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Scales of AeonView game page

Balance Aeon's Factions As The Aenonarch.
Submitted by geremias, Darkout371, Syzo — 22 minutes, 56 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme interpretation#1173.5653.565

Ranked from 85 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Great game, I've spent a few hours playing it ^^. I wish I could see more from this game.  Also, where can I buy the blue lizards drip ?




Nice decision like game, I like the in game art style, watching the little actions taking place down there was pleasing to the eye. I just wasn't sure what they were doing down there exactly.

The font was a bit hard to read in my opinion and I didn't like the narration voice - I hope it was AI?

Would be cool for some more interactions with the world and its inhabitants!


Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah I agree. Regarding the voice, yes it is AI, the dilemmas are AI too. We wanted a more realistic voice but the api calls would cost 10x more hehe.

Submitted (1 edit)

So if the art is AI, the story is AI, and the Voice Acting is AI... I imagine much of the code is from GPT-4 or copilot as well.. 

What's left?

Not hating. I'm a huge proponent of AI generation. Most of my games are about digital sentience or robots seeking emancipation, self-determination, and autonomy.



fun concept but it was sometimes hard to match what was happening on the board to the outcomes i got (or maybe i was just misunderstanding?). i also wish there was an option to turn off the narration haha


Thanks for the feedback!


The game looks very good!

It may be personal, but I prefer games with more interactions. Or at least, choices we have to make aren't frequent enough. 

But the concept is great, and like I said, it's pretty :)

You have something, I suggest adding more interactions to the game!


Thanks for the feedback!

 I fully agree with adding more interactions.


The game wasn't really for me, I think the gameplay is not interactive enough but that is a personal thing. I did not pay enough attention to the different symbols. It would be nice if they had a tooltip that would explain them.

I would like to have some settings for movement and rotation, it felt a bit too slow for me. I however, liked that you could zoom in that much! I spied on the lizard people between every decision :)

The ending was a nice surprise :D Made it to day 6 so almost to the current leaderboard. Cool that you did a lot with the help of AI.


Thanks for the feedback!


It's a very pretty game. I really appreciate the actions that each group takes when they reach their breaking point.

It's a really pretty game. Were the assets AI created, too?


Thanks, I appreciate it! 

Most of them were AI generated, and then remeshed to be more perfomant.

Submitted (2 edits) (+2)

Fun concept, nice use of ai art. Got blown up by pink lizards with glocks while my friend's lizards ran off to a disco party 10/10.


Thanks! The blue geckos got it even worse :'(


The game looks good, even tho you can see the change in LOD sometime which is a little jarring.

I'm not a big decision managing game enthusiast, so it's hard for me to rate this properly, but I did feel like there was a lot of wait time in between decision. It feels like it would be nice if there was something to do between the moral choices, like how Frost Punk implements it. Could be something simple like moving guys around or something like that, but at least something.

I think that's it! Cool stuff!


Thanks for the feedback!

We had to be very aggressive with the optimization techniques. Webgl cuts the performance by like 80%.

I also agree that we should have something to do between the choices, we initially thought this game as a citybuilder, with resources and stuff, but that ended up being too ambitious.


I get that, Scope creep is a real problem!


UI and pictures used were good. Had some performance issues on Firefox.   I like decision games but usually it is clear why you lose in those. Even thought everything looks balanced I still lost the game.

Love the Wall Street ending btw :)


Thanks. The balance has to be near perfect (~6 difference, depends on the day of the game).

Do you have hardware acceleration turned on, on firebox?


I don't know I actually hate Webgl. I wish iticho abandon it and moved on to a steam like application (which they already have but not forced on so nobody downloads)


The game is a bit laggy when played on Firefox. I experienced some discomfort afterward. However, I like the graphics; they look professional, and the audio is cute.

Check out my game submission:


I like it! It's quite polished if you take the complexity of the environment into account, also very big level of detail! Neat!



Submitted (2 edits) (+2)

oh noo, my economy blobs turned into humans gekkos, a wizard with a synthesizer appeared and then threw themselves off the cliff in a very cult like behaviour. just adding a UI with the number next to each factions would help heaps, but otherwise so much hearth in this project. great jam entry!


Thanks! Yeah, we should've let the score of each faction in the UI.


Politics is HARD!! Game is GOOD. Graphics is GREAT!




Really beautiful and well executed game. The polish is great, if you built this out into a more advanced full fledged game I would play it




Very great use of AI. i would love more of a breakdown in whats happening in the factions stats while in game but i really like what you were able to accomplish!


Thanks! We removed the stats of each faction in the UI before uploading, but recent feedback seems do indicate it would've been better to keep it.


Nice graphics.




Amazing looking and super cute, yet the AI images are exceptionally cool.


Thanks! The lizards are AI too hehe


Unique idea, I liked the lizard models! I ended up getting to day 9, although it wasn't clear if I could have gotten farther by choosing different options - all the factions looked pretty balanced. Great work!


Thanks! Day 9 got you top #1 in the leaderboard so far


I really like the little details in there, like the wind whistle when you zoom out, and the stuff going on when you zoom in.  Simple details, but I can imagine not trivial to add to a game jam.  Nice work!




Really gorgeous game! 



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