I had one more day :P, or the ability to let some of the other stuff be a little less nice :P.

Took me a couple of go's and a trip back to the main menu to actually read the how to play :P, but after that I was solid, and had a good time packing stuff :D.

Nice level design and layout. 

Well done!

Thanks for sticking with it! :) I'm glad you enjoyed the story stuff, I really enjoyed making it :).
I'm sorry the balancing wasn't any better :P. It got stuck with issues of over powered Holo Helpers, and making challenging enough levels.
Thanks for playing, I appreciate it!

I think I've strained a muscle trying to press the spacebar fast enough to shot. :D
Nice controls and movement, mad gameplay :). Very last stand theme :)

Woo I found the ship! :)
WebGL version seemed to work fine enough for me :).

Nice controls, fun little game.

Nice looking game. Though I wish I could mash the attack a bit more. Was getting overwhelmed pretty quickly, and couldn't attack quick enough. 
Looking at screen shots and your other comments, looks like I missed their being power ups to help. Looks like I need to search for them :)

Great job. Nice take on the theme as well.
Unfortunately my house cursor wasn't lining up with the dinosaur, which made controlling it hard. But I'm sure that's just an unfortunate bug.

Oh and I thank you very Serendipitously,.... (I've no idea how to use this word in a sentence myself :P)

Weapon fire rate for me as the first thing to max. But that's a fair point, and as part of the difficulty in the waves I was making them able to spawn further apart.
Yeah unfortunately that does become the best way of getting over the hurdle of level 5(ish). I didn't get the balance right in this one, but I felt I could at least ensure people had the chance to make it through :), by sending them back in with 8 lives and all their upgrades. No one plays Jam games for longevity :P.
Hope you had fun with the story elements. 

Thanks for playing!

The Holo Helpers, yeah, broken :P. That combined with he RNG element of their spawning. 
I tried balancing things but ran out of time to implement more control over that. Probably spent too much time polishing things like the menu screens and plot/dialogue sections :P.
Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it :)

Glad you had fun! 
Thanks :)

sweeping away the competition ;)

yeah I understood about reloading, but I'm just feeding back that it would have been a nice addition if I was able to see my ammo count, so I can see when I'm out before I'm not firing any bullets when I go to try.
I did make it to the saloon :).

made in 2 days? great work.
In keeping with the theme, and a good fun game. 

Well done.

That's a really fun, eggstronary,.. shooter you have there.
fun graphics and nice gameplay mechanics.
I could have done with a bit more feedback on ammo, how much I was on and easier to see when I was out. 
But great job on this!

This is quite an involved  game! 
Well crafted tutorial to explains things and get you going quick enough. Simple premise, but quite addictive mechanics to. 

Absolutely well done crafting this together on your own.